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Alex’s Lessons

Category: Lesbian Sex
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She stared at the skyscraper in front of her. The city had so far been everything she had dreamed of. Settled into her apartment, she had easily made friends with the ladies that lived across from her, as well as the couple with three kids just two doors down. Now Alex found herself crossing the street and walking into the Tucker Modeling agency. She was to meet her mom’s old college friend Rita, to see if she would help launch Alex’s career in the business.

Alex paused at the front desk, received a pass and directions as to the agency’s office, and soon found herself wedged between business suits, and tailored blouses. She felt out of place and very uncomfortable. Her life was taking a sudden change and it was as if she were holding on for dear life, in order to keep control. The elevator made several stops, and people jockeyed for position until she finally was able to reach her own floor, and weave her way out.

The doors almost closed on the tall, slim woman, but she managed to escape, with all her limbs in tacked. Alex noticed a bathroom off to her left and hurried inside. She smiled shyly at the beautiful creature who glanced at her, then looked away. While she moved into the stall, she stopped and turned to look at the woman again. The woman this time looked back at her through the mirror’s reflection and winked. She grabbed her purse, wiped her hands dry, and waved goodbye to Alex.

Alex finished her deeds and washed her hands, the whole time not quite believing she had just seen one of the country’s top super models. She had posters of that woman on her bedroom walls back home, with little signs that read: “This is me, I’m her, She is so cool!”

Brushing her fingers through her hair, the 18-year-old beauty made her way to the next desk she had to pass before getting to what she hoped was her final destination. “Hello,” she greeted the pretty brunette behind the blue marbled counter.

Sheila looked up and grinned, “Hi, may I help you?” She took in the black haired lovely, and knew she was another face looking for a job. Sheila waited for the young woman to answer and set her face to deliver the usual appointment needed through a private agent, and a portfolio–the usual, “let them down easy speech.”

“I’m Alexandra Blythe, and I have an appointment to meet with Ms. Tucker.”

Sheila cocked her brow, and swallowed her surprise. “One moment and I’ll sign you in.” She clicked on the series of windows, verified that Ms. Blythe did in fact have an appointment, and waved her toward a seat in one of the lobby chairs.

“Someone will be up here shortly to take you to Ms. Tucker’s office.” Sheila went back to work, and kept her thoughts to herself concerning Ms. Blythe. Pretty yes, beautiful even, but the next super-model? Only with some work, and some tuning. Sheila had seen them come and go and this one in her opinion had country bumpkin written all over her.

Carl walked through the cubicles and out into the open lobby of the agency, smiled over at Sheila, then glanced around for his boss’s appointment. The delicate faced woman was looking like a deer caught in the headlights of a fast moving semi. He walked up to her and extended his hand, “Ms. Blythe?”

Alex looked up into a pair of chocolate-colored eyes, and smiled, “Yes.”

“Ms. Tucker is ready to see you now. If you’ll follow me.”

She stood, and did as she had been instructed. Alex felt herds of butterflies ripping through her belly as she followed the tall man past rows of beautiful oak doors and large open windows. Cubicles that had all sorts of people sitting behind them were on the other side of her, and she felt as if they were all staring at her. In reality, barely any of them looked up to see her. This kind of thing happened all the time, and usually ended with the girl never being seen again.

Carl knocked lightly on one of the doors that resembled the rest and peeked inside. “She’s here, Rita.”

Alex heard the sound of a woman behind the door say, “Wonderful.” Her eyes took in the enormity of the office and the view of the city, which seemed to stretch on forever from the 67th floor of the skyscraper.

“Hello, Alexandra.” Rita moved from her desk and closed the distance between them. “God, you look just like your mom. I would have sworn it was her if I didn’t know you were the one walking into my office.” She hugged Alex tightly and gave her a friendly squeeze. “Come sit down and tell me about Maddie.”

She smiled at her mom’s friend, recognizing her immediately. “Mom’s shared her pictures of you, and you look the same as you did when you and she were modeling together.” Alex moved to the leather couch that Rita had all ready sat down on.

Her stomach was still nervous, and she placed her hand over the peach colored blouse that she had worn that morning. Her long legs were crossed at the ankles and the black skirt, fell to her knees, it still happened to be free of lint.

“Well, your mom and I go way back. She and I graduated high school together, came out here to the city, fought tooth and nail to get jobs, and then once we made it big, she falls in love, and leaves it all behind, while I change course and start my own agency. But I don’t think she regrets her decisions, by looking at you, I think she chose the right path for her.”

Alex blushed, “She and dad are very happy.” She slid one leg up under the other, and felt herself relax even more. “Ms. Tucker, I appreciate your doing this for me. I know it is for mom, but I’ll try hard to do what you tell me to.”

Rita placed her hand on Alex’s leg, “Hon, first it’s Rita, not Ms. Tucker, and that goes everywhere. Ms. Tucker projects images of my mother into my head, and we so don’t want that to happen.” She chuckled, and removed her hand from Alex’s thigh. “Also, if I didn’t think you had star potential, then I would have put you behind a desk and told your mom that you’d always have a job here but I wouldn’t just put you in front of a camera if I didn’t have some faith in your ability.”

A grin a mile wide, lit up young Alex’s face, and she thanked her mom’s friend again. “I think we’ll get along great, Ms… I mean Rita.”

“So do I. Let’s look over the portfolio your mom sent me and we’ll talk about how this is going to work out in the beginning.”

The two women moved from the couch to a small table with four chairs surrounding it. The polished brass, reflected through the streak free glass top, and Alex was soon pouring over photos of herself. There were ones from commercial shots she had done, advertising for her towns’ local businesses, a few shots of her doing the usual display of flesh for a new car. Her favorite had been the shots of her that were taken when she was “supposed” to look as if she wasn’t modeling.

Those pictures were ones that had her speeding down the road, hugging some hunky guy in a leather jacket, while the wind whipped through her hair. She was usually on a Harley or in some convertible on the lap of a friend. Her smiles were genuine in those shots; she loved the freedom those kinds of activities gave her.

Rita looked over the photos and then reached for the phone at the center of the table. She punched in a series of numbers and asked the person on the other end to come to her office. Alex was curious who was coming up to join them, and sat nervously wondering what was going to happen next.

After a few minutes of conversation, the door to Rita’s office opened and a bright smiling woman walked into the room. Her blonde bobbed hair bounced back and forth as she rushed over and greeted Rita with a kiss on each cheek, and then pumped Alex’s hand up and down in greeting. Alex chuckled at her exaggerated greeting, and returned the hearty smile to the young girl.

“Wow, Rita! I’m taking this one down to the studios right now,” the short petite girl said, her blue eyes sparkling.

Rita laughed. “Well, that is why I called. Put Alex in a suit, and a few evening gowns, do head shots, full shots, and do some stilettos also. I think she’ll be able to do a number of photo shoots for us.” Rita’s eyes roamed over her friend’s daughter, taking in her full breasts, long legs, and overall down-home girl appearance. “Yes I think we’re going to enjoy having Ms. Blythe with us for quite sometime.”

Alex blushed over the perusal of her body, but understood it was necessary in order for her new employer to get the overall picture of her. “Thanks again, Rita. I hope I do you proud.”

“You will, sweetie. I have a feeling were going to become great friends, just like your mom and I were years ago.” She touched Alex’s cheek. “At least I hope so.” Rita’s fingers pressed softly against her lips, “Call May, and tell her we have some fresh lips for that shoot we’re doing tomorrow morning. Alex’s lips are very kissable.” Rita felt a tremble in her stomach, pulled her fingers from Alex’s lips, and smiled softly, “Yes, I have a feeling there will be many that will envy the person that kisses these lips.”

With a questioning look, Alex cocked her head and blushed lightly, “Thank you.” She had thought she saw something in Rita’s eyes, but she quickly dismissed it as nerves. Alex was very nervous. She didn’t want to see something that wasn’t there, and ruin a friendship that showed signs of being a long lasting one.

Rita waved goodbye to Alex, and watched as she left the room. She got back behind her desk and went back to work. Her mind drifted back and forth between the work on her desk and the portfolio on her table. Finally she called it quits for a moment, went back to the table, picked up the pictures of Alex. “She is lovely.” Her fingers glided over the glossy prints and she felt a pinch in her stomach. It had been a while since Rita had felt a connection with someone, like she was feeling now, and she wondered what would happen if she acted on it.

Moving back to her desk, she buzzed Carl. “Yes,” his voice came back to her over the speaker.

“Get me a dinner reservation for two at Gina’s tonight, okay.”

“Sure thing. Anything else?”

She thought for a moment, “Tell them in a quiet place, a corner preferably.”


Now, Rita was able to concentrate on her work. For the next several hours she accomplished many things, all the while keeping her mind on the evening ahead and the possibilities of more.


