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London Job

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Row 22 seat A, lord how I wish I had never seen those numbers, I’ve been in so much pain and I don’t know when it will end. I can only hope, no pray someone will find out what has happened to me, may-be you can help me? Why don’t I tell you how it happened, this is only if you have the time to listen to how stupid I was.

Row 22 seat A. The raw sound of the Glaswegian voice had just announced the immanent departure of flight LG 284 for London Gatwick.

It was still ringing in my ears as I found my seat, it was a window seat and I giggled as I looked over the rain soaked Glasgow airport thinking of my first trip to London.

I suddenly felt some-one sit down beside me, I looked and smiled at the woman, I’d say she looked around 38, strong looking in her tweed jacket and corded trousers, she smiled at me, “Hello,” I nodded and said “Hello,” back, turned and looked back out at the rain.

“Fancy a snifter?” I turned back to see her offering a large hip flask towards me, “Go on, helps to calm the tum before a take off.”

I shook my head, “No thanks,” but she was insistent.

“Go on, no ones looking.” I didn’t want to make a scene so I took it and had a mouthful.

“Ohh that’s strong,” she held it to my lips, “Go on take some more, it’s real warming,” I couldn’t do much else and took another swallow, thank goodness the seat belt sign came on and the stewardess came around to check, just before we were ready for take off.

Soon we were high over Scotland and on my way to London, the stewardess came round for drinks and I said no but to my surprise the woman next to me ordered two double scotches and handed me one, “I know it only a 2 hour flight but we may as well get acquainted,” she lifted her glass, “Cheers I’m Fay.”

I took the drink, “Hello again I’m Liz and thank you for the drink.”

That last drink out of the flask had made me a little giggly, she could see I was a little flushed she said, “So what’s in it for you in the big city?” I took another mouth full of drink and showed her the piece of paper I had been holding, she read “Models wanted, 18 to 24 must be over 5` 10` for new agents, auditioning Tuesday 21st at Globe House, The Shambles, Queer St SW 1,no need to ring just turn up. Mmm I thought you were a model with those long legs.”

I smiled, “Well I’m not really this is my first try, I haven’t told anybody about it, in case I fail.”

She lifted the glass and said, “Well hears to success cheers again,” I took another swig and laughed but she looked straight at me, “So were does your husband think you are?”

I laughed again, I didn’t know whether it was nerves or the drink, “I’m not married and sort of between partners, my folks think I’m shopping in Glasgow, won’t they be surprised?”

She smiled back, “Have you ordered a taxi, London’s a big place?”

I carried on drinking,” Eeerrrr no, it says pick up a Taxi from zone D terminal C,” she never took her eyes off me, it made me a bit nervous so I finished the drink, but she asked more questions.

“So you want to be a model, get away from Scotland, well you are very pretty and that’s a lovely suit you have on and the blouse goes really well with the skirt, is that tights, hold-ups or stocking? Lovely colour.”

I blushed and went even redder, “Eeerrrr, stockings.”

She smiled, “And are you wearing sexy suspenders, I love wearing stockings and suspenders, drives them wild and I love the feel of their hands on the naked skin just above the stocking tops as they make their way up to get in the panties, don’t you?”

I was shocked, because when she said that she put her hand on my knee, I had to get away so I got up and made the excuse that I had to go the toilet, it wasn’t until I stood that I realized how much the drink was affecting me, I almost staggered out of my seat and I felt her put her hand on my bottom as I pushed past.

I must have been in the toilet for ages as I was aware of somebody trying the door and then the stewardess asking if I was all right I wasn’t, that drink was very strong and I was frightened of that woman but I had to go back, there was no choice, “Yes I’m all right,” and I unlocked the door and returned to my seat.

“You all right pet? You have been gone a long time,” I smiled at her and made another excuse of being a little air-sick, she said ,” Don’t worry pet, here, I’ve got us another drink,” another large scotch was put on my table.

I thanked her a sipped it, it tasted a bit off but I put that down to me and thought that I wouldn’t offend her so I just sipped it, she never spoke until I’d emptied the glass. “There now I bet you feel better now?”

I looked at her through fuzzy eyes, “Yes thank you I’d do,” then I hic-cupped, she patted the inside of my knee.

“There, there, soon be in the big city, tasting its delights,” then she said quietly “Well one of us will.” My head rolled to one side and I could see her looking smiling at me, her hand was still on my knee, “You are a very pretty girl, I should imagine your a natural blond, can’t see any re-growth, you well certainly make a fine model.”

She rubbed her hand up and down my knee letting it slip under my skirt, I went to speak but the words didn’t come out quite right, I didn’t think I was that drunk, I didn’t think for too long as the seat belt sign came on and we were descending into the cloud of Gatwick.

We rolled to a stand still and we all started to move, I felt very wobbly but she was there to help me, she guided me out of the plane making some comment to the stewardess about me not being able to take a drink and bundled me to the check in, I showed my cards and soon she was heading me out, I said, “Thank you, can you show me were the taxis are?”

She said “Over at zone C terminal D;” I thought that sounded right and followed. As we went out a tall man meet us, I know he was tall because I was wearing high heels and as I’m 5″11` I don’t get many men in eye line.

She was short about 5″5` she quickly spoke to him, “Tony this young ladies got to get to the Shambles can you take her she’s had a few to many.”

He took my other arm and soon I was in the back of a very smart car, they never spoke which I found very odd as the journey took half an hour. We pulled up outside a very imposing building I went to get out, “Look Liz I think you could do with a couple of cups of coffee before you go to meet your fame and fortune, I live close by, don’t worry I’ll get you sober.”

Before I could speak the car sped off and with-in 10 minutes we were outside a very smart Victorian building, Tony helped me out and both of them lead me to the lift and up we went. I saw no-one as they pushed me quickly into the apartment, it was very nice and I collapsed on to a large sofa, they both disappeared into the kitchen and she was soon back with a pot of coffee, “Here have it black, it’s a bit bitter but it’s good.”

I took a sip, funny it tasted like the scotch we had on the plane, she gave me more, I heard Tony say, “Steady on, don’t give her all of it, it’s a bit strong.”

She turned on him, “Fuck off, I want her out of it for a while, I gave her two on the plane so a third should do the trick, for fuck sake think about it, I told you in the kitchen no-one knows where she is and when was the last time we had a looker like this to play with,” she undid my jacket and blouse, roughly pulled the sleeves down my arms then flicked my bra straps down.

She pulled hard on my bra until my nipple’s showed,” With these looks she can do a bit on the market, you know how much some people will pay to play with her and use her as a sex toy for a night or two, you won’t moan when you get a bigger car from her earnings.

My arms were so heavy and I couldn’t move. I looked at them through my glazed eyes, I wanted to speak but I just blew bubbles from the corner of my mouth. I could hear them and I was scarred shitless at what I was hearing, suddenly she stood up, “I suppose you want to fuck her first, go on pick her up, take her in the bedroom and we will have a look at what we have, you won’t look so worried when you have her naked with these long lovely legs wide open.”

I saw him grin back at her then move toward me, put his left arm under my knees, his right grabbed around my back and he lifted me up, I hung there starring at the ceiling as he turned towards the bed room. She followed us in to the bedroom the first thing I noticed was a huge round mirror on the ceiling.

The whole room whirled as I was thrown on to a large round bed directly under the mirror. Through glazed eyes I stared at myself, my lovely plum coloured suit was hanging on me, the skirt had ridden up and my stocking top were on full show, my blouse was wide open and I could see one of my nipples over my bra then I looked at my face and wondered why. Suddenly my view was blocked by the back of his head. I looked at him he still had that grin.

