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Category: Gay Male
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*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. ***** Chapter 1 Richard Ignatius Pennington, Rip as he called himself, checked the card, and then checked the door number. 413; freshmen got the fourth floor of the dormitory. Sophomores got the third floor, juniors were on the second floor, and the seniors got the ground floor.
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My Sissy Roommate

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Disclaimer: I enjoy writing these stories, both for your entertainment and mine. This story involves, gay sex, non-consensual sex and bi-racial sex. If this offends you, read no further. Like most writers, I do appreciate your comments and votes. Thank you. * It was 1996, my first year at college and my first time so far away from my home, my family and my girlfriend.
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