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Seducing the Neighbor Girl

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Chapter 1

Shortly after graduating college at 23 years old I came into a reasonable inheritance. I used the money to pay down my student loans and buy a rundown house in the suburbs. The neighborhood was one of those where most of the houses had families with kids or older couples whose kids had moved away. You know the place; I live on a cul-de-sac across the street from Leave-it-to-Beaver who lived next door to Mary Tyler Moore.

To the relief of my neighbors, I had enough money left over to refurbish the beat up house top to bottom and bring it up to the standards of the houses on the rest of the street, if not nicer. It took about two years to complete the project; I did most of the labor myself. My original plan was to flip the house and make enough profit to buy a house in town, but with the housing market down I decided to sit and wait for the prices to recover somewhat.

Now I was 25 years old with my first job out of college, I lived rent and mortgage free. This was a huge advantage. While most of my friends were struggling a bit, I was comparatively well off. I could afford a decent car and apparently 20something girls found home ownership to be a big turn on. Not to mention the construction work from the renovation filled out my 6 foot frame well and I got a good tan. Nevertheless, I have to face it, I am a nerd and not good at managing the attention of attractive ladies, but this was a welcome change.

One of my next-door neighbors had a daughter who was little miss popular high school girl. Paige. She was a 5 foot tall, hot brunette, with a size zero body and perky little tits.

I watched her over the past couple years tormenting boys with her aloof ways. She made me think of those bitches that had used me to do her homework and projects when I was a nerd in high school. Teasing me along but never putting out. Acting like they were friends, when in truth, they wouldn’t be caught dead being seen with me. I should have lulled them into a sense of false security by doing their homework well enough and then given them shoddy work for their final projects so that they would have failed their classes. But then I probably would have had my legs broken by the football team.

Paige was always flirty and friendly with me. I tried to figure out what she wanted from me, I wasn’t into doing homework anymore. Perhaps comparing her to the popular girls who had used me may not have been fair. One day, it finally occurred to me that for her I wasn’t a nerd to be used, I was that older, but not too much older guy that she wanted to find her attractive. Well, I didn’t actually figure it out by myself. I overheard her and her friends while they were tanning in her backyard.

I was out front in the driveway, wearing only a pair of board shorts and no shirt while washing my car when a carload of her friends stopped in front of her house, they tumbled into the street and shattered the suburban peace. They openly gawked at me as they loudly approached the house in their short shorts and microscopic bikini tops. They were all 18 year old seniors in high school about to graduate. I tried to steal a few glances without being too obvious.

I finished washing the car and went to the backyard. I suddenly wanted to go for a swim, really I mostly wanted to try and catch a glimpse of the girls in the backyard next door. They were hot even if they were a little young for me.

While still on the patio heading for the pool I heard one of the girls say loudly, “Paige you told us you thought he was cute, but you didn’t say he was hot.” I stopped to listen.

Another girl, “What’s his name?”

Paige answered, “Paul.”

What?! My name is PAUL. They’re talking about me?

Another girl, “Does Paul have a girlfriend?”

Paige answered, “I don’t think so. He has girls over sometimes, but no one steady.”

Paige was keeping track?

Another girl, “You should totally do him then.”

And another, (or maybe the same girl, I couldn’t really tell. They all sounded the alike), “Let’s go over there now. We could take turns on him.”

The conversation devolved from there and got kind of raunchy. After a few minutes the conversation became trite and repetitive and downright boring to listen to, so I decided to make a splash.

Quite literally.

I cannon balled into my pool. When I came up to the surface the yard next door was as quiet as a tomb. I hoped that they were mortified that I had overheard their crass conversation.

I looked over and saw the top of someone’s head peeking over the fence. It dropped out of sight the second I looked over. ‘Yep, I scared them’, I thought. I delighted in my breaking up their tea party until I heard an excited scream, “He has a pool!”

I was disappointed that I apparently didn’t scare them.

“Ask if we can come over and use it.”

No, not scared at all.

I could hear some hushed murmurs. Followed by, “No, ask now.”

A short time later Paige’s head popped up clear into view and addressed me very sweetly, “Hi Mr. D. My friends and I would like to know if it’s alright if we can use your pool. Please.” She smiled brightly. That’s an understatement. It was a million megawatt smile. Very bedazzling. Probably the smile she used on her dad to get that new car.

Damn. She found a way to use me after all.

“I don’t think that it’s a good idea.” I didn’t want to be that pushover nerd from high school anymore.

“We will be really quiet and I promise we won’t make a mess. Please.”

“The gate’s unlocked.” What the hell did I just say? Fucking A! She did it, damn her.

I stayed in the pool and next thing I knew the rear of the house was flooded with six hot coeds. The popular ones I would have given any to have been with in high school. Apparently all I needed was my own house with a pool to catch their attention. If I’d only known. Yeah right, like it would have made any difference and it wouldn’t today either. I would have blue balls just the same as the old days.

They laid on deck chairs and on towels on the concrete. I swam a little without paying any mind to them and their hot bodies, shiny with lotion or their impossibly small bikinis that proved that they shaved everywhere. I didn’t look one bit. Yeah. Who am I kidding?

As I got out of the pool and toweled myself dry, ignoring the six sets of eyes trained on my every move, I pretended that they did not interest me. I went into the house. Once inside, I dropped my head in shame.

I opened the door a fraction and sternly called outside, “Paige, can you come here a minute.”

“Ooh, he wants you.” Someone said.

“Shut up Lauren.” Paige retorted.

She came inside the backdoor, put on her best contrite face, and said, “I’m sorry Mr. D, if you want us to go…”

I tried to continue to sound stern despite the fact she was melting my resolve, “It’s okay. For a bit. But you need to make sure they don’t do anything… ah… anything stupid.”

“Okay.” She said meekly.