“Time to take your clothes off and have a look at that present you have for me between those lovely long legs, I haven’t fucked anything as nice as you for a long time.

Suddenly I heard her voice again, “You fucked me two days ago,” my eye’s flicked over to where the sound had come from. He said, “Yes but this is young, tender fresh meat, the perfect fuck and I can hurt this one until she does everything I want.”

She was standing by a large wardrobe, she had taken off her out-door clothes and was in a black bisque with black and red suspenders and stockings, finished off with red high heels, she smiled at both of us, “You will have to wait a while for her to be able to move let alone perform your kind of perversion,” her laugh scared me.

Her laughter turned to a nasty grin as she looked fully at me; her hand moved to the wardrobe door and slowly opened it. If I could have screamed I would have woken the dead.

On the inside of the door were racks, racks full of weird looking sex toys. The top row consisted of whips, they were all shapes and lengths, my eyes were trying to focus as his hands started to undo my clothes, my skirt was being pulled off then my jacket but all I could see was that door. The next row was straps, handcuffs, ball-gags and nipple-clamps, all sorts of restraints, I was pulled up and my blouse jacket and bra were ripped from me before I fell back on the bed. I looked up and apart from my stockings and suspenders saw myself naked, his hand pushed my face back to the side.

“See our new playthings,” she laughed again, ” I’m going to use them on my very pretty, beautifully young new plaything.”

I looked further into the wardrobe there were racks of under-wear, disgusting perverted things, then she moved and I saw the last row on the door, vibrators, dildos, butt plugs, all different shapes and sizes under them hung four strap-on ones, one of them even had two cocks for double penetration, she noticed the fear in my eyes, “Any of them take your fancy pet, don’t worry I will try them all out on your pretty little pussy.”

She pulled the riding crop from the hanger and walked toward me, Tony had just finished taking his clothes off, “Tony darling you don’t mind if I warm that little blond covered slit up for you, do you darling?”

He sniggered, “Be my guest sweetie, do you want her open or closed?”

She slapped the leather crop end down on the bed, “Open of course.”

My mouth felt like I had been to the dentist, my tongue seemed to fill my mouth and I couldn’t speak as Tony pulled my legs apart, she smiled down at me, “You may be drugged but you will feel this, get used to it we love a hot, obedient cunt, I hope you take a while to break in,” the pain between my legs burnt in to me as she slapped the crop hard down on the top of my cunt.

She walked slowly round the bottom of the bed flicking the crop on to my cunt or catching the tops of my thighs, “Open her up for me, Tony” his fingers pulled my lips open exposing the pink flesh, she looked at me and then at my cunt, flick, she let go of the head and it stung hard on my clit, I moaned, “She felt that, want another?” Flick, flick, two more hit home.

I blinked and my eyes cleared, “Oh Tony look her tear ducks are working, little babies crying, aaahhhh, lets give you something to cry about.” She stood at the end of the bed flicking the riding crop at me, 10,11,12 the pain was burning and I could do nothing to save myself, Tony suddenly stopped her, “That’s enough I want something left to fuck.”

He looked at me, “Reckon you’ll be grateful for a good fucking at least you’ll enjoy my cock up you cunt,” he bent down and took one of my nipples in his mouth and sucked hard on it, “You will wish you didn’t have such long nipples when I leave you alone with Fay and her toys, she’s got some wicked clamps.”

He pushed my legs open then curled his arm under my left knee and pushed it up so my cunt was fully open and held it there, I could see him through the mirror as he started to push in to my sore cunt. It hurt as he slid further in until his length was right up me then he went at me hard, thrusting in and slowly out then hard in again, he smiled in to my eyes. “Just get you wet before I really fuck you, and when I do I’m going to hold that pretty little mouth open and give you a great tonguing while my fingers see if your tit’s bruise, I love tweaking long nipples,” I closed my eyes as I felt him start to speed the thrusting up.

The force of the fucking was moving me up the bed as I fought to breath with his tongue half way down my throat and the relentless pulling of my nipples, with all that had been done to me I couldn’t believe I could feel myself getting wetter.

He was like an animal banging into me,” That’s it girl, juice my cock up, you can’t help it you know you love fucking, well, with want we have planned you better, now come on girl lets fill you up,” he was pumping in to me and bending to my tit’s biting at my nipples, pulling them hard up in to his mouth then lifting his head until they were forced to pull from his mouth, then he’d do the same to the other, all the time his hips banged into me and his knees pushed my legs to breaking point.

His whole body went suddenly rigged and I felt steams of hot juice fill my cunt, his head dropped and he grabbed my jaw and nose then drove his tongue fully into my mouth as his hips jerked the last of his juice in to me.

I thought I would pass out for the lack of air when he pulled up and looked at me, “How was that for the first of many? You are nice and tight, what is it? Not been used much, well, we will soon put that right. How’s your ass? You have ether had all back door or that’s not been used much ether, I look forward to finding out, but sadly today I’m already late for an appointment and I can see Fay is ready to have some fun with you.”

I looked up at myself in the mirror, he had left me with my legs wide open, I could see the red marks on my breasts where his teeth and fingers had mauled them, then Fay walked in to view, thank god she didn’t have that crop in her hand.

She got on the bed beside me and lifted my arm, she let go and it dropped lifelessly back on the bed, “Aaaaaahhhh poor pet still can’t move, but you soon will, so I had better get you in a position to make sure you can’t run away.” As she said that she slowly toyed with my nipple pulling it around and flicking it, she moved her head down to it and ran her tongue all over them still looking at me with an evil stare. Her right arm moved and I felt fingers curl in to my slit, I looked up at the mirror, I could see her hand covering it, she was still looking at me, “Still a bit sloppy from Tony, please may I go and lick it out for you, maybe you would like a taste.”

She pushed her fingers right up me then slowly brought them up my body before shoving them into my mouth, “He doe’s taste nice doesn’t he? He has blown off in my mouth many times, do you suck good, not that it bothers me I just want your mouth to work on my little pussy and you better be good or I will sting you until you are, now how’s about that licking I promised myself?”

Her head slid down me, licking me as she went until she was between my legs, her tongue played all over my cunt lips then on to my clit before pushing up as far as she could. She was making silly yummmiieeee noises as she licked hard at me and I know my cunt was starting to respond, she knew it to and looked up, “You like it when people play with you, don’t you? I hope your going to be a good pet and do the favours back,” she laughed and I could see through the mirror her head covered my hips, suddenly she drove her tongue hard back up me then, I couldn’t stop watching, she was shaking her head violently between my legs, pulling at my clit with her teeth.

She licked at me and bit at my thighs, her left hand would snake up my body and squeeze at my tits, I could feel more and more suddenly as she bit at my clit my leg moved, she pulled away, “Aaaahhhh sleeping beauty awakes time for a little restraint, oh this is so exciting, you just wait there, I won’t be a minute.”

I was fighting to try and move, just slightly I could feel my fingers clawing at the bedclothes, I looked up to see, yes my knees bent and I could wiggle my toes just as Fay came back in to view.

“Where’s my pet off too? No, no you can’t go we have only just met,” she waved two sets of cuffs at me, “Shall we see if these fit? Over you go.” She rolled me on to my stomach and pulled my arms behind me, I was powerless to stop her as I heard them click and hold my wrists tight. Then she took my ankles and they were trapped together with cuffs, she turned me back over and I could see that the restraints on my ankles had a four-inch chain between them holding me.

“There my pet that should keep you just where I want you, now you naughty girl you’ve made me all hot and I need a little fun, so lets see what we have.”

