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Changing Husbands

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Judith Kennedy smiled at she looked out the small kitchen windows of the holiday home at the lake. The dads and boys of the two families were playing soccer on the rough, just-mown lawn against the girls and the boyfriends of the older girls. The females were shrieking ‘foul’, ‘that’s not fair’ and ‘give us a chance to play the ball’.

Roll back twenty years and she would have been one of those teenagers shouting ‘foul’ as the boys dominated, exhibiting their skills, only in those days they had played football. She watched her eldest daughter’s new guy, an Australia from her college, a really beautiful guy, curl a kick that landed right at Michelle’s feet.

Micki as she was called now, shrieked in excitement and kicked the ball forward only to immediately fall on to her back. The red-headed Australian the young people called Blue or Bluey instead of Rex for some reason, loped over and pulled Micki to her feet and the unruly game practically stopped as most of the participants stood to grin as Blue got his reward, a kiss that appeared to be almost a seduction.

Judith’s younger sister Maxine came in beside her and breathed, “Are they only kissing?”

“I-I think so,” Judith squirmed. She disproved of the public display of affection, or was it lust, of the twenty-one year olds or of anyone for that matter.

“Relax Jude, you’re on vacation. Have you accepted this Aussie has gotten everyone calling your pride and joy Micki simply by calling her that name?”

“He seems to be influential.”

“God you haven’t relaxed yet. Do you think he has a big dick?”

Judith swallowed. “Should we find out?”

Maxine grabbed her and waltzed her round the kitchen singing, “Jude’s beginning to relax; Jude’s beginning to relax.”

They slowed to a stop but continued to hug. Judith pushed back her sister’s ill-disciplined fringe. “Do you remember me teaching you to dance? You are a lovely dancer now but I taught you the basics.”

“You taught me to find my rhythm… that was the big breakthrough. And you also taught me about sex when we that that threesome with Dwight Wells.”

“God Maxine,” Judith said, looking round fearfully but their parents were out on the lawn being well-behaved spectators. “Are you back having sex with Harry now you’ve forgiven him for having that affair with Martha?”

“We are back having something that passes for sex but I’ve not forgiven him.”

“You must darling,” Maxine said, kissing her sister on the lips sweetly.

Maxine pulled away and said gravely, “Unless you do your life will forever be blighted.”

Judith sniffed and blew her nose. “I guess you’re right. But tell me, how does one find forgiveness?”

“Try having an affair yourself.”

The sisters giggled, eyeing one another affectionately and then moved to prepare mid morning coffee.

During the gaiety over coffee and sugared buns fifteen minutes later Judith took a call and went off to hear the caller and returned looking a little upset.

Harry caught the exchange of expression and asked, “Bad news?”

“I’ve been called back to the hospital. A chopper is coming for me. Two of the surgeons were in a car accident last night and both have been admitted with fractured limbs. We are left with only one orthopedic surgeon so they want me back for three days when Muriel Bacarella is due back from her vacation in Italy.”

“Damn,” Harry said. “We have been here only four hours. Somebody will have to drive you back in your car. You are not too good driving on these remote windy roads.”

“Michelle will you accompany me? You are the best driver in the family.”

“Mom I have Sue-Ellen’s 21st birthday party on Saturday night and her mom wants me to lead the singing round the campfire.”

“Oh yes of course.”

“I’m taking the boys on an overnight fishing trip tomorrow,” Harry said. “I guess…”

“No way,” yelled two of the boys.

Maxine said with Judith gone she’d need to remain to take charge of catering. “Blue you go with her. You’ll get a wonderful view of this lakes district from the helicopter. You’re here to see as much of America as you can, aren’t you?”

“Well if Mrs Lucas is happy about that and what about you Micki?”

“Yes you go. I can then stay a couple of days with Sue-Ellen and her family.

Judith said she couldn’t ruin Blue’s first vacation in America.

“It’s only for four nights counting tonight mom and we’re here for twelve days and he’d redundant on Saturday because the party is only for females. Take him.”

“Yes take him,” Harry said. “Blue’s shown he’s a good driver, driving on the wrong side of the road for him and if you are tired after setting limbs and sewing up people you’d not handle that 220-mile drive yourself.”

“Well that’s it by popular support Mrs Lucas. We best pack our bags,” Blue grinned.

The journey from the heliport was uneventful apart from one sad disclosure. Judith learned Blue’s mother had died two years earlier after suffering a brain embolism.

“It was so sudden and it was a great shock to everyone but we are all well over it now, even dad.”

“What does your father do?”

“He used to practice law but is now fulltime into property investment and has clients in Asia, India and North America, Mexico, Chile and Argentina buying into well-performing Australian property.”

“How can that be fulltime?”

“He leads a team of seven and drives them to find clients to fit investment opportunities they have found as they are major properties, usually sold to syndicates. Dad heads negotiations and supervises the news letters to clients and reports to clients quarterly about the state of their investment with graphs showing local and regional property and financial trends. It’s quite complex.”

“Very complex by the sound of it,” Judith said.

Judith was called to the hospital just after 9:00.

“There’s been a bus accident. It rolled after leaving the highway with three confirmed fatalities.”

“Duty calls, off you go,” Blue said, taking her into her arms and kissing her gently. She felt something hard against her belly and then realized it would be his belt buckle.

Judith thought about the impossible, having sex with him, but turning her car into the hospital and seeing the line-up of ambulances outside ER her mind jumped to another level.

She arrived home just before 3:00 and Blue appeared dressed in only his briefs. She noted the bulge but she was so tired it meant nothing.

“Into a hot bath young lady, it’s already running. I’ll fetch you hot chocolate.”

Judith heard him arriving and pulled a flannel over her breasts. She’d used a bubble bath mix so her lower privacy was assured.

“I’ll slide it across the floor as far as I can without coming in.”

