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So Wrong But Oh So Right

Category: Mature
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Chapter I

She sat; butt tucked in the corner of the armrest and the back of the sofa, eyes wide and prepared for our discussion. Being it was almost bedtime she was attired as usual in a crotch length T-shirt little wispy panties and no bra.

Amanda was just 20 days short of being eighteen but still somewhat mentally adolescent for a girl that age.

Just about to enter her senior year at the high school, she was the product of uncaring and abusive parents who thought education was a four letter word, thus the delay in reaching her senior year

Amanda has been living at my house for the past two years. You see I was the harmless widowed little old man next door and had on several occasions witnessed her stepfather abusing her. On one particularly beautiful summer day I was crouched down behind our adjoining fence tending my tomatoes, when I heard Amanda yell “Please Daddy not again, not the strap, Please don’t hit me.

On hearing that I stood up, stared over the fence just as the jackass next door struck Amanda across her stomach just below her breasts with a strip of leather about an inch and a half wide and almost a quarter inch thick.

I may be old at fifty-five, but I was far from weak. I just reacted; putting my shoulder down I pushed over a section of the aged and slightly rotted stockade fence down and ran into their yard. Placing myself between Amanda and her strap wheedling stepfather.

I immediately told Amanda to go to my house and wait in the kitchen, as Amanda’s stepfather began screaming his vile protests at me. Ignoring him I sternly told Amanda to do as I told her, she complied.

After listening to his ranting threats and protests a few minutes. I calmly explained that if he didn’t shut the fuck up I was going to call the police and DSS.

I assured him I had enough friends that would when his ass was jailed, he’d bunk with a guy named Bubba that had a dick the size of the 8:15 commuter train and loved the butts of men who abused little girls.

To make along story short he and Amanda’s mother, who by this time was also in the yard screaming, decided that Amanda would stay with me for a few days until all cooled down.

As I said earlier that was a few weeks more than two years ago and now Amanda had me at my whit’s end, I just couldn’t take it anymore. It was time for me to put an end to my own mental abuse. I had to or I would find myself doing something I would regret for the rest of my natural life. I mean I’d be finding my ass befriending Bubba while a resident of the State Correctional Facility.

You see, Amanda although pretty much a plain Jane facially she had a body so beautiful that in medieval times wars would have been waged for her virginity.

With her adolescent state of mind Amanda had no way of realizing what she was doing to me. Amanda would strut around my house almost nude. I might be old but my body parts function as normally as they ever did. I couldn’t take another day of a perpetual hard cock, then jerking off like a teenager at night so that I could sleep.

No enough was enough, Amanda had to go, and she had to go home, so I began my speech.

“Amanda the reason I asked you to sit here was because you and I need to have a serious discussion, OK?”

“Yes Mr. T,” she responded.

T being the first letter of my last name, Amanda had always called me mister T, a take-off of the TV character. When she was real small and we first met I wore a two heavy gold chains, one with a large gold Italian Horn on it. I guess my chains made her think of Mr. T.

“Well Amanda,” I gasped, starting out poorly then clearing my throat I continued, “well you see Amanda you know I care deeply for you don’t you?”

“Yes,” Amanda stuttered out, with a foreboding tone, “What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?”

I guess my demeanor was giving me away. “You see honey, I am having a slight problem and I can’t resolve it with our present living situation.”

“What, what’s wrong Mr. T, your scaring me,” she interjected before I could continue.

“You see Amanda, you’re a woman now, not a little girl any more and I think its time for you to move back to your parents home.”

Sliding to the floor onto her knees, Amanda’s T-shirt stuck to the sofa causing it to rise well above her belly button exposing her frilly thong type panties. Amanda looked up at me with eyes the size of dinner plates, tears dripping off those plates like dishes that had just been rinsed.

Amanda cried as she began yelling out “NEVER, NEVER! I AM NEVER GOING BACK TO THOSE PEOPLE. I HATE THEM! What’s the matter anyway, what did I do wrong? Now I know! Just like all the others you were lying to me all this time, weren’t you? You don’t love me either! NOBODY LOVES ME! I’M JUST GOING TO RUN AWAY FROM ALL OF YOU! YES THAT’S WHAT I’LL DO! I’LL DO IT RIGHT NOW!”