She went back to the wardrobe, I moaned as she turned and held aloft a ring-gag and a double length rubber cock, “How’s this, some fucking for you and some for me, won’t this be fun,” the evil grin was back on her face.

She had taken her pants off and held them under her nose then under mine I could smell the aroma she must have been very wet, she wiped them all over my face, “Wait until it’s the real thing rubbing over your pretty mouth, but for now we better do something about it.”

She dropped the rubber cock on the bed and came over to me with the ring-gag, she grabbed my nose and pulled hard up while pushing the ring on to my bottom teeth then the foul thing pushed in and I couldn’t close my mouth, I moaned as she pulled my hair up so the buckle could be locked shut behind me.

“You look perfect my little pet now for a bit of double fucking for us girls.” Pushing my legs apart she shoved the full length in to me then she climbed on and pushed the other end up herself and started to fuck herself off and me. My cunt was sore after the slapping and my juice stung me.

She was going at it hard, fucking herself and making me wet, I didn’t want this but it was happening all I could do was watch her as she squeezed at her breasts and played with her cunt until she flooded and screamed on a tremendous orgasm. For three or four minutes she just sat on the end of the rubber cock as she pulled herself together then slid off it as it slowly slipped out of me.

“Well my pet we have made a mess of ourselves, I think its bath time, you just wait there while I get things ready,” she picked up the rubber cock and went back to the wardrobe, I couldn’t see what she was doing but when she left for the bathroom she had something’s in her hand. I pulled at my cuffs but they both held firm, the drug had worn off but I was still helpless.

The phone at the side of the bed rang, Fay came back in, she was naked, she smiled at my helplessness, she squeezed my tit as she picked up the phone, “Hello Josie,—fine, you—-yes—yes it’s true—you’ve obviously been talking to Tony—, yes she’s gorgeous—oh very good strong thighs—-I’m looking at her right now—yes I’ve just fucked her—-tonight, why not—your going to bring Jess and Bobbie—-I don’t think she will mind, hang on I’ll ask her,” she looked down at me.

“My friend wants to come over later to see you, you don’t mind do you?” I stared at her, she put the phone down by my ear, “Tell them,” I glared back at her, she bent forward and twisted my nipple, “Tell them you don’t mind or I’ll fetch the riding crop.”

I started making stupid noise’s through the gag, “Aaahwwhggh ahwwhwwhhgghh,” she laughed as she put the phone back to her ear, “See I told you she wouldn’t mind—–one of my gags—lets her tongue out to play—-I don’t know, she hasn’t had the pleasure of me sitting on her mouth yet—–oh lots tonight—yes see you later—no, no Iv’e got wine—see you later you randy bitch, bye darling.”

She put the phone down, “Who’s a lucky girl? You’re going to have lots of company tonight.”

She laughed all the way back to the bathroom, I turned and struggled, eventually I got my legs off the bed just as she came back, “That’s right, come on let’s get you cleaned up.”

She took my arm as I hobbled to the bathroom, it was very big with everything done out in cream and gold, she guided me to the bath as I got there I moaned in horror, stuck to the bottom of the bath was another dildo, about five inches long, fat and stuck firmly just where I was going to have to sit, I looked at her and shook my head, she just smiled and nodded hers.

I wasn’t going in and looked at her, I could see myself in the mirror behind her, my mouth open grotesquely, the metal ring showed against my white teeth, I could see my tongue and I remembered what she had just said, my blond hair hung around my shoulders and my eyes red with tears.

I thought why me? She ignored me and left me standing there only to return with a small bag, pincers with needles in there jaws and the riding crop, “I can assure you, you would be wiser just to get in.”

The crop stung my ass. As I moved to avoid it another flicked on to my cunt then my tit’s, every time I moved she was ready to hit another sensitive part of my body, it was no use, she had me. I sat dejected on the side of the bath as she lifted my legs over and in to the warm water. As the rest of me was manoeuvred in she held me then got in behind me and held my shoulders as I slowly lowered myself on the tip of the rubber cock. As I got lower, my legs wouldn’t hold me and I slipped down impaling myself on the five inch dildo, my cunt had been abused so much that afternoon it sank up easily, I moaned as I felt it fill me, she bent and whispered in my ear, “Cosy fit pet, now to get you clean.”

Fay got perfumed bath oils and rubbed all over me, working hard on my nipples forcing them out. I didn’t see her but she got another pair of pincers and suddenly gripped my nipple, pulling it out hard.

Too late I saw the other pair and she was holding them over my extended bud, I tried to cry but couldn’t as they closed piercing me. The blood ran down and in to the water.

She never spoke as she got a little box out of the bag, but she did smile as she showed me the nipple ring before it was clipped on to me.

“Don’t fight it pet, I’m going to do the other one, I tried to look any-where but at the pincers as I felt them pull the other nipple out, soon that one too had a ring through it and she was washing the trickles of blood of my chest. She got in and washed her self all the time staring at me, “I will give you those as a present, they are gold only the best for my little pet’s, I’m going to wash your hair and make you beautiful again, I want you to look your best for my friend’s.”

She washed me like a mother taking pride in their child, as I sat impaled on this cock, my nipples stinging she just washed me, I couldn’t believe it, she even hummed to herself while she did it.

She stopped and asked, “Are you enjoying that cock up you? Next time I’ll use a double so you can have one up your ass as well, close your eyes while I rinse you,” I closed my eyes and waited for the shower, but it wasn’t the shower I was expecting.

She stood above me, opened her legs and let a stream of her urine cascade all over me, I heard her laughing as I tried to avoid the hot filth, “Just my little joke pet, just to prove you are mine to do with as I see fit. Now I want you to stick you tongue through that ring and lick me clean, do me right or I will hurt you until you learn who is your mistress.”

I pushed my tongue a little way through as she lowered herself down and her cunt covered my mouth and nose, I tried to lick her, the acrid smell was awful, besides that I didn’t know what to do, it was the first time I had ever done anything with a woman but it wasn’t good enough for her, she slid her hand down to my nipple and tugged at the ring, again I tried to scream, not only the gag but her cunt muffled the sound” Now you know what they are for, do me good or I get worse.”

My tongue pushed out as far as it could I was revolted by the taste of her but I licked her as hard and as fast as I could, she lifted off me” Good that will do to start with.”

She left me sitting covered in her juice and urine while she washed herself down and dried then she showered me off. It took a long time to get me out of the bath, with my ankles chained I kept slipping back down on to the cock, all she could do was laugh as it sunk back up me.

“What’s up pet don’t you want to leave it, don’t worry you will get plenty more when my friends arrive.”

Eventually she had let me use the toilet, then I was dried and back in the bedroom laying on the bed, while she busied herself, looking for something sexy, she grinned at me as she said, “These are for my friends to rip off you when they arrived.”

She threw some things on the bed and told me to get some rest it was going to be a long night, especially for me.

She fastened a dog collar around my neck, then a chain which she attached to the wall, “There, now you aren’t going anywhere, I’ll leave you a while, I’ll be back to dress you, do your hair and make you up later, now sleep well my little pet,” I lay there in frozen horror as to what she was going to do to me next.

I don’t know how but I must have drifted off in to some sort of sleep. I suddenly woke too fingers playing with my cunt, “Hello, you do have a nice soft cunt, show me your ass, do it now or you get punished,” I turned on my side and she examined my ass, pulling the cheeks apart and probing it with her fingers, “Oh lovely, nice and puckered, beautiful ring and tight, you will be popular, very sore but popular,” she pulled me back flat and examined the rings on my nipples, making sure they moved and hadn’t heeled tight.