“No boys, no drinking, and close the gate when you go.”

“Okay Mr. D.” She said meekly again. The truth is she was playing me perfectly. She definitely knew what to say, when to say it, and how to say it to get what she wanted. The worst part of all, I knew exactly what she was doing and it was still working.

“I’m serious. No one else comes over. Okay?”

“Yes Mr. D” I dismissed her and she went back out to her friends.

“What did he want? Did you have to give him a little som’thin’-som’thin’.” Lauren teased.

“He said it was okay for us to use the pool for a while.” What? Did she hear anything I said? I was a little irritated that she had manipulated me so skillfully.

After changed into some dry shorts I sat down to watch TV and try to ignore them. A while later, when I looked back to make sure they were following my rules, I noticed none of them had tops on. Shit. Occasionally they would slip into the pool half naked. This was too much.

The windows are darkly tinted to keep the house from getting hot from the sun; it was not likely they could see me, so I watched them. Although I had a yard filled with gorgeous topless girls, I couldn’t take my eyes off of Paige. Her perky, orange sized tits were perfect. I imagined using her in differently ways. If she bent over I imagined her boobs hanging over my face while she rode me or grabbing them from behind as I drove into her doggy style. When she laid back I thought about being between her thighs or cumming all over her tits and face. In my mind I debauched her every way I could conceive of.

After an hour or so they were packing their things and putting their tops back on. When they were gone I went back to watching TV. Thirty minutes later Paige was back and knocking on my patio door. I let her in. She was still in her bikini top with a towel wrapped around her waist. I could swear she had fixed her hair and put on some lipstick though. I was still shirtless in my shorts.

“Mr. D, I’m really sorry about today. I know you didn’t want us here. But I hope the show made up for it.” She seemed to be distracted by my lack of shirt. Her eyes kept straying downward. I wondered if this is what it was like to be a chick with guys always staring at your rack.

“The show?” I asked.

“You know the booby show we put on. You did notice, didn’t you?” She was checking out my chest a little more openly now.

“Yes, it was nice.” I couldn’t keep from checking her out now. She blushed a little, with a little coy smile on her face. “Let’s not do this again. Okay? I don’t really want this to be a hangout for your friends.”

She smiled. She seemed unsure of something. I wondered what. She timidly blurted, “Can I come by if I don’t bring my friends?”

“Okay.” I’m an idiot. I am letting a high school girl use me.

“Cool Mr. D.” The way she smiled nervously at me like she needed my approval sparked something in me.

It was then I realized that I wasn’t a nerd to her like I had been to the girls in school. I was more. I was a mature guy who she thought might be out of her league. I thought that this was my chance to take out my frustration from the popular coeds that traumatized me and punish her for… for what? For being a hot girl I guess. The revenge idea was only a cover. I was looking for a way to rationalize ravaging the barely legal girl from next door. I decided to go with it anyway.

I got bold. “Do I get more ‘Booby Shows’ in payment?” I audaciously reached out and caressed the side of one of her boobs with my finger tips where her skin was exposed next to the triangle of fabric. She trembled and was breathing erratically. Her normally confident face looked unsettled, but she didn’t move away or resist in any way.

I nonchalantly took my hand away and pretended like nothing important just happened. “Jeff mows the lawn on Saturdays. Don’t let him see you here.” I instructed. “I’m headed out so I’ll see you later.” She was still frozen to the floor just inside the backdoor staring at me wide eyed.

I stepped up close to her and placed one hand behind her waist. I opened the door with my free hand and slid the other one on her back down to her ass and squeezed her firm cheek and little ushering her to the door. She moved obediently. As we reached the patio I squeezed one more time for good measure then patted her firm ass and said, “Don’t be a stranger.” The pat seemed to trigger her back to earth.

She turned to me with the first genuine smile I ever saw from her, “Thanks Mr. D. I’ll see you later, B-Bye.”

“Bye little Miss P.” She happily sashayed away. There was a little extra motion in her hips as she walked, making a sexy show with her ass. She looked back making sure I was watching then waved.


I went out with a friend that night, but my mind was occupied with how I would seduce Paige and turn her into my personal sex slave. My buddy Brad was trying to hook up with a girl we both knew named Heidi. Bleach blond big boobs, not dumb, but a little light on the intellectual side. Unfortunately, when he asked her out she wanted to double date with her roommate Reba. Reba asked for me by name, so I was Reba’s date. What are friends for? I was okay with wingman duty though.

Reba was a 22 year old 5 foot 6, her reddish blond hair pulled into a ponytail. She had a small rack, a flat stomach, nice long legs and a killer ass. Not bad to look at, really. I flirted but she had no wit to flirt back. She would dive for cover by giggling if I tried bait her into an exchange of words. Or she would try to make up have nothing to say by sticking her tongue down my throat. Usually, I did not date a girl like this; I like them with some brains, but after a frustrating day of half naked youths in my yard she made a good target for my pent up energy.

Brad was trying too hard as usual and it was chasing Heidi away a bit. I kept the drinks coming hoping it would soften her up for him. When the girls staggered off to the restroom arm in arm, I asked “How’s it going?”

He just gave me a sideways smile. I thought of a plan to help both of us.

“I’m going to run off with Reba. Why don’t you tell Heidi she can spend the night at your place?” I told him.

“You’re drunk Paul. Or High. Sounds like I’ll get slapped.”

“She’s about to be in a bind for a place to stay.” I smiled.

He just looked at me with a confused expression.

I let him know, “They are coming back. You owe me.” He didn’t really. I was going to be a big beneficiary for what I was about to do, but that’s the kind of thing friends say.

When Reba sat hip to hip with me she smiled broadly. I leaned into Reba, “Let’s go back to your place. We need some privacy.” Heidi brooded at me.