Alex followed the chipper woman to the elevator, and then down a couple more floors. While in the lift, she had learned that the girls name was Rebecca but that everyone called her Becky. They were both 18, and Rebecca was an understudy to the photographer that would be taking her pictures.

Once they got to the floor they needed, Becky led Alex through a maze of halls and doorways, until finally they entered a huge white room. Lights were strewn all about the floor and the ceilings. In one corner were mock living rooms and dining areas. In another section were different kitchenettes. It seemed that the studio room was actually half the floor by itself.

Alex’s eyes seemed to fly from one part of the room to another. The windows were huge and covered with thick sheets of velvet material that also was white. “Goodness, it’s like walking into the white light of God.”

Becky laughed, and grinned wide. “It’s a bit like waking up and seeing ‘The Light’ and wanting to follow it.”

“Are you making fun of my work place again?”

Alex turned to the voice, and swallowed as she saw a Greek Goddess turn the corner. The woman looked to be about 6’2 and had the most perfectly bronzed complexion a girl would want. “Hey, Deb…this is Alex; and yes, I was making fun of your studio.”

Deb smirked and rolled her eyes, “You just want to splash pink everywhere and call it yours. I’m not stupid. Hey there, Alex, nice to meet you.” She extended her hand, the long slim fingers painted a beautiful shade of rose.

“It’s nice to meet you also,” Alex said as she took Deb’s hand. Alex felt a jolt of electricity hit her and she pulled her hand away as soon as she could without looking offensive. “What was that?” She thought to herself.

“Rita wants the works for Alex, and I’ve got to schedule her to do some shots with May in the morning for the lipstick shoot tomorrow.” Becky turned to Alex. “You’re in good hands, mate. I’ll swing by later and let you know where and when tomorrow for your first shoot. Have fun. And Deb,” Becky winked, “play nice.”

The little blonde bounced out of the room, her attitude reflected in her steps. “She seems nice,” Alex said once the girl had closed the door.

“She’s a blast to work with, a bit on the corny side, but a keeper just the same.” Deb looked back to Alex, and walked around her body. Slowly her eyes absorbed the young woman, gauging her size and coloring and mentally calculating her color scheme.

“Let me get Richie in here so he can get you all set in costume, and then we’ll do the shots.”

“All right,” Alex agreed. She found herself wiggling her finger in her ear for seconds after Deb yelled, “Richard!”

A loud, “I’m coming,” came from behind Alex, and she saw a skinny man with glasses approaching her. “Clothes, right?”

Deb nodded, and then introduced Alex to Richard. “Wardrobe and make-up,” she told him.

“I don’t like doing the make-up, doll. You know that,” he sighed.

“Well, until Sammy is back from maternity leave, you do the make-up,” Deb told him. She laid her hand on Alex’s shoulder and leaned down to whisper in her ear, even though Richard could easily hear her, “Richard got our make-up girl knocked up so this is his punishment. Don’t worry. He’s quite good at both wardrobe and make-up.”

Richard blushed, “Let’s go to the dressing rooms, love. I’ll have Debbie drooling over you; that will make her sorry for picking on me.”

“Now, Richard, why would I be sorry for drooling over a beautiful woman. I don’t think you’ll have to work too hard. Alex is beautiful enough without your handy work.” Deb let her eyes roam over Alex’s firm, taut body, already wondering what Richard would be having her wear. “I’ll get the lighting done and the cameras ready. Just shots of her today; we’ll do group photos sometime later.”

Richard led Alex to another room, this one just to the left of the first kitchenette. “I hope you don’t mind all this unexpected fuss?” she told him.

“Fuss? Mind it?” Richard laughed and shut the door behind them. “I live off the unexpected.”

Alex chuckled, and soon found her hands full of different suits and shoes. “Let’s try the blue one-piece, with the royal blue crystal studded stilettos first. Next, we’ll have you go with the scarlet two-piece with the high cut thigh and red sandals. Last will be this hot pink thong and bikini set with the laced up stilettos,” Richard told her as each piece was cradled against her breasts.

“Not very practical, huh?” Alex giggled.

“Nope, but who needs practical when they only want to look at your body,” Richard shrugged. “You’ll do great, babe. No worries. And Deb likes you; that alone is a plus.”

Alex took her clothes, and changed behind the screen. The spandex material hugged her body, and the curve of her breasts was easily distinguished. Her nipples were perked slightly due to the friction of the material and her own nervousness. She slipped her feet into the 5-inch heels and then sat down to allow Richard to toy with her hair.

After what seemed to Alex to be hours, but was actually only 45 minutes, she found herself in front of a drop cloth that had been painted to resemble a beach. “Lovely,” Deb kept telling her as Alex went through the motions of posing with beach toys and building sand castles. The morning went on, each suit producing new photos and new smiles.

By the time the swimsuit shots were done, Alex was ready to promise never to wear heels again. Deb could see that this was new to the young woman, so she sent Richard out to grab lunch for the three of them. Alex slipped into a robe, and slipped out of the laced-up heels before cinching the robe tight around her waist and closing off the hot pink view of her thong bikini. She grabbed a seat on the sofa beside Deb and took a deep breath.

“Give me your feet,” Deb told Alex, her hand outstretched and waiting.

Alex looked down, not knowing she had been rubbing her aching toes and heel. “I guess I’m not used to the heels.”

“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Now give them up and I’ll ease the tension. I don’t mind, and I won’t make fun of your feet.” Deb grinned widely and winked as she finally saw Alex give in. Before long, she was working the knots from the black-haired girl’s feet.

“So Alex, what brought you here?” she asked, her fingers massaging the toes of the young woman’s feet.

“My mom and Rita went to school together, and well, I’ve done some modeling work in my town but wanted more. So mom contacted Rita…and yes I know it was cheating… but she said she’d get me started if I showed potential.”

Deb nodded, and began to work her hands over the top of her foot and over Alex’s trim ankle. “No need to apologize for getting a head up on the business. Any girl in this industry would have taken a pass around the hoopla if they’d had one. Once you’re in, you still have to be the one who proves you can do it.” Deb loved the way her fingers glided along Alex’s skin and she continued in a slower manner, easing her fingers up to Alex’s calf muscles.

“Oh, that feels great. I didn’t even know they were tense and sore,” Alex felt herself lean back on the couch, and scoot herself so her head rested on the arm of the leather sofa. “If you ever decide to leave the camera scene, you’d make an excellent massage therapist.” Alex closed her eyes, and allowed Deb’s hands to ease the pain from her body. She sighed as the hands moved up to her thighs, and began to work the tight muscles that were there also.

Deb was watching Alex’s chest rise and fall, and she knew that soon the young girl had fallen asleep. With slow moving hands, she reached up and gently untied the loops of Alex’s robe, and then with careful ease she opened the robe up, and gazed upon the slim body of her newest photo job. “Fuck your hot,” she whispered to herself.

Her fingers slipped back to Alex’s thigh, allowing them to brush against the covered sex, and she felt the heat of the woman’s pussy radiating up to her. Deb’s own sex was getting more aroused, as she went back to working the muscles and skin underneath her touch. She licked her lips in anticipation, and then found herself releasing Alex’s legs and placing a small kiss on the center of the sleeping woman’s cloth covered cunt.

She took a deep breath of the body beneath her, and ran her tongue softly over the material. When she heard the hiss above her, Deb’s attention flew back to Alex’s face. They stared at each other for a long time, before Alex said or did anything. Deb watched Alex slid her hand down her stomach, and over to the ties of the bikini bottom. Her heart beating in her chest, Deb watched the fingers untie the straps, and slip between the material and her body, and pushed the cloth away.

Alex licked her lips in encouragement to Deb’s mouth. She had been shocked to say the least when she woke up to see the beautiful blonde’s mouth hovering over her pussy. Alex knew about her mom’s Bi-sexual needs, so Alex wasn’t scared to experience her first one, with this woman, because she had always been curious. So when the blonde had licked her covered pussy, Alex had known she wanted to experience more.

She swallowed hard, as she felt the heat of Deb’s mouth on her sex, and a shiver ran through her. Her eyes took in the blue ones of Deb’s and then she closed them when she felt the first touch of Deb’s tongue.

Deb slipped her tongue over Alex’s pussy, allowing the girl to grow accustomed to the idea of Debbie’s mouth so close to capturing her. Her finger moved to expose the clit, and Deb let her nose inhale the musky fragrance. She flicked the nub with her tongue several times, before licking it softly. Using her tongue, she massaged the rosy bud, then began to lap it up and down. She knew that Alex was enjoying the attention; little whimpers were escaping her as Deb’s warm breath hit her skin.

Alex felt the warm air over her bald sex, and goose-bumps ran over her body. She felt the tip of the woman’s tongue flick her clit back and forth before her teeth began to tease the aroused petal. Alex bit her own lip, as her hips lifted just a fraction off the couch. Her fingers curled gently into the material of the robe as she waited for more pleasure to cross through her.