Amanda rose and began heading for her room as she mumbled back over her shoulder, “I’ll get my stuff and I’ll go tonight. You can all go to hell!”

I quickly followed and found her thrown across her bed on her belly sobbing. I sat on the bed at her side, grasped her upper body, turned her toward me and moved her into a secure but tender bear hug. Amanda tried to pull free and get away from me, but I held her fast.

“Amanda honey, you don’t understand, I do love you, and that is the problem. Calm down, stop crying and Ill try to explain everything, OK?”

Amanda nodded her head affirmatively and snuggled into my chest. After her crying turned from alligator tears to sniffles and finally silence I began my grizzly tale.

“You see Amanda, when you first came here you were fifteen and just becoming a young lady. Today, although you may still be in high school, and getting ready for your senior year and next year on to college, you are in fact now a fully-grown woman.

Look at yourself you have the body of a mature woman, and that my darling is the root of the problem.”

Looking up into my eyes as I continued to hold her tight, Amanda said a little teary eyed, “I don’t understand, what has that got to do with me going back to the nut-house?”

Her nut-house comment made me laugh a little and then I continued. “Amanda look down at your legs right now and tell me what you see.

Amanda looked down hiding her smile, her innocence showing and through breaking the ice a little. Shrugging her shoulders she said, “I don’t see anything, what am I supposed to see?”

“Ah my dear naïve Amanda, pardon my crudeness, but as a man what I see is your sweet little pussy barely covered with a thin piece of cloth. What I see is a piece of panty so small that I can see your wispy curls, your pouting pussy lips, a glorious prize some lucky man will enjoy someday.”

“The problem my dear is that you are always exposing that treasure to me nightly, not to mention those perky breasts that your T-shirts do not hide very well. I don’t know if you understand, but being a man, and a man that cares for you deeply, you have no idea how hard it is not to reach out and touch those treasures. But I can’t, first of all I am here to protect you, not to use or seduce you. Secondly and most importantly at my age if I did, I have to live past one hundred before I ever got out of jail.”

With that last statement we both laughed for a few minutes then all went silent.

After our few moments of silence Amanda and I talked for hours. I was quite honest in explaining to her how the constant exposure of her treasures made me crazy with lust and made me want to use her body. In fact the exact words I used were, to sexually use and abuse her body.

She said how, most of the time she never realized that she was doing those things, but shyly admitted once and a while she knew I was looking and it made her feel nice inside, knowing that someone felt she was attractive. Amanda also said that she felt the boys in school felt she was an ugly ducking.

During our discussion it was agreed upon that she could stay till she went off to college, but that she had to maintain a little modesty from now on, and I agreed to let her know if she was teasing me. All went very well, that is until her birthday.

Chapter II

I had struggled for weeks wondering what to get her for her all important eighteenth birthday, but now I knew. I told Amanda a few days before her birthday to make no plans for the entire day or evening as I had something very special planned for her.

Amanda’s birthday was just a few weeks before school returned after summer break and I decided that she was going back not as the ugly duckling but as a Swan. Not only because she had the beautiful body of a Swan but because of the beauty that lived inside this darling girl.

I contacted my friend and Stylist, George. George, you see he was not your average stylist, he was highly respected within his industry as a leader and innovator. He had traveled all over the USA and Canada conducting hairstyling seminars for one of America’s most prestigious manufacturers of salon products.

With his assistance and utilizing his contacts I had arraigned and entire makeover with the most talented people in Boston. Inclusive of a nice outfit to wear that night for the birthday dinner I had set up at an exclusive restaurant.

The morning of her birthday I rousted her out of bed at seven and into the shower by seven-ten. Fed her a quick bowl of cereal, got her dressed in her old jogging suit and into the Limo with George by eight.

Let me describe the Amanda that left that morning.

Her gorgeous body was covered in grungy sweats making it appear quite nondescript, her mid-back mousy-brown hair hung limp as always, straight and as lifeless. Her face, ah her face I always felt there was some beauty hidden in there somewhere, but her lack of confidence, the perpetual sadness in her eyes and thin drooping lipped mouth and lack of make-up hid what beauty might be there.