Reba suggested, “You could take me to see your house. Paul.”

“No, my place is in the sticks; miles away. I’m too drunk to drive. Isn’t your apartment around the corner?”

“Yeah, but what about Heidi?” She asked me. I looked across the table and Heidi scowled at me. Reba gave her a very desperate pleading look. It was Heidi’s turn to be a good wing-woman. I ordered another round of drinks and let Heidi stew.

A few more rounds of drinks later we were all rather drunk, I grabbed Reba’s hand and dragged her away. We walked two blocks to her apartment. It was a one bedroom place. The living room had a sofa, TV, and tiny kitchen. The small bedroom had two twin beds. The girls shared the room.

Once back to her place we kissed like high schoolers at an after-prom party while we tore each other’s clothes off. Once down to our underwear we kissed each other and I lowered her onto her back on the sofa. I slipped down onto the floor kissed her neck, shoulders, her stomach, belly button. I unhooked her front loading bra and went after her breasts. She was becoming vocal with lots of mmm’s and oh’s.

I moved down to work on her wonderful long legs. I kissed her ankles, shins, knees, back of her knees. She went wild. I stayed to play at the back of her knees since she seemed to really like it. She was writhing and moaning as though I was licking her clit. While she was losing her senses I pulled her underwear off her long legs. I doubt she noticed. When she seemed to start losing sensitivity behind her knees I worked my way down the inside of her thighs, alternating kisses and nibbles on either side. She was plenty wet when I got to the trimmed thatch of red hair where her legs met. I licked the whole slit a few times but she kept repositioning trying to concentrate my contact on her clit. I complied with her wishes.

I flicked at her clit quickly. After a few minutes she bucked wildly and came hard. While she lay comatose I took off my boxers and sat on the sofa next to her. She was sagging down with her hips at the edge legs spread. Her head was near my waist.

I leaned over and kissed her. She kissed back. I sat up and gently nudged her head toward my dick. She got the idea right away and climbed off of the sofa. She kneeled in front of me and leaned her face into my lap. She lowered her head until my dick filled her mouth. She had about half my length in. She bobbed her head and sucked. It was immediately clear she was really good at this. After a few minutes of wonderful sucking she sat up and kissed me. I thought the ride was ending but she pulled back from the kiss and winked at me. Odd time to wink I thought.

She fell face first back on my dick. She took half of it in again and stopped but then made a funny gurgling noise as she forced the rest of my dick into her mouth. She didn’t stop until she had her lips down to the base. She held me there with her throat doing strange gymnastics around me. She bobbed up and down a bit then pulled back gasping heavily. I noticed she was crying.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, choking on cock makes my eyes water. You’ve got my eyes really going big boy.” She smiled proudly, mascara running down to her chin.

She went back down. I let her work watching her ponytail bob around on the back of her head. I felt tears dripping onto my crotch. She stopped to gasp for air frequently, but dove right back in. She was an artist, not to be disturbed in her craft. I leaned my head to the side so I could watch this fantastic show. I wanted this to last until morning so I held out as long as I could.

I felt successful when five of the most amazing minutes of my life later I began to cum. I warned her but placed a light hand on the back of her head. I was going to let her head up without any struggle, but want to let her know I would prefer her to stay down. She pumped her face up and down my entire length, fucking me with her mouth. When I started to spurt she went all the way down and just swallowed with my cock in her throat.

After I was spent Reba backed off my dick and teased and licked my shrinking member until it started to harden again.

After she sat up, I went for the condom in my wallet. She bit her lip uncertainly.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Would it be okay if we just… you know… used our mouths.” She paused looking worried, “I like that better.” She said a little embarrassed.

“Sure, sounds good to me. Do you want to 69?” I offered.

She jumped up like she won the lottery. Honestly, I felt the same way. She was by far the best oral artist I had met so far and she liked to give head. Jackpot!

We got off the sofa and went to her bed. I laid down, she moved over me and lowered her pussy onto my face then bent to my dick. I had a fantastic few of her marvelous ass and my dick had a great view of her tonsils.

I lasted much longer this time. But she didn’t. She was pretty worked up so she kept cumming every few minutes. She would stop sucking and give me a break every time she came, so that helped me last the better part of an hour. It was perfect for both of us. We both recovered and started again.

Early in the morning after we both had nothing left to give. I put my clothes on and went home. We kissed good bye and she told me to give her a call some time. As I drove home I started to feel bad about using Reba. I knew there was no chance of ever dating her seriously.

I briefly wondered how Brad and Heidi got on. I didn’t worry too much though, she was his nut to crack.

I got home and hit the sack just before the sun started to rise and slept most of Sunday away. As I fell asleep I thought back to last night. I dreamed about what I did with Reba but it was with Paige instead.


On Monday I met up with Brad for lunch. “Dude, I owe you big time.” was the first thing out of his mouth.

“It went well, I take it?”

“We left for my place right after you took Reba home.” He told the story like a prospector spinning a yarn about a ghost haunting the old mine. “I told her she could have my bed. I would take the sofa…”

I almost started to laugh at his style. He pressed on away in his ridiculous manner.

“She insisted I keep the bed. But I said NO!” he dramatically emphasized. I was laughing now. He continued, “I kissed her to let her know it was fine. She kissed me BACK!”

“You don’t say!” I cheered.

“Yes, I do say!”

“What happened next?” I asked

But he dropped his act. I was disappointed. I was enjoying the recital.

He looked around like he was suddenly afraid someone may overhear, and whispered, “I ah… we did it. Then we slept together in my bed. When we woke up in the morning she wanted to do it again.” He was grinning like it was Christmas.

I was happy for him. He’s been trying to get Heidi out on a date for months. I had written it off as a lost cause.

“I’m glad it worked out. Have you talked to her?” I asked

“I called Sunday afternoon to make sure she got home okay.”

