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Mother of the Bride

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When my friend Tracy asked me to be a groomsman in her wedding I said sure. What else could I say? Tracy and I had dated briefly our freshman year, but we both knew right away it wasn’t going to work & instead we became close friends. She met Dave our senior year and now, three years later, they were getting hitched. Dave was a good guy and I liked him, but it still felt a bit weird.

It was a three-hour drive to the town Tracy grew up in, and during the drive I found that I was looking forward to the whole thing.

I’d been dumped a month before and I figured that a number of Tracy’s cute friends would be in attendance. And there I would be, gorgeous in a tux and oh-so-available. I had a hotel room all to myself for the weekend, and a box of condoms in my shaving bag. Yowza.

I pulled into the driveway to Tracy’s old house at 9 p.m., giving me an hour to clean up and dress. And then I remembered Tracy’s mom, who I had met four or five times while we were in school. Mrs. Moore was a really nice lady, kind and motherly. Cute too, I remembered. She was blonde like Tracy and a little plump, with big soft breasts and wide hips, very Mother Earth. But she was now also divorced. Last year Mr. Moore had abruptly announced that he was leaving her for a younger women he had met through work, and Tracy said it had been very hard on her mom.

What promised to make it harder was the fact that he and his new wife would be at the wedding. Tracy had invited him, but forbidden him to bring “the other woman”. He retorted that if she couldn’t go, he wouldn’t either, and he also wouldn’t pay a dime for the wedding. It could have turned into an ugly scene, but Tracy’s mom had intervened and told Tracy to invite them both, it was OK with her. It was a classy thing to do, but it had to be really hard on her. I was worried that when I saw Mrs. Moore she wouldn’t be the same person I remembered.

I knocked and entered and said hello to everyone and hugged and shook hands as appropriate. Tracy looked fantastic and I told her so and her friend Lisa looked double fantastic and I said something witty and Dave looked nervous and I told him to breathe through his nose. I was there 15 minutes before I realized I hadn’t seen Tracy’s mom. I asked where she was and I was told the kitchen, drinking coffee and talking to some relative. I figured I should say hello.

The woman I saw leaning against the counter was Mrs. Moore, no doubt about it. But before I had always seen her as a mother, someone who baked cookies and drove in car pools. She wore big sweaters and heavy flannel skirts and looked all protective and warm. The woman I saw was not like that. She’d lost weight, not enough to make her skinny, but to change her from plump to curvy. Her blonde hair had always been long and straight, but now it was cut to the shoulders and had a little curl to it. And she was wearing a black skirt cut just above the knee, a white ribbed top that was just tight enough to show off her breasts, and a green printed vest. She looked sharp and sexy and I was caught totally off guard. She saw me and smiled and came over to hug me and say hello, and when she pulled away I said, “Wow, you look like a million bucks.”

She did a little spin to show herself off. “Tracy picked this out for me. I had to buy her an outfit just like it, mind you, so I think I got suckered. But it’s pretty nice, I guess. Comfortable.”

I was a bit uncomfortable, myself. She looked damn good, and I grinned to myself as I pictured Tracy’s reaction to me scoping out her mom. She’d freak. But Lisa was out in the other room and from what Tracy told me she liked to do things that you normally have to go to Bangkok to enjoy, so I said my goodbyes and went back to the living room.

Well, whatever I was selling Lisa wasn’t buying, ’cause I got nowhere. The time came for us to go to the church for the rehearsal, and Mr. Moore was gonna be there. We filed in and they were already there, Mr. Moore in a sportcoat and jeans and his wife in a white suit that was cut way low in front and way high in back. She had big blonde hair and big fake tits and long fake nails and I guess was sexy and hot in a big, fake way. Then I saw Mrs. Moore, with her soft bosom and her warm thighs and to my eyes there was no comparison. I was hard in my pants and I said to myself, “Down boy, this is getting a bit out of hand.”

A point of protocol came to mind and I sidled up next to Tracy. “Uh, Trace, what should I call your Mom? Is she using her maiden name, or Moore, or what?”

Tracy, being Tracy, grabbed her mom’s arm and said, “Mom, Rob wants to know what he should call you.”

She laughed and said, “Just call me Diane and I’ll be happy.” She came up close next to me and said, “If you call me Mrs. Moore you might start an argument.”

“I’d be on your side for that one.”

“Well, she can have it. What do you think of her? Is she as gorgeous as everyone seems to think?” For the first time her voice betrayed some hurt, some anger, and her blue eyes sparkled with anger. Dammit, I had to stop looking at her eyes!

“She is really hot, for a cyborg,” I said, and it took Diane a second to get the joke and start laughing. “I mean, you have to take it in for an oil change every 3000 miles and have the tits rotated, but other than that, yeah, she’s OK.”

Diane was getting stares now, she was laughing so hard. “Remind me to stay away from you during the ceremony. I can’t be cackling like a maniac during the vows.” I was glad that I made her laugh, made her smile at me, her lips parted…knock it off! It was like I had an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, arguing about my sudden desire to fuck the brains out of Tracy’s mother. This had to stop before I made an ass out of myself.

The priest called us to order and put us through our paces. My job was easy as pie–escort Lisa up the aisle, sit down, escort Lisa out of the church. During practice Lisa held my arm like it was covered with shit. I had the feeling that she had the hots for Dave’s brother Dan, who was 6’5” and built like a lumberjack. Oh well, that left me free to…what?

