Entry Way QuickieNikki walked in the front door and before she could turn to close it, she found herself backed against the entry way wall. Hands began to roam over her body and in the darkness she felt her lover's lips meet her own.
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There was a time when I could hold my head high. When I could face the world.. Everything changed in one second, and to this day I still have yet to comprehend everything that's happened since that day. My mind a jumble of thoughts, my heart an enigma of emotions, I try like hell to figure out the situation and I can't. I only know what it's left behind of me in its wake. And that is with what I shall relate my story.
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Just coming out of the shower and looking into the door mirror, I grin a little bit thinking of an earlier conversation I had with my business partners. Half of the morning they were discussing shaving their junk to make them look bigger. I remember being a little annoyed, but then I shrugged it off thinking 'Whatever helps them sleep at night'. But it got me thinking, so I just tried it.
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She comes in. There's something about her. About the song in her walk and the smile in her chest. About the aroma of her being. About the puff of her ego. About her nipple.
Small, so incredibly tiny, hiding away in the darkness, lurching, waiting, conspiring, plotting. Patient. Living life in the shadows, hidden, on the edge, touching the edge, that small piece of fabric, a prisoner with threads of clothing as jail bars.
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