She was pleased, but I wasn’t, she got a chain and fastened it on to the two rings, “Now you will move when I pull on this,” she gave it a little tug and I jumped with the pain, “That’s it, now to get you ready,” she unclipped the chain on the collar, got a shorter chain and clipped it to the front of the collar then down to the centre of my nipple chain, it wasn’t very long and if a moved my head quickly it pulled my nipples up.

She moved me to the bedroom stool in front of the dressing table and yet another mirror to look at my retched self. I stared at myself still trying to understand why I was there as she did my hair then applied make up to my eyes and cheeks, even a little lip stick around my ever open mouth. To finish off she had a gold basque, she didn’t have to untie me, it clipped around me, the cups scrapped my sore nipples then she took her time buttoning the gusset and playing with my cunt at the same time, it was easy for her as there was a lace trimmed hole for her to finger me through, “I love your soft pussy just can’t get enough of it, thank god it’s going to be around a long time I shall enjoy sucking and licking it and you will love kissing mine, you better, after me and my friend are done with you my pretty little pet, you will be an expert, now lets get some stocking’s on you and get you finished off.”

Oh how I wanted to close my mouth, the pain was getting unbearable, I tried to plead as best I could but she just carried on preparing me like some sort of sacrifice, I was hungry, tired and sore, I offered no resistance as she undid my legs and put the stockings on.

She cuffed my legs again and left me sitting looking at myself, oh so pretty but not with that thing in my mouth.

I heard a bang as she re-entered the room she was carrying a small wooden plank about four feet long it had straps at ether end, she laid it on the floor facing the door, then she moved the long mirror around to the side of the door, she went to the wardrobe and picked out the riding crop, then she came for me, “Come on pet lets have you in position.”

She slapped it on her side; I stood up quickly and shuffled toward the plank. Finally I was standing on it, she took my leg cuff off and strapped my legs apart to the straps as I stood on the board I looked down I notice a fixing in the centre.

Once I was secure she went back to the wardrobe, my worst horror came back as she turned and showed me a long pole with a screw fixing at both ends and in her other hand a long battery driven rubber cock, “This should moisten you up for my friends.”

I made more stupid noises and tried to lift my legs as she screwed the cock to the pole then she started to push it up me, she didn’t stop until it was fully in filling all of my cunt, it was like I had never known before. Then she fastened it to the fixing in the board adjusting it until I had to stand on tiptoe to gain any relief. I looked ridicules as I watched my panic in the positioned mirror.

She stood up and looked into the mirror at me impaled on her vile contraption, she smiled as she looked from me to the vibrating control in her hand,” Shall I start you off slow? Or do you want to go for it straight away, lets see.” She turned the control. My god it started to move slowly round and vibrating very slowly, I shook my head but she turned and faced me just grinning back at me as her hand moved the dial on and it moved faster.

First one knee bent then the other as my body squirmed to escape the sensation, I moaned which was her signal to move the dial up again, my hips thrust forward and then back, my moans became heavy breathing as my body responded to the enforced fucking the machine was giving me, she let the control slip to the floor as she sat back on the bed and I watched me self fucking this rubber cock. As she watched my torment her fingers played around her cunt, still that evil grin stared up at me.

I was bucking around, my head moved from side to side, I knew I was wet, wetter then I had ever been, it was running down my leg I felt as if I was being fucked to death. She got off the bed and stood in front of me, “I don’t see why you should have all the fun,” and put one leg ether side of mine and started to rub her self up and down me.

I was only just aware of her wet slit on my thigh, and when she pulled the cup down to free a tit, her lips were sucking at my nipples, but I really shook when her left hand started to play with my clit, rubbing it and tweaking the nub she was wanking me off as this cock fucked me senseless.

She was rubbing me very hard and her mouth sucked at my nipple then her teeth tugged out the ring, now her right hand was slapping my ass as she slid up and down my leg.

I came in a tremendous orgasm, she slid down my leg and picked up the control switch, turned it down, she smiled at me as she moved down, ” Just leaving it slowly to fuck you,” I could only look in the mirror which she had deliberately put there so I could see what was happening to me.

As her lips sucked at my cunt licking the juice from my slit, I stood there unable to stop her I was totally exhausted. When she had licked enough she slid back up my leg and continued to get herself off as she caressed my nipples with her fingers she looked at me, “Enjoyed that didn’t you? I know you won’t mind if I come on your leg, in return I’ll leave the cock slowly fucking you, just keep you ticking over so to speak as my friends will be here soon and they will want to see you put that little show on again.”

She rubbed herself faster on me, I could now feel the sticky slime that she was leaving on me. She sucked at my nipples her right hand fingered hard in to my ass-hole and she would keep pulling at my clit until she finally came spurting juice all over my thigh.

She lay against me smiling up and then sticking her tongue out and running it round my nipples. Suddenly a car horn sounded, “Shit,” she said and rushed in to the bathroom brought out a face cloth and wiped me clean, then she rubbed it hard between her legs, sprayed us both with perfume, checked my hair and make-up, touched the control up a notch, I moaned as the door bell rang and I felt the cock starting to work on me.

Through glazed eyes I found myself looking in to that mirror again, I knew that me, dressed in the gold bisque and stocking, ring-gagged and bound, fucking myself off on the cock, would be the first sight Fays friend would see.

Fay went to the door and I could hear excited voices, “Darling you cleaver girl, where is she,”——?”Jess control your self, all in good time, Bobbie, Josie, come on in, take your things off, here give them to me, ohhh you do risk it, don’t you fear getting seen”——?”Can’t see the point of getting dressed just to undressed, a fur will do next to my skin it was next to the last owner, now where is she?”

“Oh all right, try the bedroom.” The door burst open and the women stopped and looked at me then at each other, the one who was already naked, lifted her large right tit and sucked the nipple, “Mmmmm Christmas comes early,” I was shaking with fear and with what the cock was doing to me as they all slowly came toward me, “Having fun my beauty? You going to do me and my friends right, is that right?”

She bent and picked up the control and slowly turned it up, “Make the bitch jump,” another said as she stuck her finger in my mouth and touched my tongue, “Oh I hope this tongue is up to the job, I take a lot of tongue fucking to get off, but you will find that out, ohh she likes a fucking herself, look at her move.”

My hips were now moving and thrusting as the rubber cock gained speed and started to fuck me hard.

I was already moaning when the women started to play with my body, fingers tickled me between my legs, hands pulled my tits out and lips sucked on my nipples driving me on. The woman who was obviously Josie walked over to the wardrobe and got something out she could see I was trying to watch her and hid it behind her until she stood in front admiring the way her friends were playing with my body and turning me on, through half closed eyes I saw her holding a butt-plug, she was licking it, I wanted to shake my head but I was being forcible fucked, getting close to an orgasm, she smiled at me as she went behind me.

I felt finger’s rubbing me between my legs from behind as they dragged the juice from my cunt into my ass-hole then the hardness of the plug as it was pushed up, it slid into my ass forcing me over the top in to my orgasm, the woman sucking my nipple looked at me.

“Well little lady I hope that when Bobbie fucks your ass you’re going to make me cum like that, I’ll make sure she use’s the big fat strap on.”

Fay appeared at the door, “Shall we let the rubber cock fuck her again or shall we take her off and have her service us, what do you think girls?”

I felt the butt-plug get shoved up me hard, and a voice came from behind.

“I think you two are ready to be licked out and I want to fuck this cute ass -hole, I bet she gets real hot with an ass fucking.”

Bobbie and Jess moved back from me and started to undress, Fay went to the wardrobe and got another crop and a black handled whip with about 6 short lengths of leather and a large black strap on cock, it must have been 8 inches I could just see it had something on the inside that would stimulate Josie.

