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River Plus Lake Equals Wet

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Warning: This work of fiction contains scenes of women having sex together, without men. If this offends you, do not read it! People who complain to the authors here about the content of their stories are, IMNSHO, just like people who move next to the airport and then complain about the noise… Constructive criticism is always welcome, but closed-minded rants have no place here.


I told you all how I met River in “Jessi Meets the Barristas.” She works at the local coffee stand, and she and I became lovers after hooking up at a party at her boss’s house. Over the next few months, River and I would get together fairly regularly… Both of our schedules are busy, but we managed to spend some “quality time” together (wink, wink) at least once a week. She still lives at home, so we have to be a little discreet, but we have had some wonderful moments together.

Her parents have seemed friendly enough, glad that their shy daughter had made a female friend. She and I are careful not to show any overt affection in front of her parents, as she has told me that they are very religious and would freak if they knew their daughter was a lesbian. She has said that they keep asking when she will start dating, but she just tells them she is “…too busy with school” or “… can’t find the right guy” and they seem to accept that. She has a gay friend, Michael, that she goes out with once in a while, just to keep them thinking she is interested in guys. I’ve met him, and he seems like a nice guy. Of course, River’s parents have no idea that their “innocent little girl” and I spend much of our time together having hot, steamy sex. My God, can that girl kiss! But I digress, I’m sorry…

After school was over for the summer, we managed to get away for a weekend camping trip. We drove to one of my very favorite campgrounds, a beautiful lake about a two hour hike from the trailhead. It is high enough in the mountains that there was still snow on the ground in May, and getting to the lake is a fairly tough hike (not that long, but lots of ups and downs) but definitely worth the effort. Once you reach the lake, it is quiet and peaceful (the hike is too strenuous for the typical overweight American, so it’s usually nearly deserted).

I picked River up at her parent’s house that Friday afternoon, and we headed out. We promised her parents we would call when we returned to “civilization” on Sunday afternoon. I put River’s stuff in the back of my car and we headed out. We had my two person tent, our sleeping bags, ground pads, backpacking stove, all the usual stuff. We were dressed similarly, in tank tops and loose shorts. River’s light brown hair is just long enough to make a pony tail, and my shoulder-length curls were also in a “pony” and I was wearing a baseball cap. We both had our hiking boots in the car, but I had my tennies on and River was barefoot for the drive up.

As we headed out of town, we stopped at the coffee stand to get a granita (blended iced coffee). Brooke was working, and she winked and told us to have a good time. We promised her that we would.

Traffic was not bad, and we made pretty good time leaving town. As we drove, River asked questions about the place we were going. She kept coming back to, “It’s really private, right?”

“Yes, River, it’s REALLY private. I have been there a half dozen times and have only seen anyone else there once.”

“Cool…” I couldn’t figure out what her fixation was, but it certainly had my mind racing.

She and I are almost exactly the same size, 5’5″ and slender, although my breasts were a little bigger than hers. Us being the same height makes it wonderful when we 69, as we fit together perfectly. I hoped we would be able to spend lots of time making unhurried, passionate love when we reached our camp site.


“Yes, River?”

“I think I love you…”

“Mmmmmm… I love you, too, baby…”

If you had asked me a year ago what the chances were of my hearing those three magical words from a girl, I would have said “zero,” but now it felt really nice. I had thought that I was in a great relationship with a wonderful guy, we had been together for almost three years and had talked about getting married. Then, it all came crashing down when I discovered he had been cheating on me for several months with his secretary. I dumped him immediately and never looked back. I had ignored my attraction to women for the entire time I was with him, but decided “No longer!”

In the year since I broke up with him, I have been with several women but no guys. Over the past few years, the men I’ve dated have all ended up hurting me terribly, and I was tired of it. So I made the conscious decision to try women only for a while. And now that I’ve been there for a year, I have no desire to go back to men. It just seems like women are givers instead of takers, always looking to please their partner instead of putting themselves first.

