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Gym Domination

Category: Fetish
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I was looking forward to another workout at my local gym. Only this time not for the obvious physical reasons one normally attends the gym. No, I was looking forward to seeing her again, more specifically, her magnificent legs.

I attend the gym Monday through Friday and take weekends off for recovery. For the past two weeks I have seen her almost everyday at the gym.

Yesterday I finally got the courage up to smile in her direction and say hello as I passed by her on my way to the treadmill. She smiled back and returned my hello.

I am 35 and single; if I were to guess I would have to say she was in her early 20’s. I knew I was reaching trying to make a connection with this leggy vixen. However, I had to try, as those legs were the most amazing I had seen in years and attached to such a good-looking young woman. She had it going on in the looks department as well but those long, firm, shapely legs were by far her best assets. Watching her go through her workout routine I could tell she realized this as well, as most of her workout concentrated on her legs and ass. She moved from the treadmill to the bike and then to the stair-master. By the end of her routine her shorts and top were soaked and her legs glistened with the sheen of sweat.

Throughout the years I have come to learn that it does no good to hide your intentions, especially as a leg and footman. If I like what I see I will look and enjoy the sight. The majority of the time my stares are welcomed with a smile of appreciation. This past week I was getting a lot of smiles and extended eye contact from my leggy gym rat. It was obvious she began to realize my attraction to her and more specifically to her sexy legs.

I entered the gym and made my way to the back where they keep most of the aerobic machines, if she was in today I knew this is the area she would be working out. I was not disappointed as I saw she was sitting on the bike. Her strong firm legs rapidly pedaling away. I made my way toward the treadmill located several feet behind and to the right of her. From experience I knew this particular machine afforded me the perfect vantage point to that particular bike and her legs.

As I approached her position she recognized me and smiled saying, “Hello, are you ready for a good workout tonight?”

Initially I was surprised. That one sentence was the most either of us had spoken to each other in the brief history of our existence under this roof. I was also surprised at the sound of her voice. It was so small and almost impish sounding. She had to be close to six feet tall with a toned and slender build. Her small voice did not match her body size.

I stopped to the right side of her and smiled. Realizing I was standing next to her pumping legs I began to feel the heat coming off her body. Immediately my attention was drawn to her legs. Before I could say anything I heard her giggle, “Well what do you say are you gonna work up a good sweat tonight or slack off and take it easy?”

I realized I had not given a response to her initial question I had been distracted by her fantastic legs I pulled myself back and stuttered, “Uh yah I’m ready…its been a long day and I been looking forward to this.”

She smiled, and between breaths said, “I agree, been looking forward to this as well.” Not taking her eyes off me she reached down with her right hand and began to slowly rub her palm up and down the outside of her right calf saying, “My legs have been tight all day.” I could feel my cock growing quickly beneath my shorts and I knew an obvious hard-on was beginning to show. Her eyes tracked to that region in my crotch and I could have sworn I saw a wry smile flash across her face.

I said, “Well better get to it”, and quickly turned making my way to the treadmill. I could have sworn I heard her snicker as I turned away. I welcomed my run and set my speed at a comfortable pace. Even though my heart was racing and my blood pumping from our brief meeting I felt somewhat relieved to be actively engaged in something other than talking. I was taking great pleasure in watching her firm lengthy calf muscles flex nicely as I watched her legs rise and fall with each circular pedaling motion of the bike. The thick rope-like muscles along the outside of her thighs tightened and bulged as well. I watched as beads of sweat began to form on her legs and trickle down in tiny rivulets across her calves and onto her slender ankles. My mind began to wander as erotic thoughts of what her long powerful legs could do to me. My breathing became more panted as the excitement of such thoughts overtook me. My pulse was racing and I struggled to keep my normal pace. Any other time I would not be hurting so early into my run. She then leaned forward in the seat and slowly rubbed the outside of her legs in s slow sensual manner. I felt my blood race even more as my breathing became extremely labored.

She noticed my heavy puffing behind her and turned her head to comment, “You doing alright back there or am I going to have to call 911?”

I turned down the pace on my treadmill and managed to breathe out, “I’m okay just got a bit excited.”

She giggled, “Is that so.”

I looked down at my digital readout and saw I had barely completed 1.5 miles. My body was telling me I had gone for four or five miles. I could not believe how tired I was feeling.

I slowed down to a walk and decided to just enjoy the site of her legs a few feet in front of me. As I gained control of my breathing my mind began to wander again as my imagination took hold and I felt my cock begin to stir. I could not get over the excitement her long pumping legs stirred deep inside my groin.

My thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Henry the gym manager, who approached us. He stopped next to her and said, “Okay Trish I am leaving now. Don’t forget to turn off the lights and fans and lockup when you leave. I am going to turn the closed sign on the front door and lock it on my way out. Do you have the key I gave you?”

Trish continued to pedal and said, “I got it uncle Henry…you go and have a good time and tell Carol I said hi.”

I noticed Henry giving me a wary glance as he asked, “Trish you going to be alright doing this tonight?”