We finished and headed to a local restaurant for dinner. There was an open bar, thank God, and I quickly polished off a pair of Buds, hoping this would quench my thirst for Diane. Yeah, right. I had a hard-on like a chisel and I wanted to taste her nipples. This was getting silly, I thought, but it was fun, chatting with Diane and telling her jokes and making her laugh. She made the rounds to everyone and so did I, but I kept trying to work my way back to her, to look at her breasts and her ass and her legs and…

And then Mr. Moore sidled up to where Dave and I were talking and shook my hand and then Dave’s. He was a little pickled, as all of us were by then. “I’m really glad my daughter picked you, I think you two will be as happy together as Vicki and I am.” I don’t know if it was deliberate or not, but he said that when Diane was standing just behind him. She heard him, and I saw her eyes sparkle again, hurt and angry, and she saw me looking at her just before she turned and walked toward the rest rooms.

I waited five minutes for her to come out before I went looking for her. I found her in an empty dining room, dabbing at her eyes with a napkin. “Oh, shit,” she said when she saw me. “Thought I got away without anyone seeing me.”

“Are you OK?” I asked.

“Yeah, yeah, I am. It just hurt, you know? I don’t want him back. At first I did, but I don’t know. I’m not jealous. It just makes me feel, I don’t know. Worthless. Like no one would want me anymore. I know that isn’t true, but still…”

“That definitely isn’t true,” I said, voices in my head telling me to take her in my arms and kiss her, other voices saying to shut up and be supportive and get the hell out of there before I got slapped.

“Thanks, ” She looked up at me and smiled, back in control again. “How did Tracy let you get away from her?”

“She’s stupid. No offense.”

She laughed and slapped my arm with the napkin, and then she drew close to me and put her palm on my cheek and pulled me down and kissed me on the other cheek. “Thanks, really,” she said, and she was so close and smelled so good and I had to fight every hormone in my body to keep from leaning closer and kissing her on the lips. I smiled down at her and we walked back to our dining room.

“Oops, go to the bathroom,” Diane said. “I left lipstick on your cheek. I don’t want everyone thinking I was robbing the cradle like Richard!”

“Oh, right,” I said, disappointed. What was wrong with robbing the cradle, I wanted to ask. As if fucking your old girlfriend’s mom was normal. I had always liked her, thought she was attractive, but now I was on fire for her. I wanted my dick inside her more than anything in the world. I went in the bathroom and ran water and rubbed the pink lip prints from my cheek and wished the marks were all over my body.

The party broke up and I headed to the hotel. I went straight to bed and toyed with the idea of jacking off. No, I decided. I wanted to keep my lust at full flame, just in case something did happen. With Diane or anyone else. No, with Diane.

The big day arrived. We all met at Dan’s house at 8AM and got things started. First, a round of golf, with many beers consumed along the way. I shot a 44 on the front 9 and a 58 on the back. Had a blast. Then back to the house for a light lunch and a shower. Then we got dressed. I put my tux on and I looked sharp. I mean, killer. I’m a pretty good looking guy, not movie-star handsome but I get by, and I looked damn good. Yessir. Uh-huh.

Dave looked good too, except that he was green. Nervous as hell. Pacing back and forth. At one point he grabbed me and steered me into the kitchen.

“Tell me you didn’t fuck Tracy. She said you two never did, but I want to hear it from you,”

It was a bit late for this crazy jealousy shit, but I’ve haven’t been in his shoes yet, so I cut him some slack. “Dave, I never slept with her. Never saw her naked. Never got past first base. On my honor,” I said, holding up my Molson, “I never touched her.”

Dave hugged me and we tapped bottles and drank. I didn’t think now was a good time to tell him about Glen and Jim and Helmut and those two guys she told me she met in Aruba…nah. We finished getting dressed and headed for the church. Showtime!

We were early of course and most everyone in the wedding party was there already. Except Diane. It wasn’t near time for the ceremony to start, but I found myself checking my watch every 10 seconds and looking for her to show up. Rachel, another of the bridesmaids, told me that Diane had been last in getting her hair done, and that she was just about dressed when they left. “Wait till you see her, wow!” Rachel said. “Just you wait.”

I didn’t have to wait long. I saw Diane’s Acura pulling into the parking lot, and I made my way through the crowd on the steps to get a better look. She stepped out of the car, and, wow. Wow. Her hair was parted on the side and had a long wave through it, very 1920’s looking. She was roses, from head to toe. Her dress was a dusky rose, with rose blossom buttons down the front. Her lipstick was a darker shade of the same color, and her nails were painted the same. She was an angel. And when she saw me walking toward her, and saw my expression, she blossomed with a smile that let loose the butterflies in my belly.

“Diane, you look beautiful. Just…beautiful.”

Her smile grew broader and she didn’t say anything at first. Then she said, “Thanks,” and she giggled. I offered my arm and said, “If anyone else tries escorting you to your seat they’re gonna get hurt.” I led her through the crowd and listened to the oohs and ahhs as she walked past. Mr. Moore saw her and his perpetual smile winked out. Vicki was wearing a yellow suit with wide lapels and a deep cleavage and she looked like a dandelion compared to my rose. My rose? Had to get my head on straight.

