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You’re My Chair

Category: Incest
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Hello, my name Elden, and this is the story of what happened between me and my sister when our parents went away for the weekend. The first thing you need to know is, my family are peasants of Omnogovi province, southern Mongolia. The four of us—Mother, Father, Salva, and me—live in the small town of Aarbadesh, population twenty-thousand. I am nineteen, and my sister Salva is eighteen.
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An American Relocates

Category: Mature
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CHAPTER 1 Sun shafts through the treetops infiltrated early morning mist over the river as Loretta Oblinger sat in the sales office, hands warmed by a hot mug of coffee resting against her breasts. Smiling faintly, she contemplated the scene and thought about the wedding she'd attend that afternoon, alone, although the invitation stated 'and partner'.
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