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Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
At first, she was just a customer in the store, albeit a pretty one. Blonde, blue eyed, with a curvy body, she projected an attractive aura, and her youthful flirtiness just added to her charm. He was only a couple years out of college, an assistant manager, someone who handled both the difficult and special customers. He earned a good reputation with customers, his combination of boyish enthusiasm, surprising knowledge, and attention to their needs contributing to building a loyal customer base.
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Proving Her Point

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
It had been a long and pleasant evening. The double date started with a dinner out, then progressed to dancing and drinks at an upscale club, and was now ending up at Steve and Dana's place for light night banter.
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Not So Unrequited, Maybe?

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Hi guys, this is my first attempt at m/m romance and this was meant to be a stand alone story. If you like it, I'll expand...but only if you do, haha. No sex in this story (or chapter) by the way. Enjoy :) *** 'Do you know how obvious it is that you're in love with him?' I jumped, spilling my drink as my best friend snuck up and whispered that damning question in my ear.
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Snow Bound

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Jimmy parked his truck in front of the dorm and climbed out. Checking the name on the front of the building, he walked up the sidewalk and pulled the door open. As soon as he stepped into the building, he heard her. "JIMMY!" He turned to the sound and barely had time to register the form of a pretty brunette before she flew into his arms.
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