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Santa Max

Category: Mature
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This move was a big step for me. After being married for thirty years I finally had my kids raised and was left without a life, neither; personal, professional nor sexual as we'd been living apart in the same house for two years. I finally made the decision to leave and make my own way again. Needless to say, much was my own fault as I tolerated the neglect and did so from personal fears and the loathing to be on my own with two kids, but none the less, as I approached my thirty year anniversary I kept asking myself, "Do you want another thirty years like this?" and the answer came back every time as "fuck no!".
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The Wedding Connection

Category: Mature
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"Jessica... so good to see you again." Harry took her hand and helped her out of the car, leaning down to press a warm kiss to her cheek. He inhaled her sweet fragrance, lilies of the valley. His wife had planted them all around the foundation of their house when they married. Elise was gone but the flowers continued to bloom every year, just when it was time to start opening the windows.
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Male Babysitter

Category: Mature
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"I'm worried about my boys, Marge," Gina Smith confessed to her best friend after church one day. "Why?" Marge replied. "You're a great mother, and your boys seem happy and they do ok in school, right?" "I know... maybe I'm over thinking, but I feel like they need more of a male influence in their lives. Clancy never was around that much right after the divorce, and he rarely calls now than he and Kimmy have moved to California," Gina said, practically spitting out the name of her ex-husband's new, younger wife.
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Loneliness in Near-Paradise

Category: Mature
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CHAPTER 1 Half an hour before dawn the unmelodic noise of raucous Kookaburras awoke Greta and she used a corner of a sheet to dab the light patches of perspiration between her breasts and under her chin before she dropped back to sleep in the cloying warmth of subtropical paradise. Paradise?
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Two Sisters and a Cock

Category: Group Sex
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"Oh god yes... fuck me with your fingers. Harder..." My two fingers dug into Sandra's juicy cunt each time I slammed them up her slimy hole. I was pressed against her back with one hand down the front of her shorts fingering her pussy and the other under her top squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples. I could feel her body tremble and knew that she was quickly losing control.
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Kelly Celebrates Freedom

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The Divorce So its over, 5 years of marriage, just like that a first class letter from my solicitor and at 32 years old I am free. I had known Tom since I was 15 years old and he had been my only boyfriend and lover. Its not like we had, had a big bust up or anything, we'd just grown apart until one day we both agreed that we had separate interests and we went our separate way.
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The Sting of the Rain

Category: Anal Sex, BDMS
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"Oh, my God! I'm so sorry." His voice was a soft rush as he apologized for letting the door of the shop close on her, banging her hand in it. He grabbed her hand in his and held it firmly. "I didn't realize you were behind me. I'm so oblivious." He rubbed her hand between his, as he would his own if he'd hurt it. She felt a little jolt of electricity race up her arm and looked up into his bright blue eyes. Another jolt raced down her body. She was sure they had never met before but he seemed strangely familiar.
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Home at Last

Category: Lesbian Sex
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"Thin" isn't a word anyone has ever used to describe me. "Beautiful" isn't either. But "sexy"? Well, that's another story. It's funny how long it takes us to come to a realization of who we really are. For me, it took just over 40 years. My whole life I'd struggled with the weight of my own expectations—always wanting to be fifteen or twenty pounds lighter, to have better cheekbones, to have my hair be a better color or my complexion a little better.
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After The Divorce

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I knew the coming discussion would change my life, yet I debated with myself whether it was for the better or worse. My wife decided that we could not live together anymore and filed for divorce. The court served papers on me today. I spent most of the day packing my clothes and personal belongings into a small U-Haul. The discussion we began was how to split joint property. I knew she wanted the property in town with higher real estate value.
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Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I couldn't believe it after 20 years of marriage and a man supporting me, I was single again and holding down a job. I'm the executive personal assistant for the president of a nonprofit organization. At 43 years old I was still a good-looking woman but wasn't feeling it. My so-called loving husband and provider had left me for a twenty-year girl, who "made him feel like he hadn't in years".
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