“What would you have done if bringing hot chocolate to your mother in her bath?”

“I’d take it in”

“Well fetch it in please.”

Judith was sure he appeared disappointed finding her breasts were covered. At forty-four she was in good shape and rather proud of her figure. She felt tempted to remove the cloth and say ‘What do you think of these?’ but knew she was only teasing herself.

‘Thanks,” she said, taking the drink and smiling.

“You have a great body. It noticed up at the lake when you were in that little top and tight shorts.”

“I’m tired Blue.”

“Yeah I guess it would have been a rough night. Sleep well and dream peacefully.”

When she flopped into bed Judith thought she’d like to dream about him thrusting into her. The next think she knew it was an hour away from noon. She showered and spent quite some time playing with her breasts and running a finger over her trimmed vulva, putting on quite a show and imagine he was looking through the bathroom door at her and tugging at his erection.

She was appalled and got out and dried herself. God she hadn’t have such rampant carnal thoughts for years. What was wrong with her?

No way would she try to seduce Blue. Michelle would never forgive her.

Judith dressed in a modest sundress and expected to find him beside the pool.

He was.

“Hi,” he said and smiled. “Go back and change into that back one-piece swimsuit and fetch a jug of Martinis.”

“I can’t drink. I’m on call.”

“Then the swimsuit and fetch me a beer.”

“Why the black swimsuit?”

“The wet back enhances your curves.”

“Should you be talking to me like this?”


Judith thought he should too, not that she would say that.

She returned wearing her loose fitting blue swimsuit and handed him his beer and sat at the table sipping her icy mineral water.

“Thanks,” he’d said when taking the beer but not moving off the sun lounger. She noticed he wore baggy shorts. He made no mention of her not being in black.

Judith managed she could feel tension rising.

She looked over but saw nothing rising in the vicinity of his crotch. God should a married women with three children be thinking like this about a twenty-one year old?

She decided, in this instance, the only appropriate answer was yes. She also had grounds for feeling flighty like this, knowing she was not being sexually fulfilled and until that sexy talk with her sister had more or less accepted changes of being sexually fulfilled in emotional terms would be a lost experience for her. Perhaps is she did have a fling with a young guy it would be like turning back the clock and starting all over again.

Oh yeah? She felt like giggling but withheld knowing he’d demand an explanation for her frivolity.

Omigod, what had he just said to her?

“What did you just say?”

He eyed her steadfastly. “I asked you to pull down your top and give me a look at them.”

“You would never have asked your late mother to do such a thing, would you?”

“Hell yes.”

She knew he was lying and they laughed. Without any delay she met his request, knowing it required only two quick arm movements and it would be done.

She did it and felt very naughty.

He sat up and she felt her confidence plummeting. What if…?

“God you have a great pair.”

Her confidence soared. She felt like cupping them and inviting him to take a closer look.

“Cup them and hold them out for me. I’m coming over to get close up and personal. If you don’t like that then tough.”

As he straightened she saw the concealed bulge. If she wanted that she knew there was no turning back.

“Yes come over. Sit across my knees. This chair is strong enough to support both of us.”

Had she just said that? Omigod, she had. She could tell by his grin.

He swaggered towards her and she heard him say that Micki had said he might get lucky. Micki had said he could really help her mom whose appeared to have been left adrift and confused after catching his husband fucking her best friend and then hearing their confessions they’d been at it for almost a year.

Yes it would be just like Michelle, who was studying to become a psychologist to work with children, to come up with a theory like that. “I-I don’t know what to say?”

“Invite me to lick your tits.”

“Omigod” she yelled and jumped into the pool and began swimming to the end nearest the house.

But there was no escape.

He dove in after her and caught her and pulled off her swimsuit.

Judith turned and spat, “Leave me alone. Go away.”

Blue held Judith but made no effort to paw her. “Come on admit it; you need to be fucked by another guy to make you feel even and just to being fucked.”

For heaven’s sake, who’d given him that logic? Judith knew the answer: Michelle.

But she wasn’t done. They were standing, the water was almost to her shoulders. She pushed him away, or rather attempted to do that. He was immovable.

“Did you ever have sex with your mother?”

He looked at her solemnly.

“Just the once. Dad was away for three weeks and we were amid a heat wave and then there was a change and temperatures over all of Victoria plummeted. She was horny, I was eighteen and perpetually horny so we just got down onto the carpet and fucked like rabbits. She was so embarrassed later but got over it.”

“Oh god,” Judith cried.

He let her go and held out his arms. “Oh Peter, be gentle and kind,” she said, folding into his arms and calling him by his real name.”

They heard her phone ring.

He pushed away and swam swiftly to that side of the pool and hauled himself out athletically and picked up the phone.

Judith heard him say, “Dr Judith Lucas’s phone. She’s here, I’ll get her for you.”

She had waded to the side of the pool and took the phone.

“Hi it’s Laura. Who’s your pal?”

“Michelle’s boyfriend from college.”

“Oh I didn’t know she came back with you. We have four coming in from a car crash so Dr Struthers asked that you to come in on standby. Preliminary assessments suggest two are internal, and one limbs and the other facial so you might not be needed. But being young she’s nervous vice.”

“I’m ten minutes away Laura.”

Blue took the phone and pulled her out with his other hand.

“You dress. I’ll back your car out and turn it around. Return to me horny.”

“Right, there’s no way I’m going to back off,” she smiled and hurried off to dress.

She returned in just under an hour and leaped out of the car and enveloped him in a full hug and turned up her face to be kissed.

Blue squeezed her butt and she whispered, “Come on, inside.”

He grinned, opened her car door and turned the motor off.

Judith was in the kitchen, highly colored and attempting to give the impression she was relaxed.

Blue grabbed a kitchen chair, spun it around and leaned over the back of it. “Remove your dress.”

She obeyed, taking her time.

