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Sexy and Gray

Category: Mature
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I received a certified letter requesting my presence at the law offices of Wiggins & Sloan in Albuquerque, New Mexico for the following Monday. I had no idea why a lawyer would want to meet with me, but I cleared my schedule for the day to attend.

The day of the meeting I arrived and was asked to wait until Andrew Sloan was available. The pretty receptionist offered me coffee, but I declined, butterflies flitting around my stomach at the idea of this type of meeting.

A few minutes later I was escorted back to an elegantly appointed conference room and introduced to Mr. Sloan. He was an older patrician gentlemen with silver hair and a strong presence. His grip was firm and he indicated a chair to his right.

“Thank you for coming Mr. Michaels. I’m sure you are wondering why we requested this meeting?”

“Yes, sir. It’s a bit of a mystery.”

“Are you familiar with Doreen Orcutt?”

I immediately remembered a night two years before and the woman involved. “Yes. I met her a couple of years ago. I haven’t seen or heard from her since.”

“Right, that’s what my information says. Mrs. Orcutt passed away a month ago, and according to her wishes, we called you here today.”

“I’m confused,” I said.

“Yes, I’m sure you are. How much did Doreen tell you about her life?”

“Not much really. I know she was a widow, and she didn’t have any children, but nothing really more in depth.”

“Doreen was an extremely wealthy woman. She inherited a large sum from her parents many years ago, and she basically never touched that money. In addition, her husband, George, was quite wealthy himself. After his death, Doreen inherited the bulk of his estate as well. In addition to the cash holdings, there is an extensive stock portfolio and various real estate holdings.”

“Okay,” I said, still unsure of where this was going.

“The estate is in probate, and you are here today because you have been named as a beneficiary in the will.”

“What? I mean, why? I barely knew her.”

“I don’t have the answer to that, I’m afraid. Be that as it may, I am pleased to inform you that in a month or so, you will receive your portion of her estate.”

“Alright,” I said. “I’ve never done anything like this, so I’m afraid I have no idea what I should do or think right now.”

“Understandable. I would think your first question should be how much you can expect to receive.”

“I guess so.”

“Her total estate is worth an estimated $46 million. Cash holdings are in excess of $29 million, while real estate is valued at $8 million. The remainder is held in stock valued at $9 million. As per the will, various charities receive $16 million, while the remaining estate is solely yours.”

I sat stunned, in shock and unable to breathe properly. “$30 million. There has to be some mistake.”

“I assure you the will was proper, and there is no question of her mental state at the time she prepared the will. I foresee no challenges do the situation of family being virtual nonexistent. There will be extensive tax penalties, but with my help, and the help of qualified tax professionals, I see no reason why you shouldn’t realize close to $20 million.”

2 Years Before

I walked around the casino floor, wandering until I found a machine that ‘spoke’ to me. I was alone and bored, with time to kill and money to waste, so a casino seemed a good option. I had come to Vegas for a conference, and was on the game floor to waste time before bed.

I turned down a narrow aisle and as I walked through the seats , I felt a sharp pinch on my ass. Shocked, I turned and saw an older lady with a mischievous grin on her face. She looked to be around 20 years older than my own 43 years, and she just laughed at the shocked expression on my face.

“You have a very cute ass, honey,” she said.

“Thank you,” I said, resuming my search for the perfect machine.

I lost $50 and resumed my circle. I found a machine I liked and stood beside it for a minute feeding money into the slot. Again, I felt a sharp pinch on the other cheek.

“I can’t help myself,” the older woman said. “It’s just so delectable.”

She walked on and I shook my head. I had never given much thought to my ass, but I tried to stay in shape, and was flattered by her attention. I had never been into older women, but she was certainly attractive enough to admire.

She had carefully highlighted hair with enough gray left to look like she wasn’t trying too hard, and a slim body that belied healthy eating or regular exercise. Her clothes were stylish and not at all matronly, instead looking chic and sophisticated. Her demeanor, clothing, and jewelry all screamed money and lots of it.

I won a little on the machine and printed the ticket. I was using my system, so I moved from the quarter machines to dollar machines. I was lost in playing, staying a bit ahead when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Hey, handsome, you winning?” It was my friend again, so I grinned at her.

“No, not much, just staying ahead.”

“Good. I’ll just sit here next to you and see if I can’t bring you some good luck.”

I spun a few more times, watching the machine and the unpredictable woman beside me, worried what she might pinch next. Her perfume smelled delicious and fresh, unlike any scent I had ever smelled a woman of her age wearing.

She ran her index fingernail up from the knee of my pants stopping just shy of my crotch. I jumped a little, even though I was watching her the entire time.

“Don’t tell me you’re scared of a little old lady groping you a little?”

“Not at all. I was just afraid a pinch was going to follow,” I laughed.

“Only if I see that young ass,” she said.

“It’s not really so young,” I countered. “I doubt you’re much older than me.”

“I doubt that,” she laughed. “How old are you?”