Trish smiled, “Of course I will, you go and have fun.”

I stopped the treadmill and got off making my way to the water fountain. I now know that my gym rats name is Trish and that the owner or manager of this establishment is her uncle. I looked around the gym and saw that it was empty and that Trish and I were the only two people left working out. I walked back over to the mats and began to work on some sit-ups and crunches. I heard Henry close the main doors on his way out and figured I would have to be leaving soon as well.

Trish came over to the stair master next toe me and before she started her routine I remarked, “So he is your uncle huh.”

Trish stepped on the machine and turned to look down at me laying on the floor next to her saying, “Yes, its his marriage anniversary tonight and I told him I would lock up for him so he could leave early. He has dinner reservations across town.

I said, “That’s very thoughtful of you.”

She smiled and began her routine.

Each time I raised up from the mat I had a great view of her long legs. I was working out really slow tonight and just enjoying the view.

After a few minutes it was obvious that I was sporting a good size woody.

I stood up and made my way over to the water fountain placing my towel in front of my waist so Trish would not see my tent pole jutting out.

Trish stopped her workout as well and followed me over to the water fountain. I could feel her standing behind me while I took my drink. After I was through I turned to her and backed away from the fountain. To my surprise she did not drink but instead smiled and said, “Well if you do not know by now my name is Trish. ” She held out her hand for a handshake. I took her hand in mine saying, “Hello my name is Eric.”

During our introduction I had forgotten about holding my towel over my hard-on and Trish saw the bulge saying, ” Well, you do get excited over working out.”

I could feel myself becoming uncomfortable and I said, “I am really sorry, it’s just that well to be honest with you… oh never mind I have to go and you got to lock up.”

Trish grabbed my wrist saying, “Don’t be silly, what were you going to say.”

I looked at her and for the first time realized she was at least three maybe four inches taller than me. She was smiling as she added, “C’mon, what were you going to say.”

I said, “Okay, I think you’re very attractive.”

She smiled saying, “That’s sweet. What else.”

I asked, “What do you mean?”

“What else got you excited?” as she nodded in the direction of my shrinking cock.

I said, “Alright if you must know, your legs a very sexy and they get me extremely hot.”

Trish almost jumped with excitement saying, ” I knew it! I knew it! The way you kept staring at them I knew you were turned on.”

I asked, “You did?” and then answered my own question saying, “of course you did.”

Trish laughed, “I have had a lot of guys stare at my legs and I have to admit it is quite flattering, but I did not realize just looking at them could get you in such a state of arousal,” as she glanced down at my now diminished hard on.

I said, “Well I am what you a call a leg and foot man, that is I get into women’s legs and feet.”

I watched as Trish’s forehead wrinkled and her lips puckered as she said, “hmmm, what an interesting fetish.”

It was then I realized she was still holding my wrist in her left hand as she emphasized her words by lifting my hand up and down say, “Hey! Do you have to leave right now?”

I said, “No not really I have no plans this evening.”

Trish smiled wickedly, “Good. Do me a favor and hold my feet while I do some sit-ups.” Then smiled sideways at me adding, “That is if you think you can handle it.” as she glanced down at my semi hard cock.

I happily agreed.

Trish sat on the floor and took off her sneakers. I noticed she was not wearing any sox and that her toenails were immaculately painted a very deep shiny red. She leaned back on the mat I had laid down earlier and brought her knees up slightly with her feet together and flat on the floor. I knelt down on the floor in front of her bent legs and as I reached for her ankles I noticed how big her feet were and the exceptional length of her toes. They were soft and warm to the touch.

I gripped her ankles and slid in close to those wonderfully large feet. As I did this Trish placed her hands behind her head and raised her head up slightly. Pulling her knees apart she said, “I know I have very big feet. Please sit on top of them when you hold them I like it better and it feels more secure that way.

I smiled thinking to myself how it allowed me to get closer to her feet and wonderful legs. I glanced back at Trish noticing a similar smile on her face as well. I slid in closer raising my butt slightly off the ground I spread my bent legs allowing her feet to slide in between my thighs. I lowered my butt back down on top of her toes and arches. All the time I kept my grip on her ankles.

Trish giggled, “If I didn’t know better I would say you have done this before.”

I could smell the light sweet sent of her feet filling my nostrils as she playfully began to wiggle her long toes underneath me. I felt my cock quickly becoming erect again.

She began her sit-ups counting each one. I watched, as with each sit-up her long slender calf muscles flexed tightly. Her legs were so long that she was able to touch her chin to her knees with each repetition. By the time she got to ten my cock was completely hard. Normally I wore a jock strap and cursed myself for not wearing one this time. The head of my cock was close to poking out the legs of my shorts. Not that I am extremely large. When fully erect I measure in barely at 6.5 inches. However the position I was in forced my shorts to ride up my legs not leaving much room for cock coverage.

After a few more sit-ups Trish asked, “Eric please scoot in tighter I feel like my feet are slipping out from under you.” She continued to perform repetition after repetition as I raised myself up and scooted in further on top of her arches. As I did this I felt her legs slide forward causing her shins to press firmly into my groin and against my cock.