The look on her face was one of sheer surprise, fear and awe as I guided her to the limousine. I had pulled it off, she had no idea what was in store for her.

For hours I paced the floor like an expectant father, tried unsuccessfully to read or watch TV, tried working in my vegetable garden, cut the grass but nothing could make me stop wondering what was happening. Was she going to be mad, did someone slip and tell her I used the term ugly duckling? Would she hate me, love me or maybe just run away. Promptly at seven I was fully dressed for the restaurant as planned. The melodic tune of the limousine’s unique sing-song horn called out to me. It was show time, I was like a scared kid again at fifty-seven!

As I exited my front door the formally dressed limo driver came around to the back, opened the passenger door extended his hand and pulling gently guided a delicate hand out of the car, followed by a beautiful, fully exposed to the upper thigh, nylon clad leg. Then the top of some blonde woman’s head appeared, when the head rose upward it displayed the face of this stunning creature, a beauty in its truest form. Her breathtakingly erotic thick pouty lips jumped out at you and showed you the true definition of the word smile. But her awesome smile was outdone and actually enhanced by her bright glowing eyes.

This creature was so beautiful, so gorgeous, but somehow she was so, so familiar. OOH YES, she was very familiar, because it was the new Amanda.

Dressed in an absolutely beautiful body defining silky black dress, with a plunging neckline that afforded a view of ample cleavage. It was slit at both sides to mid thigh with what appeared to be hand painted oriental designs in vivid colors offset by rhinestones, black spiked heels, a gold and Jade choker, with matching dangling earrings, that enhanced her sleek long neck. A neck now free of all that lifeless mousy-brown hair.

Her hair was now a beautiful shade of strawberry blonde, a color that made her once pale but now tanned skin begged to be touched. Her hair was cut short in a wedge type style with waves and body, for a final touch woven amongst the flowing waves on one side was a beautifully gold and jade hair comb that matched all her other jewelry.

In short what stood before me was without a doubt centerfold, cover of Vogue or Elle material, this woman was a ten.

I walked rapidly to the limo as Amanda provided me with a model’s pirouette, before returning to her seat inside. I joined her and we sped off to a fabulous dinner.

Over dinner she told me how George had put all her fears aside, how the staff at the day spa had cleansed her skin from head to toe, applied a spray on tanning agent making her skin a sensuous Mediterranean olive tone, taught her make-up techniques then made up her face after her hair had been styled by the famous Mr. Joseph and his staff of four.

After all that was done, a woman that had earlier made her uncomfortable with the way she looked her up and down, measured every part of her body, had returned and dressed her as I and the world admired her now.

We had a marvelous dinner, danced a while, toured the sights of Boston in the limousine until midnight and returned home for some champagne and off to bed at two when i could take no more.

I slept happy for what seemed to be hours, but as the clock later reported it had to have been less than an hour when the dream started.

I dreamt I was on some tropical beach talking to a beautiful native girl when another girl out of nowhere, somehow released my aching cock and began to devour it whole. As it grew it fell free of this vixens mouth only to be covered with her passionate kisses, then only to be swallowed again. Over and over this wonderfully erotic dream repeated itself until my sperm began to collect for its eminent expulsion from my body.

As this collecting of sperm grew in intensity and realizing I was about to explode into a massive orgasm, with one hand I reached for the unseen oralist’s head to my groin. Then I reached out for that beautiful Island girl pulling her against my chest, I wanted her tight against me so that I could kiss her at the same moment in time that I filled my unseen lovers mouth with cum. When I pressed my lips upon hers in a deep passionate kiss I awoke in shock, I was kissing my pillow.

My eyes bolted open, looking down all I could see was the bulge of a head under my other hand, her head and body hidden beneath the sheets, as her mouth noisily worked away directly over my groin. At the end of the sheet I could see a beautiful pair of feminine legs lying flat against the bed and bent at the knees and nestled betweenmy my exposed feet and her feet pointing up to the ceiling.

Those bare legs were connected to a prone body that was hidden by the sheets, from the knees, up to the rapidly rising and falling head, a head that was devouring my cock.