The taste of Alex’s pussy was fresh on Debbie’s tongue each time she lapped at the new juices that escaped out. She cleaned the fluids that gathered around the folds of her lover’s sex, and savored them, before sliding in for more. With puffs of hot air, she blew into the girl’s cunt, then raised her face from the delectable pussy. “Alex baby, I want to fuck you with my tongue,” she whispered, massaging the girl’s bronze skin with her firm fingers.

Alex could only blink for several minutes, as she took stock of her body’s raging emotions. She felt as if a fire had been started inside her belly and it was about to turn into an inferno. Her knees shook with desire and her stomach tightened in anticipation. “Deb, that sounds wonderful, I’ve never… ” she left the sentence unfinished, as she saw understanding in Deb’s blue eyes.

Deb kissed her lover’s sex, then slowly shifted to use her fingers to spread open the slick lips of Alex’s cunt. Her tongue slid between the folds, and she ran it slowly along each side, before dipping the firm muscle into the warm hole. “Oh God,” Alex moaned when she felt that first touch of Deb’s tongue searching the inside of her pussy.

Pushing her tongue deeper against the woman’s cunt, Debbie began to move her face up and down on the wet, swollen lips. Her nose hit Alex’s clit, massaging it with firm strokes and pushes. Her hot breath hit the moist pussy, while she continued to push and prod her her hole with her tongue. Nectar soaked her skin, and she felt the heat of Alex’s passion warm her face. Sucking the sweetness from the virgin pussy was making Deb hot and wet with each fuck of her strong tongue.

Alex tensed and moaned in new found desire, and felt her muscles tense in anticipation of each stroke of Deb’s tongue. She felt the moistness of her sex increase with each dip of juice that Deb stole from her body. Her heart beat faster in her chest as she felt something growing deep inside her. Alex shifted on the couch, and felt her hips lift higher, as her back arched and her voice called out in pleasure as she began to have spasms of release cover her. She clenched her fingers into tight fists and began to grind her pussy into Deb’s face, not understanding why she did these things, but knowing it felt so good, and so wonderful.

Deb sucked up the cum from deep within Alex’s body. Her mouth lapped at it, bringing moans of her own pending orgasm from her. Deb used her tongue to slide up and down over the lips of Alex’s cunt, and draw out all her fluids. Each lift of Alex’s hips drove Debbie against her, and she relished in the juices that were hot and drippy. Licking the inner walls, and tracing the hole of the young woman, brought pure pleasure to Deb, and she rammed her own fingers deep into her own sex. As she slurped at the soft mound of Alex’s pussy, Deb fucked herself until she was coating her hand in hot, liquid silk.

“God Alex,” Deb whispered against the saliva covered pussy in front of her. “Simply sweet and tasty.” She kissed the bald mound was more, licking as she did, then slowly nibbled her way up the young girl’s body. “I can’t believe we did that, I saw you walk through that door and almost creamed myself.” Deb had never worn slacks or panties when she was working at Tucker’s Modeling Agency. She had learned long ago to give them up, when she had been seduced by Rita. Now as she was enjoying the taste of pussy on her lips, she was once more reminded why she loved that part of her personnel dress code.

Alex stared down at the woman, while she slowly advanced up her body. She had never experienced something so wonderful, and she still had a hard time forming words. Her whole body felt something. Her legs were throbbing, as were the muscles in her arms. Alex could feel her pulse in her sex, while she still felt little waves of release hit her. With passion glazed eyes she saw Deb’s face come into focus. “Wow,” she mumbled, the only word she could form.

Deb grinned and lifted her skirt, then settled her own cum juiced sex over Alex’s and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “We don’t have time to do more, but,” she ground her cunt against Alex and smiled in delight when she heard Alex’s hiss of excitement. “We’ll have to do more sometime, when you have the chance. ”

Alex said nothing, but her soft shy smile spoke volumes.


That evening Alex found herself looking over her appearance, trying to catch every angle of her trim body. After she and Deb had separated and she had finished up the various shots of film that Rita had wanted, Becky had returned and given Alex an envelope. Alex had quickly opened it, curious as to what was inside, then smiled warmly at the other women, when she told them of the special dinner invitation she had received from Rita.

The two women had exchanged knowing looks and grins, but said nothing else, so Alex had shrugged off their response. She also learned about the location and time for the lipstick shoot she was required to be at the next morning. Alex had enjoyed the afternoon of being pampered by Richard’s hands, while he fixed her hair or did her make-up. When the final pictures had been taken, she had gone behind the screen and changed back into her own clothes. When she started to leave, Deb had stopped her at the studio doors and pulled her gently into her arms.

Alex touched her lips, remembering the kiss they shared. She had tasted the other woman’s mouth, and she had realized it was more pleasant then any boyfriend she had ever kissed. It seemed to grow inside her, as the kiss worked her into another warm blush and heated hunger. They had pulled away, and Deb had hugged her good-bye, and told her to have a wonderful evening with Rita and to let things flow the way she felt them flow.

Now as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she wondered how the evening would go. She knew that her mom’s friend Rita was taking her under her wing, so she assumed that this little dinner was a way to welcome her to the city. She had dressed in the cocktail dress, and the long heels showed off her slim ankles. Her body was easily defined in the slim yellow dress. Alex had worked hard to maintain her bronzed color, and her firm body. She had all ready found a gym to join and had arranged her schedule according to the times that Becky had told her were more then likely free hours for the next several weeks.

When the buzz of the downstairs ringer sounded into Alex’s room, she pressed the intercom and confirmed who it was, then headed down to meet the driver that was coming to pick her up and take her to the restaurant that she was meeting Rita at. Alex’s was surprised to see a young man there to escort her to the shiny black Lincoln Town Car. She had been expecting a cab, but the car was sleek, shiny and a nice surprise. The gentleman placed his hand on the small of her back and led her to the car. Alex felt a soft flutter from the man’s attention, but it passed as she settled into the back seat and watched the city lights flash through the tinted glass.

The drive was gentle and it wasn’t long before she was being escorted to the door by the young man, and then taken to a table by the restaurant’s Maitre D. Her eyes met Rita’s and her nervousness settled. She had been feeling a bit overwhelmed by the obvious wealth in the room, and could only hope to blend in with everyone.

Rita stood and hugged her guest, kissing both cheeks and admiring her beauty and scent all at the same time. She knew that Alex had enjoyed her first round of introductions this morning, and from what Deb had told her, Alex would probably be open for more later. She hoped so, for right now the woman that Rita was looking at was stunning in her yellow cocktail dress. Rita had watched the eyes in the room take in the raven haired beauty as she walked through the room. Men and women both had paused to run their eyes over her long hair, pert breasts, and luscious curves. Her own body had been reacting all afternoon since she had met Alex, and now with her so close she could feel her own slick juices escaping her.

Alex slid into the chair and waited while Rita resumed her own seat opposite of her. The room was filled with the scent of fresh roses, and that same scent radiated from the candles that were lit on each table. Alex thanked the maitre d’ for her menu and opened the leather flap to peer inside. She scanned the selections, settled on a choice, then placed her menu down and gave Rita her attention.

“Thank you for inviting me out this evening. I was very excited to get the invite.” She hoped her gratitude reflected in her face, for she truly was happy. “I think this is a lovely place by the way.” Her eyes took in all the lights and mirrors as well as the soft music that emerged from speakers hidden in the room.

Rita rested her eyes on Alex’s soft skin, “I’m glad you like it, and I’m glad you took the invitation. I wanted your first day with Tucker to be important and remembered.” She saw Alex’s blush, and her sex throbbed. She knew why Alex was blushing; she too was recalling what she had been told had happened. Debbie’s technique for oral pleasure was enough to make her come, just from imagining it.

Alex had been remembering Debbie’s mouth, and she knew her face was warm from recalling that memory. “Yes Rita, this has been a day to remember.” She ordered her food when the server returned as did Rita and the two women settled into light conversation. Most of the talk revolved around the upcoming shoot in the morning, and how long it would take, and what would be expected of Alex once she was there.

“After that, which believe it or not will take you right up to lunch, I’ve arranged for my driver, you met him earlier, to take you back to the office,” Rita told her just as their first coarse arrived. Between eating the salad and conversation Rita had been allowing her eyes to take in the beautiful girl. She had made it obvious to Alex, not wanting to make her guess at what she wanted. From what Alex had told Deb, and Deb had related to her, Alex would be very receptive to her attentions.

During the main portion of the meal, Alex was not enjoying the food, but instead was enjoying the eyes that continued to roam over her. Her skin tingled as she saw Rita’s eyes move to her breasts, and over her shoulders. She had sensed that Rita wanted to see more of her, and Alex now understood what Deb’s statement about “letting the evening flow” meant. She cocked her head to one side, exposing more of her neck to Rita’s roving. Alex had felt a tightening in her stomach, as she wondered if something more would happen as the evening progressed.