Or did I? When it came time to seat her Diane made her way over to my side and took my arm. “Don’t want a fight before my little girl’s wedding!” I led her down the aisle smiling like an idiot as the videographer focused in on us. Just as we passed by she said, “I’ll bet we’re the second best-looking couple in the church.”

“Second? I’ll want a recount.” We got the her seat and before I seated her she kissed me on the cheek. I almost floated back down the aisle. “Shit,” Dan said, “you got a kiss. When I took Vicki down the aisle she looked at me like I was a cockroach. Guess you need megabucks to keep a trophy like that. How long till he gets tired of her?”

“Maybe a year. Maybe. And I used to think he was a smart guy, too.”

“He definitely traded down,” Dan said, “Oh, excuse me,” he said, and left me to walk over to Lisa. The look she gave him could only be described as “hungry”. Unless he was a eunuch he was going to have her long legs wrapped around his waist tonight. Fine by me. I had my sights set on tastier prey.

The ceremony was lovely and Tracy looked lovely and blah blah blah. The reception was where the fun began. We had our pictures taken on the first tee of the country club where the reception was held and then we went inside for dinner. And drinks. The booze was flowing. Dinner was good but the champagne was better, and I know I drank four glasses before we even started dancing. And dance we did. I danced with Lisa and Rachel and this girl Tina I met and then Tracy. But not Diane, not yet. She didn’t dance at first, making the rounds, saying hello to everyone, but when the first slow song for the evening came on she joined us on the dance floor, her partner an elderly gent I later found out was Tracy’s great-uncle. I was dancing with Lisa who couldn’t wait to split away from me and dance with Dan. She did, and Rachel got grabbed up by the uncle. Leaving Diane alone for me. When I took her in my arms my penis was a thing alive and I had to fight the urge to grab her ass and pull her tight against my groin. But I managed to maintain my respectful 6 inches of separation as we danced.

“You dance divinely,” Diane said. “Must be the champagne.”

“Hey, this is a dancing fool you have here. Give me another glass of champagne and I’ll dip you like a champ.”

“Ooh, do you walk the walk, or just talk the talk?” The song was ending and I gave her a quick half-spin and hooked my leg behind her and whoosh!. A movie-ready dip, took her all the way down to the floor and lifted her up effortlessly as a feather. She came up laughing and said, “Drink more champagne! And save me another dance!”

I would have saved them all, but no luck. Diane was still chatting away, coming on the dance floor for the chicken dance and then flitting away. I was terribly horny and frustrated, but I kept up with the champagne and managed to still have a blast. I had just finished dancing with some 14-year old girl when a slow song came on. I looked around for Diane, and when I felt a tap on my shoulder and I spun around expecting to see her. Instead it was Vicki, all lipstick and fake tan, her enormous silicone breasts sitting high and perfect inside her suit. Her eyes were glassy and she wrapped her arms around my neck and she said, “I want you to dip me like you did her. Diane. I want you to do that.”

I took her arms from around my neck and held them in the proper position. “The key is knowing how your partner moves. You get a little rhythm going, yes, that’s right, rock back, and forward, and then, when the music moves to a pause, you…” I dipped her, not as far or as smoothly as I did Diane, mostly because Vicki’s back stayed perfectly straight and it looked like I was raising an ironing board when she came up. She laughed but it seemed forced, and when I dipped her again she came up and said, “Wow, that gets your head spinning.” She disengaged from me and walked away without even thanking me for the dance. Jesus.

I headed for the bar for a drink when I noticed Diane. Her eyes met mine, and there was something in them I hadn’t seen before. Could it be jealously? She had a glass of champagne in her hand and when she saw me smile at her she smiled back and downed the champagne. At the bar I asked for two glasses and walked the long way around the tables and came up behind her. The butterflies were fluttering now, because now something was going to happen. I mean, I was going to make something happen. What, I didn’t know yet, but something.

“Champagne?” I asked, and she took it, and drank it, fast. Then she said, “OK, let’s dance.” It was a slow song again and again we didn’t get too close. Then she leaned forward to speak into my ear. “Don’t dance with her again. OK? I don’t want you to dance with her.”

“Who? Vicki?”

She looked straight up at me and repeated herself. “Don’t dance with her again.” And that was it. We danced through half of the song and then we switched partners with a couple dancing next to us. Vicki was dancing with Richard and I decided I’d honor Diane’s request. I didn’t know why she was so insistent. Jealousy? Well, that was an interesting possibility, but when Diane stayed with other partners for the next half-dozen songs I figured that she was just pissed at Vicki and didn’t want anyone associating with her.

It got hot out on the dance floor, even with my tux jacket off. Too many fast songs in a row and I was sweating. There was an outdoor patio behind the head table and I pushed through the doors and breathed in the cool air. It was a nice night and the moon was out and it was all very romantic, except that I was out there alone.

But not for long. The door opened behind me and out came Rachel and her boyfriend and Dan’s friends Steve and Carl and two girls. And then I saw Diane was with them too, and she looked at me as though she had been looking for me. I was getting overexcited, I was becoming consumed with the need to touch her, run my hands all over her body. Too much wine, too much Diane. I either wanted to be alone with her or have her go away.

“Ahh…” Rachel said. “That feels good. Too hot in there.”

“That’s why I’m out here,” I said. “I needed to recharge the batteries before I went back for the last few dances. Don’t wanna collapse out there. Bit of a faux pas.”

