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Wrestling with Mom

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Editor's Note: story contains nonconsentual sex. * The only time that wrestling comes to our small city and my best buddy Kerry can't make it, I called around trying to find someone else who wanted to go. Coming up empty with every call, I sat on the couch with my other two buddies' Bobby and Mike.
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BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My name is Melody and I have always enjoyed struggling, with men. In fact the more intense physically, the better. Not violence, just the battle of his irresistible lust versus my immovable resistance. Perversely it turns me on. I get all wet and stimulated. My first boyfriend sweet-talked the pants off me. At 19, I lost my virginity in a cloud of lust and naivety.
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