“Well played.”

“She wants to go out again tomorrow.” Brad was so giddy he was bouncing.

“Do I need to be available as ‘wingman’?” I checked.

“No, she wants to see me ‘one on one’. Sorry bro, you’re on your own. How was Reba?”

“Fine.” I answered. He looked disappointed I didn’t share more.

“You two looked like you might screw on the table before you left. Did you guys make back to her place before you banged each other’s brains out?” he sniggered.

“We didn’t go all the way, just fooled around a bit.” I lied, without really lying.

“Really? Too bad. I guess I owe you then.” he commiserated.

“Just invite me to the wedding.”

“Deal. You can be my best man.”


When I got home from work Monday, I felt compelled to call Reba. She was happy to hear from me. I was worried she would want a relationship and I didn’t want to have to let her down. We talked for five droll minutes before she broke the news on me, “Look Paul, it was fun, really fun, and we have to do it again, but I know you don’t want anything serious and that’s fine.”

“No, I don’t want anything serious.” I was relieved, but still felt a little guilty.

We wrapped up the phone conversation but not before she made me agree we could be ‘friends with benefits’. And her oral skills could be a huge benefit. Believe me.

Just as I hung up the phone, I saw Paige shaking out a towel on a lounge chair on the patio. I went out to say hello.

“Isn’t it a bit late to lay out Paige?” I asked.

“Yeah, but I just got home from studying. And there’s still sun.”

“I’m going to eat dinner. Do you mind if I sit out here so that we can talk?”

“No. That would be cool Mr. D.”

I retorted, “Okay little miss P.”

She smiled at me.

I sat eating and watching her lay out. She really was hot. There was no way around it. Her body was perfect, highlighted shoulder length chocolate brown hair with bronze and blond streaks, perky tits, athletically trim waist, firm ass, slender arms, slender legs. Her only fault may have been her height; a short 5 foot zero. She was proportionately tiny, probably 90 pounds or less. I imagined the acrobatics I could do with her tiny body in the bedroom.

We talk about trivial things, but the conversation flowed very naturally and was enjoyable. Paige was very witty and smart. She stayed past sunset. She reluctantly left when she got cold and I was sad to see her leave.

The next day she came over, we repeated the performance except this time I had a plate of food for her; she joined me for dinner.

After her first bite, “This is good.” She seemed surprised and took another bite. “Really good.”

“Can you cook?” I asked.

“Not like this.”

“Pop tarts?” I inquired.

“That and jelly beans.” She goofed.

“Sounds delicious. You cook next time. I’ll bring some juice boxes.”

Again, being together felt right. I couldn’t remember the last time I enjoyed someone’s company this much. This became our daily routine when I got home from work.


Wednesday came and Brad came by to visit after work. He was overflowing with news of Heidi, his new ‘girlfriend’. They went out, had fun, had sex. Based on what I could gather she was a big fan of receiving head but not giving. Brad was happy though he loved to go down.

“We should have a party here.” Brad suggested.

It seemed like I was always trying to not have parties at my house. “Yeah, like the last sausage festival.”

“But now I have Heidi to invite her friends.”

“Okay, this is pathetic.” I was not convinced.

“Why have this house if you aren’t going to entertain.”

“That’s your best argument yet, even if it only so that you can find another way to get laid.”

“And what wrong with that? May you can get laid too?”

“Now that is a good excuse in itself really. You should have led with it instead. Okay, when is our party?” I conceded.

“How about Friday?”

I briefly wondered how it would go over if I invited Paige as my date. Right on queue Paige appeared on the patio she started to lay out in the sun.

“Who the hell is that?” Brad asked with his tongue wagging.

“Hey, stop ogling my future wife.” I kidded.

“What is she, like twelve?” Brad stabbed at me.

“Yeah, but I’m saving myself for her.” Brad’s eyes were like saucers. “No, no, she’s eighteen, she has the new car she got from her daddy for her birthday to prove it.”

Brad just stared at me, then her, then me, then her, then me. He was giving me motion sickness.

“Let’s go out and say hi.” I suggested. Mostly to let her know she had a larger viewing audience than normal. Shit, I didn’t think about her being here when Brad had invited himself over. I wondered if she would still stay for dinner.

We went out and I made introductions. Paige was extremely cold and biting with him. She obviously didn’t like the intrusion on our ‘together’ time.

“So, you come over often?” Brad asked.

“Sometimes.” She offered. “We don’t have a pool at my house.” It didn’t help her case that she was reading a book.

“Right, the pool.” Brad answered he was definitely checking her out.

She leveled a burning glare at him. My sweet little angel was trying to destroy my best friend with her laser vision, it seemed.

“Brad and I are going into town after we eat. You can have dinner with us if you like.”

The second she shifted her attention to me her face and voice be warm and welcoming. “Okay Mr. D.” I don’t know why I said the next thing. I coolly said, “You know, I’ve been forgetting to collect the pool use fee, we need to settle up later.”

She smiled. “Of course.” She pulled a shirt down over her bikini to provide some protection from Brad’s wandering eyes and came inside the house.

The three of us ate dinner together. It mostly consisted of Paige giving Brad the evil eye and him discussing Friday party plans. I ignored him best I could and trying to hold a conversation with Paige, but it wasn’t working. Brad was commanding too much of my attention.

Paige went home and Brad and I went and met some friends at a billiard bar. Between stories about how wonderful Heidi was he would rib me about my high school goddess.


Later that night Reba called to see if she could come to the party. It was obvious she hoping for some time with me.

“Brad said he is throwing a party at your place Friday. Can I come over?”

“Okay, if you’d like to.” God this was awkward.

“Yes, I’d like to.” She was short with me, waiting for me to say more.

“Okay I’ll see you here then.”