Diane laughed. “You’re a nut,” she said and took a seat next to mine. Rachel rummaged around in a small clutch purse she’d brought out and pulled out a cigarette. “Don’t tell my mom I smoke, OK?” she said to Diane. “I only smoke when I drink.”

“I won’t tell if you give me one,” Diane said.

“Tsk,” I said. “You quit years ago.”

“My little girl just got herself married off, so I should be allowed a few liberties.” Rachel gave her a light, and watching Diane’s lips pull on the cigarette and blow the smoke up into the night just about got me popping out of my zipper.

“Hey, did you see Dan and Lisa out here?” Rachel asked me. “They came out here just before you did.”

“Nope. I didn’t see anyone out here.”

“She’s been waiting for a chance to jump him all night, I thought they might be out here. Maybe they went down the pond.”

There was a pond that bordered the first tee, and we all decided to take a quick stroll down there and see if they were down there. No sign of them. The others decided to head back, but Diane wanted to see the first tee, because she’d heard that it was a pretty impressive par-4.

“I didn’t know you played golf,” I said.

“Oh, for years and years,” she said. “I break 100 most days.”

“Better than me,” I said. No one else seemed to want to go, so I told Diane I would escort her to and from the tee. It was only another 30 yards, behind a fence and some trees. She also wanted to finish her cigarette before her daughter saw her, so we took our time.

We heard it first, a low groan. She stopped and I almost bumped in to her. “Did you hear that?” she said. I was about to say no, when I heard it again, a definite groan. Or moan. “It’s from over there,” she said, and she suddenly grabbed my hand and said, “Be quiet!” and led me behind her, sneaking around the fence and then behind a big oak tree.

They were there, and the moon was bright enough that we could see them clearly. Dan was standing on the bench, his pants down around his ankles, and Lisa was standing in front of him, his groin at eye level, and she was furiously sucking on his penis. Her head was bobbing crazily and even where we were hiding we could hear the wet slurping sounds of her lips on his cock.

“Holy shit,” I said, and Diane looked back at me. “Shh…” she said, failing to keep the smile off her lips. We watch them, Lisa stroking him with her hands and teasing the tip of his cock with her tongue. Dan said, “Suck it, come on,” and Lisa said, “You better hurry up and come, they’ll be looking for us soon.” She went back at him, pulling him inside her mouth and sucking like mad. He closed his eyes and started moaning softly, telling her to make him come.

We were watching them, Diane craning her neck for a better look, and it was too much. She looked so good and smelled so good and I wanted her so much that I just had to do it. I was only an inch behind her, and so it was no troubled slipping my hands to her waist and pulling her against me. She let me, and when our bodies touched she leaned back more and snuggled her ass against my crotch. I could see her smiling, and so I moved my hands up from her waist, until I cupped her breasts in my hands, and her smile vanished and instead and expression of want, of need, came over her. I squeezed her warm breasts in my hands and she threw her head back and whispered, “Oh, God, I’ve wanted your hands on me all night.”

“I had to touch you,” I said.

“Don’t stop. Be quiet, but don’t stop.”

“Can I use my lips?” I asked, just before I kissed her behind her ear, then her earlobe, and then down her neck, all the while I was gently kneading her breasts, thumbing her nipples through her dress. She sucked her breath in and gasped when I slid my left hand down her body to caress her stomach and then down to her legs. She lifted her leg and I caressed her knee, then her thigh.

She abruptly grabbed the hand that was stroking her hand brought it to her lips. She slid my index finger into her mouth and began sucking it like Lisa was sucking Dan’s cock. I felt her tongue circle my fingertip and I moaned into her ear. “That’s not fair,” I protested.

She let go of my finger and said, “If you think that isn’t fair, you just wait, boy.” We stopped talking because Dan was coming. He was groaning and whimpering and Lisa was swallowing his come in triumph.

“We’d better get out of here,” she said, and I agreed. “We should go in through separate doors,” she said as we quickly walked back to the reception.

“I’ll go to the bathroom and come in from the front,” I said. It was almost as though what had just happened hadn’t happened. She just didn’t want anyone to suspect that anything untoward had gone on. But just before we separated she slid her arm around my waist and put her palm on my crotch. She felt up and down my length and closed her eyes. “Oh, that’s nice, that’s so nice and big.” She let me go and said, “That’s mine, understand? That beautiful cock belongs to me tonight. Please?”

“You know it does, you know how I’ve been looking at you.”

“I saw you, but I didn’t know if it was lust or pity.” She gave my cock one last tug. “That feels like lust.”

She left me. I ran around the front and went to the men’s room and found an empty stall and pulled it out. My cock felt huge and heavy in my hand and I couldn’t believe that before the night was over my cock was going to be snug and warm deep in Diane’s pussy. I didn’t want to wait, but there was at least an hour left in the reception. Needed to be patient.

I walked back in just as Dan and Lisa reappeared. Diane was already back on the dance floor, with Dave’s father. I got myself a tall glass of water from the bartender and chugged it down. I wanted to be fully alert for the rest of the night.

The next hour passed slowly, but it passed. Folks left, the place cleared out. I started saying my goodbyes, staying away from Diane. No one had mentioned anything about us because everyone had been talking about Dan and Lisa. His pants were a bit wrinkled, her hair was a bit askew, her lipstick needed redone. But no big deal, they were both single. When they left together and obviously were heading to his room together no one said a word, well, there were plenty of words, but no one really disapproved.

