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Fantasy Becomes Love

Category: Fetish
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I had just made love to my best friend's wife. Okay, that was a bit of a strong statement. Technically, we didn't 'make love' and further, they weren't married. Yet. But I just had the most incredible sexual experience of my life and it was with her. She'd played out a fantasy of mine I'd had for a very long time. She was perfect in the role and when it was all said and done with, I'd sheathed myself in her body and lost myself completely.
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Poppi’s Pet

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I'm a sucker for a deep authoritative voice. Few men understand how powerful their voice is or the effect it can have on some women. Like me. The right words uttered in a certain tone are guaranteed to snatch my breath away and cause an instant puddle between my legs. In such a mood, I don't want to be asked what I want.
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