“I like hold-ups,” he grinned.

“You remove them.”

“Nah I like the feel of stockings against me when fucking. Just remove your bra and that silk thing and go onto your back on the table.”

“We eat off that table.”

“I’m not so thick that I’m not aware of that.”

“W-why do you want my panties kept on?”

“Because I like removing panties.”


When she was comfortable as one can be on a wooden table with no pillows Blue moved in and tongued over her vulva. He held one hand up between her breasts. Judith placed his hand over a breast and she grabbed the other breast, squeezed and groaned. She felt her panties being pulled sideways and his tongue flick over her outer labia.

She groaned and groaned again when he said she had an almost pretty cunt.

Blue soon had her fully aroused and her head swinging from side to side and she climaxed. He lifted up grinning, liquids running out of his mouth and off his chin. He ripped off her panties and wiped his face with them.

She had another release just on the strength of his almost obscene exhibition.

“Do you swallow,” she gasped.

“Yeah do you?”

She didn’t know what to say but in time he’d find that she did although as she explained, it had been many years since last doing that. She found him so cute she would feel more than obliged to please him.

Although uncomfortable on the table Judith lifted her head to find what the delay was. He was putting on a condom.

“You won’t need that if you believe you a clean.”

“What about when butt-fucking?”

“Yes of course but I-I haven’t done that since college.”


She watched him jerking his dick harder and though having that big thing up her rectum, no way. On the other hand perhaps they could try before they returned to the lake.

Judith stayed lifted, with her arms behind her taking the weight. She watched fascinated as it slowly slid into her. She swallowed and felt this really was fucking. Harry preferred doing it in bed and with the lights out. She imagined a guy having no idea of a women’s thought as she watched a long and hard cock disappearing into her depths. She groaned since he appeared to like that. Actually it was a beautiful fit and she felt really filled.

She clung to him and raked his back but taking care not to leave marks. Oh this brought back great memories. What had she and Harry fucked up her marriage? She guessed the demands of her work and her attitude had contributed. Of course some guys like to think they wanted more sex and would go looking for more but really would never get what they really thought they wanted because who bothers to try to analyze urges?

Much later Judith had to cry a halt. She was covered in semen and sweat mixed with her own juices that were oozing down her legs and on to the floor.

“I’ve probably had enough,” Blue said.

She noted the word probably and smiled. “I can’t believe how you can keep coming and coming although I realize you are young and at the peak of your virility.”

He grinned and his expression made Judith think he looked as if just having been presented with an Olympic medal. Oh well perhaps a medal awarded by the sex industry.

He grabbed a kitchen towel and said to hold that over her cunt and go to the shower.

“Did I make all that mess?”

“No you did not. I got off numerous times and I sweat too,” she said indignantly.

He grinned and earned a medal, “I’ll clean up here.”

Judith was called to the hospital at 8:00 as the mayhem created by Friday night drinkers added to the routine workload. She arrived home and 3:00 and slept for much of the day.

She came out to the pool late afternoon dressed only in a robe and said yes they could have sex but slowly and gently.

Blue obliged and treated her beautifully.

On Saturday night Judith received two standby calls but wasn’t required. She experienced anal sex instead and told Blue to his disappointment she didn’t think much of it.

“That’s fine,” he said. “Fortunately I’m with someone who revels in it.”

Judith knew that had just slipped out and chose to ignore it. They had not made any rules but knew not to discuss sex life with their respective partners.

On Sunday at 7:00 Muriel Bacarella called from the airport.

“Hi I heard about the mishaps to Kevin and Logan. Give me till noon to grab a few hours sleep in my own bed and I’ll call and you can be on your way back to the lake.”

Judith woke Blue at 8:00 and jumped clear giggling. “God doesn’t that thing go down. Let’s have breakfast by the pool. The surgeon has arrived back from Italy and will take over from me from round noon so we can head for then lake.”

“Can we fuck this morning?”

“I suppose so.”

He looked pained and she realized what he would be thinking.

“Yes of course. It will be our finale won’t it? We will never be together for sex again.”

“Never say never,” he grinned and leaped at her but she raced from the bedroom yelling delightedly and managed to get to the pool first. He saw the food and being male his priorities switched.

Ten days later they packed up and returned from the lake and the next day they all went to the airport to see Blue off. He would spend the rest of summer back in Australia.

Back home Judith hugged her tearful daughter. “You should have gone with him honey. I told you I’d pay.”

“It’s just an emotional release mom. He’s too shallow for me and I accept that. I am so happy you were compliant enough to allow him to release you sexually.”

Judith pushed back her daughter’s fringe. “I regret to have to say but nothing has changed.”

“You don’t know. Give it time. He’s a good fuck isn’t he?”

Judith looked around nervously.

“It’s okay. I can see dad and the kids in the pool. Talk to me mom.”

“I had sex coming out of my ears.”

Michelle giggled and said she hoped her mom was speaking figuratively.

“He’s the best I’ll ever had darling and there were quite a number before your arrival.”

“I’m happy about that. What did Aunt Maxine think of him? He wouldn’t tell me.”

Judith frowned. “She made me promise not to tell.”

“You two are always breaking promises.”

Judith colored. “Maxine said she tried to fuck him legless but believes she came nowhere near it. She labels him a fuck machine.”

Michelle screamed in laughter. “What else?”

Judith squirmed.

“Come on, out with it.”

“You won’t like it. It’s best that I don’t…”

“Come on mom. So he thinks Maxine is better at sex than me?”

Judith said nothing and looked away.

“Omigod, out with it mom.”

“Don’t be mad at me darling. He made Maxine angry telling her I was the best he’d ever had.”

For a moment Michelle appeared stunned. She smiled and placed her arms around her mom kissed her and said, “This is the truth mom. I always knew you were the best although not quite in that respect. What a damn idiot dad is.”