“See, just a baby. I’m 29 years older than you.”

I did the math in my head and was shocked. “There is no way you are 72! I believe 62 at the most.”

“Sweet, sweet boy. I turned 72 last March.”

Right then, I hit a minor jackpot and when it was done, I was $400 richer. I cashed out, ready to take the ticket to the cashier.

“Well, now you have enough money to buy an old lady a drink,” she said. “Meet me in the bar after you’re done.”

She walked off, leaving me little choice but to do as she said. I could have just walked away, but just couldn’t do it. I cashed out my voucher and tucked the money into my pocket. I headed to the bar and found her sitting at a high-top table.

“Well, you came after all,” she said. “I was sure you would run for the hills ”

“And deprive myself of such delightful company?” I said.

“You are a charmer.”

The server came by and she ordered a glass of Merlot, while I opted for a vodka tonic. When the drinks came, she started talking again.

“I guess you think I am pretty shameless pinching you on the ass like I did.”

“A little surprised, but I didn’t mind. It’s a compliment.”

“Yes it is. What brings you here? Is your wife going to swoop in and threaten me with bodily violence?”

“I’m here for a conference and I’m not married, so you should be fine. I imagine you could hold your own even if I was married, though.”

She laughed. “Possibly. I am pretty scrappy. What line of work are you in?”

“I own an electrical supply company back home. I deal mostly with industrial and oilfield components, so I came here to see what the newest and latest tricks are coming out.”

“Where is home?”

“Artesia, New Mexico. It’s an oil town from way back with a population of 13000 or so. Not a very exciting place to live.”

“How strange! I live in Albuquerque! We seem to be neighbors!”

“I’m David,” I said, extending my hand. “David Michaels.”

“Doreen Orcutt,” she said. “How rude of me not to introduce myself after my hand was on your ass.”

I laughed. “Yes, it was pretty rude. What do you do with yourself in Albuquerque?”

“I live the life of a widowed socialite. My husband, George, god rest his soul, was a workaholic back east, and when he retired, we moved to the high desert. He died a year and half ago, and I’ve ambled around our big old house trying to stay busy.”

“Sorry for your loss. What brings you to Vegas?”

“Entertainment. A group of my biddies flew up for the weekend, and after we hit the early bird buffet, they all returned to their rooms for bed. It sucks traveling with a bunch of old ladies. I’m ready to party.”

We talked for a long while, and while I grew tipsy, then slightly drunk, she kept a sober demeanor even though she matched me drink for drink.

“What would your reaction be if I was to ask you to take me to my room and fuck me,” she said, straight-faced and serious. I almost spit my drink out.

“Did you say what I think you said?”

“Yes. Does the idea disgust you? Having sex with a woman my age?”

“No, not at all. You are a very beautiful woman regardless of age. My surprise and shock comes not from the act, but the language and bluntness you used.”

She laughed again. “Oh, I know I appear prim and proper, but I know all the fun words. Cock, pussy, tits, ass, fucking, and sucking. Does that surprise you?”

“A little. I just don’t think of women of your age using that language.”

“I was born in 1940 to a very wealthy, very conservative family. I attended Sarah Lawrence and got the prerequisite English degree, and settled into the life of leisure I was accustomed to until I met a proper suitor.

“Sometime around ’66 or ’67, I was too picky and needed to find myself. I headed out to San Francisco and joined the hippies there. It was a wild time, and I had my share of lovers. Probably more than my share. I was a wild little slut, straight hair down to my ass, and willing to spread my legs for any long-haired boy who caught my fancy. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll,” she giggled.

“I grew a little weary of it and in November of ’68, I met man much like myself. Wealthy, bored, and looking for adventure. The next year we were married and living in Manhattan, having the exact life we tried so hard to escape. We tried to have kids later, but one or both of us had rendered ourselves sterile from the hedonism and STDs of the time.”

“Wow, a real life hippie,” I said.

“Yes, sir. After George and I married, I never again had another lover. I only had one lover from a time before you were even born. Now, as my twilight is dimming, I want to feel a man again. I want to be fucked and sucked, and used like I was so long ago. A man my age holds little appeal, but a man your age is supremely attractive. I considered hiring an escort, but I decided to try this approach first. I don’t mind paying for what I want, but there is a certain dignity in seeing if I could still attract a man with looks rather than money.”

I nodded, deep in thought. “I hate to sound stupid, but everything is fine, right?”

She leaned close. “Honey, everything works just fine. My pussy is a little drier than it used to be, but I have a nice bottle of lubricant to fix that problem. Everything is saggier and wrinklier than you are used to, but all my parts work just fine,” she said with a glint in her eye. “I even shaved my pubic hair just for the occasion.”

“Well, then,” I laughed. “Why are we talking about it? Let’s go.”

I followed her to her room, and once inside, she dimmed all the lights. It was a bit awkward at first, but she took charge. “Sit,” she said. “I want your cock in my mouth.”