Upon feeling this I felt a bolt of excitement shoot through my loins down my legs and up into my torso. With that I released a slight grunt of excitement. Trish felt and heard my response as well smiling brightly saying, “That’s much better don’t you think?”

I said, “Yes much better.”

She continued her sit-ups and with each upward movement I felt the front of her lower legs press firmly into the head and shaft of my straining cock. It was obvious she knew what she was doing to me as the smile never left her face each time I saw it rise up over her knees. After a few more reps I slid my hands up her lower leg cupping her shapely calf muscles feeling them jostle and tighten. Her skin was slick with sweat and very smooth to the touch. The soft moistness of her skin reminded me of her young age in comparison to my own and excited me further as I felt my pulse racing and my breathing increase. I gently caressed her calves reveling in the feel of their perfect shape and strength. I was slowly being taken in by them drifting into sexual bliss when I was brought back by the sound of her tiny voice.

“Eric, I am not losing you am I?”

I said, “Know just counting your repetitions is all.”

Trish smiled, “Sure you are. You looked like you were in another world. I need you to raise up for me and hold that position for a few seconds while I reposition my feet.”

I was not going to argue with her and did as she requested. Much to my surprise I watched as she pulled her feet out from under me and then guide them back in only this time she skillfully pointed her toes and slid her feet into the legs of my shorts. As she did this I quickly looked up at her only to find she was already resting back down on the mat. I felt my cock flop down to the right and on top of the smooth arch of her left foot.

Before I could say anything Trish rose back up slightly and spread her knees apart for me to see her smiling face saying, ” I hope that does not bother you, it feels so much better for me. I am going to do some crunches now.”

As she performed her crunches I continued to grip her calves even firmer as I felt her feet slide up and down below me causing my cock to slide along the smooth soft skin of her high arches. I was in heaven and could not believe what was happening as this leggy vixen pumped out her crunches panting with each repetition. She had quickened her pace and with it the rubbing sensation of my cock against her left foot. After several minutes I was feeling the heady faint sensation that comes from a continuous state of arousal I found myself leaning forward and before long resting my chest against the front of her legs as I let myself become completely overtaken by her legs and feet.

Seeing the state I was in Trish stopped her crunches and rose up in the sitting position.

She laughed and ran her fingers through my sweaty brow saying, “Just stay like that I am going to be your dream girl. It is going to make me hot knowing that from this point on you will be jerking off to the memory of me playing with your cock.”

Hearing her say this was a bit shocking at first but was soon forgotten as I felt her feet and toes move inside my shorts as she began to fondle the head of my cock with her long toes. As she rotated her ankles and wiggled her toes I could feel her calf muscles move beneath my hands. I slowly rubbed them up and down her lower legs reveling in the smooth slick feel of her skin.

Suddenly I felt her long toes lock around the shaft and head of my cock as I rested the side of my head on top of her kneesshe began to slowly flex her ankles up and down pumping my cock between her long toes. I grunted with each pull of her toes.

Trish laughed, “That’s it I can feel you now. Your making my toes wet with your juices. Keep it coming.”

She continued to giggle and coax me with her soft tiny voice. I was in sexual heaven now. After a few more tugs I was beginning to thrust my hips up in unison to her pulling toes and could feel my body beginning to give in to her legs and feet.

Trish stopped, pulling her feet from my groin and told me to take off all my clothes. My mound was so clouded and I was so sexually aroused at this point I would have jumped off a building had she asked me to. I took of my clothes without hesitation.

She laughed, “That has got to be a record strip down.”

She stretched out her long legs toward me placing her feet on my chest. I could not help but be amazed at their slender length and perfect muscle tone. My God, I said, ” You are nothing but legs!”

Trish smiled as she traced her big toes along my chest and down to my stomach, “Yep they are and I work hard keeping them in shape. These legs are going to rock your world tonight Eric and I want you to hold on until you cum as hard as you can all over them.”

I said, “Oh God yes please do.”

Trish got up saying, “Well now that I got you primed we need to make room, so help me move some of these mats together.”

I watched mesmerized by her long legs as she stood up and began to move mats across the floor.

After taking several minutes of placing them together we stood in the center of them. She then asked me what about her legs and feet turned me on the most.

I said, “Your incredible calves and your long sexy toes. She smiled and told me to kneel down in front of her and stood there for several seconds as if in contemplation about what she was going to do next. After a few moments she left and then came back with a multi-colored adjustable folding mat. She placed it in front of me and then sat on it facing me with her legs together. So it’s my calves you desire most. Still on my knees, she instructed me to move toward her and to place my cock between her lower legs. I felt her taught legs clamp around my semi hard shaft and she told me to fuck her legs. As I pushed my cock between her legs she leaned forward and to the side looking studiously behind her legs to see where my cock pocked through.