Soon we turned off the interstate, onto a two lane highway. Traffic became almost nonexistent. I reached over and stroked River’s cheek and neck. She smiled tenderly at me, then lay down with her head in my lap. I was stroking her hair, her cheek, her arms, luxuriating in the feeling of her soft, warm skin under my fingers. She took my hand in hers and kissed it, one finger at a time, then put it on her breast and wrapped both her arms around mine. I cupped River’s breast tenderly in my hand, I could feel through her sports bra that her nipple was erect. I gently flicked her nipple with my thumb, and she cooed softly. I drove for a while like that, absently teasing her nipple with my fingers and thumb. She had her head on my bare thighs and was nuzzling them, leaving sexy light kisses all over them.

Her top rode up a little as she lay there, and I reached and slid my hand underneath it. I caressed the warm, soft skin of her stomach then slid my hand higher. River purred and wrapped her arms around mine again. I could feel her nipples were very hard, and since it was about 80 degrees outside, I knew it wasn’t because she was cold!

I could feel River’s body trembling as I teased her nipples, and she was beginning to lick and kiss my thighs with more urgency. If she didn’t stop, I was going to have to find a place to pull the car over…

Then she took my hand and moved it between her legs. I could feel the heat coming from her pussy, and I started to stroke her mound through her shorts. She moaned softly and placed her hands on top of mine, then pressed downward so my hand was firmly against her. She said, “God, Jessi, I can’t believe how I feel with you… I have never wanted anyone like this before. You make me crazy with wanting you…”

I just purred… River made me feel the same way, and I was so happy to be with her. I didn’t know how long we would last as a couple, but I wanted to enjoy it fully while it lasted. She and I had made a deep connection and I felt we would be friends for a long time, even if we each found other people to love.

I pressed my two middle fingers against her slit through her shorts, and heard a soft gasp. I slid my hand inside the leg of her shorts, then back onto her mound. Now I could really feel the heat coming from her center, and could feel that there was a wet spot on her panties. I stretched my finger out so it was along the length of her slit, then began to move it up and down, rubbing her through the thin cotton. I could feel her panties getting wetter and wetter as I stroked her, and she was grasping my hand in hers more tightly.

Her hips were moving against my hand, and I pressed her thighs open wider. I pressed my fingertip against her slit. River gasped and opened her legs even wider. I moved my fingertip in and out, up and down, teasing her wet pussy through her now soaking wet panties. Pressing forward, pushing the fabric of her panties inside her wetness, then up and across her erect clit. She was moaning softly, and one of her hands had moved inside her top and was pinching her nipple.

It’s a good thing that traffic was light that afternoon, because I was having a hard time concentrating on driving. To have my sexy little minx next me, playing with her as I drove, and her kissing and licking my thighs, was making me wet.

When my finger moved inside her panties and brushed across her mound, she moaned louder. I gently probed with my fingertip and was amazed at how wet she was. She moaned when my finger slid in to the first knuckle. Her pussy was very hot, very wet and very tight. I moved my finger in circles to get it wet, then slid it up and across her clit.

River was thrashing around the front seat, arching her hips up against my hand. I could hear her gasping for breath and moaning as I continued to stroke her pussy and clit. As her orgasm hit her, she called out my name, “Ohhh, Jessi!” as I felt her spasms around my finger, and her juices flowed out onto my hand.

I stroked her until the tremors stopped, then took my hand out of her shorts. River took my hand in hers, and brought it to her mouth. She licked and sucked my entire hand, one finger at a time, then the palm, then the wrist. She brought my fingers to her mouth and sucked gently, moving it in and out of her mouth like it was a little cock.

“Oh, Jess… I love how you touch me, you know how to make me feel so good…”

“Baby, you know I love touching you, love feeling your body next to mine… I can’t wait until we get camp set up, I want to ravish you all weekend long!”