We finished the conversation. She was so shallow it was a turnoff, even with the prospect of a repeat performance of her sword swallowing routine.

After I hung up, I wished I could talk to Paige. She held up her end of a conversation much more effectively.


Thursday Paige stopped by and wanted assurance that Brad wasn’t coming over before coming in. We ate and had a good time. She was much better to be around than Reba.

After dinner, she saw that I had been playing a first person shooter on the gaming console. “Oh, I love that one. Do you want to try and take me one on one? I’m pretty good.” She winked at me.

I had no doubt I would enjoy taking her one on one. “I’m game. I just hope I’m not too much for you to handle.”

“Bring it.” She smiled with a glint in her eyes.

We played the game and she wasn’t kidding, she was good. I held back at first and got my clock cleaned. I found out that I had to try damn hard just to keep up. It turned out we both had a competitive streak a mile wide when it came to games. In short order we were both playing like our lives depended on it cursing at each other and talking smack. She ended up with a few more kills than me mostly due to my slow start. At least that’s what I tell myself.

Well after it was dark out we said our goodbyes and she left promising me a rematch and that she would go easier on me next time.


Friday came and there were lots of people in my house. We barbequed, drank, swam, had bad, meaningless conversations. It was worse than the sausage festival last time I had a party, at least that night we had a video game tournament on the big screen. These were Heidi’s friends so them being shallow and pretentious people went without saying, at least my dorky nerd buddies knew who they were.

Reba kept draping herself on me. Just after sunset, Reba asked “How about we find a private place so I can have you to myself.” I was tempted by the offer, getting head is a hard thing to turn away, but I didn’t want her, there was someone else on my mind. I felt almost like I was cheating. Cheating on a high school girl I wasn’t in a relationship with.

I declined, went to my room and locked the door. I should have invited Paige to the party.

Saturday morning I emerged for my bedroom to find Brad and Heidi cleaning my house. They told me that pretty much the minute I had gone to bed so had they. Apparently Brad and Heidi fucked the night away. Did they really need my house to do that? Brad and Heidi thought it was great. I guess there was something to humping under someone else’s roof I didn’t understand.

Everyone else, whom I didn’t really know, had already left. We cleaned the house and ate lunch. Then Brad and Heidi took off.


Later I made dinner and sat at the patio table to eat, hoping Paige would show up. She was nowhere to be seen. Emotionally, I felt like shit. Reba was willing but I wanted more than just a willing partner.

When I was finished eating Paige finally showed up. She was wearing skin tight blue jeans and light green turtleneck sweater. She was looking sexy as hell even though she wasn’t showing much skin. Maybe more sexy than usual.

My spirits lifted when I saw her, but she looked a little blue.

“Some party you had.” She feigned a smile.

“It sucked.” She looked at me curiously, I continued, “I’m not having a party like that again.”

After a long pause, Paige went straight to the point. “So what, is that girl like your girlfriend now?” it seemed like Paige wasn’t just asking, she needed to know. Was she jealous? And, how did she know about Reba?

“No, just a friend.” Was Reba even a friend? Sadly, I didn’t think so.

“You two looked like more than friends.”

I was mortified. “You saw us?”

“So what, you’re like friends with benefits.”

“She offered, but I declined.”

“She just offered to do you. Like, out of nowhere?”

“There is a little history. We went out once before, but it didn’t work out. I don’t want see her again, I wish she could take a hint.”

Paige’s icy mood shifted into something a little more agitated. She looked like she was ready to fight someone.

“That tramp isn’t good enough for you anyway.” Paige blurted. She was definitely jealous. “You could do so much better. She was so brainless and plain looking.” Paige must have been spying on us. “What did you ever see in that stupid whore anyway? Does she like give good head or something?” She stopped and looked at me. She was waiting for me to say something.

I just sat there looking like a dolt, that question was rhetorical wasn’t it?

Quietly Paige answered for herself. “That’s it, huh. I hit the nail on the head. Pun intended.” But her venom came back, “Well you could still do a whole lot better than that cock sucking windbag. That tart. Bitch…” Definitely jealous.

I had a feeling that the string of insults would continue as long as I would sit and listen. As entertaining as that would have been to hear, I preferred to move the discussion along.

I leaned forward across the table, looked deep into her eyes and reach out to her hands with mine. “Well, I’d like to do better. Any suggestions?” My tone was imploring her to help me.

Paige leaned forward, leveled her eyes and met my gaze. She spoke a little breathlessly. “You should find yourself a little hotty that will be so good to you that she will make you forget that other girl ever existed.” It was clear who she thought that hotty should be.

“I would want to make sure my little miss perfect would have such a good time she would never want to leave.”

“I would like that.” Paige’s eyes got a little bigger and she grinned like an idiot. “Any girl would” she tried to cover.

I realized Paige, my high schooler, was the only girl I wanted to talk to, even given this screwed up conversation.

“I’m about to have dessert. Would you like to join me inside?” I asked.

“I’d love to ‘join with you’ inside.” But then her parents called out her named “Shit. Rain check. I’ll see you later.”


Sunday morning I staggered toward the kitchen. Paige was already in the backyard. What time was it? Couldn’t be much past 9.

I switched directions and joined her on the patio and we regarded each other. She was wearing the briefest bathing suit I could imagine. I had yet to see the same bikini twice. How many did she have?

“For payments past due.” She said. She shed her top. She didn’t look at me while she sat there. Her eyes focused on her toes, she looked scared. She had just stepped way outside her comfort zone it seemed. It occurred to me that I was not there in person before. I wondered if she was doing this because she thought I needed the extra enticement.

I stood and stared for a few minutes.

“I’m going to bring my coffee out here and sit with you.” She looked a little troubled but just stayed rigid topless. “I’ll be right back.” I promised “Don’t you dare move a stitch.”