I started to pump and after a few thrusts she told me to stop saying it was still too low and that she wanted to make sure my cock was even with her calves at all times. Somewhat frustrated I pulled out as she got up and placed another mat on top of the ones she was sitting on and we took our positions once again. This time she opened her calves slightly. I looked up at her and she nodded indicating I should place my cock between them once again. I pushed my cock between them, and noticed my cock was now level with the high part of her ankle right where her leg started to curve into her shapely calf. As her shins pressed into my torso, Trish leaned forward and to the side once again looking under her legs to see where my cock was in relationship to her calves. She raised her head up and smiled down at me saying, “Perfect now.”

Keeping my cock clenched between her calves she continued speaking as she ran her fingers through my moist hair saying, ” I love doing this, as you probably know your not the first I have done this with. However you are the oldest. How old are you anyways?”

I said, “35 and how old are you?”

She smiled, “20. Does that shock you?”

I laughed, “Oh yes it does.”

We both laughed and Trish said, “I think you will never forget what my legs are about to do to you.”

She continued, “We have to work on this together as a team. It will be a good workout for the both of us.”

I could sense a bit of excitement in her voice as she said, “We have to keep your cock in constant contact with my legs, and in order to do this you can’t thrust straight through my legs. You have to try and thrust out and up keeping with the natural curve of your cock. I will try and keep my legs at that same angle moving them in conjunction with your thrusts. I will also be pressing my calves in together by using my hands on the outside of my legs essentially sandwiching them around your cock the whole time you fuck my legs. This will also help in keeping your cock in place as well.

Trish continued in a matter-fact type voice. “It may seem awkward at first but after you feel it you will like it. Trust me if you’re into my legs like I think you are then you are going to get off quick.”

Trish asked me to pull out for a second. I watched as she positioned herself. She crossed her ankles placing the left ankle on top of the right one. She then told me to spread my knees apart more and to scoot in closer towards her so her feet were able to slide under me. Once in position I looked down at her long pressing calves inches from my rigid cock. Keeping her ankles locked she rotated her feet ever so slightly outward. I was happy to see her shins part open enough to reveal her beautiful full calf muscles pressed together. I smiled and felt the butterflies of excitement flutter in my stomach as my heart began to race.

Trish giggled saying, I can see your mind racing. My legs look like heaven to you don’t they?” She ran her fingers inside her pressed calves smiling saying, “That’s where you want to put it. Let it ride up and down inside them.” She then leaned forward placing a hand on either side of my hips and slowly guided my hips toward her along with the head of my cock to that wonderful spot between her calves. As my cock pressed against her smooth skin and I felt her shins push against my pelvis and the front of her knees against my torso my body shivered with excitement. Trish released my hips and placed her hands on the outside of her calves saying, “Okay start slow until we can get into sync with each other.

Her legs were still coated with sweat, which acted as a natural lubricant as I felt my cock slide smoothly along her skin. Suddenly I felt Trish slightly raise her lower legs as she applied pressure to the outside of her calves. I looked down and was amazed to see my cock completely engulfed between her shapely calves. The sensation was amazing as I felt her calf muscles press and roll all over the length of my cock. My cock was truly being sandwiched by her beautiful calf muscles. Trish leaned forward looking down between her clenched legs and smiled saying, “excellent! It is a perfect fit don’t you agree. Remember to thrust slightly upward. I had to lift my legs a little to compensate for you. That’s how it works though. I got you completely covered. So how does it feel?”

I was obviously in a state of recovery as I tried to wrap my mind and senses around what I was seeing and feeling. I was in sexual shock having never felt or seen anything so amazing in my life. What she was doing to me was a leg mans dream come true. My body was still shivering with excitement and the look on my face must have been comical as Trish laughed saying, “Judging by your reaction I take it you like the feeling.”

I moaned, “Oh yes!”

I was shaking so uncontrollably with excitement I could not get my body under control. Trish threw her head back and laughed saying, “Oh my God if you could see the look on your face and how you’re body is losing it. You can start fucking my legs anytime now.” I shook and lurched forward but I was still unable to get it under control. The sensation was overwhelming as spasm after spasm continued to rock my body.

Trish giggled, “Oh my God, get it together will you. Don’t you dare blow your load this early.”

I struggled to calm down but was unable too as my mind race and I could hear my blood rushing through my ears. Trish’s voice sounded like an echo in the distance to me.

Trish laughed and said, “Okay never mind I will do it for you all you have to do is hold on.” Having said that she began to pump her strong legs up and down moving them slightly forward into my torso.

I grunted and moaned as I felt my trapped cock slide along her slick calf muscles. The added sensation against the sensitive glands under the head of my cock rubbing and sliding against the smooth hot skin of her calves drove me even more crazy as I began to shake all over even more, so much so that I had to place my hands on top of her strong thighs to hold myself upright. I released a long gasp as the glands at the head of my cock rubbed up and down with each heavenly pump of her long legs.

