
When I was just out of college I went on a trip with Joe, my boyfriend at the time, to the mid-sized Illinois city where he grew up. Most of his family still lived there including his brothers Mike and Lee who, on our first night staying at Joe's parents' house, came over for dinner.
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During the next few days Rich and I worked at the landscaping company together, but he was distant. We hardly talked and when we did, even at home, it was in short, cordial sentences. It was totally unlike Rich to behave this way, so by the middle of the week I wanted to have a talk with him. After work we got home, and our parents were traveling for a few days so we had the house to ourselves. I made some dinner and at the table I decided it was time to talk.
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Some say that rain is a sign of peace when a loved one passes on, but on this day it simply steeped the sadness that comes with an untimely death. The dark clouds loomed above like a spiritual ceiling and occasional claps of thunder jostled the mourning family. Because it was late summer, many people were on vacation. Many close friends and even a fair amount of the family were not there.
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"Ever wrestle before?"
It was an odd question to come out of nowhere from someone I had just barely got to know. I stopped walking and looked down at my skinny frame for a moment, then back to the face of my college schoolmate.
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I just joined and wrote this story in a few minutes. Please enjoy it.
I woke up around ten in the morning like I usually do and got up to go get my morning shower. I cast a quick glance at myself in the bathroom mirror and stepped into the hot water from the showerhead. I stood under the falling water and remembered the dream I had woken up from this morning. Lisa, the hottest girl at my job, was blowing me, begging me to cum all over her face. I reached down and gripped my already growing cock in one hand, gently jerking it as I thought about maybe giving myself a happy ending to the dream I had been having.
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I moaned loudly as the phone's ringing refused to stop. I rolled twice toward the sound, tossing blankets to the side as I did, and reached up to grab the phone. "Hmmmm?" I voiced into the receiver.
"Ms. Calista Holiday?" a deep voice asked.
"Yes," I responded.
"This is Aidan Conner. I must regretfully inform you of the death of your great-aunt, Faye Michaels." The man's vaguely familiar accent registered, but his words didn't.
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I picked my way through piles of corrugated tin, broken toilets, and lawnmower parts and came to a halt when I saw the blue uniforms and the wheel-less old Lincoln Town Car, with the smashed-in engine compartment, sitting on concrete blocks. Mullins had said it was an Inevitable Case when he'd called me, but I'd never get used to seeing the various ways that could play out. What we referred to as an Inevitable Case was a street whore or hustler some john or pimp had taken for that final ride.
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Sometimes it is so easy to step through that door, the one that separates the realm of the real from the world of the unreal. That door can come disguised as any normal experience or object. Certain times of the year and/or day that door will swing open easier than other times. It seems that Halloween is one of those times that the separation between the visible and invisible is at its thinnest point.
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I wiped the condensation from the bathroom mirror and leaned close, applying my mascara in the small window I'd made on the glass. The tiny room was full of steam and the smell of shampoo and soap.
"How can you take a hot shower in this weather?" I said, capping my mascara and leaning in even closer, scrutinizing my face. I'd had a shower a half hour ago and could already feel a thin film of sweat on my back; it was going to be another boiling hot day.
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John and I had only been dating for a couple months so I was surprised when he asked if I wanted to go with him to visit his brother in Boston. We were at that weird point in a relationship when things are just on the verge of going deeper. There had not been any talk about whether we were exclusive or not, but I wasn’t dating anyone else and did not have any desire to do so. Just a week earlier a coworker asked me out and I turned him down because of John so I thought I was ready for something more, even if I did find the thought of getting serious scary.
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