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The Ultimate Sexual Submission

Category: Anal Sex
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He came to semi-consciousness in the middle of the night, knowing from the softness of her lovely ass that she must have backed into him. He smiled vaguely, very pleased with the gesture. She had only been with him two weeks, and he had lived alone for nearly three years before that. Yet he had acclimated very quickly to her presence, partly because they had emailed and IMed on a daily basis for many months before that, and partly because she was everything she had led him to believe.
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Journey Towards Love Ch. 04

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I awoke with the sun shining through the undraped bedroom window. During the first few moments of semi-consciousness, I had forgotten where I was and what had happened just a few hours before. My hand glided over my pelvis when I repositioned and it was at that moment, when I felt the absence of hair that the memory of last night sprung into my head.
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