I was inside pouring coffee when Paige shot inside the backdoor closed it and she was leaning against the wall with her bare chest heaving breathlessly. “What the hell is Marty doing here?” She asked.

“Marty, who the hell is Marty?” I looked out and saw the pool boy skimming leaves. “Oh yeah, the Stevens kid. He cleans my pool on Sundays.” I said nonchalantly. “Sorry, I forgot. Did he see you?”

“No, I heard him coming. How long until he leaves?”

“Ten minutes or so. Oh! I need to pay him today.”

I grabbed a few bills from my wallet. Paige was blocking the back door still dressed for her ‘booby tribute show’. I noticed she had on a G-string thong. The material in the front was so small it scarcely covered her folds down below. Not a hair to be seen.

I watched my hand move as if it was controlled by someone else. She stood frozen from when I walked up. I reached out and placed the back of my fingers just below her belly button. My hand moved down and went inside her very brief swim suit bottoms. I pulled it out a little looking inside. I could see the top of her slit. Smooth. She must have just shaved. I slid the money into her G-string and took my hands away. “Why don’t you go pay him for me, like this.”

“I don’t think so.” She was trembling.

“You could probably convince him to split the money with you.” She just looked coldly at me. I pulled the G-sting open again, looked inside again, and withdrew my deposit. I could smell her musty scent this time, she must have been getting a little turned on. I kept my hand inside and gripped the material. I used her bikini bottoms as a leash of sorts. I led her away from the door and into the house. She followed very obediently.

“Where are you taking me?” She sounded very optimistic.

“Away from the door. Unless you want him to see you.”

“No, this is better.” She sounded disappointed.

I went out and Martin had something in his hands. It was Paige’s bikini top. Ah shit.

“What-cha got there?” I asked.

He held it up for me to see. I took it from him. “Probably one of Paige’s friends. I let them use the pool while I was out last weekend.” I sort of lied. “I’ll give it to her.”

Marty seemed awestruck. That’s right kid just get a house with a pool and you too could live the dream. Not really though. Marty was a geeky freshman. He really had no chance with the girls, especially Paige’s friends. I paid Marty and watched him leave. Poor kid.

On my way back in I saw Paige’s bag by the lounge chair. I stuffed the bikini top in it and noticed her phone. I went inside with the bag and did not see her. I quickly took out her phone and called my cell. I hung up immediately and put the phone away. “Paige?” I called out.

She stepped from the hall, “This place is awesome! I can’t believe it’s the same house. You did a great job.” She gushed. I notice what she was wearing. Her tour route apparently had a stop in my closet and she had taken a t-shirt as a souvenir, it went down to her mid thighs. ‘Big Tuna Adventure’ the shirt promised. I got it during a fishing vacation in Baja. It worked for her much better than me. I landed a 130 pounder on that trip. I smiled at the 90 pounder was working on landing right now.

I walked very close to her, toe to toe, and she looked straight up into my eyes expectantly. I lifted her bag up to her between our bodies purposely brushing the valley between her tits with my hand.

“I rescued your dignity from Marty.” I showed her the bikini top and told her about the conversation that had occurred between him and me, letting her in on the cover story. I patted her ass and told her, “Your secret remains safe with me.”

She wrapped her arms around me in a hug and mashed her globes against my sternum. My hand was wonderfully trapped in her cleavage. I dropped the bag and kicked it to the side. I wiggled my hand around to cop a feel of one tit while my other hand gripped her firm ass.

“My savior”, she said into my chest.

My dick started to prod her stomach. She tilted her head back closed her eyes and pursed her lips. I leaned down and kissed her on the mouth.

At the moment this encounter was about to turn that corner I wanted to reach, inopportunity knocked at the front door. I awkwardly walk her over to the front door her arms still around me, mine hands still groping her, and through the peep hole I saw Martin Stevens.

I told her “I think I should answer.” Paige gave me a quick peck on the lips, turned grabbed her bag and ran out the back of the house for safety before I could suggest the bedroom would make an excellent hiding place. Under the covers of my bed, even better.

It turned out I had grossly overpaid Marty. And bless his honest heart he brought back the fifty dollar bill that had slipped in with his pay. It was hard to be too mad at him for breaking up my conquest but I would rather he had just pocketed the money in this case. I thanked him while inwardly cursing him.

I went back and cooked breakfast. While I was eating I kept an eye on the patio but the little vixen did not return. I picked up my cell and transferred the missed call I had made from her phone to my contacts list. I named it Big Tuna. That put a smile on my face.

Paige never showed back up, so later that night, when I was settling in for bed, I texted her, “Why did you steal my shirt?”

“???”, was the reply.

“This morning. My big tuna shirt.” I reminded her.

“Mr D?”

I wondered, “Who else could it be? Did you go on a shirt stealing spree after you left or something?”

“omg howd u gt my *” She replied almost instantly.

Crap, what did it mean? I was no good at text lingo. 45 seconds later I figure out she wanted to know ‘How did I get her number?’

I typed out in long hand, “You left your phone in the yard with that excuse of a bikini top this morning.” Maybe she would take the hint and use English when she typed back.

There was three microsecond pause. “Ive ur * 2”

I sighed and dialed her number and she answered.

“So, why?” I asked her at once.

“Why what?”

“Why did you take the shirt.”

“It was weird being your house naked.”

“More weird than my backyard?”

“Touché. You’re not getting it back you know. I’m sleeping in it now.”

I sat there staring at the phone. Wondering what to say.

She continued, “I like the way it smells. It’s like you are here with me.”

“Creepy. Cute, but still creepy. And kind of a one sided arrangement.”

“Oh no, we traded. Check under your pillow.”

I reached under and found the postage stamp size bikini bottoms I had slid my hand into earlier. It looked more like an eye patch than a bathing suit. I didn’t need to bring to my nose to know they smelled like her. They were clearly marked by her scent.