“Hush darling. Let’s not go there again. You must think it awful being told that?”

“Mom my pride runneth over. When may I try sex with just the best?”

“God Michelle back off.”

“Just joking mom. I am very, very proud of you. This is about something else and I think it’s a great time to bring it up; will you call me Micki? I’ve come to really like the name.”

“I’ll think about it darling. Go for a swim. I’ll be with you in a few minutes.”

Michelle had just reached her father and siblings when Judith called from the kitchen door, “Micki, find out what they want to drink and come help me carry.”

“Yes mom,” came the delighted response. “Put your black swimsuit on; we all love you in that.”


Something changed for Judith. It began with the chief surgeon patting her on the ass one morning when they were finished up after a difficult reconstruction.

“You did exceptionally well Judith.”

Judith looked at where his hand was and he slowly slid it off her rump. They began washing up silently until, “You’ve become sexy.”

“Rubbish Colin.”

“I didn’t expect you to acknowledge it.”

That conversation ended with others coming into the room and she thought that Colin was hallucinating.

A few days later the assistant chief administrator asked her to dinner.

In surprise she asked why.

“You appear prime dinner company and, er, my wife is away.”

“You know I’m married Lance.”

“Well we have that in common.”

She laughed. “Well I’m not dating you.”

His face fell and she knew she wasn’t heartless. “But you can come to my home for lunch this Sunday.”

“Will Harry be there?”

“Lance stop it. Of course he’ll be there.”

“Good,” grinned the 40-year old. “I always enjoy his company.”

Judith flushed, having caught the wickedness in his smile.

Lunch went well. Micki was back at college and the other two kids were away with friends.”

“As he was leaving Lance said, “I’d like to invite you two out fishing on Saturday.”

“Sorry pal I have golf. I thought you would have too; it’s our big summer tournament.”

“Nah I decided to give it a miss.”

Harry said, “You go with them honey. You don’t like fishing but like boating.”

Judith opened her mouth to decline with thanks when Lance said, “Olin’s Marina, Pier 3 berth 14 Judith. I know it’s only river fishing with a good chance of getting nothing but we serve good food and wine.”

Judith accepted thinking by ‘we’ Lance must have invited others.

But he hadn’t. Annoyed she said, “You have enticed me here through misrepresentation.”

“Don’t be too hard on me,” Lance lied handing Judith his phone. Sue and my brother-in-law cancelled at the last minute. Speed dial 63 and ask them.”

Judith hesitated and handed back the phone and Lance knew that would happen.

“Well move your ass and cast off at the bow,” ordered Captain Lance Langford before climbing up to the wheelhouse. “When I yell cast off the stern line throw it well back to avoid the propellers. Here use these gloves; we don’t wish to harm the hands of a surgeon. Then go to the galley and grab two glasses and grab a bottle of white wine from the refrigerator.”

“Aye, aye captain.”

Judith arrived with the wine and glasses. “God it’s high up here.”

Lance, now wearing only shorts and scuffs said, “Get your gear off.”

“Excuse me!”

“Your top gear. You are wearing a bikini under that stuff aren’t you?”

“Um well yes, but more like a top and very short shorts.”

“Well what are you waiting for? I want to get a good look at you.”


Lance paused to think. “I appreciate well-built structures.”

She thought what the hell. But no way would she have sex with him.

Judith was almost asleep when she heard the twin engines stop and the anchor chain rattle out. Oh this was for Lance and this fishing.


Minutes later she felt something brush her lips and recognized the smell of a dick.

“Suck on this baby.”

Well as Micki had counseled unless she broke out to become really happy again life would pass her by. This was just a stepping-stone. She opened her mouth and Lance pushed in. She went to work and heard him pant “Jesus Judith.” After that high praise it simply became one step after another until Lance pulled out of her for the second time to spray her tits and then groaned, “Jesus Judith, I’m all tuckered out.”

However in half an hour he had some spark back and they went at it again before sighed and pulled up anchor and returned them home safely.

It was only 3:00 when Judith approached the house. She stopped and reserved the car, noticing Martha Buchanan’s red car in the driveway.

“Bitch,” she hissed.

Ten minutes later Harry and Martha came out the front door, holding hands but they then dropped hands and said goodbye. As Martha went to get into her car she glanced towards the street and appearing satisfied no one was passing pulled up her skirt and cupped a breast. From her distance away and not being at a good angle, Judith couldn’t see if Martha had any panties on but she saw Harry’s interested grin and he placed a hand over his dick.

“Martha you bitch,” Judith growled, thinking that two-faced cow had promised her she’d stay away from Harry. “And you Harry are dead on the water.”

She waited a few minutes and then drove in quietly. Harry was on the bed asleep, unzipped and a hand around his flaccid dick. She shook him awake and smiled.

“Hi. We had a great time on the water and now I feel like sex.”

Harry pushed his flaccid dick back through his zip. “I er am tired after golf.”

“Just a five minute fuck,” she whined. “I was so looking forward to it.”

“Um later.”

She went into the dressing room and pulled out a pair of fresh panties and in the bathroom took a condom from the cabinet, filled it with water to stretch it and then tipped almost all of the water out.”

“Harry!” she yelled and marched into the bedroom. “What the hell are these?”

Harry looked bewildered. “We didn’t use condoms and she arrived without panties.”

“Who is she?” Judith yelled murderously.

“Only Martha,” he cried defensively.

“I saw her leaving,” Judith said quietly. “Harry move into the guestroom and I want you out of this house tomorrow and to advise your attorney I am commencing divorce proceedings.”

“Oh honey, let’s talk this through.”

“No the most I can forgive anyone is once and you’ve had that Harry. Now get out of my bedroom.”

She cried as she watched him leave and heard him snarl, “Bitch.”

She felt much better knowing she’d got through to him. She changed and then went out to make dinner and prepare for the arrival home of the children.