That would not have been the case for Diane and me, and I wondered if she was regretting what we’d done and trying to pretend like our little walk never happened. She didn’t come up to me and hug me goodbye like she did the other groomsmen. I said all of my goodbyes, including a handshake for Vicki, and I was getting my jacket from my chair when I heard her voice.

“And now for my naughty little boy,” she said, and hugged my chastely and gave me a dry peck on the cheek. “What room are you in, honey?”

My voice actually cracked when I said, “182.” She shook her head, “You’re right next to all the other groomsmen. I guess you’ll all be having a few beers in your rooms?”

“Maybe not. I don’t think Dan will be there.”

“No, he’s busy.”

“I don’t care about having a beer.”

“But you should. And then you should come to room 310. Quietly. And you should knock on the door three times to let me know that it’s you.” She patted me on the cheek and walked away.

I didn’t go to anyone’s room. I said good night to Dan, who was carrying a bucket of ice for…whatever. None of the other groomsmen seemed to be in a drinking mood, so I said good night and let myself into my room. I wondered how long I should wait. Five minutes? Ten? I waited ten, and then I couldn’t stand it. I brushed my teeth, applied fresh deodorant, combed my hair, and let myself out very quietly. I tiptoed down the hall to the back stairs, and I sprinted up the four flights. Room 310 was to the left and I went that way at the quick-step, my erection leading me. I was breathing hard and I wanted her in my mouth, I wanted her body beneath me.

I came to her door and knocked, one two three. I heard the footsteps, heard her slip the lock, and then the door slid open and she was there. “Quick,” she whispered and I stepped inside and she closed the door and locked it and slid the chain home. She turned around and said, “Now you’re trapped.”

“I’m not planning an escape,” I said. She stepped past me to the dresser, where she took the cigarette that was burning in an ashtray. “Looks like you’ve taken up the habit again,” I said, immensely turned on as I saw her hold the cigarette with her long fingers with their long nails, and then she lifted it to her lips and dragged and held the smoke a moment before she blew it toward the ceiling.

“I’m like Rachel, I only want a cigarette when I’m drinking,” she said. “Or when I make love to a man.”

I walked over to her and she stubbed the cigarette into the ashtray. She turned her back to me and I moved behind her. “Now, what were you up to when we were watching Dan and Lisa?”

I gathered her breasts in my palms again and resumed kissing her neck. “Oh, that’s right,” she sighed. But this time I knew I wouldn’t have to stop. I undid the top button on her dress, and then the second, and then the third. I bit at her earlobe and pulled her ass against my erection. She was starting to breathe hard again.

“When was the last time you made love?” I asked her. I ran my hand down to her ass and began caressing her above and below. I was trying to keep from assaulting her like an animal, but it was tough.

“Almost a year ago,” she said, “Just this guy I knew, we dated a bit, and I let him fuck me. He was OK. But he didn’t touch me like you do, oh, higher,” My hand was inside her thighs, my fingertips tickling her. I reached back up and undid the last two buttons of her dress and put my hands on her breasts, now kept from me by her bra alone.

I helped her step out of her dress, and I gently turned her around to face me. Her bra was covered with roses and her stockings were held in place with a garter belt the same soft color and her panties were thin and silky and barely covered her mound. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? Do you have any idea how badly I want you?”

She reached up and undid the clasp holding my tie. “I think I’m going to find out,” She undressed me, unbuttoning my shirt and helping me take it off, and then my undershirt. She leaned forward and kissed my bare chest, her warm tongue sliding up and down, and I reached down to take my pants off. She slapped my hands away and took hold of my zipper. She slid it down so slowly I wanted to scream, but she finally got my pants undone. I slid out of my shoes and pulled off my socks while she carefully removed her stockings. And then she finally, finally eased my pants down. I stepped out of them and we were facing each other, me in my boxer shorts, she in bra and panties and stockings.

“I don’t want to see your cock yet,” she said, as I walked over to her and took her into my arms. “I want to wait until I can’t stand it.” I leaned down and kissed her, hard, and her tongue leapt into my mouth and we began kissing and tonguing each other, our hands roving all over each other. I picked her up and carried her to the bed.

“Have you ever made love to a woman who is…so much older than you?” she asked, her voice a bit nervous.


“Does it bother you? That I’m so much older than you?”

I mounted her, my erection rubbing at her pussy through her filmy panties. “No,” I said, and I began kissing her again, running my hands down her body, and then I pulled away and kissed my way down to her breasts, kissing and nibbing at them though her bra.

“I was just worried that you wouldn’t want to, to make love to me, once you thought about it and sobered up and saw me…saw me again.”

I tugged down on the cups of her bra until her nipples poked out. They were big and hard and tight and I exhaled. “Oh, so beautiful,” and I took her left nipple into her mouth. It tasted so good that my moan drowned hers out. I used my tongue on the tip and sucked on it soft and then hard, and she whimpered that it felt so damn good she thought she was going to scream. So I moved to her other nipple. I sucked and licked it and I reached around her back and unhooked her bra and pulled her breasts free. And I went crazy on them, kneading them and licking and sucking and pushing them together and swirling my tongue over them both.