Pulling back the sheets I gasped as I looked upon a naked body and into Amanda’s bright eyes, smiling face and those swollen lips that had a strangle hold on my enraged cock.

Letting my cock fall from her lips a smiling Amanda said, “Today I’m eighteen, I’m legal, I’ve never done this before but I know you men like it and love to come in a girls mouth. So do it, please come for me, I, I promise to swallow it all.”

“Oh my God this wrong Honey, we can’t, we better not do this.”

“I’m not going anywhere until you come in my mouth and maybe somewhere else too, but for now please I really want, NO, I really have to do this, please teach me how, please, please, PLEASE!”

“Feeling totally defeated and having a need for release, I fell back onto my pillows and moaned out, “just keep doing what you were doing before honey, it was perfect, and you don’t need lessons. Please, just do it, do it now before I change my mind.”

That’s exactly what she did, taking me deep as she could without choking, sucking gently, then harder, then letting it fall from her lips so she could kiss, caress and lick my cock only to repeat it all over again.

When I reached a point where I could no longer take her teasing, I grasped her head and held her to me as I blasted a few weeks of stored sperm into her mouth.

Amanda handled my explosion like a seasoned pro never letting my ejaculating cock fall from her lips. But when she finally did my ears caught a loud gulping sound, a few quiet giggles then total silence as my rapidly softening cock found itself back into her hot little mouth.

Chapter II

As Amanda nursed my cock clean; I fell back onto my pillow and fought with my rational side, rationality lost.

Reaching down I pulled my little sexpot up beside me, kissed her deeply sharing the remnants of my sperm as I succumbed to her charms.

As I continued kissing her my hands began to both wander and massage every inch of this teenage beauty’s luscious body.

While I toyed with her breasts and nipples I kissed each inch of her face. I left lingering kisses on her lips, cheeks, nose, eyelids, ears and neck. I repeated this loving lip caress of her face and neck as my hand left her breasts and headed south toward previously unexplored territory.

As my hand wandered and my lips caressed her, Amanda unknowingly aided my assault by turning her body for best exposure. I felt the silken texture of her youthful skin, the ticklish sensitivity of her navel and finally the silken strands of her sparse curly mound.

As my fingers traveled over the crest of her mound I felt the unmistaken sensation of female moisture that had escaped my fingers for years. Amanda was in full lubrication; feminine fluids were flowing as though her dam had burst.

“Are you sure you want to do this honey?” I asked.

“OOH GOD YES, PLEASE, PLEASE!” Amanda cried out.

“It may hurt the first time, you know?”

“I don’t care; hurt me if you have to, just make love to me. I know it will be better next time.”

Next time, I thought. Does she mean for this to continue, or does she mean tonight only?

I knew I had to have her, so while my mind weighted the situation my fingers continued their exploration until I had her clit fully swollen and her body trembling. My ears were filled with the music of her moans, moans that were crying out for her fulfillment.

I knew I had to make her know what it was like to be totally loved, both physically and mentally, so I took control.

Placing her on her back, her head on a pillow, I kissed her gently yet passionately and told her to lay back, close her eyes and just feel her body as I made love to it.

I kissed her lips with the most passion and gentility I could muster. I kissed her lips, cheeks, eyelids, forehead, and then back to her lips before beginning the inevitable decent. I kissed and licked her neck, ears shoulders and then on to her firm pointed breasts. I suckled each in turn, being sure to provide each with equal time. When her nipples were rock hard and her moans were making me smile with pleasure, I left them and began to wash her body with my tongue. I missed not an inch, found some ticklish spots that I filed for future reference and eventually ended up bathing her sparse soft downy pubic mound.

Knowing a direct assault on her virgin pussy was not the way to go I continued down on her legs to her feet then back up, washing the insides of her thighs with a flat wet tongue. Amanda was almost begging, moaning and reaching out for me, trying to end this exquisite torture, but I scolded her every effort forcing her to lay back with her eyes closed.

