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Finishing Where Tim Left Off

Category: Fetish
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I sat on the couch, the room lit by the flicker of some skin-emax show. There was a tumbler of scotch in my hand; one of far too many for the day, but then, this was our annual vacation with a group of friends at the beach and excessive consumption was practically required. This was the third night though, around 11pm, early by first night standards, but well past the breaking point for most after three days of hard partying in the sun and sand.
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Creampies with Anne and Mike

Category: Fetish
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CHAPTER ONE: I was happily married to Tracy. We had been childhood sweethearts and had married each other not long after we had both turned eighteen. Our life together was good. We both had good professional jobs which earned a good income, and we owned a lovely home. We both worked out regularly in the gym and looked after our selves by watching what we ate, so as we got older we had not put on any weight.
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Holiday Shopping

Category: Mature
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The bookstore was crowded with last minute holiday shoppers. I stood in a long checkout line and finally worked my way up to the front and was able to pay for my items. I was purchasing a few last minute presents, as well as, a book for myself. The checkout girl scanned the bar code on my book, then looked up at me with a knowing smile after noting the title of the thick volume.
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Creamy Resolution for the New Year

Category: Fetish
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My wife and I are both on our mid forties. Unusually she was a virgin when I married her, and I had very little sexual experience with other partners. We have two children who have recently left home, so the house is unusually empty, and we now have more time to spend with each other. We both come from quite conservative backgrounds and although we enjoyed quite a healthy sex life we are both aware that by some people's standards it could be classed as very boring.
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Vixens – Pastels

Category: Fetish
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Part I Even for this business, the whole thing started out creepy. But to Eileen, it's part of the routine, ya know, so she asks the usual questions. Well, they're more statements than questions. "Naturally all you girls swallow, don't you?" Everybody hesitates, well, nearly everybody, promptin' a frown. But then everybody nods and Eileen's face brightens.
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What Was The Score Of The Game?

Category: Anal Sex, Group Sex
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I am constantly traveling. The work I do keeps me on the road all the time. Here I was in San Antonio. I was staying at the Omni Hotel, sitting on the corner stool at the lobby bar, having a beer and watching the basketball game. It was a quiet weeknight and there were maybe 15 people in small groups around the bar or scattered amongst the little bar tables.
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More Adventures of Panty Boy

Category: Fetish
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The next morning after the card party, Cheryl and I were laying in bed and she started to get frisky. Cheryl started rubbing my hardening cock through my panties and telling me how much she loved watching the cock sucking action last night. I told her that she sure seemed to be getting off on the guy-guy thing and I reminded her that I love pussy.
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Swim Team Ch. 08

Category: Incest
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The school year started with Gina and Mike eagerly looking forward to their final year of school. Mike ended up having a particularly heavy load of classes the first semester. He was short a few credits and wanted to make sure the final semester of his senior year would be fairly light. From practically the first week of classes his schedule keep Mike very busy studying, working at the lab, or meeting kids from his classes to work on group projects. He and Dana managed to keep up their personal workouts in preparation for the coming swim season, but it wasn't hard to see that the heavy class schedule was wearing him out.
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My Wife’s Daughter

Category: Mature
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My wife's daughter came to visit for the holidays. It's a second marriage for both of us; she has two kids by a previous marriage, and I have three. Susan, her daughter, is in her late twenties and has never married. She's had a few close calls, but for one reason or another, things just never seemed to work out.
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Quid Pro Quo

Category: Fetish
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Jean is a real pistol. She is 50 to my 39 and I suppose she almost looks it. I wouldn't say that she is truly pretty, but she's a ball of fire and has that infinite capacity for enjoying the situation, whatever it is. She is tall, about 5'9" or so and about 135 or 140, but still diminutive compared to my 6'4" and 245 lbs.
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