She then called Arnold Buchanan.

“Hi Arnold. Your wife is back to having sex with my husband. I almost caught them at it and tricked Harry into admitting it.”

“Oh damn, just when I thought we had it sorted. Um would you like to do it with me?”

“No thanks Arnold, you’re too short for me. I mean in height. I’m divorcing my treacherous husband.”

“Good move. With him gone from the neighborhood I’ll have no one sharing my wife.”

“Dream on Arnold,” Judith said smiling in the hope she’d planted doubt in his head. That bitch ought to be taught a real lesson.

Johnny came in half an hour after Trudy. Judith sat them down and told them she would be divorcing their father and why.

“It was just a fuck mom, don’t be too hard on dad.”

Judith fumed and told Trudy not to use that word in front of her.

“Sorry mom. What will happen to us?” she asked.

“You’ll have the choice of living with either one of us or perhaps you could live with Grandma Jean.”

“I’ll stay with you. Can we continue living in this house?”

“I should think so darling. But don’t rush your decision.”

Johnny scowled, “I really should live with dad but he’s been such a jerk to you mom and that means he’s also let us down. I’m only fifteen and need a mom. Dad will be too busy chasing after women to find someone to cook for him than to bother with me.”

That was probably right, Judith thought, and urged Johnny to take his time to think about it.

This wasn’t really about adultery,” she thought, calling Micki early evening to get her but didn’t get through. No it was about lost respect for each other. The signs had been there for some years but they had both ignored them and now she was also an adulterer.

Micki who’d been on another call phoned. She listened without any adverse comment or indeed any comment apart from the occasional neutral “I see.”


“No one can accuse you of not trying to hold your family together mom. I’m pleased you had the courage to do this.”

“You are pleased?”

“Yes mom. I wanted to suggest you do it but then felt it wasn’t my place to break up my own family. What do the kids think?”

“You wanted to urge me to do it.”

“Yes mom. And all but said it in my ‘get a life speech’ if you care to remember.”

“Well you set me thinking.”

“I decided that’s as far as I could go.”

“What do the kids think?”

“Trudy appears pro me at the moment and Johnny thinks it could be his best option as he needs a mother.”

“He’s not waiting for the best offer mom. That kid will development into the best brain of our family. I’ll come home this weekend to support you three. I’ll be telling them to stay cool, that you’ll build a new family round them.”

“Oh darling but I’m not sure I’m capable of doing that. I’m not sure if any guy would want a family with kids aged twenty-one, almost seventeen and fifteen.”

“You will find a choice guy. Think divorced with no children.”

“I can’t see that happening but your presence here will be good for us.”

“I’ll also hunt dad down and talk to him.”

“About coming back to me?”

“Hell no. I’ll urge him to settle amicably and to continue to be a friend of our family. Watch Trudy mom. She’ll be the one most likely to crack over this.”

Judith couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. “W-what about me?”

“Mom you’re the tough guy of our family and you better believe it. Actually you must know that. The only time you falter is when work leaves you almost exhausted. Do you want to talk to Blue… he’s in the shower?”

“What to heap guilt on to myself. No thanks. Just tell him the news and to say I said hi and tell him to study hard. I surprised he’s still around.”

“Sometime its best to stick with who and what you know mom. I’ve looked round a bit and oh yuk.”

“You are doing the right thing darling. I’ll tell you this. I think you have yet to experience the best in Blue. He’s passing through a phase that your English grandmother calls “Sowing his oats.”

“God mom, you can knock the socks off me at times. What you have just said about I have yet to see the best in him is something I have thought about but have been unable to verbalize to myself.”

“You are at an institution being trained to think at higher levels darling. It will come Micki. Good night sweetheart.”

“You are the best mom a girl could have,” Micki said, bursting into tears and cutting the call.

Judith sniffed hard and sat thinking.

* * *

Micki called a number of her friends who knew her father to find if they knew where he was staying. Several had seem him about with various women but no one was aware he wasn’t living at home.

She called the financial services partnership where he worked, not giving his name, but was told she could make an appointment to see Mr Kennedy but home addresses of partners could not be disclosed.

“Then please tell him to call me.”

‘I’m sorry ma’am but cannot do that unless you identify yourself as being one of his major clients.”

“I’m Michelle his fucking daughter, Micki yelled and cut the call feeling like strangling the bitch.

He father called less than two minutes later.

“Hi, has your mom being the bearer of bad news?”

“Yes dad but I saw it coming.”

“”You did? Well frankly I didn’t. I thought splitting with me might be a problem professionally for her.”

“I saw it coming dad because you are so irresponsible being back with Martha Buchanan and you and Aunt Maxine and you making a pitch for me eighteen months ago when mom was at that workshop in Ottawa.”

“Jesus you’ve told her about me making you suck me off and how the hell did you find out about me and your aunt?”

“Dad telling you will get us nowhere. I’ll never tell mom about you and me and about you and Maxine. Just accept my word on that.”

“Thanks baby.”

“Dad I’ll be home this weekend to help hold your family together. I want you to book Sunday lunch for us so we can chat about the divorce and the aftermath. Whatever happens you are my father and when I marry, if I ever do, I’ll want you there dad and soon as possible after the arrival of your first grandchild.”

“Oh Jesus, what have I done?”

“Toughen up dad. It happens all the time. Find someone and treat her well and start all over again. You have my number. Call me about the booking. I’ll get them all there even if I have to kick ass but mom is under my thumb and the kids don’t yet quite know what to think but they know one thing and that’s you are their father. I suggest you think about telling them to stay with mom for the good of the family but it’s your call. You might end up with a younger woman if you come to her without children. She may even have children.”

“I-I haven’t through this through have I?”

“No dad. Men have difficulty thinking beyond their dick. Call me is you wish to talk to someone you can trust. I guarantee confidentiality. I must go. Chin up.”

