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Parent-Teacher Conference

Category: Mature
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My son is in the 2nd grade and his school was having their teacher/parent conferences. For those who might not know it is where parents are invited to spend twenty to thirty minutes talking with their son or daughter's teacher about their progress during the year. Now my boy is a good student and we hadn't received any complaints from the school so our conference was a formality at best. Knowing this my wife didn't reschedule her yoga class and opted to miss it.
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The Mother of Invention

Category: Anal Sex
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"I think my diets would work a whole lot better if the food I ate went to my ass and not my belly," Dawn mused, "Then I could starve this booty into submission." Next to her, Maria chuckled. "Honey, I don't want to hear about how big you think our ass is," she said, "Especially when you're standing next to this!" Dawn giggled as her she watched her mother give herself a little smack on her big bottom, sending ripples across her cheeks.
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Working Out

Category: Anal Sex
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Their home-gym in the basement was nothing to laugh at, complete with treadmill, weight bench, bike trainer, mats, yoga balls, and even a heavy bag to box on. Cliff had invested in himself, both of them really, and even though his company had some of the best equipment to offer, nothing beat the workout in his home, especially next to Stephanie's well-formed posterior.
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