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Category: Anal Sex
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My friend Marie has always been the kind of girl who caused trouble. You know the type. The one who flirts with sleazy guys she has no intention of bringing home, sometimes for the attention, and sometimes because she's just bored. The girl who wheedles you into doing just one more shot even though you know you've had your limit. The one who tells you that you totally don't look slutty in that dress, and tells you that you should probably shimmy the neckline down a little to show a little bit more cleavage.
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The Reunion

Category: BDMS
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Jamie sat in his kitchen, studying the woman across from him. He squinted through the smoke from his pipe and, for a moment, saw her as she had been when they met. He smiled at the memory. She had been 19, he 35. Neither had believed the other could be interested in themselves. Yet they were. Then she had been young, pretty and immature.
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You Don’t Tell Me What to Do Anymore

Category: Incest
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It's Dayna's fault again. It's Dayna's fault that I'm up at 3:30 in the morning on a Thursday, struggling to keep my eyes open, nursing a bourbon, sitting in my office. That girl is nothing but trouble. I've raised three kids now and two of them turned out fine. Julie is in med school, dating a handsome venture capitalist who knows exactly how much to kiss up to me. Tommy is a little bit of an introvert, but studying computer programming at MIT is an achievement that makes me proud of him.
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Cyndi’s Backdoor Surprise

Category: Anal Sex
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To some guys, my wife Cynthia is every man’s dream girl. She may not be a centerfold, but she is all woman. Standing just under 5-5 in her stockings, her firm 34B breasts make her Victoria's Secret bras proud. Her long legs are finely displayed when she wears flowing skirts which end a few inches above her knees, and most are shocked when told that Cyndi is 35-years-old.
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