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Strawberries & Cream

Category: Lesbian Sex
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My name is Victoria Hoffman and I am a happily married, 33 year old, straight female. My story begins one night while my husband Josh and I are getting ready to go to a cocktail party. Jack is an old college buddy of my husbands and tonight will be the first time I am to meet him and his wife Trish. I put on my short red, strapless dress and my black high heels.

I opted for no pantyhose because it was still warm outside. I piled my long blond curls on top of my head and left a few down to trail across my bare shoulders. While looking at myself in the mirror, Josh came up behind me. He whispered in my ear, “You are going to make every man at the party hard as a rock as soon as you strut into the room. I feel so lucky that I am the one who gets to take you home and fuck you ‘til dawn.” He softly runs his fingertips over my hardening nipples. I tell him if we don’t leave now we will never make it. He laughs and we head out the door.

When we arrive at Jack and Trish’s the party is in full swing. Everyone has a drink in his or her hand and there is barely room to walk. Jack comes over and Josh introduces us. He takes my hand and lightly brushes it with his lips. I am a little startled, but smile graciously. At his side is the most stunning redhead I have ever seen. He introduces Trish to us and leads Josh off to a corner where a bunch of men are discussing their latest business losses and gains. Great! Just what I wanted, to be abandoned in this sea of nameless faces. I smile nervously at Trish, trying not to show my anger and disappointment towards my husband. She warmly returns my smile and offers to lead the way to the food table. I can’t get over how beautiful she. Her hair is curly, like mine, but she wears hers down freely. She is wearing a simple, yet elegant black, silk pantsuit but underneath the partially open jacket I could see her very bra-less breasts. The jacket covered them, but if she moved just right your eyes could have their fill of them.

By now we were standing shoulder to shoulder at the buffet table, chatting like old schoolmates. The trouble was she kept bushing her arm across my breast while reaching for the food and I was confused at the reaction my body was having to her. I kept telling myself that it was just an accident but the way she kept glancing at me sideways, I felt like she was undressing me with her eyes. I blushed and looked down at her plate, trying to think of something to say. Strange, the only thing on her plate was a mound of delicious looking strawberries and a saucer overflowing with freshly whipped cream. When I asked her if that’s all she was having she took a strawberry, dipped it in the cream and slowly took a bite, her eyes never leaving mine. “I just can’t seem to get enough of this stuff.” She said, in a husky tone.

By now I am totally freaking out. Is she coming on to me, or is it my imagination. Suddenly, I am not very hungry and I ask her where the ladies room is. With plate in hand, she leads the way, only it is occupied and there is a line forming. She then says that there is another bathroom upstairs in the master bedroom if I can’t wait. I can’t. So, I follow her up the stairs, my knees weak, and my hands sweaty. I have no idea what’s going on, I just want to get into the privacy of the bathroom to pull myself together.

She opens the door to the bedroom and lets me walk in ahead of her. I go directly to the bathroom and shut and lock the door. I am breathing heavy and I can’t believe that this woman, this stranger, is really getting to me. I shut my eyes and her smile flashes in my brain, and then the erotic image of her breasts beneath her jacket. I splash my face with cold water and pat it dry. I take a deep breath and open the bathroom door. The room is lit all around with candles and Trish is sitting on the edge of the bed with her plate of strawberries smiling at me. I can’t move. She puts her plate on the nightstand, gets up and moves toward me, slipping the jacket from her body. When she reaches me she takes my hand and puts it on her breast. It is soft and warm. She leans over and whispers in my ear, “I think you are lovely and I am going to seduce you.”

I suck in my breath and start to shake my head no but she gently takes my head in her hands and kisses my mouth. The kiss is soft at first and then more eager as she slips her tongue inside. I melt like butter against her and that’s all the encouragement she needs. She leads me to the bed and tells me to sit down. She slips off her pants and not surprisingly she is not wearing underwear. Her pussy is shaved, like mine and I can see tiny drops of moisture on her protruding lips. She kneels in front of me and reaches up to let my hair down. She runs her fingers through it telling me how luscious it feels. She then pulls the top of my dress down to my waist, exposing my breasts. I can’t believe it, but I take her head and guide her hot mouth to my hard, aching nipples. She latches on and I can’t believe the sensation. I moan and she sucks harder while squeezing them with her hands.

She tells me to lie down on the bed, which I quickly do. She lies down beside me and continues her luscious assault on my tits. I am in heaven. Slowly she starts to softly kiss her way down my stomach to my steaming pussy. By now it is so wet I can feel my juice on my thighs. She maneuvers between my legs and licks my inner thighs, stopping at the edge of my pussy. Then, with earnest she laps at my hot little hole, working her tongue in and then out, up to my throbbing clit and back down again. She keeps this up for quite some time, asking if I like it, does it feel good? I can only moan and push her face down for more.