Rita had upped her tactics as she noticed that Alex was encouraging her. She slipped her foot over to Alex’s leg, and gently pressed against it. The soft feel of her nylon stocking rubbed the firm skin of the young woman. Rita’s thoughts of kissing that calf muscle brought a soft sigh from her lips. “Do you wish to take desert back to my suite?” she asked the young girl.

Alex heard the soft moan of desire escape her. She knew what Rita truly meant, and she wanted to experience the loving she had received earlier from Deb, and hoped that it could be repeated. “Yes, Rita. I’d like that.”

Rita called for the check, and the two women were soon being taken back to Rita’s Lincoln. Her driver, John had brought the car around knowing exactly how long Rita would be inside. He had been doing this for several years now, he had her timed almost to the minute, and he was amazed that women fell for the line of bull she passed them. Opening the door, he looked at the young woman that was getting inside. She was cute, but then again all the women that Rita fucked were cute, as well as beautiful. This woman seemed to have an innocence about her. John wondered how long it would be before she became just like the others that had come before her.

He drove the two women back to the five-star hotel that Rita called home. John led them both to the door, and nodded goodnight to Rita. Knowing he’d not be needed to take the young girl home, he left the Town Car in the hotel parking garage, picked up his Camaro, and headed out to catch a beer with a group of friends. His mind dismissed the woman and his boss, only to find himself hurrying to reach his own lady love.

Rita waved to the attendant on duty, and curled her arm through Alex’s as they proceeded to the elevators. She had no reason to doubt that Alex was willing to enjoy the evening with her; she had seen the woman’s eyes take in her body, during the brief ride home. They had sat close to each other in the back of the car. Rita had taken that small moment of intimacy to ask Alex if she had ever had sex fully, or if she were still a virgin as far as technicalities were concerned.

Alex had felt Rita’s fingers running over the back of her neck, as she had whispered her question, and Alex had whispered her own response answering with a soft “yes”. She felt the goose-bumps when she heard Rita’s assure that she would take her time and be gentle with her. Alex had whimpered quietly at the promise and had turned her lips to Rita’s. They had kissed gently and then pulled away, allowing each one to bask in the excitement of the upcoming evening.

In the elevator, Rita was pressing herself against Alex. Her breast rested against her arm, and she knew her nipples were hard with anticipation. There were two other couples in the elevator with her and Alex, so she kept herself from acting on the urge to kiss the young girl. She knew that Alex was still learning to accept this new discovery so she didn’t want her to be uncomfortable, by an over-exerted display of affection. Holding her arm close to her was enough for now, later she would enjoy a more risky display of desire.

Once the two of them arrived on the floor where Rita’s suite was located, Alex saw the true wealth of the woman. The elevator had opened to a room, that resembled another lobby, however there were only three doors. One was the exit to the stairs and the others seemed to be residential rooms, which Rita explained to her that she used the one on the left and a bachelor had taken up residents in the other set of rooms. She felt Rita’s breath on her neck when she had leaned down, and made a promise to take Alex to one of his special parties.

Alex shivered from the warm breath against her skin, and didn’t respond to the invitation to go to one of these special parties. She knew she would go if Rita wanted her to. Alex walked into the spacious room, once Rita had unlocked the door and asked her to step inside. Her eyes scanned the opened kitchen, dining and living room. She took two steps, and then had to descend a couple of stairs to get on level with the rooms she had looked over. The carpet was a plush white and, out of instinct, she slipped her feet from her heels. She looked back toward Rita, “Wow, this is lovely.” Her smile was genuine, and she walked further into the room. “How many rooms does this particular suite have?” she asked. Everything surrounding Alex reeked of wealth, and she wondered if someday she’d be where Rita was.

Rita chuckled over the young girl’s face. “It is impressive, isn’t it? I forget sometimes, seeing as I live here and see this every day.” She bent down and removed her shoes, leaving them to rest beside Alex’s stilettos. Her hands slid down the brass banister, and then she walked over to the section of the open room, that was reserved for the kitchen. Before she had left for the evening she had set a bottle of wine to chill. Alex sipped the wine, and cocked her brow as she absorbed the flavor. “It is okay,” she told her friend.

“It’s an acquired taste,” Rita told her, taking a slow, but long drink of her own. She watched as Alex began to sip more of her wine, trying to ease into the evening. “I want you to know that I find you very attractive, and what happens tonight has no effect on your job with Tucker’s.”

Alex’s smiled, “Rita, I never thought that for a moment. I know what will happen tonight, or at least what I think will happen. Mom has always been honest with me about her life back here in the city, and yes…even her life concerning you.”

This time Rita was surprised. She hadn’t realized how open Maddie had been with her daughter concerning their time together; now she wondered if Maddie had seen something in Alex, that she knew Rita would help bring to the surface. She looked deeply into Alex’s dark brown eyes, “I think that is wonderful. Your mom was and is a very special woman.” Her fingers reached out and tucked a stray strand of hair behind Alex’s ear. “I think you’re very special too,” she whispered, her fingers slipping down Alex’s jaw, tracing it.

With a slight pause in her breathing, Alex felt the goose-bumps return to her body and the small hairs on the back of her neck stood up with each gentle slide of Rita’s fingers. Alex licked her lips, tasting the wine that rested on them. She felt a tingle in her stomach, as she watched Rita step closer to her. Her breath hitched in her throat when Rita’s tongue slipped out, and traced the shape of her lips. Alex moaned quietly, and felt her body weaken in new sensations that were building.

Rita savored the taste of woman and wine, the stepped back and took the long stemmed goblet from Alex’s hand. She placed them both on the table, and slipped her fingers into the young woman’s hand. Entwined, she lead Alex to her bedroom, the covers turned down, while music flowed softly about the room. The maid had come in and lit candles when she had received the call from John in the car to do so. Now the room was flickering in candlelight, and shadows danced across the walls.

Alex’s heart beat faster in her chest, as she felt the woman leading her further into the room. She heard the soft music, and smelled the violet scent of the burning candles. The room had one wall that was made up of glass. Long windows looked out onto a balcony of the city, and it the center were the patio doors that would give you access to the beautiful view. She walked toward it, her hand leaving Rita’s for the moment. Her eyes took in the city lights, and she slipped the door open. The air hit her skin, cooling it from the heated flush her body had been receiving earlier.

With slow strides Rita followed Alex out onto the balcony, she watched the woman rub her arms over the gentleness of the breeze that was covering her. She came up behind her and replaced her hands with her own. Rita ran her palms slowly up and down the soft, yet well muscled arms of her friend, and soon to be lover. As she let Alex enjoy the view, she lowered her head to the tender flesh of Alex’s shoulder.

Leaning back into her warm touch, Alex shivered once more. This time her shiver was not from the air or the coolness of it, but was from the heated filled kiss that had been gently placed on her shoulder. She tilted her head to the right, giving Rita the skin she knew the lips were seeking. Her fingers went to the hands that were warming her skin, and she brought them down to lay against her stomach. Her ass pressed back into the body of her mother’s friend, and she slowly felt her body rub up and over the well shaped woman behind her.

Rita ran her mouth slowly up along the curve of Alex’s shoulder, then pressed kisses along her neck, capturing her ear, and pulling softly on the lobe. She heard the little whimper that escaped the young woman’s lips, and she nibbled gentle on the tender flesh. Her nose nuzzled her hair, smelling the scents of perfume, shampoo, and Alex. “Nice,” she whispered into her hair, breathing warm air onto her all ready heated skin.

Alex bit her lower lip, as Rita continued to tease her skin. She felt the woman’s tongue slide slowly along the outer track of her ear. When she felt the heated breath of Rita’s mouth hover over the moist trail, she felt her body scream in frustration. Her fingers gripped tighter on the hands that she had wrapped around her waist. Alex felt as if she were on the verge of tears, the longing to have more, and being forced to wait was exquisite and yet painful. She closed her eyes, praying that these feelings would last, and they would stop, for she didn’t know how she could stand much more.

The responsiveness of Alex’s body was just as Rita had hoped. She know knew that Debbie hadn’t lied when she had told her how eager Alex would be, and how much she would find her own needs raging. Rita had slightly doubted Deb’s take on the subject but now holding Alex in her arms, she knew that it was true. Alex was a gem of a girl, and one Rita wished to enjoy several times in the future.

Alex felt the pressure of Rita’s hand sliding from her stomach to rest on her hips. Then that pressure increased, and she was soon facing the other woman. Alex’s 6’1 frame complimented the other woman’s 6’2 body, and breasts were soon caressing breasts. A sharp intake of air was the only sound between the two figures. The moonlight touched their skin, and it cast over them beams of rays that gave each woman her own beauty to feast upon.