“I never have known you to be like this um Micki.”

Micki laughed and told him to cut the crap and keep on calling her Michelle. She thought had he ever tried to know her, what she thought, what her innermost aspirations were? Yet her mom did all that and never stopped relating and adjusting to change affecting her daughter.

He said goodbye and added, “Judith didn’t want you called Michelle. That’s why she’ll be happy calling you Micki.”

Micki cut the call without replying, quite astonished to learn her father could still surprise her. Well the family would not completely cut ties with him so she’d still learn from him. She could also ask why had he chosen to start fucking Maxine when he began going out with her older sister? To this day Maxine had no idea although conceding it had been a huge risk. Maxine had told her about her best-kept secret one night up at the lake when drunk and Micki had been putting her to bed.

* * *

Judith knew from hearing of other women’s experiences it would be difficult finding a replacement for Harry but she found just the word difficult had different shades of meaning ranging, it would appear, from mildly difficult to hopelessly difficult. It didn’t help being told that possibly twenty or more women at the hospital were currently on the guy search that could lead to beyond one-night stands.

She soon learned not to talk about her plight and to keep away from other women in her situation in case their negative attitude was contagious.

However she did complain about her lack of success to Micki.

“Mom are you really looking?”

“I think so. I am particularly focused on men and wear a bright smile and if they talk to me I attempt to remain open and friendly.”

“At least that’s a start,” said her daughter encouragingly, sounding as if she was taking care not to sound patronizing. “Are you accepting practically all invitations to dine out and go to parties?”

“The few I receive, yes.”

“And you are prepared to have sex without stupid rules like not on the first few date or not until you get to know the guy better?”

“Darling, don’t you think…”

“Answer me mom.”

“All right I could do it on a first date. I know I could. God I’m feeling so horny at times I would be tempted to drag the guy into the house when he arrived to take me somewhere.”

“Good girl mom. I like it.”

“You are not haunting bars looking are you?”


“Good girl. You’re only like to find adulterers and losers there. Increase your contacts with your girlfriends and if they invite you say you don’t have a partner. The smart ones will know what to do and invite someone they would probably like a piece of themselves but of course others will land you with a donkey, er a mommy’s boy, a brother who can’t hold a date or something like that. You could also book in at a resort for a weekend providing Johnny has somewhere to go.”

“That sounds like a positive suggestion.”

“If I were a guy looking for a new partner I think I would try that, hoping a spa resort is where lovely lonely women would go to lament and hope to get lucky. That’s about me done. Oh what about former patients, guys who impressed you?”

“That kind of guy is already married.”

Micki snorted. “I see, so they never split from their partner?”

“Well that could be so but it would not be considered ethical to hunt down one’s former patients.”

“What if it were two or three years since you handled them… er they consulted you?”

“I suppose that would be acceptable.”

“Well there you go mom. You now have a set agenda. I will be calling to hear about positive progress and if you make feeble excuses I’ll crack the whip.”

Next morning Judith asked the department’s executive director for a junior to work with her on a research project taking an estimated ten hours to survey former patients to produce data on how they see themselves today two to three years after surgery.

“Darling I know you don’t bother me usually with quirky little projects like some of the other surgeons,” Margaret said. “But you must understand I am obliged to justify deployment of resources.”

“But I only asked for a junior, um an intelligent one with a good telephone manner.”

“It doesn’t matter, a resource is a resource. Let me ask you this, what is the purpose of this exercise?”

Judith thought quickly and smiled. “If the findings come up to expectations and show patterns then I’ll deepen this preliminary research and submit a paper for publication.”

“Oh fine, no problem providing this hospital is acknowledged in credits and by that I mean not just mentioning you work here.”

“Of course and if publishing I’d give special thanks to you Margaret and to our little research assistant.”

Margaret beamed and said she would get on to the request later in the day.

That afternoon Judith had finished drafting reports and was about to leave for home when a timid-looking junior knocked on her door. She was all of eighteen but being at least six-one couldn’t be described as little.

“I’m Rachel Carson-Blake your researcher. I am so honored to meet you again.”

That was sufficient to trigger Judith’s memory. “I seem to remember you… four and five years ago, Emily Carson-Blake, your grandmother, two hip replacements, done eighteen months apart.”

“Yes. You have an amazing memory.”

“Not really. Your grandmother had this really posh English accent.”

“She still does and these days has greater mobility that most of her friends who have hip and/or knee problems. She only uses a stick to prevent a fall as you told her the possible consequences of a serious fall.”

Judith spent the next ten minutes briefing her researcher who seemed to know what Judith wanted ahead of being told.

“You appear to be very knowledgeable about preliminary research Rachel?”

“My head of department Mrs Anderson briefed me extensively about what you wanted dug up and how I must work meticulously in noting the responses and compiling the findings for you to analyze. Mrs Anderson said the paper you’ll produce would bring credit on this hospital.”


“Your research findings that will be published in one of the medical journals.”

“Oh that paper,” Judith said coloring.

* * *

Twelve weeks later Judith signed the covering letter of the final draft and handed it to Rachel to post.

“You have done brilliantly on this project Rachel and I’m so pleased you have enrolled with an on-line university to gain a qualification in research.

“It has been a real pleasure working with you Dr Kennedy. You are so highly respected throughout the orthopedic department.”

“Nonsense Rachel, research your facts. Most of the people here are simply scared of me.”

“Actually I have done the research and you may have to revised just who is talking nonsense,” Rachel said, opening a file on her laptop. “I simply asked people casually what they thought of you as a surgeon, as part of the team here and as a person. I did not mention I’d record their responses so would appreciate you not mentioning this little study to anyone. Here we go, working up from the two juniors below me up to the deputy chief surgeon.”