Trish sighed, “Oh yeessss, you are really losing it now. Enjoy it Eric while it lasts. I can jerk your cock like this all night long. My legs will never get tired. Feel my calves pressing against your hard cock.” She smiled as I felt her hands push against the outside of her firm calves squeezing my cock even more. I held on for dear life reveling in the pleasure as Trish continued to pump her legs. The strength of her calves could be felt through my cock and into my gut. It was amazing and I was enjoying the sensation.

After a few more strokes I saw a smirk of satisfaction trace across her face as Trish leaned forward looking down at her clenched calves. She raised her head up and winked at me saying, ” I knew I felt something hot and moist on my legs. I love feeling your hot precum. It’s starting to flow you know.”

I looked down and could see it as well. The shiny clear juices pooled up nicely in the gap created between her pressed calves. I moaned at the sight of it.

Trish enjoyed my reaction as she leaned back and cocked her head to one side smiling sweetly. Trish giggled, ” I was told by one guy its like being in a tight pussy only better.”

Trish continued to jerk my cock expertly between her calves I watched as my shiny precum soaked the inside of her calves and my cock, creating its own lubrication. As her clenched calves pulled on my cock she made sure she jerked me in full measure leaving only the head between her calves. She then brought her legs forward and up keeping with the natural curvature of my cock as I felt it ride up between the inside of her calves completely covered in her tight smooth muscular legs. She picked up the pace and I could feel my balls tapping gently against her shins. I held on for the ride of my life as she was actively engaged now in rocking my world and my cock. I could tell I was spewing precum with every thrust now as the hot moist sensation increased between her calves and each pump of her legs created a smacking sound as my cock slipped between them.

Trish cooed, “I love the sound your cock makes between my calves.”

I began to grunt in time to her thrust each time her shins slapped into my pelvis and my balls. Trish surprised me as she stopped and pulled her legs back keeping just the head of my cock between her calves. She then looked up at me smiling and said, “I am going to fuck with your head now.”

I felt her calves jostle and vibrate quickly against the head of my cock as she used her hands to move her calves against my swollen cock head. She added to the sensation by pumping her legs up and down in quick short jerks concentrating solely on the head of my cock. The sensation drove me nuts as I threw my body forward across her thighs and locked my arms under her hamstrings. I slid my head off to one side of her thighs and from under her legs was able to see her slender calf muscles being jostled around my cock head. She moved them up and down and back and forth at random. I watched in amazement enjoying the sensation. Enjoying the sight of her beautiful toned calve muscles as they flexed over my cock head. I was able to see more of my precum being milked out as several shiny beads became attached to the back of her right calf and roll down her lower leg to her slender ankle.

It was then I heard Trish say, ” How you doing down there? Enjoying the view I bet. You have to be close to cumming cause I can feel you leaking all over my legs.”

I gasped and grunt as I felt her increase the pressure all over my cock head. I pushed myself back up regaining some of my composure and resumed my kneeling position in front of her legs. I looked down and was able to see most of my shaft pulled out of her calves with only my head still being worked over.

Trish was enjoying her handiwork as well as she looked on saying, ” Oh yah your cock head is feeling nice and hot between my calves. It’s doing real good.”

I noticed there was a lot more precum now as most of her shins were covered in a wet shiny film. Some had already made its way down to the front of her ankles.

Trish moved her legs forward and it was as if my cock knew instinctively not to poke straight ahead but rather to thrust upward at an angle keeping itself engulfed between her calves. Trish recognized this as well saying, “That’s it you got the hang of it now.” It was not clear who she was talking to, my cock or me. I looked up at her as she was smiling at me. She rubbed her hands along her legs and said in a mock European accent, ” Come to me my darling.”

I felt her calves tighten around my cock as she used them to pull me towards her. I scooted along until she stopped pulling on my cock. Her legs were now bent at a ninety degree angle with her feet flat on the ground. She told me to hug her legs and pull them tightly into my chest. I did this and suddenly felt my cock pop out the back of her calves. Having spent all its time between her calves the air on the head of my cock felt almost cool. Trish felt my cock slip out as well and said, “Oh no you don’t.” I felt her fingers reach from behind her legs and quickly grab the head and force it back in between her calves engulfing my cock completely and pushing it at an upward angle so the head was pointing toward the ceiling. She then crossed her ankles again and I felt the muscles in her calves flex and tighten their grip around my entire cock once again.

Upon feeling this I breathed loudly, “Wheeeew!”

Trish laughed, “Oh yah, your cock isn’t going anywhere now. Its time for me to play and time for you to cum hard.”

It was from this vantage point I realized just how incredibly long her legs are. I was so impressed I kissed the tops of her knees.

Trish leaned completely forward placing her lips next to my left ear as she whispered wickedly, ” I know you won’t mind if I play with your nutsies while I jerk you off with my legs.”

I breathed heavily, “Please do.”

Trish snickered, ” You feel so hot right now.”

She reached her arms around my hips as I felt her hands enter from behind my thighs.

I felt Trish’s fingers groping between my legs as she found my nuts. The sensation of her fingers delving into my tight nut sac from behind as they groped for my nuts took me to another level of excitement. It felt like a bolt of electricity shot through my body as I unconsciously jerked about.