“Hello?” Paige called out.

“Sorry, I got distracted. I found them.”

“Do I need a hand check.” She inquired. I could hear the smile on her voice.

“Maybe later.”

“It’s okay. I was distracting myself when you called.”

She was definitely throwing me off. “You should have come back today so we could pick up where we left off.”

“I wanted to, but my mom dragged me off shopping. I tried to tell her I’d rather stay home but it was hard to justify without telling her I really wanted to sneak off to make out with the neighbor some more.”

“You missed dinner too.”

“That was the worst part. You know I’ve only been using you for your good food.”

“Missing dinner was worse than missing out on the other possibilities?”

“Yes. But the other thing is a very close second.”

“Okay, I’m going to sleep. Enjoy the shirt. Good night Paige.”

“Good night Mr. D.”

“You know, little miss P, you can call me Paul.”



“Paul. I like saying that. Good Night Paul.”

“Good night Paige.”


The next few days we ate dinner together, we kissed a little, we felt each other up a little, we viciously battled each other on the game console (we played video games for blood), but not much else happened. She always had to get back home.

Then one night I did not see Paige, so I called. “I haven’t seen you around.”

“Oh sorry I lost track of time. I have a term paper due this week.”

I was happy she wasn’t avoiding me. “Oh, sounds cool.”

“You know what would be cool? You could help me with it…”

My eyeballs flew out of my head and bounced around the room like those rubber super-balls. It was a nightmare or a flashback to high school. I was actually reliving it.

“What the hell was that sound?” She asked. I guess I didn’t conceal myself very well. “Are you okay?”

“No. I just choked on my soup.”

“You’re eating soup?”

“No. What is the paper on?” Don’t you dare volunteer us, I warned the little head in my pants. Although, he did deserve some credit for letting the girls (and by extension Paige) into the backyard.

“It’s a report on Macbeth.”

“Thank god.” I accidentally said out loud. I couldn’t be of any help.


I didn’t want to tell her my anxiety about being used for homework. “A smart girl like you should be able to knock that out no problem.” Was all I could come up with.

“Yeah, but it still sucks. Do you miss me? Is that why you called?”

“Yes. We had a nice routine going.”

“Ahhh, I see. You miss my girls.” She must be referring to her boobs I guessed.

“My boy certainly does.”

“That’s not really fair you know. I haven’t met him yet. Not the way you’ve met my girls.”

“But you saw my chest first.”

“Not the same.”

“Don’t pretend that you don’t like to look at it.”

“Okay, but even if I concede this ridiculous point, which I don’t, you did look in my pants.” She reminded me.

“Fair is fair, next time you are over, I’ll see if I can arrange something.”

“On my way now. Meet me at the back door.”

I laughed at her joking. Her dry, hyperbolic style of humor was great. I was grinning until I heard doors opening and closing in the background on her phone. The wind blowing across the receiver. Her shoes on concrete. “Are you really coming over?”

“Fuck yeah. I’m not missing this opportunity” A second later “Ooh I can see in the windows when it’s dark out. Can you see me?”

I could. She was the pretty brunette in my backyard waving at me with a phone to her ear.

I opened the door. And closed the window shades.

“Well?” she looked at me expectantly. She crossed arms under her tits framing them nicely.

“You’ve caught me cold here. I wouldn’t be very impressive at the moment. But if you took your shirt off…” but just the thought of her tits was getting my engine started. “Oh wait, I think it’s coming around. You will join me right?”

“Depends. If I like what I see, maybe.”

I decided to change things up. Increase my odds of getting her naked quickly. I walked over to her and started to tug at her shirt

She stepped back. “What are you doing? It’s your clothes that are supposed to come off.”

“I think we should each unwrap our own presents.” I started to lift her shirt.

She signed and started to unbutton my dress shirt pushing it off my shoulders to the floor. I pulled hers over her head.

She pulled my undershirt off. She paused and ran her hands over my bare chest.

“See, you do like it.” I teased.

“Yeah, Yeah.” She started to undo my belt. Then the front of my slacks. She pulled them down and I stepped out.

I got her pants off. We were both in our underwear. Me in my boxers, her in semi-transparent white lace demicup bra and matching tight boy shorts. She looked better than an underwear model in a catalog. A very hot, erotic model.

“Do you always wear underwear like that?”

“Yeah why?” She thought it was no big deal.

“Wait.” I ordered. I started to drag her to another room.

“What now?” She was annoyed. I took her through the house to the rec room I built. It had its own back door off the side of the patio.

“Let’s skinny dip.” I always wanted to but never had a partner before.

She just shrugged her shoulders. “Okay.”

I unsnapped her bra and pulled it off her arms. She kneeled down and pulled down my boxers. The elastic pulled my member down, when my hardness sprung back up it hit her in the nose. She squealed, leaned back on her heels and stared at it big eyed. She just looked rubbing some of my pre-cum off of her nose. I stepped out of the shorts and stood still and waited for her to get her fill.

“So, do you like what you see? Can I take yours off now?” She silently nodded. I pulled her to her feet but her eye’s didn’t break contact with my dick. I slid her panties to the floor and she stepped out of them.

My god she was the hottest girl I had ever seen naked, magazines and videos included. And she was here for me.

I turned and picked up two terrycloth robes. She pouted, “We’re getting dressed now?”

“Not yet.” I made sure all of the sensor lights were shutoff in the yard so that we would not be unexpectedly exposed and led her out to the patio.

We walked out to the pool. I dropped the robes in a chair near the pool and stepped into the shallow end. With me on the top step and her outside the pool we were nearly the same height. I turned and kissed her. A deep passionate kiss. I put my arms around her and pull us together so that we touched lips to thighs. She put her arms around my neck and I groped her ass. I felt a spark between us this was better than any other kiss before somehow. When I pulled back she was fevered looking and breathless. I stepped back to a lower step and she stepped into the water.