Rita took her hand and tilted up Alex’s chin. Her thumb applied a hint of pressure, and though it wasn’t needed, the pressure did ease the opening of Alex’s lips. She pressed her tongue between the silky folds, and brought a sigh of ecstasy from her own mouth. Moving her tongue slowly, she wove her way into the girl’s mouth. Tasting the wine from early as she gently cleaned the other one’s teeth. Running her muscle over the hard, white pearls, and then back to the outside of her mouth, Rita pressed a closed mouth kiss on Alex.

“Come to bed, my sweet,” she whispered to her. Taking her time in gathering her breath, she waited for Alex’s consent to do as she was told.

Alex opened her eyes slowly. Closing them during the kiss had allowed her body to focus on nothing but that heady scent of the other woman. Stepping back, she held Rita’s hand, and together they walked back to the patio door. With a steady hand she opened the glass door, and stepped inside. At the center of the room she stopped and released the hand that had so far brought her great pleasure.

“Rita, I don’t know what all will happen tonight, but I do want it to,” she touched Rita’s cheek with her right hand. “I was…” She was hesitant to continue, but she did, “Rita, I had oral sex with Deb this afternoon. Well she performed it on me.” She knew she was blushing, but she also wanted to be honest with Rita.

With a lift of her lips, Rita answered, “I know, sweets. You may take pleasure whenever you wish, with whoever you wish until you decide what you want in life.” She reached her fingers out to slip the small strap of the yellow cocktail dress from Alex’s shoulder. “Did you enjoy it?” she asked.

Alex felt the shiver, before she could contain it. The warmth of Rita’s fingers sliding the strap of her dress down caused the feeling to soar through her. “Yes, very much,” she moaned as the second strap and arm were soon matches to the other. Her own fingers were curled into fists, as Rita slipped the side zipper down, freeing the strapless bra and small, white panties for Rita’s perusal.

Rita worshiped the body that was almost free of confinements. She slipped her long slim fingers to the front clasp of Alex’s bra and unfastened it. The perky breasts popped free and Rita’s throat went dry with anticipation. “Simply beautiful,” she whispered as the bra floated to the floor. Rita bent her head and kissed the top of Alex’s left breast, her tongue trailed around the firm globe. Her tongue trailed along the outer curve, then over to areola. She traced the discolored skin, feeling the ridges grow under her tongue. Rita sent a series of flicks across the swollen nipple, bringing the bud to an even harder erection.

As Rita continued to administer the exquisite pleasure of her tongue across Alex’s nipple, she felt each tremor of passion begin to gather along the outer walls of her sex. She bit on her lower lip, as she squeezed the walls of her cunt, and forced the juices free. Her gasps escaped the clenched lip, when Rita switched sides and began the onslaught of strokes along the right nipple and breast. Alex’s eyes were glazed with desire as she looked down at watched Rita move lower to her body. She felt her knees start to buckle, and she righted herself. Rita’s mouth trailed down her stomach, paused at her belly, and slipped around the button.

With every inch that Rita moved, she came closer to the scented flesh beneath her. The aroma filled her senses, and she inhaled deeply, loving the smell of the wet pussy. Her knees rested softly on the lush carpet, and her hands rested on the waist. With blue eyes, heavy with lust, Rita looked up into Alex’s face. She raked the beauties body with slow tantalizing looks that glided across her skin. Rita’s own sex was blazing, as she pressed her legs together, feeling the pulse of her heart beating inside the lips of her sex.

Alex had felt the frustration level building as she waited for what she knew was coming. When Rita finally dipped her head to Alex’s cunt, and Alex moaned, “Yes!” The sound of her voice was mixed with desperation and satisfaction. She felt the tremors of her lips, and her body. Shaking she fought the urge to close her eyes, wanting to watch what Rita did. She saw that her lover began running her tongue between the soaked folds of flesh. With each slip of tongue moving back and forth between the lips, Alex was soon unable to keep her hands to her side.

Rita felt the long fingers slide into her hair, and she purred as they slowly massaged her scalp, easing her toward the cunt. She knew that Alex wanted more of her mouth, and Rita felt herself become more soaked in the juices of her own need. Her tongue moved to the clit, and pushed against it. She licked slowly the hood, then slipped in and sucked on the petals that were waiting for her. With each move along the beads of the fresh pussy, she stirred more flavors, and more scents from deep within Alex. Rita moved one hand to Alex’s saliva covered pussy, and the other to the hard, firm ass. Her fingers dug into the tight cheek, pushing Alex’s body closer to her face, and questing tongue.

“Rita,” Alex moaned. Her eyes barely open, barely seeing what was happening. “This is…” Words escaped as she watched the remaining hand come up the clit. She cried out in a call of pain and pleasure as Rita pinched the savored clit. Her own fingers tangled in Rita’s hair, and held her tight. Alex used her lover’s head as an anchor to her body, so she wouldn’t fall to the ground. No longer was the young woman able to keep her eyes open, she finally admitted defeat and the dark brown eyes were soon hooded by lids and soft lashes.

Hearing the change in Alex’s voice, Rita used her fingers to open the lips of the sloppy pussy. Her mouth loved the taste of the new cunt, and she hungered for more. Her own sex was beginning to mount a war to force her to finger herself, but Rita refused. She used her fingers to unwrap the gift of the dark orifice that was a welcomed sight to Rita’s eyes and her tongue’s taste buds. Pushing her nose between the lips the wet lips, she nuzzled the hot flesh, while her tongue pushed into the dark hole that had been aching for attention. Her fingers held the lips open, giving Rita the room to push deep with each thrust of her tongue.

Alex felt as if her body would collapse with each press Rita forced against her sex. Her mouth was dry and she tried to moisten it, but the assault on her cunt continued to rob lips, and tongue of much needed moisture. She couldn’t stop herself from breathing hard, and gasping for air. Each time Rita released her pussy from the prison of her tongue’s torture, Alex would cry out for her to continue, begging her to not stop. The abyss was so close and yet so far. She hovered on the edge, and she felt as if she would die if she were to ever reach that final plunge over the cliff.

Rita sensed her lover’s need for release. It was reflected in the pulling of her hair, in the scent of the woman, and the continue flow of the slick juices that escaped the hot cunt. She devoured Alex’s pussy, sucking her hard, and licking at the steady stream. Rita looked up at her lover, her eyes eating in the features of pure carnal nature. She pushed her face into the warm, wet hole and fucked faster, grinding her face and forcing her lover’s hips to push into her.

“Oh God, Rita!” Alex screamed as she felt the edge and dropped from it. She clawed at the mass of blonde hair that covered the head of the older woman. “Oh my God!” Her voice was almost unable to form the words. The heated sex between her legs burned as if lava flowed from it. “Rita, I…” she stopped talking, unable to breath and speak at the same time.

Rita increased the pace, sucking the come from Alex’s body, relishing in the steamy fluids of her young lover. Her tongue slid over the pussy, dipped back into the shiny, wet hole, and lapped at the walls, fucking her faster as she brought another scream to Alex’s lips.

“Fuck… Rita!” her voice loud, but hinted at an emotion that border on tears. She quivered deep inside as the release flowed free and Rita removed the juices from her cunt. Alex had no thoughts as she spiraled down. Rita’s mouth worked free the little aftershocks of the volcano that had erupted deep inside her. Alex bit her lip fighting back the tears that had gathered along the edge of her eyes.

Rita lifted her mouth, kissed the bald wet mound and slowly slid her mouth to the belly button of the black haired lovely. She spread kisses along the sweat glistened skin, tasting salt and sex, mingling the two flavors, and then swallowing them. Rita reached the perky nipples, and bit each one with gentle nips. Her tongue slid slowly back up to Alex’s neck, where she sucked softly, purring into the woman’s ear, “Amazing.”

Alex could only shake her head, still unable to speak, trying desperately to capture breath, and focus on senses. “Rita, I …” she paused, and swallowed the little moisture that had tried to ease her dry throat. “Thank you.”

A soft chuckle came from Rita’s lips, and she whispered her own words of thanks. She moved her mouth to Alex’s lips, and pressed them to the soft petals. Her tongue slipped into the dry home, and she helped to moisten the mouth that had worked so hard to capture the air its body had needed.

Time moved slowly as the tongues moved together. Rita felt her own passion so thick she knew she’d need release soon. She left the soft lips of Alex’s mouth, and squeezed her hand around Alex’s. “I need your help now, Hon,” she whispered.

Alex licked her lips in anticipation. “I’ll try,” she told her.

Rita smiled, “You can taste me later, I need something faster then what we did.”

She cocked her head to one side and Alex heard confusion in her own voice, “I don’t understand, but I’ll try. I want to learn. I want to help you give back what you have given to me.”