Judith listened to the noted responses being read to her and soon was considerably embarrassed but allowed Rachel to continue.

Finally Rachel said, “Perhaps this is the most astonishing comment. When the deputy chief surgeon Dr Perkins was waiting for the elevator I asked him who was the person in his entire department who impressed him most. He said he couldn’t say so I said I had been engaged in helping you with a research project so could he just say what did he think of you. He stepped into the elevator, turned and said, “The most impressive person and my favorite surgeon would be that person you just mentioned. That’s just between you and me Rachel. I trust you don’t gossip.”

“Thank you Rachel. I was embarrassed but interested to be told of your findings,” said Judith. “Please trash that file. It ought not be discussed with anyone else.”

“I agree. Dr Kennedy would you lunch with me on Saturday as my guest? The assistance you gave me in developing the research program allowed me to produce work that will be noted by my supervisors. I wish to thank you.”

“I accept with pleasure Rachel,” said Judith who had been disappointed the findings had not produced some possible dates from quality people. She conceded it was a ridiculous idea and no wonder it had failed in that respect.

The lunch with Rachel went well and she later took a call from Micki who sounded very excited.

“Mom you know I’m due home to see you guys next weekend as someone had to keep an eye on you?”

“So you have other plans. That’s okay darling. We can manage without need for supervision until your visit the following month.”

Micki laughed, appreciating the sarcasm. “Mom I’ll be brining Blue with me to stay; is that okay?”

“Of course dear. Just tell him to keep his hands off me.”

Her daughter giggled but did no comment on that. “Are you still taking next week off to reduce your backlog of leave owing?”

“Yes I plan to loll around and try to determine if I still have a garden and to have a couple of visits to beauticians and to buy some things to upgrade my autumn-winter wardrobe.”

“Oh fine. Mom can we bring a mystery guest?”


“If I told you it wouldn’t be a mystery and I’d like you to show our guest round Boston and outer attractions and then drive our guest to New York where our guest has a convention beginning the following Monday when you will be due back at the hospital.”

“Darling aren’t you a little old to be engaging me in guessing games?”

“Just ride with the flow mom. Do I have a yes to everything including our guest staying on with you?”

“I suppose so but on the understanding that if she or he and I are not particularly compatible then I don’t go to New York.”

“Yes that is understood but don’t expect a problem.”‘

“I feel so stupid agreeing to these things.”

“Mom where is your sense of excitement? Act your age; you are not an old woman. Have you set up dates with numerous eligible men?”

Judith emitted a big sigh.

“I thought as much. You really do need someone to push you along mom. You’ll be hopeless by yourself.”

“I won’t be alone. I have… oh god, Trudy will be off to college next year and from about that time about all I’ll see of Johnny will be to help sort out his problems and to hand over more money and then he’ll be gone. I’ll have to get a cat.”

“A good sturdy erection will fulfill most of your needs mom. Stop attempting to scare me with his spinster talk.”

“You are a disgusting girl Michelle,” Judith laughed. “Just where did I go wrong?”

“Your Micki has one of the best moms in the world and do you forget it. We’ll arrive Friday night late so will eat on the way.”

“So you are not going to ID this mystery guest?”

“No mom. And don’t attempt to guess.”

Judith yawned and poured herself a drink. She had a suspicion it would be a guy from her past, probably a guy Michelle er Micki had met at some time. It could be one of her friends or a partner of one of her friends or someone her estranged husband had introduced her to over the years. God there were so many; she didn’t know where to start. She picked up a book thinking how childish to try to be so mysterious but quickly forget being displeased as the novel began to seize her attention.

A few days later she attended a conference with her outgoing husband and their lawyers and reached settlement on their divorce, the two younger children having signed papers opting to stay with their mother. The decisions reached made it easy for their father to gain access to them should he be interested. Already they were seeing less and less of him since Harry had pulled out lunching with them on Sundays because his latest girlfriend insisted they lunch with her parents most Sundays.


Judith had a ‘wet’ Sunday lunch with a couple of girlfriends. She felt free not having to be on standby or performing routine operations for a week so later at home when wandering round the house aimlessly and after a couple of swims had a few more drinks and in between served the kids dinner. Trudy went out and Johnny who had a friend over went into the garage to take their bikes to pieces for unnecessary maintenance.

It was almost 11:00 when the toot of a car coming up the driveway awoke her.

Micki rushed in and smothered her with kisses and was obviously excited. Judith peered at the tall guy with a chisel-shaped chin and very penetrating green eyes, noting his hair was obviously colored. She wondered if her danced or fucked, perhaps both and was conscious of her head spinning.

“Mom are your okay,” she heard Micki say. She alleged she was a box of birds.

The guys laughed and Blue said she looked great and added with a huge smile, “Judith this is my father?”

“You have a father?” the hostess slurred.

Micki yelled, “”Mom you’re drunk.”

Judith heard a roaring noise and felt she was floating and was only dimly conscious of one or both men catching her as she flew towards them or had she fallen?

Judith awoke next morning to hear the radio booming and Micki and Trudy singing at the top of their voices. Oh it was so great having Micki home and those two girls continuing to relate so well now they were a one-parent family.

Aghast, remembering last night, Judith pulled a sheet over her head, felt the headache and groaned in embarrassment. Well time to face up to them.

She showed and because it was hot put on the black swimsuit and admired her figure in the mirror, thinking not bad or an old duck. She barely put on makeup knowing no one would notice because she was in disgrace.

Judith entered the kitchen and the dark headed older guy, the father, was standing at the breakfast bar. He looked up and cried “Jesus” and dropped his orange juice. The non-breakable glass bounced three times and was then trapped by Blue’s foot. She looked up and saw Blue hand the tumbler to Micki .

They were both grinning like Cheshire cats.

“Good one mom,” Micki giggled. “Bluey and I hoped Neal would see you looking sensation in tight black.”