Trish’s lips still next to my ear whispered softly, “Oh yes you like the way my fingers feel on your balls. Well I like the way your sac feels, ooops I think I just found one of your nuts…”

I felt her fingers pinch off my right nut and listened to her describe in my ear what she was doing with it.

“…I’m just going to roll it between my thumb and finger and play with it and pull on it the whole time I fuck you with my legs. ”

It did not take her long to find my left nut with her other fingers. She had to dig her fingertips up deeper into my nut sac but eventually she found it.

She continued to whisper in my ear seductively, her hot breath yet another excitement enhancer for my over excited brain to handle. ” I’m gonna pull on this one also and roll it around between my fingers. I like your nuts; to me they feel like little marbles in a soft sack. Now I have them both and its time to play.”

She raised her head up her face inches from mine as she watched my reactions to what she was doing to me. I felt her calf muscles tighten and roll around my cock as she prepared to jerk me. Her fingers held my balls and began to roll them and tug on them as I felt her legs slowly jerk up and down. The sensation was incredible as I closed my eyes concentrating on her fingers in my nut-sack as they gently pulled and jostled my nuts around. Trish increased her leg pumps as well and I knew I was going to cum soon. I pulled her legs into my chest tightly feeling her shins rub up and down against my torso. As she continued to pump her legs by rising up on her toes and back down again. I could feel the strength of her legs through my entire body as they rocked my senses and I knew I could not hold on for much longer. I rested the side of my head on top of her strong thighs feeling the rope-like muscles there move against my cheek with each pump.

Trish leaned down and whispered her hot breath into my ear. “How you doing down there? You can try to hold on but I feel your body slowly breaking down and your cock twitching between my calves like it has a mind of it’s own. You know, one of my favorite things is feeling your nuts try to move up inside you right before you cum. Just to let you know I’m not going to let them go. I am going to hold on to them with my fingers the whole time you orgasm between my legs…its gonna make you shake all over. What do you think about that?”

I felt her fingers twist my balls slightly and tug on them emphasizing her point as she continued to pump my cock with her legs. All I could do was groan weakly as my senses were completely engrossed in the pleasure she was giving me.

Trish giggled, “I will take that as an agreeable response.” After a few more strong pumps of her calves I heard her say, “How does this feel?”

I jerked my hips back as I felt both my nuts being slowly squeezed between her thumb and index fingers. I groaned loudly saying, “Noooooo!”

Trish laughed and released the pressure gently rolling them about again saying, “Just had to see what you could take…I hope it did not hurt too bad.”

That sickly feeling one gets from having his nuts racked began to fill my stomach and Trish’s legs did not help as she continued to mercilessly pump them even harder causing her shins to slap into my chest and gut. I groaned with each pounding of her legs as her fingers continued to torment my swollen nuts.

Trish giggled, “You doing okay Eric? It sounds like your enjoying this a lot. I’m going to turn my legs just a tiny bit for you. Your cock head will feel more of my legs this way.”

Still resting my head in her lap I felt her legs shift slightly to the side and I could feel the shaft of my cock bend slightly from the pressure but not to the point of being painful. I also could feel the head of my cock slide from the cleft created by her clenching calves and press into the smooth solid muscle of her right calf.

Trish said, “That’s it I can feel it poking into my calf now.”

Satisfied that my cock was positioned where she liked it she continued her leg pumping.

The Glands at the head of my cock were now extremely sensitive and the added sensation of them now being completely rubbed upon by her tight flexing calf muscle caused a bolt of extreme excitement to shoot through my body causing every muscle to briefly tighten.

My mind was on overload as I tried to comprehend and wrap my thoughts around the sensation that I was feeling the head of my cock sliding into and up and down along the most sexy calf muscle I had ever seen. Trish increased her pressure on my nuts as well as she pulled on them in a milking fashion in conjunction to her leg pumps. The slight sickly feeling returned to my stomach causing me to cough. I closed my eyes trying to concentrate on the pleasure and block out the uncomfortable feeling in my stomach as she lovingly racked my balls with her fingers but not to the point of unbearable pain.

Trish’s legs were like pistons on a machine as she picked up the pace even more causing the head and full length of my cock to ride smoothly against inside of her powerful calf. I coughed several more times as she tugged hard on my nuts. I cupped the back of her shapely calves feeling them fill my hands completely as they flexed and relaxed in response to her leg pumps. Feeling their fullness and powerful shape was the final sense of excitement that took me over the edge as I felt the cum inside me begin to stir.

Trish giggled saying, “Oh my gosh! You’re drooling all over my thighs. You’re not going to have a stroke on me are you? I can feel your pulse beating like crazy through you’re cock into my legs.”

I lifted my head slightly and noticed a small amount of my saliva on her thigh as well as a thin string of it connecting from my lower lip to her thigh. I groaned put my head back down and squeezed her plump calves in my hands.

