
Standing in the doorway, she watched the sweat drip down the gardener's chest. The tall, muscular man, had stopped beside the mower and wiped his brow off with a well-tanned arm. She waited restlessly for him to notice that she was standing at the door in a cropped T-shirt and a pair of tiny white underwear. She had been trying to get the man's attention all day.
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An icy wind stung Amy's cheeks as she ran down a tree lined avenue under an overcast November sky. Her breath puffed rhythmically in front of her as her feet pounded the pavement.
Only another three miles to go, she thought, rather morosely, to herself. Today was one of those days she just wanted to sit on the couch, snuggled in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate, not freezing her ass off training for a half marathon.
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This was the test. "Zenith, take down your pants, NOW." 25 year old Enrico said to his insolent young wife. Zeni tossed her hair at Ric "What the hell are you doing, this is my family reunion." But Ric could see the challenge in her eyes, and he was enthralled by the way her light brown curls bounced against her shoulders as she attempted to flounce away from him.
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I walked back to my hotel, although I don't remember doing so. My mind was a whirl of conflicting emotions. The high I had been on from being dominated for the first time in real life by my online lover, John, was immediately replaced by the crashing, crushing feeling of betrayal when I saw that wedding band tan.
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I am new to submissive life - I had no sexual experiences at all until I got to college, and only limited "vanilla" sexual experiences for 30 years after that. Then, in January 2008, I found the Dominant I am proud and happy to serve, as well as the contentment and peace that comes from having an outlet for my submissive self.
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The ad read, "Wanted! An uninhibited male to help satisfy my wife." I had read the ad with some skepticism. But answer it I did. The next three weeks were filled with e-mail notes back and forth. They were a middle aged Black couple. She had the hots for more than he could give her. She was into almost anything; he was more straight-laced and conservative. When they finally sent the pictures, I was floored. She was knockout, drag down gorgeous. He was just your average run of the mill Joe. That settled it, I was going to get a piece of that.
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