They were all undressed or wearing sexy cut under-wear when Fay came up to me, “We are going to take you off that big cock and you are going to lick and suck us, now to do that we can, ether, make you do it through the gag or take the gag off give you a drink and then you lick and suck us. By the way if you speak with-out our permission we will gag you far worse than this and then use these whips until you realise who your mistress’s are, you will do as your told, it’s up to you how much pain you take to do it, girls, help me take her down.”

Bobbie pulled the rubber cock out of my wet cunt as Jess and Fay undid my ankles, I was made to sit on to the bed with the plug still stuck up my ass as Fay undid the strap on the gag and took it out.

To close my mouth again was wonderful, Josie held a large glass of wine to my mouth and I drank it all, Fay whispered in my ear, “Do you know on the black market that they make a female version of viagra, it cost’s a fortune but we pay in kind, your kind and you just drank a very strong mix of it, it’s even worse, or better depending how you look at it, with alcohol.”

They all took ordinary wine while I lay on the bed frightened to speak, my head spinning, my pussy still wet and I could feel a strange sensation inside me, Bobbie put her hand inside my basque and tugged my nipple ring.

“Just nod, no need to speak to your, superiors, you ready to fuck?” I nodded, Fay laughed in triumph, Get the basque off, we have a slave to play with, lets take her.”

I was roughly turned over and fingers undid the clasp at the back and the basque fell off as I was turned back on my front, Josie bent down, “You felling sexy, you should with all that dope in you, I’m going to make your cunt so wet before I take your ass, now turn back over and get your ass in the air, I don’t know which one of the girls your going to be tonguing first but when I’ve finished with you, you will be sucking for Scotland, now get over and don’t forget to use your mouth for licking not talking.”

I turned back over and brought my knees up, “Spread them knees slave,” I pushed my knees apart and waited, suddenly fingers pushed in to my cunt, my whole body jumped, what ever it was in that drug it had an amazing effect, my cunt lips were already aroused from the fucking machine now the fingers were going to make me wet again.

I felt one then two fingers push up and then slowly they started to feel around touching my most sensitive places then out, again in getting faster all the time, I couldn’t help but move my hips, this brought a slap from one of the crops, I jumped only to have the fingers working up me again.

Another slap this time from the other side then back again, all the time fingers fucked in and out of my cunt, my hips jumped and moved, I groaned, both crops hit me at the same time very hard, “Silence slave,” then another slap still the fingers fucked me, I buried my face in the pillow and bit it to, trying to stop the moaning.

The fucking was getting faster, as my ass jumped up the crops hit home, the heat of the spanking and the finger fucking was making my cunt so wet, I was almost delirious when I heard Josie say, “She’s ready.”

There was a movement in front of me, still having my hands fastened behind it was hard to move or escape as my hair was pulled up and Bobbie spread her legs ether side off my head, slid down and shoved my mouth down on to her bald cunt, “Get your tongue up there and listen slave you better not stop until your drinking my juice .”

The fucking I was getting drove me to start on her, her legs were wide open and I got my tongue down and on to her moist flesh then worked my way up, tickling the hard nub of her clit, then I sucked it in to my mouth before I pushed my tongue as far up her hole as I could, still the fingers fucked me.

With-out warning the fingers stopped and slid out only to tickle and play around the inflamed lips of my cunt, I pushed back trying to find them, all I got was a hard slap from the crop, “You want my fingers back up your hole lick faster, or maybe you want some of this?”

The butt-plug was moved and pushed up, the feeling was incredible, my tongue worked as hard as it could as I strained to push and lick at the same time, my reward was immediate, the fingers went back up as the plug moved in and out, it was the first time I had felt double penetration and I knew my body wanted more and I would do any perverted thing to have the relief.

My mouth worked on Bobbie’s cunt like a savage beast licking at a feast. The fucking behind was now making me so wet it was running out of me, I felt the cunt in my mouth pushing harder in to my face, she was cuming, I opened my mouth wide and got a full stream of hot cum, I swallowed fast until she slowed down and I felt the pressure of her cunt lift away.

I wiped my mouth on the pillow as a stinging blow from Josie’s hand stung my ass,” On your back, your mouths not finished yet,” I rolled over and looked straight up in to the mirror, I looked like some sacrifice, I saw Fay, still in her basque looking at me, Bobbie sat in the bed side chair stroking her wet cunt, Jess was naked and fingering herself and Josie had the strap on cock in her hand, her head turned to me.

“Spread them legs again, I’m going to fuck both your holes while Jess sits on your face, you get your tongue up her cunt and suck her good or I’ll pull your hairs out one by one.”

I watched her hand go down to my cunt, felt her fingers entwine in my hair and pull, I yelped, only to have another hair pulled, “That’s for making a sound,” I felt the tears run ether side of my face as I bit hard on my lip, “Do you want to lick Jess, do you want her cunt in your mouth?” Keeping my eyes tight shut I nodded.”

There she is Jess waiting for your cunt, climb aboard and have fun, I know I am.”

Jess straddled my face and lowered herself on to my mouth, I started to push up again, it was easier this way and I thought I would be able to bring her off with out too much pain, but that didn’t last long.

As I worked my tongue up her she pushed harder down covering my mouth and nose, I had to move my head around to breath and she was loving that.

I stared up at her, she was smiling down at me as I moved so she followed cutting off the air, “You want to breath? Then lick my pussy harder.” As I did I felt movement at the end of the bed, something cold pushed at my cunt, then it slid in, I looked quickly up to see the top of Josses head and her between my legs pushing her hip’s with the strap on in to my defenceless cunt, with one quick push she sank the whole 8 inches in me and that strange feeling came flooding back.

I hadn’t noticed but I soon felt the ridges all up the side of the cock as they pushed in and out, Josie was an expert and knew just where it should go to give the most pleasure, my wetness soon returned and I craved for the fucking.

I was licking and sucking hard now as the feeling of being fucked took hold. Josie deliberately moved and made me follow, making me arch my body then thrusting hard in, bringing moans of pleasure from my mouth so she could have another reason to pull another hair out, the pain was lost in the sensation that the fucking was giving me.

Jess ground back and forth on my face as my tongue slavered up her wet cunt. I felt my knees being lifted up than my legs were pulled on to Josses shoulders, the cock slid out, this time I felt the butt-plug pulled out only to have the cock take its place and the fucking started all over again.

I could tell it was starting to get to her as she was breathing heavy and really fucking my ass hard, oh lord suddenly Fay got a vibrator and touched it on my cunt, that drove me to a tremendous orgasm and I flooded out all over her hand. I must have slowed off working on Jess as my hair was suddenly pulled and my face dragged hard into her cunt, Josie was still fucking my ass and it took another five minutes before I found my mouth full of hot juice again.

I swallowed it as Josie screamed and came, fucking my ass hard until it was held off the bed impaled on the hard cock.

The two of them got off me and once again I had a clear view of me stretched out on the bed, Fay must have read my mind as I thought what a mess I looked covered in wet juice she said, “I think we will tidy you up and give you a wash before we have you again, I bet your hungry for something else rather than pussy,” I nodded, “Then we will feed you but I warn you, you may find the plates interesting.

“I was pulled up from the bed and Bobbie took great delight in dragging me to the bathroom by my nipple chain.

I stood like a prize cow in the bath while Bobbie and Jess showered me, enjoying doing anything disgusting to my body. Jess had got a soap cock from the wardrobe and having still got that evil drug in me she fucked me with it making me moan and move to what ever she did.