The soft blue eyes held the gaze of the brown ones, “You will. I know you will.” She left Alex’s side for a moment, and moved to her dresser. She pulled out the long thick vibrator, and then returned to Alex’s side. After seeing the understanding on her lover’s face, Rita climbed on top of the bed. Her body rolled over and rested on her back. With her legs spread, Rita beckoned Alex to join her.

Alex stroked the artificial cock with her hands and began to slowly advance toward the cunt that was now open and exposed. Rita had never removed her clothes, her juices had run down her legs, had soaked into her clothes. Alex looked up into Rita’s eyes, showing her surprised to see the pussy trimmed and free of panties. She smiled at the older woman that was now spread open and pushing her hips up and down against air and the velvet of her dress.

Rita watched as Alex pushed the cock under the hem of the dress. She gathered the hem higher, and slipped her fingers up to hold the dress up to her hips. “Fuck me, Alex. I need that cock inside me. Just drive it into my hole, fast and hard. You won’t hurt me.”

With a look of determination mixed with wonder, she pushed the vibe into Rita’s pussy. The sounds of juices and cries of pleasure ripped through the room. “Yes! Just like that. Don’t stop. Harder!”

Alex pushed the cock deeper, then pulled it out, only to impale again. She forced the pussy to take all the thick rod. Her eyes watched the cunt suck in the firm vibrator, and she felt her own sex humming. With her excitement building, her movements increased and then she heard Rita scream for her to turn the cock on. Alex pressed the button, turning on the vibrations while she continued fucking her lover.

“Oh fuck, yes!” Rita yelled, her hips lifting and falling as she rode the tool. “Alex, rub my clit with your fingers baby, oh fuck…hurry.”

Without hesitation Alex continued her education and began to work her partner’s clit with two fingers. She rubbed hard, and then began to pinch the swollen flesh, while ramming the dick deeper and further. Her body was throbbing once more, her own lust building as she watched Rita come closer to the abyss that Alex, herself had experienced. No longer thinking if she could do it right or not, the young beauty acted on impulse and quickly added her tongue to the foray.

“Oh… my… God,” the words were growled from Rita’s throat. She felt the innocent tongue on her swollen sex, and within a few licks of Alex’s virgin movements Rita was releasing the come from her body. She shuddered and rode the waves, climaxing around the black curls that covered the head that was eating her. “Don’t stop baby, suck it all.”

Alex felt the power within her body, and as she sucked up the nectar of Rita’s cunt. She came once more. Her body gushed the hot juice of her arousal all over the blankets and her legs. Lapping at the hot liquid that Rita had given her, Alex savored the taste. With each quake of her own body, she hissed in air, and then released it against the soaked pussy that she was dining on, fucking the ripe flesh with the cock, and feeling the vibrations while she did so. Soon she had sucked and bit the woman’s pussy until Rita climaxed once more, giving up more of herself for Alex to drink.

As she drove her hips up for the final time, Rita sat up slightly. Looking down on the woman sucking off the come from her trimmed blonde mound, she smiled in excitement. Her fingers dug into the black curls and she pulled Alex’s head away from her pussy. “You are amazing.” She told her. The liquid glistened on the young girl’s face, and Rita wanted nothing more then to lick her lover clean.

Sensing what she wanted Alex moved up to Rita’s face and licked her own come covered lips. Rita shivered, and then pulled the woman to her mouth. She ran her tongue over Alex’s chin, then up her cheeks, over her jaw, then up the other cheek. Reaching her mouth, she began a long deep kiss that eased her assistance in capturing the come that had soaked into the taste buds of her lover.

Each woman looked at the other, and then pressed soft kisses on each ones warm skin. Rita slid back down to the bed, and pulled Alex with her. “I meant to use that on you tonight,” she told her.

Alex head rest on the chest of her lover, still covered by the garment she had worn to dinner. “I would like that.”

“In time, sweetheart. We have lots of time.” She looked down at the mass of curls that covered her breasts, and noticed her own clothing for the first time since she began working on Alex’s seduction. “I probably should take this off,” she laughed.

Alex chuckled, and rose from her lover’s side. “I guess it would be a way for us to break the ice.” She laughed at the joke, as did Rita.

Rita climbed off the bed, and took the vibrator to the bathroom, then slipped out of her dress. She lay back down beside Alex and caressed her stomach. “This was amazing, Hon.”

“I can’t believe what I felt. . . What I feel!” Alex exclaimed.

Rita kissed her nipple, licking it softly. Her now naked body pressed against Alex’s side. “It only gets better.” She ran her fingers along the soft skin, and then palmed the warm pussy. “How are you feeling right now?”

Sighing softly, Alex took a moment to concentrate on her body and what it was telling her. Every part of her felt as if it had been used. Her joints ached, but not in pain, but pure bliss. The pulse of her heart had made its way back to normal, as had her breathing. “Unbelievable.”

A smile reached Rita’s eyes, and she moved up over Alex’s body. Her hands rested on each side of her head, and her body hovered over the slim, tall woman. She lowered her pussy to the other woman’s and slowly began to rub on it. The trimmed fur and the bald mound were soon sliding in renewed juices. Tongues kissed and teeth bit as Rita worked the hot mounds of juices together, mixing them up and forcing the lips to part and caress the other’s.

Rita kissed Alex’s neck, whispered, “Wait baby, its time. Watch what I’m going to do.”

Alex opened her eyes, once more glazed over. The brown orbs followed Rita back to the dresser, where she saw her reach in and pull on another toy. Her pulse quickened as she watched Rita slip her legs into the straps of the massive cock that protruded from the front of the leather bands. She felt the juices of her body quicken their search for light, covering the walls of her cunt. “Rita…will you?”

“Yes, baby girl. I’ll be careful, and though it will hurt, give it time, and it will bring you pleasure.” She pulled a tube of lubrication from the drawer as well and covered the cock with it, stroking the artificial rod hard, covering the fake flesh with the clear ooze. Rita walked to the bed, the dick bobbing with each step she took.

Her eyes widened slightly, as she felt the bed shift, and Alex bit on her lip, her body now tense, but still wet from arousal. She slid her hands to her thighs, and forced her body to remain open, her indecision of the moment trying to make her close herself from further exploration. The warm reassuring touch of Rita’s hands eased some of her fear away.

Rita pressed herself further up, nestling her legs between Alex’s knees. “Lay back baby,” she told her. Knowing that Alex was still aroused, but nervous Rita paused and pressed her mouth against the cunt once more. Licking it slowly then quicker as whimpers began to turn to moans of delight from Alex’s throat. Rita moved up the bronzed flesh once more, this time cock met pussy. She pushed her tongue into Alex’s mouth at the same time she drove the cock home. Absorbing the scream of pain that escaped the girl’s mouth, she moved quickly working the cock and her tongue as fast as she could. Distracting the woman was easily down, as she shifted position slightly, and teased a nipple with her fingers. Soon welcoming strokes of Alex’s tongue signaled, that the pain had lessoned and the true loving could begin.

Alex took the air her lungs were starving for, and soon she was grinding her hips into the strap on and urging her lover for more. She felt the walls of her body clamp on the cock that teased her senses. The movements promised more, and more was what the young girl wanted. Her hips rocked in time with Rita’s thrusts and she soon was running her long nails down the blonde’s back. Moans and pleads for her to continue taking her body and making it hers were ripped from deep within Alex’s chest.

Rita sucked on Alex’s neck, making sure not to mar the flesh. She nuzzled her hair as she felt the girl climax once more, covering the fake dick and her pussy juices with nectar. Rita too joined in the orgasm as she came over the woman’s cunt. Her juices seeped free and left Alex coated with hot come.

The two lovers slowly eased down from their release, and then found themselves holding the other close. Rita kissed Alex’s lips softly, keeping the cock buried inside her. Alex shifted absorbing the feel of the rod, and returning the gentle kisses of her friend. “Thank you,” she told her, kissing her once more, before Rita pulled away.

“You’re welcome, Alex.”

Once more Rita moved to the bathroom, the cock bobbing as she walked; a sheen of come and virgin blood covered the permanent hard shaft. She slipped it off, and laid it with the other toy, before running warm water over a cloth, and returning to Alex’s side. The cloth cleaned away the blood from the pussy that had learned so much in one day. She kissed the clean mound once more, and then tossed the rag to the floor. “We need to rest, sweetie.”

Alex nodded suddenly feeling the pull of sleep call to her. She scooted under the blankets, and was soon spooned by Rita. The soft kiss that was placed on Alex’s shoulder brought a quiet sigh from her lips. Her eyes closed and soon the two women were resting within each other’s warmth, sleep claiming them.