“Oh, Jesus Christ, yes,” she purred. “Oh, God, you’re gonna make me scream,”

“Then scream,” I said before replacing my mouth on her breasts.

“I don’t think anyone I know is around, but I can’t be sure.”

I paused again, “Are you that ashamed of me?”

“I’m not ashamed! But don’t you think there would be a, a scandal?”

“Oh, certainly.”

“And you don’t care?”

“I care. But I’d rather have a scandal than not be able to do this to you.” I sat up and took her ankle, and I dragged her to the edge of the bed. She giggled as I picked her up again and gently set her in the overstuffed armchair in the corner of the room.

“What, what are you doing?” she said.

I let my hands glide down her body, until my fingers hooked her panties and slid them down her hips. “What are you doing?” she asked again, this time her voice hinting at some trepidation.

“I’m going to make you scream,” I said.

I spread her legs so they rested on the arms of the chair, and her beautiful plump pussy was totally exposed and open to me. I knelt between her legs and kissed her naval, and then I began kissing down, down, further and further, until my nose nestled in her blonde thatch.

“You can’t be serious, you aren’t going to put you mouth down there?” she said, trying to squirm away. But her legs were spread too wide and I easily held her in place.

“No one has ever done this to you before?” I asked, surprised.

“Well, Richard, sometimes. But he, he said I, he said it tasted bad.”

I leaned down and kissed her, then kissed her again, where she was wettest. I peered up and she was frozen in place, her eyes squeezed shut, hoping that I wouldn’t stop doing what I was doing to her. I slid my tongue up her slit, from her opening to her clit, and she pushed her pussy into my face and moaned, “No, please, no…” I think giving me an excuse to stop, but actually hoping desperately that I would keep going.

And I did. I gently pulled her folds apart with my fingers and inserted my tongue, moving it up and down and side to side. I started slowly, tonguing her deeply, moving my lips slowly up and down, not even touching her clit yet.

“Is it OK?” she asked. I ignored her. I kept licking her and licking her and she started moaning, louder and louder. “Oh God, oh please, please, it is OK? It feels so good, your tongue, I love your tongue, just…ohhh, yes!”

She said that because I had swirled my tongue around her clit for the first time, and her eyes had come open and she looked down at me in wonder. “That felt so good…uhh, yes!” I did it again, and then again, and her eyes were shut now and it was time for me to eat her alive.

I leaned back a few inches and removed my tongue from her pussy. “What?” she looked down at me, disappointment clouding her face.

“You taste like honey,” I said. I slid my finger along her furrow, and stuck in my mouth, sucking her wetness off. I did it again and she threw her head back. “Oh, God, please keep kissing me like that.”

“You’re husband was a fool,” I said, and I leaned back down between her legs. “Now you’re gonna scream.”

I tongued her up and down, and then I slid my mouth up to her clit and took it into my mouth. Her clit was a pink little button that fit nicely between my lips and I started sucking on it. I sucked on it and gently used the tip of my tongue as well.

She threw her hips as far forward as she could and screamed. “Yes!” she screamed, and then she screamed., “LICK IT, LICK MY PUSSY, FUCK, YES!!!”

I sucked her and licked her and I finger-fucked her and she groaned and moaned and screamed and squealed. She had an orgasm that took hers, and my, breath away, her nipples huge and swollen and her pussy soaking wet and my mouth greedily drinking her up. She finally got her voice again and put her hands on my head, pushing my mouth deeper into her groin.

“More, just a little more, I’m so close again…” she said.

“Beg me,” I said, slowing my tongue.


“Beg me to make you come.” I started licking her again, but slowly. “What? Keep going, please!” Her voice was filled with need.

“No. Beg me. Beg me to use my tongue.”

“Oh please,” she moaned, “lick me with your tongue!”

“Beg me to lick your pussy,”

“Lick my pussy. OH GOD, LICK MY PUSSY!”

I obeyed. My tongue moved like a tornado around her clit and she kept screaming and screaming as she came.


At last she was done. My face was covered in her juices. She was still breathing hard when I sat up, grinning arrogantly at how worked up she was. I stopped grinning when she sat up with a fierce expression on her face and slid her hands down the front of my pants, her fingers searching out my cock. Her nails tickled my tip and I sucked in my breath. “Jesus,” I said and I moaned when she stood up and shoved her hands further into my groin and she bit at my shoulder.

“Get your cock out now,” she demanded. Our four hands pulled at my boxers until I was standing naked and enormously erect before he. She fell to her knees and that suddenly my penis was in her mouth. My penis was in her mouth and I looked down at those rosy lips around my glans and I felt that tongue swirling around me and I moaned like an animal.

“Diane, fuck,” I said as my knees started to wobble. She was good, fantastic, in just a few seconds she had me almost about to come. She wrapped her hands around my cock and jerked me and sucked me at the same time and the pleasure was delicious.

“If you keep doing that, I’m going to come,” I said, my voice a bit unsteady.

“Mmm!!!” was all she said, and she began sucking with even more intensity.

“I don’t want to come in your mouth. I want it inside you.” She moaned again and kept sucking. “I have to be inside you, soon. Soon…” Her mouth was all over me, her nails tickling my balls. “Soon…soon…Diane!” My cock was about to erupt and I had to have her. I pulled my hips back and my cock slipped from her mouth. “Baby no!” she said, disappointed. I reached down and helped her to her feet and laid her down on the bed and I was on top of her. My cock brushed against the wet lips of her pussy and I reached down to guide myself in. I was frantic, I needed to be inside her. “Oh Rob,” she said, wrapping her legs around my ass and grabbing my arms, “so big, so big and strong.”