They dried me and brushed my hair again I felt like some kind of pet poodle as they dragged me back into the bed room by my nipples only for me to be greeted with the sight of Fay laid on the bed, legs wide open and a banana sticking out of her cunt, she crooked her finger at me, “Come on pet I bet your really hungry, so I expect you to eat it all before you get your desert.”

The others laughed as they dragged me to my next humiliating act, as Fay dangled one leg off the bed and bent the other wide I was forced to kneel on the floor and start to eat from her cunt, she lay there, her head propped up on a couple of pillows watching me, grinning all the time as I ate at the banana. Soon I had eaten the bit that was sticking out now I was being made to lick up into her cunt to ream out the rest. If I tried to move a hand would shove my face hard back down between the spread thighs.

She kept me there fucking her cunt on to my tongue until she joined the ranks of the others who had defiled my face with their juice. Josie stood in front of Jess and beckoned me to stand in front too, then she produced a can of squirty cream and covered Jess’s right nipple, “Lick it off and don’t let any hit the floor or I do this,” a stinging slap from the riding crop caught me between my legs, I would have cried out but I could see the cream starting to slide and I didn’t want another slap so I opened my mouth and sucked hard on the nipple only to hear the can spurt another load on her left nipple and a voice whisper, “Make sure you finish one completely before you start the other, the rules still apply.”

I licked and sucked furiously, as I could see the other cream moving, Jess’s moans and heavy breathing’s of pleasure were not helping me as her tit’s moved to my sucking.

My mouth just caught the cream as it moved only to hear Josie spray the first one again, I was moving as fast as I could. Being in a slightly bent position Fay decided to take advantage of my ass sticking out and I felt the butt-plug being pushed back up.

I was moving quickly only just keeping up with Josie and her cream as Fay started to fuck the plug in and around my ass making me squirm. It was the next nipple that I missed and no sooner had the cream hit the floor that Josie brought the crop up hard between my legs, the pain was to much and I sank to my knees, “Want another,” I shook my head and Josie immediately squirted it between Jess’s legs, “Then lick that out.”

I knelt, now completely at their mercy licking like the pet poodle I had become, my tongue pushing up into her cunt licking and moving my head to get at every bit of cream. The others were moving around behind me but I dare’nt stop to look, when I did I wished I hadn’t as I turned my head I had the sight of both Fay and Bobbie with long strap-on cocks parading them in front of my eyes, Bobbie bent and held my jaw, “You’ve sucked pussy enough for a while, lets see what your like sucking cock, you better make sure their wet as you know where there going next.”

I went to plead, to beg them to stop, I hadn’t got half the word please out when Josie trashed my naked ass with the crop, “How dare you speak without permission, get sucking,” her next words filled me with fear. “If your a good girl tomorrow night you will be getting four of the real thing in you, I think our chemist, you know the one that makes the sex drug that’s made you so hot and horny, well he wants to try out a stronger serum.”

I wanted to speak and I could see that Josie was ready with the crop, Fay made a twirling motion above my head and I slowly shuffled round on my knees to face them or should I say the two horrid rubber cocks.

Fay walked slowly round behind me and gently flicked the crop on my ass, “Suck them, we want to see how far you can get it down your throat,” she bent and whispered, “I would try and get a least 6 inches in, when you do I will stop slapping your ass with this little persuader,” there followed the usual reminder, a stinging slap on my ass, I shook my hair back and opened my mouth to take the first of the black cocks.

When I have given a boy-friend a blow-job I usual tickle around the head and suck the head in just a little but here I was going to have to do what I have only ever seen in porno films and try and get it in to my throat.

I tried to do it slowly but Bobbie held my head and pushed slowly in, I was breathing hard through my nose trying not to gag as I felt it close on my wind-pipe, she started to move in and out, as it moved out and took a quick in take of breath before I felt it moving in, this went on for about five minutes before Fay wanted a go.

Fay fucked my mouth and to their and my own surprise I could take it, Josie watched and forgot about belting me as I worked my mouth hard up and down the black monstrosity, “She’s a natural,” said Bobbie.

Fay chimed in, “The boys will love her mouth, now lets try out her cunt and ass-hole,” she smiled down at me, “At the same time.”

Quickly they lifted me up and beside the bed, Fay got on and lay down the others pushed me forward and I was forced to straddle her and lower myself on to the black cock.

Bobbie was quickly up behind and I was pushed forward, Fay pulled my hair down so my face was touching hers, she licked my lips and pulled hard on my hair until I opened my mouth for her tongue to explore.

I tried to relax as I felt the plug being pulled out and the other cock pushing at my ass-ring, it soon slipped in and the fucking began.

Jess put her hand under me and pulled and my nipple ring, Fay continued to kiss and lick me, the fucking was very hard and soon my body began to responded moaned and opened my mouth to let Fay’s tongue enjoy it as I ground my ass and cunt down on to the invading cocks. Being so aroused I soon came, they kept at me until I came again, as they finished, Fay looked hard at me saying,” You fuck good, lets hope you enjoy tomorrow’s fucking as much.”

I lay on the bed total exhausted as the three women left. Fay said goodbye to them and came back in and looked at me,” I fancy you need some sleep so I will get you ready for bed,” she took me to the toilet and cleaned me up, then back to the bed, my collar had its wall chain fitted, my ankles were cuffed and chained to the bottom of the bed, she held the ring gag, I shook my head but she just nodded,” Crop and gag or just gag?” I reluctantly opened my mouth and she fitted it on, then she covered me in the silk duvet and climbed in beside me.

She put her arm around me and cuddled to me lifted her head to mine and started to kiss me, pushing her tongue through the gag her hands started playing with my tits or her hand slid down and started fingering my cunt.

“You are gorgeous, but I must leave you alone, lets get some sleep pet shall we, tomorrow we will have an early breakfast, no not like that, some proper food off proper plates, toast coffee ect, but I will have to feed you, no hands free here, then we will bath together, have a little fun maybe, I will wash and dry you and you can dry me with that lovely tongue of yours, then some more fun fucking on the bed before lunch.

Then I will make you pretty again, I want you to look your best for Tony and his two friends and of course the chemist when they come and see you. I have to go out for the afternoon but I’m sure the boys will take good care of you while they play with you, I shall miss it, I have to arrange your first little out of town weekend, you have to pay your way you know and with legs like yours you should do very well, now get some sleep,” she kissed me again and closed her eyes.

If the gag had let me cry I would have, I thought, 24 hours ago I was planning to be a model, now I’m a sex slave with no hope of ever escaping. With that thought my mind and body switched themselves off and I sank in to sleep. The next thing I knew I felt cold then something pressing on me, I opened my eyes to see Fay straddled across me rubbing her wet cunt up and down my stomach. “Good-morning pet, ready for your bath and then food and fun fucking for the rest of the day,” my mouth ached from the gag, I stared at her, I hated what she had made me become.

She saw the way I was looking at her, “Oh naughty pet, shouldn’t look like that or I will have lots of fun punishing you, you don’t want a stripped red bum for the boys to see, they may want to do that and two thrashings a day will hurt you, won’t it my pet, now come on,” she yanked at the nipple chain and I struggled as she hurt, “Do you want to be punished?” I shook my head, “Then I will unchain you and we will have our bath,” she un-tethered me from the wall and bed, un-cuffed my legs and dragged me, by the chain, to the bathroom.

What was left of my stocking and suspenders were taken off and we both sat naked in the bath, she took off my nipple chain, she had two-nipple sucker, she squeezed the black ball and fitted the cup tightly over my nipple and let go. As the ball reshaped so my nipples were pulled hard out to there full length. She lent back and made me open my legs so she could stick her toe up me, while she admired her handy-work and me.

