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Anne’s Ball Busting Pleasure

Category: Fetish
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Many would say I was doubly cursed, while few others would say blessed when it comes to what turns me on sexually. Since I can remember I have always been attracted to women with sexy legs and feet, as well as having my balls roughly fondled to the point of seeing stars. I really only had one girl friend who gave me pleasure in this way. Unfortunately I did not find her until my senior year in High School.
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Gym Domination

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I was looking forward to another workout at my local gym. Only this time not for the obvious physical reasons one normally attends the gym. No, I was looking forward to seeing her again, more specifically, her magnificent legs. I attend the gym Monday through Friday and take weekends off for recovery. For the past two weeks I have seen her almost everyday at the gym.
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