***** The following morning Alex woke up before Rita, her first thoughts were how warm Rita felt against her. She kept herself snuggled against the other woman enjoying the feel of her. Her thoughts then traveled on to the night before. The experience she decided was one she would enjoy learning more about, and experimenting further. Her mother had never kept her bisexual desires a secret to her family or her close friends, so Alex was not ashamed in what she had just learned about herself, but it was still new to her.

She rose and headed to the shower. Once there, she started the shower and soon the bathroom was full of hot steam. It rolled in the air warming the room. Alex slipped in and let the water cover her slim figure. With the heat of the water caressing her skin, she felt the memories of the night come back to her. She could feel the hands on her body, as well as the tongue of her lover that had brought her to great heights. Alex felt the stirrings of desire return to her and wondered when she could enjoy such bliss again.

Once she had completed her morning ritual, as best she could in someone else’s home, she returned to Rita’s bedroom. Smiling she looked out to the balcony where she had seen her friend’s tall figure. She slipped on the hotel robe, dropping the towel she wore. Walking toward the glass doors, and slipping through them, she moved behind Rita. The touch of her hands on the woman’s robe, thrilled Alex and she pressed into her back. “This reminds me of last night,” she whispered into Rita’s ear.

“Yes, but I believe I was behind you.”

Alex chuckled softly, “Yes.” She pressed gently against Rita’s hips, and turned her to face her. Only one inch separated the women’s height, so Alex had no trouble looking into the blue eyes of the luscious blonde. Her hands slipped to the cinched sash of Rita’s robe, easily untied it, then spread the cloth open. A smile crossed both women’s faces as Alex took in the lush breasts, flat stomach and trimmed pussy.

With the movements of a woman willing to learn, Alex moved her head to capture one of Rita’s nipples. She flicked the soft bud with her tongue until it rose to greet her. The morning breeze caressed both women’s skin, bringing shivers to their bodies. Rita pressed her fingers against the blown dried hair of Alex’s head and purred in pleasure. “As much as I’m enjoying this, we have a busy morning and afternoon,” she said as she placed a finger next to the rosy lips that were sucking on her nipple, popping the hard bud from its warm blanket.

Rita cupped Alex’s chin and kissed her lips softly. Her tongue slid along side the other woman’s and she allowed Alex to wrap her arms around the inside of her robe. Their bodies embraced and the kiss deepened, while Alex’s hands roamed down the round ass cheeks of her partner, squeezing gently. Rita moaned in rising passion, and pulled her lips from the other woman’s. “God, you’re going to have to stop that.”

“What?” Alex asked innocently as her hand snaked around the front of her lover. She placed her palm over the warm flesh of Rita’s cunt, and began to rub it gently. Soon she felt the wetness that was being pulled from Rita’s body, and she increased her tempo. Her finger slid along the slit, then pushed itself into the hot hole. Moving the digit right then left she felt the slick juices of arousal coarse out from inside her friend.

“Faster,” Rita muttered under her breath. Her head had fallen back, and now she was feeling Alex’s mouth upon her neck. The finger moved quicker, and soon she was tightening the hold on her lover’s slim digit. “More, fingers. Fuck me with three of them. Oh fuck, baby.”

Alex moved to comply, and forced three long fingers into the slick opening and began to pump them hard and fast into Rita’s cunt. Though she was new to all of this, she had learned from last night’s strap on experience that Rita wanted this quick. The tempo increased as did the force, and soon come was covering Alex’s hand. She sucked softly on Rita’s neck as the hot fluid rolled over her fingers, into her palm, and gathered there. As Rita moaned and rocked her hips against Alex’s ministrations, Alex whispered in her ear, “I want to taste it.”

“Oh God,” Rita gasped, as she gripped the balcony tighter and leaned back more against it. She watched as Alex settled her knees on the concrete and began to suck and clean she juices from the perfect cunt beneath her lips. Rita bit her tongue as the young girl lapped at her juices, and more come escaped her walls, and coated Alex’s mouth and throat.

Licking and pushing the come around there pussy, Alex tasted the essence of her lover. Cleaning her outer and inner walls, before sliding back up to share the flavor, Alex purred in pleasure. The kiss was another slow movement of tongues, as passion slowly ebbed away in the coolness of the dawn. Rita smiled, caressed Alex’s cheek and told her it was time to get ready to go.

The two women once dressed, Alex in clothes of her lover’s choosing, headed down to have a light breakfast before continuing on to the lipstick shoot that would begin Alex’s career into the high world of modeling. She was nervous once they arrived, but was quickly set at ease with the reassuring presence of Rita. Alex had been welcomed warmly, and then her face no longer became hers, as it was treated to exfoliation treatments and cleansing products. Her lips were masked and smoothed over with creams that she was told would bring out the softness of them.

Each time she did shots of the different colors of lipsticks she’d feel like a young girl at her prom, with all eyes on her, and the cameras begging for her attention. She noticed a few people were really impressed with her positive attitude and innocent small town quality. When it was time to break for lunch she waved goodbye to Rita, who would have her driver come back to collect her when the final shots were over.

Once lunch finished, she was swept into a whirlwind of more photo opportunities. Eyes, cheeks, the entire facial package were soon being pampered and prodded, lifted and touched. Alex was amazed at how much one could have done to their features, but was soon absorbed into the lights and actions of the moment. She didn’t notice the driver having returned, or his eyes watching her.

John had picked the two women up from the hotel, and he could tell by the way Alex clung to the older woman, that once again she had consumed the innocence of another. He was disappointed, but knew it would have only been a matter of time before she had taken a new lover. Her last had been another young model that had come to the city to make it big, and once Rita had gotten her established in her career, she moved on to fresh meat. John watched the black haired beauty make love to the camera and his own body responded in kind as he took in her features.

He wondered what it had been like to have the young woman beneath lips that devoured her, and possessed her. John had admired all the women that Rita had brought home. They were all beautiful, and most definitely sexy, but something about Alex made him wonder. He pushed his thoughts to the side and moved away from the wall where he had been waiting. Once the shoot was finished he escorted Alex to the car, and then got behind the wheel.

“Did Rita tell you my name?” the quiet voice from the back asked him.

“Alex,” he answered, looking at her through the rearview mirror. “I’m John, in case she didn’t mention mine to you.”

She only smiled and went back to looking out the window. They were headed back to the agency; no more words spoken, each one lost in the other’s thoughts.

When Alex walked in to the Agency this time, she was more confident and sure of herself. She bypassed the first desk, and slipped into the elevator, then waved hello to Sheila before scooting off to Rita’s office. Carl waved her in, and watched as she moved confidently into the Boss’s office.

Rita looked up and smiled, then signaled her to have a seat while she finished a call on the phone. She winked at the young girl, and blew her a kiss, while she listened to the caller on the other end. Rita watched Alex relax, her eyes trailing over the long legs, and slim hips. Her attention focused on the breasts that were hugged by the tight halter top that she had loaned Alex. They had left the bras at home, and the tightness of the shirt stretched across the nipples. Rita’s voice cracked as she answered the caller’s question, and she blushed when Alex caught her stares.

Alex smiled, and winked back to her friend. She sat straighter, and slipped her top off. The windows behind her were tinted and the shades pulled but not fully closed. If someone were to sit in the chair opposite of the window, and look back, they would only have seen the black curls of Alex’s head. With determined seduction in mind, Alex slipped her fingers slowly down her nipples and stroked each one. Pulling on them softly at first, then with more pressure, she began to tease them to hardened nubs.

As Rita watched the actions of her lover, her own sex increased in desire. The liquid hinted to her that it wished to grow and she spread her legs open. Her hand dipped down into the waist band of her skirt, and slid down to the pussy hidden below. Again no panties barred the experienced woman from her explorations. With her own needs being pulled to her crotch as well as her mind trying to focus on the conversation in her ear, she began to stroke and tease her clit.

Watching Rita move her hand down, Alex purred in delight, knowing she had her friend’s attention. Alex stood, and moved her fingers to the white virginal shorts, that covered the bald sex, that had lost its own innocence hours before. Opening the button and pulling away the zipper, Alex pushed the shorts off, losing them and her sandals in the process. Licking her finger, she trailed the moistened tip over to her nipple and swirled the end along the ridged peak.

She pushed her fingers down to her cunt and rubbed her clit with the wet digit. Then she sat back down and kept her eyes locked on Rita. While she looked into the blue orbs she began to slowly insert her finger into her sex. Using her other hand she licked two fingers then set herself to the task of tormenting her clit. Fucking herself slowly while she enjoyed the feeling of making Rita squirm. She drove her fingers into her slick opening, and moaned in pleasure.

Rita watched Alex slide her fingers in and out of the dark tunnel; her fingers had found their home and were working the juices free of her cunt. She finger fucked in silence while Alex’s moans increased in sound and tempo. Rita’s voice took on a deep husky sound and when questioned by the caller if she were okay, Rita coughed and squeaked yes. “Continue,” she told the caller, and in communication with Alex she was telling her the same.