“Mmmmmmmmm… Jessi, you don’t know how much I’ve looked forward to spending this weekend together, just the two of us. Julie and Brooke were a little jealous when they found out we were going away together… The two of them have been fighting a little, and I don’t know what would happen if they broke up.”

I stroked her hair. “Please, baby, let’s not worry about that. For once, we have an entire weekend to think only about you and me, and enjoy being together, let’s not let other people’s problems ruin it, okay?”

River squeezed my hand, then turned her head and looked up at me and smiled. “Okay, Jessi, I’m sorry.”

We drove along in silence for a while, and after a while River sat back up. She straightened her shorts as best she could, but she was still rumpled and obviously still in ‘dreamland’ from having cum so recently. She looked SOOOOO cute… She reached over and took my hand, then brought it to her lips and kissed my palm. She then set my hand on her smooth thigh and covered it with hers.

After a while longer we arrived at the trail head. The parking lot was about half full, and River looked at me. “I thought you said this place would be deserted!”

“There are two lakes off this same trail, one is about a half mile away, the other one is about four miles in. Everyone here will be going to the close lake, except you and me. I promise you, there will not be anyone else there!”

River smiled and said, “Good… I can’t wait to be alone with you…”

We got our packs arranged, then changed into our hiking boots and headed out. The first part of the trail was flat and an easy hike, and there were a number of people on it. As I expected, they all split off at the first lake. River and I kept on the main trail, and soon we were alone in the wilderness.

This was my first hike of the season, and River had not done much hiking before at all, so we had to stop for water and rest breaks pretty often. Of course, there were a couple of “kissing breaks” in there, too!

Finally, we crested a hill and looked down on our destination. It is a gorgeous little lake, deep blue, with evergeen trees all around it. There are trails all around the lake, so you can pretty much pick your spot.

River said, “Oh, Jessi, it’s beautiful… Just like you said!”

“Would I steer you wrong, baby? Now let’s find a spot to make camp.”

We resisted the urge to run down the hill, even though we were anxious to get there. We kept walking until we were halfway around the back side of the lake, and found a meadow that was a short way from the water.

“I think this will do nicely, what do you think, River?”

She smiled and said, “It’s beautiful… My family is not big on camping, so I haven’t spent much time in the outdoors. I love this, so quiet and peaceful…”

We set up our tent, and zipped our sleeping bags together. We had tested this before we left, one afternoon when River’s parents were both at work. We BOTH wanted to sleep next to each other… We hung our food on a tree, because the notices at the parking lot said that there was the occasional bear in the area.

Once we had camp set up, I told River, “Girl, we need to take a swim. That lake looks SOOOO refreshing!”

We walked to the edge of the lake and stripped. There was no sign of any other people, so we felt safe to skinny dip. I love the feeling of the cool water on my skin, but River had never done it before except at a friend’s pool.

I was undressed first, and stepped into the water. GOD, that water is COLD!!!! The icy water made my nipples stand erect almost instantly. River pointed and laughed and said, “Wow, Jess, you must REALLY be turned on!”

She had put her clothes in a pile and was walking toward me. Seeing River’s slender body always excited me, small but well-rounded breasts, long nipples set in yummy pink areaolae, flat stomach, slim hips, slender yet shapely legs, and only a little “landing strip” of light brown hair on her mound. I splashed her with the frigid water, and it had the same effect on her nipples. I laughed and said, “So who’s turned on NOW?

River smiled and walked up to me. She slipped her arms around my neck and pressed her nude body against mine. She kissed me tenderly then whispered in my ear, “I am… And I hope you are too!”

My hands moved to River’s butt, and I pulled her in tight. Our lips came together, and my tongue met hers as it slid forward into my open mouth. She moaned softly and pressed her mound into my thigh. Our erect nipples were rubbing together, and the feeling was electric. Her other hand moved to my ass, and she cupped my cheek in her hand and pulled her hips even tighter to mine.

