
I'd been late all day -- late for morning chow, in the latrine too long, and late for Physical Training on the afterdeck. All I heard, hour after hour, was screaming from the sergeants.
How I ended up in the Army, I'd never know. At only 5'2", I thought I was too short for the draft, but in 1942, the physical test for the US Army was, "You got two arms? You got two legs? You pass!"
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Carrie picked irritably at a small piece of lint on her pristinely starched uniform. She would have preferred to wear civilian clothes but she knew the uniform was expected of her and Jonathon 'Jonno' Clark had deserved her respect.
She sat dry eyed and numb throughout the service, as the vicar droned on about the terrible waste of human life, the selfless sacrifice to protect human rights and finishing up with the predictable blurb about him now being in a better place.
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Sitting in the airport is never much fun, regardless of the reason behind traveling. I'm a seasoned traveler though and even despite all of the new security measures and increasing delays, it seems that I'm at the airport more often now than not. In fact, with my relatively new job, I'm traveling more now than ever. But who's complaining, right? After all, it's putting food on the table. I've never been one to complain too much anyway.
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Authors note - Thankyou for taking the time to read my work, i know this chapter is fairly short, but it is only the introduction to the story about how Joe and Jacob meet. Enjoy.
It was mentally exhausting, and that's without adding how physically exhausting it was to push yourself every day, into something that felt so impossible.
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My gut tightened as I walked down the line of tents to Sergeant First Class McNundic's green hootch, For a long time I had felt nervous around him. I had no reason to, really – I was a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army, and he was a noncommissioned officer in my platoon. I had no reason to be nervous around that guy!
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