I thrust inside her. It felt so good to be coupled with her that I shouted, “DIANE!” and I mean I was loud. “So fucking big,” she cried, and we started fucking like animals. I pounded her and bit at her earlobes and she sucked my tongue into her mouth and all the while my cock pistoned in and of her warm snug pussy. She scratched at my back and arms and I knew it would leave marks on me. She cried that she was coming and I was so close and I grabbed her clawing hands and held her down and fucked her like a madman.

“That’s right, hold me down and fuck me like a whore,” she said.

“So fucking hot, Christ,”

“Fuck me baby, come in me. Come in me!”

I did. I moaned, “Oh, DIANE!!! And my cock quivered and spurted and the ecstasy overwhelmed me and I cried and whimpered and screamed her name over and over and over again telling her how good it felt. I was panting and gasping and my mouth was dry and I was totally spent. I collapsed on her.

“Oh, my God,” Diane said.

“Uh huh,” was all I was able to say.

“It’s never been like that before. It’s never been that intense.”

“No,” I said.

“For you too?” she said, amazed?

“That was so much better than any sex I’ve ever had before, it doesn’t even measure on the same scale.”

She just lay there. I think she was just overwhelmed. Here she was in bed with her daughter’s old boyfriend, 20 years her junior, on her daughter’s wedding night. She was a bit drunk and totally exhausted and now her pussy was full of my come. I rolled off her and my cock slipped out of her pussy and she let out a sorrowful moan.

“I want you to stay,” she said.

“I will.”

“I’m sorry, no, I shouldn’t have said that. You can go if you want. But I would like you to stay.”

“I want to stay,” I said, and she smiled nervously.

“Good. I have to go to the bathroom and freshen up a bit. OK?” “Hurry back.”

She went and cleaned up and I arranged the sheets on the bed. Diane came back and we snuggled in together. I could tell she was still troubled, but she didn’t want to say anything, so I let her rest. Soon we were both fast asleep, spooned together like the lovers we were.

About 6AM I awoke and found myself snuggled up next to Diane. My mind, thickened with sleep and beer, had some trouble remembering how I’d gotten there. But then I remembered the night’s events, the sweet sex, and I slowly came erect again. I wanted her, badly, but I thought I should let her sleep. I snuggled closer, my cock pressing against her ass, and I laid my head back on the pillow.

About 15 seconds later Diane stirred, rolling over, and I felt her hand slide down my body to my cock. She slowly stroked me until I was rock hard, and I opened my eyes to see hers looking straight at me. Neither of us spoke a word, but I rolled over on top of her and mounted her under the covers. I thought she might need me to finger or lick her to get her wet enough, but as my cock pressed against her opening I could feel the silky slickness of her vagina. I gently moved my hips forward and my penis slid slowly, almost painfully so, into her warm tunnel. I kept pushing until every millimeter of my cock was sheathed inside ever. Our eyes remained locked the entire time, and when I was all the way in I finally gave in and squeezed my eyes shut and sighed.

“Uhhhh…” I said, and withdrew my cock until I was almost all the way out. Then I pushed myself all the way in, slowly, slowly. If the night before I had fucked Diane, now I was making love with her, relishing the closeness of our bodies, the way she looked, and the way she looked at me. The night before Diane had needed to know that a man could still find her exciting sexually. Now she needed to know a man could be in love with her. And I was.

“Diane, is it OK for me to say that I love you?” I said.

It was dark in the room but I could easily see her teeth as she smiled. “Yes, it’s very OK.”

“Good. I love you.”

“I love you too, honey.” I began moving quicker, and our mouths came together in a long, deep kiss. My penis slid all the way inside and then I pulled it out and then I moved forward again until I was all the way in again. We didn’t say anything else to each other, we just came together and moved and touched each other in places men and women touch each other. She sighed when she came and I moaned quietly as I emptied myself into her for the second time. I rolled off and I wrapped myself around her again. In a few seconds we were asleep again.

I woke up around 9AM, without the hangover I expected. I felt pretty good. When I saw the woman asleep next to me, I felt…confused. I didn’t know what I should feel. I lay there for a few minutes, letting my head get together, when I felt Diane stir. I closed my eyes and pretended I was asleep, to see what she would do, how she would react. What was she thinking?

I got an idea when she slid her hand down to my groin and gave my soft cock a gentle tug. I opened my eyes to see Diane looking at me with a mischievous look in her eye. “You were a bad boy last night,” she said.

“And this morning,” I said.

“Very bad this morning.” She kept jerking me and to my surprise my penis responded, thickening under her fingers.

“Oh, yeah,” I groaned, arching my back and giving her more room to fondle me. “How you feel this morning?”

“What do you mean?”

I paused. “Your head. Any hangover?”

“I feel fine. Great, even.” She started running her nails up and down my penis.

“And you’re feeling bad now?” I asked.

“I never knew it before, but I’m a bad girl.” She laughed and pulled the sheets down and saw how erect I was. “I didn’t get the chance to finish something I wanted to do last night.”