My hand moved down the crack of her sweet ass, and soon my finger was caressing her clit from behind. River had her legs spread and was grinding her mound against my thigh, as I was fucking her with my finger. Her hand slid down and cupped my breast, taking my hard nipple between her thumb and forefinger. She was rolling and pinching my nipple, and I loved the feelings. Kissing this sexy girl, our hands all over each other, the warm sun beating down on us, how could it get better?

River was grinding herself into me now, fucking herself on my thigh. I could feel her juices running down her leg as my fingertip danced across her clit. She was moaning into my mouth as we kissed, and I could feel her breathing becoming ragged. I slid my finger deeper inside her as I rubbed my thumb on her clit. River was riding my thigh, and her body stiffened and she grabbed me tight. She broke the kiss and moaned into my ear, “My God, Jessi!!!” I could feel her tight pussy spasming around my finger as her orgasm struck. I kept fucking her with my finger until I felt her start to go limp.

I put both arms around her and held her close. She was panting and sobbing, and the moans coming out of her mouth were turning me on even more. Slowly she came back down to earth, and we kissed tenderly. “Ohhhhh, Jessi….” she whispered, “That was incredible…”

I gently lowered her into the knee-deep water, then sat down next to her. I put my arms around her again and we kissed. It started as gentle kisses, but turned gradually into hungry kisses, each of us wanting to devour the other.

River broke the kiss and said, “Let’s move to the shore, in the sun. I need to taste you, darling!”

My only reply was to stand and take her hand, and lead her to the towel I had spread out earlier. I sat down then pulled her down with me. She kneeled between my legs, then lay forward so her body was stretched out on top of mine. We started kissing again, and my hands moved to her tight ass.

She was kissing me deeply, and her hands were on my breasts. When she broke the kiss and began to lick her way down my chest, I couldn’t help but moan. This sexy girl knew exactly what I needed, exactly what turned me on the most. Her mouth captured one of my nipples, and she began to suck and gently chew on it. My nipples were hard enough from the cold water, but combined with River’s attention, they felt like they were going to break off.

She moved back and forth, sucking one nipple then the other, always teasing the other one with her hand. Pulling, twisting, pinching… I was getting very wet and she hadn’t even touched my pussy yet. I could feel myself getting more and more turned on, and suddenly POW! I came, for the first time ever, just from having my nipples played with. It wasn’t a huge one, but it was amazing still the same. River kept going, though, and soon was licking her way down my stomach.

When she got to my mound, she looked up at me and smiled. “I love your shaved mound, Jessi, I just love how clean it looks!” and with that she dove into my already sopping wet pussy. Her tongue flicked across my clit then she shoved it as deep inside me as she could. Back to my clit, then deep inside. This girl knew how to lick a pussy, that much I knew for sure. My hands were in River’s hair, holding her face tight against my mound, and my hips were thrusting up against her.

My movements got more frenzied, as I felt myself approaching a huge orgasm. When River reached underneath me and pressed a fingertip into my ass, I couldn’t help it. I screamed, “Yessss, baby, yesssss!” and erupted all over her face. I could sense my juices running out of my pussy, but could only feel her tongue darting all over to lick me clean. She kept licking and sucking me, through several orgasms, until my clit was just too sensitive.

I lay back and lifted her face away from my pussy gently, and said, “No more, baby… Gotta stop for now…”

She smiled and crawled up so she was lying next to me. We snuggled close, and I loved holding this sexy young girl next to me.

We spent most of the weekend nude, we lay in the sun, rubbing oil on each other. We went on short hikes, and made love on a shelf, high above the lake, and we even found time to swim a little bit! And when I dropped River off at her parents’ house Sunday night, she was as tired as I was. Her parents didn’t have to know the real reason we were so tired…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As always, send me feedback, tell me how this made you feel. I love to hear from my readers, especially all you sexy women out there!

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