She used the soap cock on me and wouldn’t stop kissing me until I was panting, then we rinsed and got out. She played with the nipple suckers pulling and twisting them round while she dried my body then I was made to lick her all over while she lay back against the wall, one leg up on the bath as I moved round under her licking her cunt and ass until she had enough,” Come on pet you can’t satisfy me on an empty stomach, lets eat.”

True to her word she made breakfast, me sat tied and naked on a kitchen stool with my nipples aching to be released but daring not to moan, the riding crop was near at hand. Her making toast and coffee naked as well, it was just to ridicules for words.

The relief of the gag coming off and food to eat over took me, I still obeyed the rule and didn’t speak only to say yes or no to her silly questions until I had to say yes when she asked, “Do you want me to fuck you with my tongue while you fuck me with yours on our big bed”/

She took me back to that bed, took off the nipple suckers, I gazed at the length they had been forced out too, Fay took ages sucking on them, then demanded we 69 each other for about two hours.

It was time for her to get her pet ready to be gang raped, the same happened as the day before, a shower, the toilet, hair done, make up, this time black silk peek-a -boo bra and matching black with red trimmed crutch-less pants, red suspenders and sheer stocking with a seam, black ankle strapped high heels, the ring gag refitted and sitting in the bed room chair, my legs crossed and my hair swept to the side and cascading down over my right shoulder, she looked at me, “Perfect, just perfect, Tony will be pleased, don’t you move or I’ll stripe you.”

She refitted the nipple chain, so as my nipples pushed trough the bra holes and the gold chain daggled across the black, she hadn’t moved the mirror by the door and I looked like a cross between playboy and bondage weekly and all I could do was sit and wait as she got her self ready, she was going to leave me at the mercy of four men to be fucked senseless all afternoon.

I was drifting in to a light sleep when the door outside opened and I heard voices in the lounge, men’s voices, then the sound I was dreading, Fay shouted, “Bye boys, I’ll be back about nine, don’t make a mess of the flat or her, Tony you know were everything is, let yourselves out if your done before I get back, but when you see her I bet you won’t be,” the door shut and the door to the bedroom opened.

“Fucking hell Tony you were not pulling my dick, she a fucking stunner, look at this piece of shagging Ronny come here,” Ronny pushed past him and stood in front of me, his hand touched my face before going down and squeezing my tits, “Oh yes are we going to have some fun with you.”

I looked at them, Tony I knew but the others, the one called Ronny was stocky with a full beard, beady eyed, sweaty and slightly balding the one behind was, slim, looked a bit Italian with bad teeth, in fact his whole head was to big for his body, it was the third one, the chemist that filled me with dread.

A short fat stumpy little man, a bulbous nose sat in the middle of his ugly face. Lank greasy hair, piggy eyes that had evil hiding behind them, no wonder in made potions to force woman in to sex.

By now they were all in the room, gathered round me, I looked down only to see another hand start mauling my right tit, suddenly a hand pushed between the other two and grabbed the nipple chain pulling me up and forward as a voice said, “Come on girly lets have you up and ready for action, its time to dump our first load in you.”

A hand came up and grabbed my jaw, “And I want that pretty little mouth and god help you if I see any of my tasty cream coming back out of it.”

I shook in fear as the chemist spat those last words out, someone pushed him out of the way Ronny said, “Cool it, we got all afternoon to use her,” but Shane was not being stopped, he moved in front of me, “Hello baby, see this,” he held a scalpel type knife in my face, “Fay likes to dress our play things up nice so we can cut them up, don’t fight it or we cut you,” my eyes, now full of tears, watched the nipple chain being removed then the knife cut my bra strap.

“Don’t waste those tears now girly, there will plenty of time for them when we sting that pert little ass of yours.”

They squeezed and pinched my body as the garments were cut from me, I stood naked in front of them, the chemist squeezed my cunt lips really hard, “Lets fuck her first then we can try out my new mixture on her, and while we wait for it to take effect we can give her a good whippin, do you want my cock in your mouth with or without the ring bitch?”

I couldn’t stop the tears as I shook my head, “O K with out, any teeth-marks and the whippin will be your last, it won’t be the first time I’ve beat the shit out of a pretty little thing, you do as your ordered, understand?” I nodded.

I stood there and watched as they undressed, Tony had the best of the bodies I suppose because he was tall, the other two were fat and sweaty but the chemist was repulsive, his cock was short but fat and I knew it was my mouth that would soon have to fit round it and suck until his cum went down my throat.

Ronny came behind me and undid the gag, then he fitted the collar on as Shane brought a short leather strap from the wardrobe, he handed it to Ronny, “Here this will keep her hands away from her ass,” one end fitted the collar the other end snapped on to the cuffs forcing them half way up my back.

The chemist came back to me, held my jaw forcing it to open then he inserted two fingers in to my mouth and rubbed them back and forth over my tongue grinning at me, “Feels nice, lovely tongue, it better tickle the end of my boy while you suck or it goes all the way in and I use your throat as a cunt.”

Tony caught hold of him, “Dud leave it out.”

The chemist swung on him, “It’s Dudley and don’t you forget it.”

Tony smiled at the little man, “What ever, Fay say’s she’s not to be hurt and don’t you forget that, now Ronny get on the bed, she can suck you hard then sit on it why, Dud, I mean Dudley can fuck her mouth, then me and then Shane will give her one.

The Chemist smiled at me, “You bend over that bed and suck him hard but keep your legs open while you do it so I can have a taste of you,” I turned and stared down at the man laying on the bed, bent my head and body until my tongue was able to scoop his cock into my mouth, I tickled it with my tongue until it became hard enough to suck. As I did I felt a head push between my thighs and then teeth bit at my clit, I wanted to scream but couldn’t with a cock stuck in my mouth.

The filthy little man was licking and sucking at me as I was sucking the cock rigid, unfortunately he was good and knew what to do, I was getting wet, my legs involuntarily open more allowing him more room to search all the parts of my cunt, he stopped, “She’s wet enough to slide down nicely,” he got up and slapped my ass very hard, “Get on his dick girly, time to suck my boy and remember what I told you.”

I looked to the others for any sign of pity but Tony and Shane were just sitting watching me with a drink in their hands. I slid down over Ronny’s cock and felt it fill me as the chemist got on the bed and pointed his fat cock at my face, I looked at him but all I got was a look of perverted lust, I bent forward and opened my mouth as far as I could, just managing to get it in, I did remember what he had said and started to lick to foul thing as I rocked my head slowly on it.

Ronny fucked me hard at first then told me to fuck him; I was concentrating on fucking up and down on his hard cock while my tongue and head tried to keep that evil bastard from hurting me. Much as I got wet I daren’t let myself have any enjoyment, as I knew Dudley was dieing to fuck my throat. I had to keep him happy at all cost.

Ronny was building to fill me and soon Dudley grabbed my head and started shoving himself into me, oh no they were both going to come at the same time. First I felt my cunt fill with hot juice as it did the chemist held my head hard on to his stomach and filled my mouth full, I tried to swallow, my mouth closed slightly as I did, “Fucking hell she trying to bite me, I’ll show you, you bitch,” he leapt of the bed and made a grab for the riding crop.

Tony moved quickly and got it first, “No, our turn to fuck her and only a little light spanking after,” the chemist looked first at him then at me, he gave me an evil smile and went and sat down, picking up the crop as he did.

Tony came over to were I was laying on the bed, “Lets find out how tight that pert little ass of yours is and I hope you can use those cunt muscles to give Shane a good fuck? At the same time,” Shane grinned at me as he pushed me aside and got on the bed and Tony pulled me up and on to another thick cock. It sank in easy as Shane looked at me, mauling my tit’s and I couldn’t help but moan, “I’m going to suck these tits while we fuck you I don’t fancy your mouth after what’s been in it, maybe I’ll use it later.”