Alex lifted her brow and joined a third finger to the two she had been pushing into her cunt. A buzz came from the intercom on Rita’s table, and Alex watched her answer it.

“Deb’s here to see you. Should I send her in?” Carl’s voice came over the intercom.

Rita placed her hand over the speaking end of the receiver and told Alex not to stop, as she buzzed back to Carl, “Yes have her come in.”

When Alex heard the words her body trembled in anticipation of being caught in the act. Her actions slowed so she could concentrate on the eyes of Deb when she entered. She ground her hips into her fingers, when she heard the door open and her turned toward it. With a small gasp of surprise she saw Carl standing there opening the door for Deb, and his eyes took in the raven trimmed cunt, and he smiled in pleasure. “Nice,” he told her as he shut the door behind Deb.

Debbie’s eyes went to Rita then to Alex’s pussy. She felt her nipples harden in anticipation of touching the sweet cunt again. She left the stack of photos on the desk where Rita continued to conduct business, and then stripped off her own clothes. Her head turned back to Rita, and smiled wickedly. She knew what her Boss was doing with her hand buried deep in her skirt, and Deb was more then willing to participate in the debauchery the two had started.

She took Alex’s hand from her cunt, and licked the juices clean. Curling her own fingers around Alex’s, she helped the naked beauty stand, and led her to the center of the room. “Lay down sweetie,” she told her. The carpet felt soft and plush beneath her feet as she watched the question in Alex’s eyes.

Alex laid down, her eyes soaking up the bald pussy above her. She watched as Deb moved down to the floor as well, and straddled Alex’s body. Not the soft mound of flesh rested above Alex’s mouth, and she could feel the heat of Deb’s breath against her wet cunt. Alex cooed in delight at learning this new tantalizing trick, and placed her hands on Debbie’s hips, pulling her sex closer to her eager lips.

Rita in the meantime had pushed her chair away from her desk, and rolled it now to the side, so she could feast her eyes on the two women and the actions they were performing. Her ear and shoulder held the phone while she mumbled, “Yes… no… sounds nice… sure thing” throughout the entire conversation. Her fingers had left her soaked cunt, only to quickly unbutton her blouse and unsnap her bra. She lifted her skirt high, and raised one leg over the arm of her chair. Her ass shifted for comfort, and soon her fingers were stroking her clit, and the other hand was reaching for her ear piece.

Alex looked over to Rita, her mouth resting softly against Deb’s upper thigh. She saw the fingers playing with the clit and her own body released more juices for the advancing mouth. Alex watched Rita’s other hand make a signal to stay quiet, while she put the ear piece on her head and then switched the phone to the headset unit. Now Alex smiled and licked the soft thigh as she watched from her view on the floor, her boss begin to work her own body with two hands.

Deb had taken a moment to see what was happening behind her. She grinned and turned back around no longer wanting to wait to enjoy the bald pussy from yesterday morning. Her head went down and her tongue snaked out. She ran her firm tongue down over the sex of young Alex. The juices were pushed around on the soft cunt, and Debbie gathered it up, eating it like a honey flavored piece of candy. With gently persuasions the rosy clit, became more swollen with arousal, as Deb flicked her tongue over it. Balancing on one hand she opened the pussy lips, in order to dip her tongue deeper between them.

Alex moaned in pleasure, and raised her head up slightly to begin her work on the cunt that was now pressed into her mouth. She licked at the outer walls of the blonde’s bald sex. The juices tasted different then the ones that were covering Rita’s hands. Alex blew warm air into the cunt, and her hands left the woman’s hips, and she began to open the lips, as she felt Deb do her own. She felt the heat of Debbie’s mouth covering her sex, and she pressed her hips up, wanting more. Her own mouth was moving up and down on the soaked pussy that she was eating. With gentle nips of her teeth, she pulled and played with the soft clit that was nestled against her face.

As the two women dined on each other’s pussies, Rita worked her nipples into erotic pains of pleasure. She kept her mouth clapped shut only, answering the caller on the line only when it was necessary. Her hips drove down into her hand as she rammed three fingers deep into her sex, fucking herself and wanting to scream out in pleasure as she did so. Her eyes devoured the licks that were being run over the pussy in front of Alex’s face, and she mimicked those strokes with her own fingers.

Deb pushed a finger inside the hot hole of the cunt that she was pleasuring. Her teeth began to work the clit, as her hot breath from her nose and mouth ran shivers over Alex’s body. The scents of all three women filled the room, and soon the liquid was oozing faster from the cunts that were openly exposed for anyone that wanted to enjoy the display.

Thrusting her tongue deep into the dark cavern of moisture, Alex wove her tongue in and around the slick walls of Debbie’s body. Sucking the nectar and gathering more for her mouth, she plowed deep into the sloppy pussy. With hungry sounds escaping her throat, she buried them into the soft flesh so she wouldn’t upset her Boss’s phone call. She smothered the moist lips with her teeth and her tongue tasting the heady scent and the loving it. Her fingers dipped inside and she gathered more juices from the walls of her lover’s body, forcing them to cascade down to her waiting tongue.

Rita finally finished her call, and was now working her own body into frenzy. She pulled on her clit with two fingers, while opening her lips with the other and pushing her fingers in deeper with each thrust. The headset had been flung to the desk, and she soon was filling her hands with the juices of her body. The women on the floor were told to fuck and fuck loud. Rita wanted to hear the sounds of them sucking on clits, and moaning in pleasure as well as yelling for more to be done to them.

“Oh fuck!” Debbie said, the first woman in the room to finally speak what was raging through her to escape. “Shit, Alex. Oh God!” she pushed her sex against the woman’s mouth and ground into her. Soon her come was covering the black haired woman’s face, and Deb was stalled for a moment. The wave of climax hit her body and she absorbed it, breathing in the scent of Alex as well as the sexual smell that radiated from her. “Yes!” she screamed as she immediately returned to the pussy that was begging to join in the foray of juices.

Rita watched Alex’s mouth devour Debbie’s come, and she slowed her own ministrations. She watched with eyes full and heavy with lust. Fucking her with a tongue that was soft and firm, each lap soaked more juices into her throat and slid it down to her stomach. Rita hovered on the edge, waiting, her thoughts carrying her to a higher purpose.

Alex lapped at the honey that had spilled from her friend, so thick and full of the fruit of sin. She carried it from the walls of Deb’s cunt to the surface of her tongue. With her mouth pressed fully against the hole, she drank from the pussy, feeding from it as if her life depended on it. The movements ceased as Alex lifted her hips up, and her mouth cried out in orgasmic relief. “Oh my God!” she screamed. Her come flowed thick and hot down her body to shoot out and gush over the lips and face of her lover. She felt Debbie lap at her, and suck her clean and take her to the cliff that she had been straddling. As her body shook in release, Deb’s tongue gathered and swallowed juices that seemed to be a never ending flood.

Each woman on the floor cleaned the other. Licks and bites were giving, until their bodies were pulsing and shivering slowly with each passing second. A loud groan pulled their attention from the saliva-soaked cunts they had been dining on. They both looked to Rita. Her head was thrown back and her body was heaving as she fucked herself.

Debbie moved off of Alex’s body, and together she and Alex went to Rita’s chair. Deb lowered herself to her knees and pushed Rita’s hands away. She pushed her own tongue over the clit, then down the swollen lips. “Nice. Your so wet and hot baby,” Deb told her, as she slurped the passion that was covering the cunt that smelled strong and lusty.

Alex dropped her head to the pert nipple of Rita’s right breast, and began to devour it. Biting the bud, and making the other one stand at attention, while she twisted and pulled it. She tormented her Boss with her mouth, and her fingers. The ridges of her nipples were felt under the lapping muscle as well as the smooth tips of Alex’s fingers. “My clit, Alex!” Rita groaned, no longer able to open her eyes.

Alex left the nipple and began to feed off of the clit that awaited her. Deb’s tongue teased the hole and Alex fed. Rita groaned then screamed as she let loose her own desire and lust. Her fingers dug into the hair of both women and she pushed them to her cunt. “All of it!” she told them.

They pushed hard and deep. Tongues would touch and exchange juices while they cleaned and fucked the woman, taking all of her juices and gathering them up. Then Alex and Deb kissed, sharing the passion that had been emptied from their lover. They sucked the fluid, and then each shared a kiss with Rita, letting her taste the come they had both been enjoying.

Rita purred her pleasure, and caressed both of their cheeks. Looking at Alex, she smiled and said, “You’re going to fit right in with Tucker’s love. I’ve no doubt about it.”

Alex grinned, “I’m glad. I think I have a lot more to learn.”

Deb slipped her finger slowly over Alex’s ass. “I think you’ll enjoy it all.”

“Yes, I will.”

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