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Stretch Goals

Category: Anal Sex
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Fridays at my office weren’t always easy, but this one was. We had just settled one of our biggest cases, a suit brought by a man who lost an arm as a result of another driver who had been undeniably drunk and run a stoplight.

The insurance company refused to pay any more than the policy limit, which was simply unfathomable. Our client was a stone mason, and a well-respected one.

He wasn’t rich, but his wonderful walls were all over our county and were each admirable. He’d not be able to work again without all sorts of therapy and an assistant. Even then, every day would be a struggle for him.

We finally won very fair settlement, and in our small law office that was a welcome influx of cash and a rewarding decline in everyone’s workload.

At the end of cases, I liked to sort through all my own notes and files and get everything ready to send off to the archival storage company. It was easy work for me, and gave me a chance to review what we had done and think about any mistakes we had made. Plus, it gave my paralegal and my secretary their own breaks, too—they certainly didn’t need to do all the filing and could work on other tasks. Or just coast a little.

My office was an absolute mess a result of the filing work. Papers were everywhere, stacked here and there. Expert testimony, notes from other attorneys who had reviewed my drafts, responses from the defendant, and so on. I even had some physical evidence, like a plaster cast and some x-ray films. Each group was in a different pile, and some folders were spread in front of me as I worked through them.

Rachel, my secretary, knocked at my open door.

“Hey, Rache!”

“Hi, Joe. Your wife is on line six.”

“Oh! Okay, thanks.”

My phone was set to ring only for internal calls, and I let Rachel take care of everything else. I couldn’t even see the darn thing right now, since all my papers were spread around and the folders covered-up the desk set. I dug it out, picked up the receiver, and punched the button for line six.

“Hi, Brenda!”

“Oh, God, Joe,” she said. She sounded like she was out of breath, and moaning a little. It startled me.

“What’s going on? Are you hurt?” I stood up and walked towards my door to close it.

“No, ungh, no I’m okay,” she said.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her as my door clicked shut. I looked through my side window, and saw that Rachel was busy talking with one of the paralegals and hadn’t noticed the odd beginning to my conversation.

“I got it in,” she said, still breathlessly.

“Got what in?” I asked her.

“I got the big one in. I finally got it in my ass. Jesus Christ, Joe, I’m so fucking full. You have to come home and fuck me. I’m going absolutely nuts.”

Her words were tiny and sharp, spoken in a husky whisper around her distressed breathing. I couldn’t believe what she was telling me, but I was immediately excited.

“I’ll be right there,” I told her.

“Hurry for me. God, I want you,” she replied.

I gave Rachel an excuse about Brenda being sick, and was in the parking garage under our building in less than five minutes. I would be home in about twenty minutes with the light traffic in the early afternoon, but I sped the whole way.

Brenda and I have been married about two years, nearly three. When we met about four years before we married, we had started a wonderful relationship that gave each of us a lot of the things we had wanted. We were completely happy, and our sex life was great.

My wife is just beautiful, with C-cup tits and auburn hair to the middle of her back. She works as a physical therapist and keeps herself in great shape. Her body never ceases to excite me, and we fuck as much as we can—usually four times a week.

As I drove home, I thought about the events leading up to Brenda’s phone call. During one of our more passionate sessions, I had asked her about anal sex. Her reaction was not at all what I had expected: she said something about how much it would hurt, but then said that she was sure she’d learn to enjoy it if she practiced and went slowly, and then asked me all sorts of questions.

I had soon realized that she was completely excited by the idea, and wanted me to take her anally but felt a bit shy about asking because she thought it was a bit dirty. I answered her questions honestly, and we talked a bit about the way she felt. She really was interested in it, though a little scared and maybe even intimidated.

We decided that she would go at her own pace, and let me know when she was ready. And she really followed through. She had bought a couple of butt plugs over the web and used them by herself when I wasn’t around.

A few weeks ago, we were at a party and a little tipsy. On the way home, Brenda announced her progress to me; that she had used a small toy, then a larger one, and was ready for something bigger. And then she told me that when she was comfortable with that largest one, she would be ready to take me in her asshole.

We stopped off at a sex shop and bought the largest plug that they had—or, the largest realistic one, anyway. It was about five inches long and a bit less than three inches wide at its broadest point. We were so excited, we went home and completely forgot about it as I hiked up her dress and fucked her pussy from behind over the kitchen table.

But Brenda had stuck with her plan, and was ready for me. She had worked hard and was now going to share the success of her selfless but solitary carnal training. As I entered my driveway, I was excited, proud, and flattered. My wife had done an incredible thing in taking my desires into account, extending her limits to satisfy me, and then sharing her new self with me.

I left my briefcase in the car, pressed the button to shut the garage door, and almost ran into the house. I bounded up the stairs to find her in our room, splayed among the sheet in our bed.

“Hey, baby,” she smiled up at me. She was in the bed, lying on her side, facing the door to the bedroom. She was almost under the sheets, but they were crumpled around her and her wonderful body was mostly uncovered.

“Hi,” I said breathlessly before I jumped into bed and lay next to her, kissing her. We necked for a bit and I held her.

Brenda broke our kiss. “I’m ready,” she told me.

“Yeah? Are you sure?”

She nodded. “I want you to take me,” she said.

“Can I see it?”

Brenda rolled towards me, getting onto her knees. She shook her head and collected her hair over her shoulder. I rose, and moved behind her. Her back bowed before her hips, shapely and sexy. The handle of the plug protruded from her cheeks, clamped in her warm body.

“I’ll take it out,” I told her.

“Yeah,” she said. “Take it out and put your cock in there.”

I sat next to my wife’s upturned ass and grasped the handle of the plug. Wiggled it gently, and she moaned softly. When I slowly pulled, she rocked backwards and then forwards, letting the rubber toy slide from her ass.