“Please accept my apologies Mr Border for my informality but I swim before breakfast most mornings,” she lied. Well she did occasionally but being a late riser was usually on the run weekday mornings.

“Oh join us to coffee first and please call me Neal. And don’t apologize for being so exhausted last night. I was so relieved to find you possess at least one human frailty because after listening to these two go on about you I was left with the impression you were a goddess.”

Judith heard Micki suck in breath as she said politely, “Oh what a lovely thing to say Neal.”

“You appear to be in tremendously good shape Judith.”

Aware the two youngsters were slipping off Judith said, “Well I do use the pool at the hospital at midday all year whenever possible and spend some time with light weights.”

The other two disappeared, taking Trudy and Johnny to where they wanted to go, leaving Judith to spend all day alone with Neal. When he appeared in his ‘swimmers’ she noted the bulge and couldn’t help herself, her mind filled with thoughts about sex. Whenever she adjusted the top of her swimsuit he just stared at her, making Judith feel a little weak at the knees. She was tempted not to keep on adjusting and allow a breast to pop out but then who would be the most embarrassed?

Judith arrived back from the kitchen later with a jug of mint juleps and apologized for being a bit early with alcohol.

“It’s fine. I have been drilled to fit in with local customs.”

“Um this is not a local custom at this home but I… well I didn’t know what else to do.”

“How often are you getting sex? Micki told me you and her father split three months ago and divorce is on the way.”

Judith almost gasped as hearing him being so impertinent. Or was he just being brave? God how would she deal with this? Her mind told her to reply sensibly and to be plausible and indicate just a hint of interest.

“Sex is not a requirement at my age.”

Even in his laconic way of speaking, Neal’s words sent tingles to Judith’s core.

“Don’t be so damn ridiculous. Good heavens woman, you are in your prime. I see you as thirty-something, not forty-something.”

“Meaning?” she asked stupidly.

“You require sex daily.”

They were propped back on sun loafers. Judith’s instinct won over common sense. Instead of chastising him or alleging he was being ridiculous, she just kept relaxed and giggled, knowing he’d see the wobble in her breasts despite her swimsuit being tight; the fabric was elasticized.

He sat up and looked down at her and said softly, “I’d be more than happy to take you to bed.”

His choice of words excited her and she thought how couth he was.

“I’d thought you were leading up to this,” she smiled. And to encourage him said, “Well this is something to think about but not here, not with the children about, as they will still be a little confused by the marital breakup.”

He lay back.

She thought well that’s him turned off. But no.”

“I agree. I understand you have agreed to take me up to Boston for two nights for me to be with my aunt and then take me down the coast for some way and then to visit Albany and then on to New York where I’m to speak at a property investment convention on Tuesday.”

“Yes so would you like to sleep with me on one of those nights?”

“All of those nights,” he laughed and she giggled. He reached for her hand and she held it up and it was squeezed lightly.

“Oh I’m going to really enjoy me week with you. What say we leave tomorrow instead of Monday?”

“A great idea,” she smiled, squeezing his hand. “I know my children won’t mind and Trudy will be delighted to have Micki virtually to herself.”

* * *

They drove to Boston in Judith’s car, leaving Blue and Micki to travel back in the hire car. As they approached the city Neal called his aunt to advise he’d visit her in the morning.

“That was kind of you,” Judith said, having taken the wheel because she was familiar with Boston, having been educated there. “Aunt Doris would have been wondering if you would arrive as planned; I know how older people living alone tend to think.”

“I am a kind man.”

“Yeah in business??”

“Let’s say that is one exception,” he grinned. “Another exception is living it up for our first couple of nights together. I have booked a river view suite at the Liberty.”

“Oh beautiful. I’ll pay half.”

“Thank you but no. My company pays.”

They sat drinking champagne, attempting not to eye each other and keep relaxed but failed on both counts.”

Finally Judith could bear it no longer. “Undress me,” she said huskily and groaned in delight as she felt Neal’s hands work over her body. After he tossed away her bra his lips closed over a nipple. Her mouth opened and she screamed silently.

They skipped fellatio and cunnilingus with Judith gasping, “Push it in.”

Neal positioned himself and commanded, “You want it; you push it in.”

She happily obliged and then placing her legs over his shoulders said, “Oooh, lovely fit.”

* * *

Neal and Judith were married in Sydney five months after Judith’s divorce had come through. She’d relocated there with Johnny and Trudy and although Trudy in particular still wept over the loss of her friends she was happy with Australia and said to her mom she was unlikely to take up the offer to reunited with her old friends at college.

“They are spreading out to numerous colleges and anyway Kate, Liz and Alan plan to go to Sydney University and so will I.”

“Alan? I’ve not heard that name before.”

“Oh he’s just a guy who’s teaching me to surf,” Trudy said evasively.

Harry the children’s father had phoned to say he’d decided not to come to the wedding as his fiancée thought with them planning to have a new house built it would be such a waste of money.

“Pease yourself,” Judith had snapped, crying and cutting the call. Well little had changed; Harry had long lost his sensitivity in their relationship. She expected soon he’d stop calling the kids and then birthday and Christmas presents would be the next to go.

An hour later that disappointment was smothered when her sister called.

Maxine was excited to advise she’d had a dress fitting as matron on honor. “It looks so gorgeous on me. I’ve never worn lilac before.”

“I had thought sky blue like the bridesmaids but Linda my mother-in-law said no, that judging by your photo you were worthy of your own standout color and it was she who suggested lilac.”

“So you still describe yourself as ‘best mates’ with your new extended family?

“Yes, for some reason they all like me.”

“And probably very much,” Maxine said dryly. “God only eight more steep nights before we head for Sydney, Are your two brothers-by-in law worth a try?”

“Darling please, this is to be my second and my best wedding. Don ‘t fuck it up.”


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