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Not So Innocent Sister

Category: Incest
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Growing up my sister and I had been really close. We were only separated by a year, so her and I were two peas in a pod. Then junior year of high school came around and I started seeing other guys, and my sister hit more of a standstill socially. She was awkward around guys, and actually seemed to enjoy her time more in the private confines of her girlfriends. I found it strange because most girls were looking to date, or at least find a guy to hook up with a practice on before college.
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Switch-On: Raucous Sibling Rivalry

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Disclaimer - This is a work of fiction and nothing more. Enjoy the fantasy, but keep it away from reality. Also, all characters in my stories are 18 years of age or older! The term 'teen' can refer to somebody who is 18 or 19 as well. --commercial begins--
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Ryan’s Dream

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Thinking back on it now, it all happened so slowly over a long period of time, probably three years, maybe longer. My mother had me out of wedlock when she was 16 and in 1953 that was the kind of thing that made so called decent people turn away from you when they passed you on the street. Even though my mom had been raped by her high school principal, it didn't matter.
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Zoe Pt. 01: Zoe Loves Ryan

Category: Incest
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Zoe sat at the kitchen table across from her brother, and as their parents got up from the table, the conversation turned to sex, as usual. Zoë and her brother Ryan were very close. So close, in fact, that they would openly walk around the house half naked, and talk about their sexual experiences with each other as well. They were pretty much best friends. Ryan began telling Zoe about how his girlfriend was being a prude and that she would not give him sex when he wanted it. Ryan and his girlfriend were, after all, a young couple, and in Ryan's opinion, the two should be having sex almost every day.
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Two Weeks at the Family Reunion

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
It was 6 am and 18 year old Maya lazily rolled over to shut off her alarm. An hour earlier than she was expected to wake up, she decided to relax in bed for a few minutes before the fast-paced day began. It was the first day of their family reunion and Maya and her parents had a long drive ahead of them before they got to her grandparents' lake house where the reunion was being held. As she stretched, her raggedy sleep shirt was pulled up to expose her flat, bronze stomach; the early morning air chilled her body and gave her goosebumps, hardening her nipples. As she reached up to pull her thick, curly hair into a bun, she ran her hands over her sizable breasts and gasped in arousal.
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You Have To Go To Mass! Ch. 04

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Father Flanagan slowly woke up as the morning light crept through the bedroom window. His head hurt. He looked around. That's not my dresser, he thought. And this isn't my bed. Where am I? Turning, he saw a woman lying next to him, on her side, facing away from him. She was naked, and had long blonde hair. She looked a lot like his late wife. Then he remembered.
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Walking into Paradise

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
When Pete exited the plane he was hit with a near solid wall of hot, humid air. Suddenly the clothes he was wearing were uncomfortable. He had no baggage to collect. Only one twelve pound carry-on bag for a two week vacation. He was about to turn fifty and had never packed so light for a week long trip. He had everything in the bag that Marla had told him to bring.
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You Naughty Boy Ch. 01

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
** All characters are 18+ ** I can't forget the day when I saw him for the first time. He was a little boy with a cute smile, brunette hair and very small, yet beautiful eyes. His little hand held my finger in a firm grip. Today, tears formed in Aunt Celina's eyes when nurse handed over the little boy to her. She gave a little kiss on his forehead and looked in his beautiful eyes; she was so happy and we were happy for her.
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Switch-On: Understanding Uncle

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
NOTE: All characters in this story are 18 years or older. The term 'teenage' can still refer to somebody 18 or 19 years old! This story is pure fantasy. Enjoy!! Switch-On - Understanding Uncle --commercial begins-- Do you struggle with bad habits like smoking, drinking, or gambling? Does your spouse tell you he wants to clean, but constantly forgets? Do your kids constantly back-talk or struggle with their grades?
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Debby Knut’s Big Fat Butt

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Debby Knut with the big old butt." The sound of that chant rings in my ears to this day. In kindergarten I realized that my butt was bigger than most other girls my age. Rather than I noticed, it was actually pointed out to me routinely by other children. "Debby Knut with the big old butt" was sung as I jumped rope while other girls just herd rhymes such as "My Mother told me." I hated having a big butt. Some of the African American girls had butts that resembled mine, and I began hanging out with many of them, in hopes of not feeling different.
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