As I reached the juncture of her thighs I went from her left thigh to the right and back again, and then running the flat of my tongue across the lips of her jewel, just barely making contact. Hearing her moans of frustration I knew any further delay would only be deemed cruelty so I decided to attack the object that had winked at me for the past two years.

Parting her labia with my fingers I softly ran my tongue over their outer edges, then inside and over her entrance. I found her hooded sensory nub, pulled back the hood and touched the tip of my tongue on her now exposed clit and gently bath it. My touch was so soft I was barley-making contact. I felt it become rock hard, her body began to quiver and shake. Then her leg and back muscles became rigid, her breathing stopped with a large final gasp of air, then she shook violently.

Amanda had her fist orgasm, an orgasm induced by another and born out of love. Amanda was shaking, moaning and spewing unintelligible jargon that I doubt that even she understood as her explosion engulfed her.

Her body began to slowly move toward normalcy, but I gave her no relief, I took her clit gently between my teeth and assaulted its very tip with a rapid left and right movement of my tongue, giving her no peace until she exploded with even more violence in a second orgasm.

I allowed her a few moments to catch her breath, and then taking her body and rolling it on top of mine, I put the tip of my cock a fraction of an inch into the heat of her entry and paused.

“Now honey, if your ready you can slowly push yourself down so you can control any pain, OKAY?”

“Isn’t going slow like pulling off a bandage?” Amanda asked, but not waiting for a response. It was immediately followed by a loud scream as she impaled herself on me completely in a single thrust.

“AAAAH” I yelled as her sudden thrust forced back my foreskin, causing a jolt of pain as I entered her, my cock tip finding her hymen. Her thrust was so strong it lingered momentarily at this natural barrier then burst right through eventually finding her heavenly moist warmth.

Amanda remained impaled as she fell forward nestling into my neck as she quietly moaned into my ear. “Ooh my God, oh, ooh, ooh my God, ooh your way up inside me, ooh my god! While Amanda continued to gasp for air and moan I held her tight letting her become accustomed to my cock buried deep in her no longer virgin pussy.

Without any assistance from me, Amanda began a slow experimental rising and falling of her hips. I could feel her moistness on my cock as she moved. As her moistness began to gain in volume, so did the tempo of her hips, as did her vocalizations.

“OOH this is good, so good, ooh yes so good, I want to do this forever, OOH MY GOD THIS IS GOOD.”

Amanda kept up her vocalizations as I now joined her in the movements of love.

She kept altering the depth of her plunges and her tempo, experimenting I guess.

In doing so she did me a favor as her varied tempo provided me the luxury of enjoyment and an ability to last longer.

Then as suddenly as she began, she froze in place sitting erect on my hips as her body vibrated out of control and she amazingly became silent. Orgasm struck her with a vengeance and this vocal sex kitten did the opposite, she was totally silent.

I pulled her to me again and began to rock my hips up and down, seeking my conclusion.

I whispered into her ear, “I am going to cum soon and when I tell you I want you to get off me, okay?”

“Why,” she asked.

“You are unprotected and I don’t want you to get pregnant, okay?”

Amanda chuckled, then said, “I planned to do this with you weeks ago so I am on the pill. Go ahead please cum in me, PLEASE!” The little vixen chuckled again as she smiled down at me.

“AAAH, you sneaky little she devil,” I said smiling into her eyes as I rolled her over, grasped her thighs, pushed them up to her chest and began pumping into her with a vengeance.

“OOH I’m going to cum,” I told her, but as I looked into her face I saw her eyes shut tight, her bottom lip grasped between her teeth, she looked amazing adult in her passion. Her look, the heat of our passion and the athletic motion of her hips driving up to meet my thrusts took me over the top.

AH I’M CUMMING,” I bellowed as I flooded her pussy with my sperm. Off in the distance I heard from that once vocal girl, a meek almost inaudible “aah, me too,” as she joined me in mutual gratification.

I fell to her side pulled her into a lover’s bear hug, kissed her with a passion I had not know since my youth. Together, totally physically and mentally spent we fell into a deep satisfied sleep.

Amanda and I slept for only an hour or so when again I was awoken with the sensation of being swallowed whole. We had a repeat performance of our earlier gymnastics and then slept in each other’s arms till noon.

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