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Category: Fetish
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I had been looking forward to Coachella for months. 3 days of music, arts en drinking. I was going with my girlfriend and a group of her girlfriends. The group consisted me, Charles, Eve, my girlfriend, Rose and Charlene, her hippie friends, and Claire and Anne, her best friends from college. Even though I really wanted to go to Coachella, I had my doubts about going with an all-girl group.
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Cruel Mistress Claretta

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"Knock knock" It wasn't the set up to a lame joke. It was real knocking on my apartment door. I paused the movie I was watching and got up off the couch to walk across the room to that white wooden door. "Who the hell is it..." Looking out the peephole, I saw someone I did not expect. It was a woman, young, 1 year younger than me. Wavy, black, shoulder length, sharp brown eyes, tan skin, a prominent nose that could belong to an Italian or a "Middle-Easterner".
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