A hand shoved me forward and his mouth went after the nipple rings as I felt fingers pushing something wet up my ass-hole then a weight and something hard. Tony’s cock pushed inside and filled my ass, Shane lay still, sucking and pulling at my tit’s as Tony fucked my ass, I felt degraded as my body respond to another fucking, a fucking by men that I wish I had never met, no matter how much they made my body enjoy the fucking, I was still being used for their pleasure, it was still rape.

I bite my lip and fought not to moan or show any sign they were getting to me but the rubbing of the two cocks in side me was making me so wet, Shane was starting to cum as I let out a moan he looked at the chemist, “She a hot fuck, can’t wait to get some of the good stuff down her and have her fuck my dick like a rabbit. Shane smiled in to my face as he blew his cum up me, then he lay there playing with my tits while Tony finished fucking me and cuming up my ass.

Even before they got off me the chemist was up and looking in his bag, the look of pure lust in the other threes eyes was horrid, gloating over me as he pulled a bottle from the bag, then a hypodermic needle, his eyes were full of excitement as he put the needle in and sucked the pink liquid up, then he looked at me, for the first time I spoke, “No, no please, I’ll fuck you all, I’ll let you do anything but don’t put that in me please I beg you no.”

They all moved towards me and hands held me tight as he aimed the needle at my arm, “You’ll fuck all right, with cocks, fingers, dildos, anything, oh yes, nothing will stop you wanting it for hours maybe days who knows, hold her steady.”

I felt the jab, watching as the pink liquid pumped into me, they let me fall back on the bed as a warm feeling started through me, I was brought back to reality by the sight of them picking whips, crops and more leather straps from the wardrobe and circling round me, “Lets warm her up before the real fucking begins.”

They stood me up and Ronny strapped my knees to some weird cuffs while Shane clipped a strap to the front of the collar and then they bent me so as to clip the other end to the knee cuffs with my arms half way up my back it left my ass as a defenceless target, my knees were about three inches apart, obviously I could walk but with difficulty, “No crying or speaking or we hit harder.”

The first strike hit home hard, right on the split in my ass cheeks, I tottered forward, wincing with pain and turned to face my attacker as the second came from another.

They spent the next ten minutes following me around the bedroom hitting and slapping my cunt, tits and ass as they liked trying to get me to cry out, the chemist was the worst always catching my nipples or clit and making sure he hit the hardest.

Although I was in pain as this was happening I was aware of a strange feeling, the warmth that I had felt when they injected me was now a very hot itch between my legs and I was getting wet. Suddenly the chemist put his hand between my legs and roared to the others, “The bitch is on heat, hold her,” he went to the wardrobe and returned with a set of vibrating cunt balls, he switched them on and dangled them in front my face, “Will these make that nasty itch go away or will it make it worse? Lets find out, hold her still.”

I struggled and moaned as they pushed them up me, the sound of them buzzing got deeper and quieter but I could feel them like an electric shock inside me, they let me go and I fell on the bed.

The way I was tied still left my ass and cunt in full view to them and they continued to tickle me, touching my cunt making me jump, I moaned louder as the thrill factor took over, I was rubbing my legs together to get relief, they grabbed me.

First they took of the strap to my knees then they undid my knees and held my legs open, the chemist took out the balls and then they just stood there looking at me, with nothing to help the feeling that I wanted to be fucked was overwhelming, I risked saying, “Please some-one fuck me, I need it,” the chemist said, “Untie her, give her a toy and let her put on a show for us.”

I was released and Tony threw a cock shaped dildo covered in bumps at me, I couldn’t help it, I grabbed at it from the bed and lay back pushing it hard up me and started franticly fucking myself.

With in seconds the feeling was overpowering I looked at them, “Some-one fuck my mouth come on please use me,” Ronny said, “Reckon this is going to be the blow-job of the year, I’m coming darling, right down your throat,” he stood in front of the bed while I knelt with my legs open shoving the cock up into me as I took his complete cock all the way down my throat sucking at it furiously, the others laughed I could hear, “She’ll suck it off” or, “Strap a blank of wood to his ass or he’ll disappear.”

I didn’t care, no matter how I felt with this thick fat cock pumping in to my mouth, no matter how I was letting this degusting man use me, I had to be fucked.

He came, laughing as he squirted his filth down my throat but I wanted more, Tony came over and I greedily took his cock in my mouth, I sucked him until he was rock hard then he shoved me to the side and lay on the bed, he grabbed my hair, “Want it then sit on it.”

Soon I was sitting on it, bouncing up and down, I could see him laughing at me as I grunted, shaking my head and grinding my hips into his begging for more and still I couldn’t get enough.

When I finally made him cum the chemist was next to have me, he just stood beside the bed with his short fat cock sticking straight out, “Here, you hot assed bitch back your cunt on to this,” to my own disgust I bent forward and pushed myself back onto his stump, he stood there while I humped back and forth fucking myself, he enjoyed the power of slapping my ass as hard as he could knowing I would need to carry on fucking myself off on him, I couldn’t stop.

Shane came to the front and I immediately took him in my mouth, he held my head with one hand and as he pumped into my mouth his other hands pinched and squeezed at my tits, the two of them were enjoying hurting me, they knew I would let them do anything as long as I was being fucked.

By now even my own hands were fingering my cunt just to get as much satisfaction as I could until I felt the chemist shoot into me and go limp. Ronny fucked me again, he just laid on the bed and let me degrade myself on his cock and so did Shane, fucking my ass while Tony finger fucked me, using two fingers up me while rubbing my clit with his thumb, making me play with him and tickle his balls while he did.

Soon the tired of there game and started to dress, I wanted to feel shame, disgust anything as I pleaded with them to fuck me again, the chemist said he had proved his point and they let me have a big vibrator and all laughed at me as I lay wide legged on the bed pumping the pink rubber cock in and out fucking myself franticly as they left.

Half an hour later I was still at it as Fay came back, first she was mad at the fact they hadn’t tied me up, I didn’t even realise that I could have escaped, the sensation of wanting to be fucked had taken all sense out of me.

Fay stripped and stood over me, legs parted knowing I couldn’t help but suck her out while she watched my frantic fingers abuse my own cunt, it was another hour before the feeling started to disappear and in that time Fay had used a strap on to fuck me and made me lick her again.

By then I was so sore, thankfully Fay took me and bathed me putting cream on my sore hot cunt lips before feeding me and then fastening me to the bed for the night, she needn’t have bothered I was so exhausted I collapsed in to a disturbed sex filled sleep.

I slept the full night and most of the next day, that was yesterday, Fay didn’t touch me, just fed me, bathed me again, let me rest but kept me tethered to the wall.

It’s now five, she told me this morning that tonight I was going for a drive, a weekend away, some people had paid good money to play with me.

So here I am, yes I’m still beautiful, my hair is set in curls, I’m wearing very little, just enough to excite my buyer but there’s a very expensive cape by the door, my face is clean and fresh it would look like a models if the strong gag would let it, my arms are fastened tight behind me, hurting me at the elbow and my ankle shackles have black fur round them, the car is coming at seven.

At the moment I’m looking at a small bottle of pink liquid and a hypodermic needle that is waiting to go with me, I remember Fay saying that the chemist had told her, if a person takes enough of this they would be unable to stop fucking, they would want it all the time, she said I’d be very popular at parties and all I wanted was a job in London as a model, why have I been so stupid?

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