“God, it’s so fucking big,” she moaned. The wide part of the plug began to spread her as it came out of her ring. Lube oozed from her body, clinging to the plug. I was just fascinated.

Reaching under her hips, I held her to my shoulder. Gently, I pulled once more and the wide part left her body, sliding the tapered end of the tool freely from her anus. Se groaned with excitement, and maybe a little disappointment.

“Jesus, Joe. It felt so good. Are you going to put your dick in there?”

“I can’t wait to fuck your sweet ass,” I told her. Unbuttoning my shirt, I stood at the side of the bed and quickly stepped out of my shoes. I kicked them away and tossed my shirt on top of them. I worked my belt and pulled it from the loops of my pants, adding it to the pile. When I dropped my drawers, Brenda twisted on the bed and faced me. Still on her hands and knees, she gently took my cock into her mouth.

“Baby, ohhhh,” I moaned as she took me in her mouth. My dick was raging hard in anticipation of fucking my wife’s ass for the first time. As she sucked me, I looked at the small of her back and the soft, perfect skin of her ass.

Brenda’s tongue swirled around me, and I could feel her gently suckling me. When she released me, I saw that my shaft was coated thickly in her spittle.

“Put it in me. Do you think it will fit?” she asked, looking up at me.

“I hope so, baby. I’ve always wanted to drop a load in your butt.”

Brenda twisted around and put her feet on the floor. She leaned over the bed, her beautiful ass in front of me. When she moved, she pushed the sheets slightly and revealed a bottle of lubricant. I took it and poured some on my fingertips, then gently pressed my fingers into the split of her pretty ass. Her asshole gaped slightly, even after the dildo had been removed.

I pressed my fingers to her ass, slipping them in very gently. She really had worked herself loose, and was ready to take me. With my hand on my dick, I guided myself towards her anus. After running the head of my cock down her ass, I pressed it against her tiny brown bud and pressed forward.

My wife began moaning quietly. Her body was pressed flat against the sheets, her arms out at right angles and her fingers spread. She twisted her head to one slide and pulled her hair behind me. Her lithe body was before me, her ass upturned to expose the target of my long-standing desire.

Despite her preparation and practice, I met some resistance. I gently pressed, caressing her back. I told her how flattered I was about what she had done, and how horny I was to be inside her.

She loosened slightly and yielded to me. I pressed about two inches of my cock into her, and asked how she felt.

“I’m so full,” she panted. She told me she couldn’t believe it was only about a third of my dick inside her. “Press it in slowly,” she said.

I did so. I grasped her hips, holding her soft flesh and looking down at myself entering her. Her soft round butt cheeks were being pierced by my member. Her body felt warm and tight around my penis.

Her murmuring moans were punctuated by a sharp groan. “Unnh,” she said. I stopped pressing myself into her.

“Feel good?”

“Yeaaah,” she said. Her breath was gasping again, like she had been on the phone. She shifted a bit and moved her hand under her belly. Her fingertips brushed my scrotum, and I could feel her start to touch herself. She shifted more, pulling her forearm under her breasts.

I pressed forward more, and she continued to yield to me. “I’m all the way inside you,” I announced, as my hips met her ass and my pubic hair met her rear-end. My balls were against her pussy, now; I could feel that she was very wet.

“This is so filthy,” she said. “It feels so good, Joe.”

“Yeah? Do you like it?”

“I can’t believe it. I’m going to come, I think,” she said. She strummed herself some more, and reached a tiny orgasm. She quivered and squealed. She pulled her left hand from under her chest and stretched across the bed and grabbed at the sheets.

I remained still, watching her body, looking at my dick and her smooth skin. Brenda quivered around me, and then quickly subsided. Tension almost visibly left her body, and I felt her relax.

“Do it, Joe. Fuck my ass,” she said.

“I will. I’m going to pump your butt full of my come,” I told her.

I rocked back and leisurely withdrew before pressing forward into her tight rectum. I again grasped her hips, holding them softly as I slowly but firmly repeatedly pierced her.

“You can go faster. Joe, it feels so good. Jesus, Joe,” she said.

Picking up my pace just a little, I more aggressively fucked her. My excitement was building rapidly, and I was quite worked-up from thinking about what was waiting for me during my drive home. As I realized that I was deflowering my wife’s virgin asshole, my pride and excitement swelled.

“I’m not going to last long,” I warned her.

“It’s okay, baby. We can do it again,” she said.

As I fucked her softly, firmly, my body tightened around my groin. I thought of how our relationship was now just perfect. I couldn’t imagine asking her for anything more; she truly and deeply loved me, supported me, and after this I felt like she fulfilled me sexually, completely.

“I’m ready,” I warned her.

“Yeah, getting there,” she said. We had our little code words to try to time our orgasm. She was close, but not ready yet. I stopped deep in her butt, and I felt her diddling herself more.

“Yeah, getting there,” she said again. “Yeah,” she said.

I pumped one or twice more to keep myself at the ready. Deep insider her, I could feel a bit of pre-come squeeze from the head of my cock.

“Unh, yeah, go, yeah, yeah,” she told me. This was my green light, that she new she was ready. I pumped into her as she came, fucking her firmly and hard. She cried out, stopped strumming herself and grasped at the sheets. Another wave went over her and then I released inside her. She felt it, too; she twitched and moved in response to my spurts deep within her bowel.

I leaned forward and collected my wife in my arms. She was quivering and felt weak. Pushing her gently, we got our feet off the floor to lie in bed and I gently withdrew from her. We held each other.

She thanked me for talking with her, and being gentle. And I thanked her for everything she had done. She said she felt better than she ever thought she would, and promised that swe’d make this a regular part of our love life.

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