
My husband and I had anal sex this morning for the second time in our almost five-year marriage.
During our first year of marriage, he touched my asshole for the first time, and it tickled. I couldn't be still, it tickled so much. Over time, we both became comfortable with him rubbing it, and we were married almost 2 years before I pushed my bottom into his finger to let him know he could finger my ass.
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Once upon a time, there was a magical shower head. The thing was super adjustable, the water pressure just right, and I was able to dial in a concentrated, pulsing stream; one which, when I faced away on hands and knees and arched my back just so, perfectly targeted my tight, tawny, nineteen-year-old bullseye, pummeling me into steamy, protracted spasms of anal bliss.
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The cold blast from the shower left me spluttering and I swear I could hear a soft chuckle from the bedroom. Grabbing a towel, I pad down the landing, leaving a trail of wet footprints in my wake. The towel pooling on the floor as I spy you, laying on the bed, arms folded across your chest and a devilish gleam in your eyes. Maybe I hadn't run out of hot water after all.
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Author's note: this is basically identical to the other story I wrote, Truth or Dare, except this is told from Andy's perspective.
Andy had the biggest boner of his life. He was sitting in the living room with his friends Matt, Kate, and Stacey, and he was watching Kate give Stacey oral sex.
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Becky Freeman couldn't believe her luck. Here she was, an eighteen-year-old girl visiting a sorority house at the college she planned on attending in the fall, stuck sitting bored on a couch instead of exploring campus or checking out any of the weekend parties. As part of the school's orientation program she was paired up with one of the current students as a chaperone of sorts.
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