“What’s that?” I asked, but instead of answering she moved down to my groin with her mouth and began blowing me. “Christ, Diane,” I said, feeling her mouth work on me. Her mouth was warm and moist and her tongue slid up and down and all around. She knelt on the bed so she could deep throat me easier. I looked down and saw my cock sliding in and out of her mouth. She used her fingers to spread the tip of my cockhead open and began swabbing her tongue inside the tiny hole. Christ, I’d come twice in seven hours and already she had me teetering on the brink of orgasm.

“Sit on me,” I begged.

She shook her head. “You wore me out last night. But I’m hungry, and you can fill me up.” She moved her mouth back onto my cock. She was sucking and sucking and sucking me and I grabbed handfuls of bedsheet in my hands and writhed as my orgasm built within me.

“God, please, suck me,” I whimpered. “Yes, fuck, Diane, suck me, yes, yes!”

Just as I came she let most of me fall out of her mouth and she just kept the head in and swirled her tongue all over and jerked me with her long-nailed fingers. Her eyes were locked on mine and I lost control. My orgasm was so intense that I couldn’t stop the shaking in my legs, my stomach, and as my penis fired my come into her mouth I just whimpered, “Diane, oh Diane, Diane…” She swallowed all the thin, watered down ejaculate I was able to muster, and sucked me until my cockhead grew so sensitive that I couldn’t bear it.

She kissed my penis one last time and then she said, “Now you’re worn out too.” I managed an exhausted nod and a yawn. “God, I don’t know how I’m going to manage a three-hour drive home. It’s going to be a killer.”

“You don’t have to go today. Stay with me a few days. Can you get off work?”

I’d wondered when this might come up, how the aftermath of all this would play out. So she wanted me to stay. And I found that this delighted me. “I can stay awhile, sure. I’d love to.” We kissed and I said, “I’d better get dressed and back to my room before everyone starts checking out. Let’s keep this quiet.”

“I totally agree!” she said, laughing. “I don’t want to upstage my daughter’s wedding!” I quickly dressed, we exchanged a quick kiss goodbye, and I headed back to my room. I figured we’d gotten away with it.

We didn’t know it at the time, of course, but Tracy’s father and Vicki had been in the room next door to Diane’s. As I head about it later, the two of them got into a bit of a tiff over some of Vicki’s conduct at the wedding, mostly trying to cocktease every guy at the reception. The result was no sex for them and a long, irritable conversation that went on long into the night. Long enough for them to hear their neighbors come home, and to hear me and Diane fucking each other’s brains out. Mr. Moore was shocked and embarrassed by this, that his ex-wife was fucking a guy half her age and obviously loving it, and he decided not to say anything about it to anyone. He told his wife to do the same, to spare his daughter the embarrassment.

Vicki, however, didn’t feel the same concern for Tracy. Tracy and Dan weren’t leaving for their honeymoon until 2PM the next day so we all planned to meet for breakfast. And Vicki made sure she found the time to tell Tracy that Diane had kept them awake all night fucking one of the groomsmen. I didn’t learn this until later, but at breakfast Tracy looked like she’d been hit by a brick. She made polite conversation and smiled and laughed at the right times, but there was something in the way she looked at her mother, and at me, that gave me the shivers.

And then after breakfast Tracy tersely asked me, “Can I talk to you a second, in the lobby?” I said sure and when I sat down on a sofa Diane appeared about a minute later. “Uh oh,” she said. “I think we’re in trouble.”

“I think you’re right,” I said, as Tracy appeared, looking about as angry as a new bride can.

“Maybe this is none of my business,” she hissed, “but on my wedding night everything is my business. Did you…” she turned to look at me, “Did you fuck my mother last night, you fucking shithead?”

There were several ways to respond to this, and none was as good as the one I chose. “No. I made love with your mother. There’s a difference.”

“No,” Diane corrected, “the first time you fucked me. Or I fucked you. The second time we made love.:

“Yes, you’re right. I agree with you there.”

“What fucking difference does it make?” Tracy screeched. She lowered her voice. “How…how could you do this. How could you have sex with my mother? How could you have sex with a guy I dated?”

“Because she’s gorgeous, and sexy, and smart, and kind, and because I adore her,” I said.

“Because he’s handsome, and strong, and gentle, and because I love him,” she said.

This didn’t seem to help Tracy much, so Diane continued. “We would have told you eventually, but now wasn’t the time. We’re going to keep seeing each other, so get used to it.” Diane stood and I did too. Diane said, “Who told you about us? I guess someone heard.” And that’s when Tracy told us about Vicki. Diane laughed. “Fucking cunt.” Then she leaned down and kissed her daughter. “I’m sorry if you’re embarrassed, honey. But don’t think that I’m being stupid. I’m very happy, very, very happy.”

“Me too,” I said.

Tracy looked a bit better, and we wished her well and went and checked out. We went back to Diane’s house, I called work to tell them I was taking a few days off, and Diane and I spend the next few days enjoying each other as much as a couple can, in and out of bed. We decided to just enjoy each other and see what path our relationship took.

For the year we were together everything was fantastic. When we eventually decided to stop seeing each other it was because of how far we lived apart, not because of the age difference. And when Diane met a doctor and got married, I was invited to her wedding too. It was tougher on me than Tracy’s was, but what do they say about lost love? ‘Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. True enough.

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