
Alice brought Wonderland.
I wasn't sleeping very well after a fall that I took which damaged my knee and hip and I was dosing myself with 2 painkillers every 4 or 5 hours.
It was now just after 1 o'clock in the morning and I realized that I only had one pill left so I got myself dressed and found my walking stick then headed to the local all night convenience store. I knew it would cost more than the Pharmacy but they were closed.
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Jenni had come to work at my office as the payroll manager about a year ago. She was in her early thirties, married with a couple of kids. She had silky, straight brown hair, shoulder-length and cut in bangs, green eyes and wore glasses. She was hardly a great beauty, there was something about her face I found attractive.
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Chapter 1
My wife and I have maintained a few friends from college and two of them just had a baby a couple of months ago. So, we boxed up a bunch of clothes and things we had stored from when our baby was little and I took them to work, to drop them off as they live nearby my office.
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Melissa was having a pretty good day. The baby actually slept through the night. Her asshole ex-boyfriend had managed the child support check and she finally fit back into her skirts. Blouses were another story. Her breasts had been so swollen for the last few months. She had enough milk to feed two babies. Between the baby and the breast pump, she felt her tits were hanging out all day.
Not that she would have minded showing them off. She loved having the new figure. Since returning from maternity leave, all the men in the building took double takes.
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Gary hooked his thumb vaguely in the direction of the room that he and Kimberly had converted to a nursery. "Kim's feeding the li'l one," he said. "She'll be out in a few minutes." He often referred to his new baby as "the li'l one." In fact her name was Emily, but at six months, I suppose "the li'l one" is as good a tag as any. Then with his other hand he hooked a thumb toward the hallway that lead to his music studio. "Sheila, I wanted to show you the folio of Bach etudes I just got."
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Lauren greeted me barefoot at the porch door dressed in a denim mini-skirt and a white cotton T-shirt. She obviously wasn't wearing a bra. Her shirt clung to her breasts revealing a perfect roundness and the stark definition of partially erect nipples. They were larger than normal, for she had a four-month-old child and she was still breastfeeding.
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It all started when we discussed our fantasies. We had known each other for months now and were very comfortable talking to each other about damn near anything. We have laughed together, cried together and thoroughly enjoyed each other whether it be talking, listening or sex. As you told me your fantasy, I was disheartened as I realized that I could never be the one to give it to you.
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I had known Emily since she was a baby. I watched her grow from a young child to an exuberant teen and finally to a very sexy young adult. Yes she was half my age, and to be honest, when she was an 18-year-old gymnast, there were times that I had less than wholesome thoughts about her, but as every father thinking things like that about their kid's friends, I kept them well to myself. I suspect that as she grew into her early twenties, those full body hugs she gave me, the ones where she couldn't seem help but press her hips tight to mine, were an indication that she had picked up on those hidden desires.
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It was a good night at the Crow's Nest Coffee House. The audience was larger than usual, probably because it was the beginning of the tourist season. My set went off without too many problems, rare when I'm working on new songs. At the end of the evening several people came up to the stage, where I was packing up my guitar, and commented on my playing.
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