“Holy Fuck! That’s cold.” She spat.

“Shhhh, your parents will hear you.”

“No, they’re out to dinner late. We should hear their car if they get back. But the water is too cold.”

“You’ll get used to it. Besides I’ll keep you warm.” I retreated deeper into the water. I dragged a very reluctant girl with me. She jumped into my arms wrapping her legs around me to avoid the water. I had a naked women wrapped tightly around me. As I descended into the water she just gripped tighter.

Once we were both up to our necks I put my lips against hers. Her hard nipples smashed into my chest. She clung extra tight for warmth she wrapped he legs around me and we kissed with our tongues dancing in each other’s mouths. I placed my hands under her ass and lifted her up so I could suckle on the lovely flesh of her chest. I sank my fingers into her slit. I had two fingers in and I was probing around looking for the right spot.

She clutched my shoulders and started making cute mewing kitten noises. Very cute. I lowered her back into a kiss. A frenzied Kiss. I kept my two fingers working in her pussy. It was a very tight fit. She constricted her legs around me and wriggled her ass on my hands grunting into my mouth. She getting off. When I perceived her climaxing ceased, I broke the kiss. Fingers still in but not moving.

“This is great but I’m freezing to death. Let’s go back inside. Please.” She pleaded.

I pulled my fingers out but kept my hands under her. I carried her to the concrete set her down and put her robe on her. I put my robe on and led her back to the house. I had installed bathroom with a shower in the rec room for the guests who used the pool and wanted to change or clean off after.

I led her to the shower and adjusted the water until it was hot. Once it was up to temp, I pulled Paige’s robe off her body and discarded my own. I pushed her into the tiny shower stall. There was a small seat I the back of the stall and the remaining space was barely big enough for one person. Two people need to touch to share it. I went to my knees between her feet and attacked her clit with my tongue. She didn’t expect the assault. She screamed, but grabbed my head with both hands and wouldn’t release me.

I usually like to tease a little bit first but tonight I went right in after her clit. Her juices flowed freely. When I inserted my two fingers into her tight wet hole and roughly dragged at her g-spot, she almost immediately started to buck. Then it happened. The damn broke and she squirted about a hundred gallons of cum in my face. That was a first for me. I felt a pride in my accomplishment.

“Oh god. I’m so sorry. Mr. D.” She looked at me in horror as she collapsed like a rag doll onto the shower seat.

“Don’t be sorry. You just came. Extra hard. That’s was the idea.” It was, wasn’t it?

“Yeah, but is that supposed to happen?”

“Only to really lucky girls. At least we are in the shower.” I stood up. On the seat she was eye level with my hard on, who was starting to feel left out of the party.

Paige reached out a pumped it slowly. I put my legs on either side of her knees and moved my dick close to her face. I rubbed my hand tenderly along the side of her face.

She looked up at me. “I don’t normally do this kind of thing you know. I’m a good girl. I tell the boys no.”

I clearly looked disappointed.

“I tell boys no. But you’re my man.” She clarified.

I heard her say ‘my man’ and I liked the sound of it. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” I allowed.

“I want to. I want to make you mine; I want to make you happy. It’s just that I don’t know how to do this part. I’m afraid I won’t be good enough for you.”

“Just do what seems natural. I’ll coach from there.”

She tentatively licked the tip then the sides. She pumped a bit with her hand. She looked up into my eyes opened up and took her first mouthful of cock ever.

It was beautiful. The most beautiful thing I ever saw.

She sucked on the end moving her hand on the lower half. She held her hand still and bobbed her head on the top half. She alternated between these two techniques. A short while later I was getting close.

I let her know, “I’m going cum.”

She looked up uncertain of what to do.

“Just aim for your tits.”

I shot a large stream into her cleavage. Then another and another and another. She was a beautiful mess.

“Was I as good as super tramp?” God, was Reba still on her mind?

“Much better.”

“You stink at lying. I’ll get better. I promise. Just let me practice on you. I’ll make you forget she ever existed”

“Already happened. Please don’t talk about her again.”

After rinsing Paige, I shut off the water and toweled her off. Then I suggested, “Let’s get to bed”

“I have to get home. I’ve been gone too long already.”

“First, I have something to give you.” We walked naked hand in hand to my bedroom.

I pulled her into the closet and waved my hand toward the rack of T-shirts. “You need a new one.”

“Really!” she bounced with glee. “I almost took this one last time.” She went straight for one that said ‘I get turned on by big ideas’. It had a side picture of a light switch in the up position. There was a feminine hand with one finger extended stroking the underside of the switch with her finger tip. The proportioning was all wrong. The switch was much bigger than the mystery ladies finger. I had gotten it at a work conference but for some reason I only wore it for house work.

She held to her face “Oh and it smells like you. The other shirt is losing its touch.”

“Maybe you can rotate them. I could wash and wear them occasionally.”

“Or we could just sleep together every night and I can stop worrying about wearing shirts to bed.”

“Does your dad own a shotgun?”

“Yes. Two actually. Why?” She put on a dear in the headlights look.

“You play a dingy too well.”

“I better leave before I end up staying the night.”

She put on her new shirt and her pants. She started to leave.

“What about the rest of your clothes?”

“Use them to amuse yourself.” She said as she left.

I was hooked and we both knew it. Shit, I was worshipping a popular high school girl. Only this time I was going to get some.

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George wrote

I really like the story. I’m not want to go on with compliments but I did want to say that I really enjoyed it.

ปั้มไลค์ wrote

Like!! Really appreciate you sharing this blog post.Really thank you! Keep writing.

Gary wrote

WOW that was hott couldn’t imagine better fantasy come true