All of a sudden, she stops. I look down and she is reaching for a strawberry. She dips it in the cream and brings it down to my cunt. She rubs the cream all around my pussy lips with the strawberry. I am in shock but too turned on to care. Then she gently probes my wet hole with the fruit, pushing it almost all the way in and brings it out. It is covered in my wet desire. She slithers up my body and brings the pussy-drenched strawberry to my trembling lips. “Take a bite.” She says. She pushes the fruit against my lips and I open them. I suck it in and take a bite. She moans and puts the rest in her mouth. Then she kisses me.

She is on top of me, rubbing her tits and her cunt against mine. The feeling is incredible. All of a sudden, I want her with a passion I didn’t know I had. I grabbed her head and stuck my tongue in her mouth. Then I grabbed her tits and took her hot nipples into my eager mouth. I sucked them, and licked them with the tip of my tongue. I blew on them and licked around her whole breast before I latched back on to her ripe buds. She was moaning and saying my name over and over. “I knew when I shook your hand Victoria that I would have you.” She moaned. “I saw you come in, in that red dress and I knew your pussy would be sweet and hot, I was right.” I rolled her over so that now I was on top. I let my hair fall across her breasts, back and forth. Then I moved down to her bald, little cunt.

Her hips were grinding the air, waiting for my tongue. I licked the outer part of her lips, sucking on them one by one. Her clit was so hard that it stuck straight up and I pulled on it with my fingertips while I shoved my tongue in her hole. She tasted sweet and musky, nothing like I had imagined another woman would. She was bucking against my tongue like a cock, saying that I was going to make her cum. I took my tongue out and replaced it with two of my fingers while sucking on her clit. I fucked her with my hand and she came all over it. She immediately took my hand from her cunt and began to lick off her cum juice. This really turned me on.

“Now it’s your turn.” She said.

Instead of going down to my throbbing cunt, she positioned herself so that her left leg was under my right leg and our pussies were touching. She then began to slowly grind her cunt against mine. I nearly fainted it felt so wonderful. We worked up a rhythm and soon we were mashing our cunts together in a cumming frenzy. We collapsed onto the bed in a sweaty heap, our hands rubbing each other’s pussies softly. “Shouldn’t we get back to the party?” I asked? She assured me that her husband would keep Josh busy enough that I wouldn’t be missed. “What about you?” I asked. She told me that her and Jack had an “arrangement”. If she found another woman attractive, she would give him a special signal to let him know and he would leave her be. The only condition was that she tells him in detail later what happened. I couldn’t believe my ears! He let her seduce other women? Well, now I am glad that he does.

Trish asks if I want to take a Jacuzzi with her. I say yes and she leads me into a room off of the bathroom. It is encased in glass and has a perfect view of the city. She says that we can see out but you can’t see in. We step into the swirling water and sit on the benches side by side. She tells me how wonderful I was and I thank her for introducing me to female lovemaking. She reaches over had cups my right breast in her hand. She fondles my nipple between her fingers and then takes it between her lips. She sucks it gently and I reach under the water and stick my finger in her pussy. She takes her mouth from my breast and kissing me she puts her finger in my pussy too. Soon we are pumping our fingers into each other’s cunts and kissing and sucking each other’s tongues. Just as I am about to cum again, Trish tells me to sit on the edge of the Jacuzzi.

As I do, she kneels on the bench in the water and spreads my legs. She reaches for something on a small table behind me and when I see it I gasp. It was a huge rubber cock. She looked at me at put it in her mouth getting it all wet with her saliva. Then she said, “I am going to fuck you with my big cock and make your hot little pussy cum!”” All I could do was moan her name and watch. She gently rubbed the head against my hole, massaging it until it was wet with my juice. Then she inserted just the tip, it was really wide and it stretched my hole in a most pleasant way. She pulled the tip in and out three or four times. Then she reached up and took my right nipple between her fingers and shoved the rubber cock up my cunt. I cried out in pleasure and pain. I have never felt so full.

She rammed it in and out while I watched. It looked so good going in and out of my pussy, glistening with my juices. “You like it when I fuck you with my cock baby?” She said. “Does it feel good as it slides in and out of your sweet cunt?” Then she leaned down and started sucking on my clit. Harder and harder she fucked me and I came so hard I almost passed out. I pulled her face up to mine and said, “I am having a dinner party at my house next weekend, do you want to cum?” I kissed her deeply and we got dressed and rejoined the party. I found my husband and he asked if I was having a good time. I just smiled and said, “I really like your friend’s wife, Trish. She is one attentive hostess.”

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