
Once, when I was 18, I was home alone poking around the house with nothing really to do. I started snooping around my parent's room and found a box under the bed. I pulled it out and opened it. Inside was a pretty good sized stash of porn movies, assorted oils, lubes and a big12" pink vibrator. My eyes grew wide at this little discovery. Who knew my parents were so kinky?
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I was lying in the bed, naked fingering myself, moving my fingers in and out, preparing myself for the evening to come. I am very wet with anticipation, my thoughts keep going back to the previous night, seeing the one of my desires, being next to him, wanting so much more but unable to have him.
I start moaning as I continue to play, now I need more than just my pussy played with so I also start pinching and grabbing my nipple, wanting so much for it to be in his mouth, wanting his cock in my dripping wet pussy. Feeling it move in and out.
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Anne was the typical all-American girl.
She was smart with a sassy attitude. Her mother had raised to be a career driven woman, and she became just that. It wasn't long until she moved off to San Francisco in pursuit of a good education.
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Lisa and I were in my bedroom trying to pick an outfit for me to wear at the firm's annual dinner. Dressing up is not something I'm very good at.
'And so what's this?'
She was holding up the large black strap-on dildo that I'd forgotten was in the drawer I kept my scarves in when I asked her to get my green silk one out for me. My face promptly went bright red.
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Looking back there were so many turning points in our lives but for me sexuality, and sex in general and its effect on our friendship and the different ways love developed became important in the autumn of the year we turned eighteen. I'm not talking about the "kids fooling about" stuff but the powerful sort that attracts and repels, the sort that drives you and changes your life forever.
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Around two o'clock on the afternoon of her nineteenth birthday, Katie was bored. She perched on the arm of her Dad's favourite chair and gazed out of the window at the quiet street where she had grown up. The house was on a T junction so Katie could look straight down a stretch of road for about a hundred yards, past the neat front gardens, to where the street curved out of sight. Nothing moved in the sunshine. The whole street seemed to be taking a summer afternoon nap.
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I had been teaching university classes for about three years. I was lucky to be looking for the job at just the right time, it wouldn't have nearly so easy if not for issues among the faculty at the time. I never found out all the details except that the administration had to hire a decent sized group of teachers the year I started. Not only did it get me a job, but it also meant that as a younger woman I didn't stand out quite as much against the older men who still made up the majority of the staff.
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After a long week at work, I think I was just as happy not to have a date: changing into a t-shirt and sweatpants, ordering a pizza, opening a beer and watching the ballgame on tv sounded like a pretty good plan. Then in the top of the eighth inning, I heard a loud crash from the apartment next door.
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Kaylee stood frozen in the bedroom door. Her arms were rigid at her side; her fists were clenched as she watched her sister dive off of Kaylee's fiancé's rapidly deflating cock. He laid there, too shocked to move, while her sister tried to hide beneath the sheets.
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There was pussy, pussy everywhere, but not a cock to fuck.
Not that I was complaining, encircled as I was by so many lusty young nymphs entangled together around me on the large, luxurious bed, writhing in a fleshy heap of shameless female fucking. Everywhere I looked were healthy bouncing boobies and firm willowy waists, pierced belly buttons glimmering with diamonds and gold...
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