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Category: Lesbian Sex
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In the darkness of the room, my eyes close and I listen to my breathing and heartbeat. The sheets freshly laundered, the slight sweetness of the fabric softener fills my senses. Gradually my body warms the bed and I doze off in the enveloping warmth.
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A Perfect Night

Category: Fetish
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Different times demand different styles of play, and lately the intense play I crave has been on hiatus. This saddens me even as I welcome the new facet to our dynamic. Indeed, I begged for this, pleaded for it, and the outcome pleases me every bit as much as it does him. Still though, I crave...something. I'm not even sure what; I only know that I long for total, complete submission, being owned by him in every way possible.
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Some Like The Thorns

Category: BDMS
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I wanted to grab a fucking bottle of vodka and chuck it. Or throw it. Or burn it. Extraordinary stress, huh? Yeah that is what I am feeling. Damn pissed off at Daniel. We had an argument last night about where we are headed and in the midst of it, he said we should part ways for a while.
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The Re-education of Sofie

Category: BDMS
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"Be seated, my dear." The woman indicated an armchair in front of her large oak desk. The young woman sat, legs primly together, her green eyes glancing around, taking in her new surroundings. "You have been sent here by your family for training," the woman said. She had a kind face, and her lips curved naturally into a slight smile.
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There’s a First Time for Everything

Category: BDMS
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She'd been planning this day for weeks. He didn't celebrate holidays much, just marked the time passing. But she meant to change that. Holidays should be special, she mused happily. Valentine's Day especially! It's the perfect day to celebrate being alive and in love, a day to enjoy! He'd had to work that morning, but the evening she intended to be devoted only to him.
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The Cottage

Category: BDMS
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Clear, warm waters and azure skies did nothing for her. There had been a holiday, once, where she had sat on one of those white sanded beaches whilst grinning Caribbean boys brought her drinks under a "made in china" palm parasol. The heat, even in the shade, was sapping.
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Under The Bridge

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
From the back room she entered. I watched her. I saw her glance at Me, then look away. Then she looked again and smiled. I turned My head back to the magazine I was pretending to read. I smiled to Myself. This was such fun. she started working at the local drug store about a year ago. The first time I saw her I recognised her from years earlier, when she was just another awkward skinny kid along with a bunch of others, kicking cans.
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Nights in White Satin

Category: BDMS
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Looking around the room, she made sure the candles were in place. So many colors, shapes and sizes, yet they fit with the décor, adding a hint of mysterious shadow in one spot while dispelling shadows in another. Colors, blending with orchids arranged amid baby's breath, complementing framed artwork hanging above them, enhancing deep rich hues of hanging drapery and reflecting off gleaming woodwork, each had its place and was ready for the match.
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Unconditional Therapy

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Doctor Charlotte Preston sat in her dark grey wingback chair and quietly tapped her pen against her folio papers as her client rattled on about his latest setbacks, as he saw them. She had been trying to concentrate all day with little success, Jackson was coming in for his appointment right after lunch and she could barely contain herself.
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Primary Pleasures

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Sandals flopped against her feet as she charged down the sidewalk. A few heads turned, noticing her slightly disheveled clothing and the flush spread across her cheeks. A tight t-shirt was shifted to the side, thrown on in a hurry. Her white jean shorts were left unbuttoned, barely clinging to sweaty hips as she walked.
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