Trish laughed, “Its okay, you keep shaking like that for me baby. I like watching and feeling you’re body cave in to my touch. Feel my legs in your hands and all on you. I can really feel your cock swelling and moving on my calf. It won’t be long now. You’re nuts are really hard and you’re nut sack is beginning to tighten around my fingertips. I know you want to Cum for me.”

Trish knew what she was talking about cause I was right there on the verge. She was really pumping her legs hard and fast as her shins were slapping loudly into my torso and my head was bobbing up and down in her lap.

After a few more powerful pumps Trish spread her thighs slightly open telling me to look down between them. I turned my head face down so that the inside of her thighs covered my ears and I was able to see my cock being squeezed and jerked by her beautiful calves. The sight was amazing and I felt my mind and body go numb. That visual was the final assault on my senses as I felt the initial stages of my orgasm begin to rise. I watched on the down stroke of her legs as the head of my cock prodded into her tight calf. The initial pressure I was feeling from that caused me to quiver as it had no place to go and was forced to slide upward along the muscle adding more excitement as the glands rubbed along the inside of her calf. Because of the slight pressure created by her calves my cock slipped off to the side rubbing the head against the side of her other calf. I watched as the hole at the end of my cock was forced open and kissed her calf leaving a silvery string of precum connecting to it and her sweet calf muscle. Her calves were completely soaked with my precum glistening softly and adding to their wonderful skin tone. Then her legs raised up creating a slight gripping sensation as they pulled on my cock head again causing a rubbing sensation against the sensitive glands located there as her tight calves gripped the ridge surrounding my cock head causing me to slightly jerk with excitement. To my surprise each time that occurred I saw a slight spurt of my cum juice spray out from the hole and sprinkle across her calves.

Immediately I gasped and my breathing increased rapidly. I felt like my heart was going to burst from my chest. A wave of heat rushed through my body and I felt I was going to pass out due to sensory overload. Her undulating pumping calves as they assaulted my cock completely, mesmerized me. I could not take my eyes off them.

Trish said, “Whooohoooo! I can tell by your reaction you like what you are seeing. See all that wetness on my legs that’s all from you. You have been spewing that stuff from the very beginning. With every pump I feel those hot drops of precum land on my legs making me so hot. When it comes time for you to blow I guess you can say you have a front row seat to the show.”

I moaned, “You’re legs are so beautiful.” I continued to watch and I could feel myself starting to become light headed and I felt myself becoming queasy.

Suddenly that familiar sharp pain filled my gut as Trish squeezed both my aching nuts between her index finger and thumb saying, “Oh no you don’t. Don’t you dare pass out on me now!!”

Immediately I jolted back to life my head and vision clearing to the sight of her calves as they continued to assault my cock. The head of my cock now a bulbous swollen purple hue as it pressed firmly into her calf and slid up her leg jerk after jerk.

Trish leaned forward next to my head as I heard her say, “Its time to cum now so I am going to hold on to your nuts and pull them gently down while I squeeeeeze the cum out of you’re cock.”

To my surprise, as she said the word squeeze, I felt the easy strength of her legs begin to flex as she pressed her calves even more firmly around my cock. Still looking down between her strong and slender yet muscular thighs I was able to witness the incredible sight of her smooth calves as they wrapped around my cock, their magnificent beauty engulfing it completely. I was still able to see the head barely poke out the top of them with each ending pump of her legs. The sight was incredible, as the hole at the end of my cock was forced open by the pulling affect of her calves on the skin surrounding the purple head. It almost appeared as if it was gasping for air between each pump of her calves.

Trish said, “Here we go you are going to like this.”

I immediately felt her fingers gently pull down on both my nuts, fully extending them in their sack. The sensation was painless as she took care to apply only enough pressure to hold them between her fingers.

I heard her say, “Now I’m gonna fuck the head of you’re cock with my calves.” I felt her tug down even harder on my nuts sending a shiver or excitement into my cock just as I felt and watched her calf muscles slide up my cock and engulf the head of my cock completely.”

I could see her crossed ankles rotate outward and her long toes curl up. This caused her calf muscles to flex to their fullest capacity as she simultaneously began to pump the head of my cock in very rapid jerks. Witnessing this and feeling her fingers tugging relentlessly on my balls was too much as I could feel my entire body cave in. My muscles ached as I released my body and went limp letting go of trying to hold on. I breathed a heavy sigh saying, “Oh my God I am cumming.”

Trish laughed, ” I can feel you letting go. I told you my legs are much to strong.”

As she had said I could only enjoy the show as I felt the inevitable quickly approaching.

Trish now jerked my cock head by using only her strong calf flexes. She said, “Oh yeessss I can feel it in your cock and balls now. Your nuts are trying to pull up inside you and your cock is twitching like crazy between my calves. Oh yes I love feeling this. Just lay there and let me work it out of you.”

She began to flex and roll her calves even faster I was able to barely see the tip of my cock head as she did this. I was amazed to see how it flattened and rolled from side to side between her strong calves. The sensitive glands underneath came in constant contact with her calves and the sight took me over the edge just as I felt her fingers tug and roll my nuts.

I clenched her calf muscles in both my hands and grunted, “Here it cums!!!!”

Trish laughed, “Oh yeeees hold on to my legs and let it cum for me baby!”

The timing could not have been more perfect as I watched Trish’s sexy right calf muscle roll over the hole at the end of my cock at the exact moment my cum spewed out. The load was incredibly massive as it splayed across her calf and up the side and onto part of her other calf.

Trish responded as well as she felt it hit her calf, “OH MY! That was a big hot one. Tell me you saw that? It smacked hard into my calf.”

I groaned as I felt another one quickly approaching I began a weak attempt of thrusting my hips forward but to know avail as I was too tired and Trish’s legs held me firmly in check.

Trish said, “Come on, give me more of that hot white stuff.” She pulled down firmer on my nuts and I felt her roll them like marbles in her fingers, causing that twinge of excitement in my cock as I felt it twitch as another orgasm racked my body and brain. Trish’s thighs clenched firmly around the sides of my face holding me in complete check.

Her calf flexed and rubbed the sensitive glands, which now felt like they were on fire. I watched the purple head of my cock being covered completely by her right calf just as I grunted loudly releasing my second load. This one was just as big as the first as it smacked heavily into her calf.

Trish responded with a pleasurable cry, “Mmmmmmmmmmm!” I did not have to look to know she was smiling big.

My cum was flowing freely now as smaller spurts began to shoot out all over her calves with each flexing stroke and pull. I watched as she expertly squeezed and rolled my purple cock head between the smooth skin of her shapely taught calf muscles.

Trish moaned contently, “Your nut sac is getting loose but I am going to milk your body dry between my legs.” I could feel her fingertips release my nuts and probe deeper into my tired sac wiggling about randomly. She was trying every means of excitement to coax out whatever cum I had left inside me.

I watched as her rolling calves and wiggling fingers milked out thin streams of cum from me. Not as thick as the earlier loads but the milky cum was swept up by her calves. I watched as it slowly streamed down her calves and eventually onto her ankles.

I felt my pulse return to normal as my breathing slowed down and I was able to catch my breath.

Trish said, “Mmmmmm you are flowing nicely now. I can feel you’re hot cum sticking to my calves and running down my legs.”

I said, “My God your legs are absolutely amazing.”

Trish giggled, “I have never felt a load of cum hit so hard. It was so hot!”

I said, “I have never cum so hard and so much in my life. My God most of your legs from the calves down are covered in my cum.” I watched as yet more of my cum leaked out onto her already cum soaked calf.

Trish said, “I know and I love feeling it just as much as you love giving it up.”

Trish pulled her twirling fingertips from my deflated nut sac and I watched between her legs as she began to caress and rub her cum soaked calves rubbing my spent seed into her calves and lower legs as if it were body lotion.

I groaned weakly as I watched her do this. Trish giggled hearing my reaction saying, “I like doing this.” She opened her legs enough to grab my now semi hard cock in her hands and she began to trace the leaking head all along the inside of her calves switching occasionally from one to the other. Her fingers slowly jerked and squeezed the head pressing the tip into her calf muscles.

I pulled my head back from between her thighs and continued to watch her do this. I looked up into her smiling face watching her stare down at my cock as she pressed the head across her left shin and down the side of her leg.

Trish said, “Let me guide you with your cock and you follow it down my leg.”

I let her hand guide my hips as she pulled the head of my now dripping cock tracing it down the inside of her leg to her slender ankle. She traced it around her ankle using the head of my cock to smear the drops of cum into her skin. She then traced it across the top of her foot and onto her toes. She pressed the tip of the head in between her toes. By now little to no cum was being produced. She began to jerk and milk the head with her fingers and toes and before long was able to coax out the final drops of my seed spreading them onto her long toes.

I looked up at her to see the look of control and satisfaction mixed with concentration as she worked my cock to a complete state of flaccidness.

She released my cock and I fell back onto the mat. I said, “I feel like a sponge completely wrung dry. I don’t think I will be able to cum for a week. You just made my wildest dreams come true and milked me dry on top of it.”

Trish crossed her left leg over her right letting her foot dangle over my spent cock and balls. She placed her elbow on her knee resting her chin in the cup of her palm. Smiling down at me she began to gently poke and prod my limp cock, flopping it from side to side with her long big toe.

The sensation was soothing as I smiled and moaned softly. I thought how sexy she looked as she continued to smile at me fondling my cock with her toes while her long legs still glistened with my wet cum.

As if reading my mind Trish said, “See, I told you. Now every time you jerk off you will be thinking about me.”

I grinned and closed my eyes as I felt her toe prod gently and then twirl around in my tired nut sac thinking, “She is so right about that.”

I jerked up slightly as I felt her toe prod my very sensitive cock head. My reaction elicited a wicked giggle from Trish, “Ooops sorry, I guess I rubbed you raw.”

I relaxed as her toe slid back down my shaft prodding the fat vein that ran along the bottom of my shaft. I closed my eyes again thinking, “Man I am gonna be really sore tomorrow and probably the next day.”

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