I sat and she knelt between my legs, running her hands up and down my thighs. She unbuckled my belt and undid my pants before unzipping me . She reached inside and immediately found my cock.

“Naughty boy not wearing underwear!”

I lifted my hips and she slid my pants down and off after I kicked my shoes off. She returned and took my half-hard cock in her soft hands and started stroking it. I grew to full hardness quickly and she squeezed her hand around it, feeling its girth.

“This is a beautiful cock,” she said. “So hard and so long. This is exactly what I’ve been missing for so long.”

She dipped her head and started licking my balls while stroking me in her hand. She licked and sucked my balls, giving them lavish attention. “I never cared to neglect the jewels,” she said. “It’s so base if you think about it, having your balls in my mouth. It’s that baseness that so controlled my sex drive.”

Her next action really blew my mind. She lifted my balls in her hand and flicked her tongue across my ass. She teased my hole with her tongue, probing gently as she still stroked my hardness in her hand.

“George would rarely allow me to lick and suck his balls, saying it wasn’t proper. I tried to lick his ass once and he wouldn’t speak to me for three days. I really am just a degenerate whore.”

She continued to lick my backdoor before moving back to my balls. She licked her way up my shaft, sliding her tongue all around as she worked her way to the crown. She took my head in her mouth and started sucking with increasing pressure, bobbing her head a little as she worked a little more in her mouth.

“You have a really large cock, maybe the biggest I’ve ever had. My jaw is going to hurt tomorrow, but the pain will be well worth the pleasure.”

I sat back and let her give me an incredible blowjob. She might be a good nine years older than my mother, but she was incredible. Before long she had over half my length in her mouth, and I could feel my head lodging against her throat. She managed another inch, and with that, she had taken more than any woman ever had before.

She continued for a few more minutes before stopping and getting up. “Forgive an old woman’s insecurities, but would you mind turning your back while I undress?”

I turned my back and heard the rustling of clothing as she disrobed. I waited until she gave me the okay and I turned. She was in bed with the sheets drawn over her breasts.

“I’m going for a classic movie sensual scene,” she laughed. “Come join me.”

I pulled the shirt over my head and slid into bed beside her. She kept covered as I slid my hands over her soft skin. “I’m going to have to see you if we want to do this right,” I said. “Getting tangled in sheets will definitely dampen the mood.”

“I know,” she said. “Just give me a moment. The last time a man saw me naked before George I had taut skin, full breasts, and a lovely figure.”

I kissed her neck and her ears, and she relaxed. I pushed the sheet down a little and kissed the tops of her breasts. Pulling it lower, I sucked one nipple, then the other into my mouth. She moaned as her nipples hardened, pulling my head to her.

“That feels so good,” she said. “My nipples have always been so sensitive.”

I slid my hand beneath the sheet and between her legs. She spread them to accommodate my hand, and as advertised, she was completely hairless. I rubbed her clit slowly, giving her time to adjust to my touch.

“A man that knows how to find the pearl,” she cried as I stroked her.

I ran my finger along her slit and found she was damp. I kissed my way down across her stomach and between her legs. She gasped as my tongue flicked across her clit, then cried out as I pulled the hood back and made direct contact.

“That’s it,” she moaned, “eat my cunt.”

I licked and tasted her, somewhat surprised her taste was identical to a woman my age. She cried out as I drove my tongue deep inside her.

“Tongue fuck my cunt,” she said.

The baseness of a man almost half her age licking her pussy was what probably made her talk so dirty, but the language coming out of that elegant woman fanned the flames of my passion.

She came suddenly, crying out as the orgasm washed over her. She held my face against her pussy as she shuddered to a conclusion. “Oh, shit,” she said. “I didn’t know if I could still do that!”

I started again, and she came even more quickly. “Stop! Oh, please stop,” she said. “I don’t want to keel over with your face between my legs.”

She reached over and grasped my cock again and looked at it lovingly. “I’m wetter than I’ve been in years,” she said. “Still, I think some lubricant would be nice.”

Unashamed at her nudity, she walked to her suitcase and brought back a bottle of Wet. She poured it in her hand and brought it between her legs, rubbing it on her pussy. She applied more to her fingers and slid two into herself, making her entrance slick and ready.

She poured a generous amount into her hand and started stroking it over my cock, making me slick.

“Now,” she said. “Slide your big cock inside me. Be gentle at first, it’s been a very long time.”

I moved between her legs and guided the head right against her entrance. Her lips parted and I slid the head in just a little. She was slick and open, and it took a good deal of self-control to not thrust deep inside her. I took my time, sliding a half inch at a time, letting her stretch as I opened her.

“You’re stretching my little cunt,” she said. “It’s been far too long and it feels so good to be filled with a hot, hard cock. Fill me, David, fill me.”

I was amazed at her tightness, but even more amazed at her ability to take my cock. Before long, she had my entire length inside her, something I had never experienced before.

“That’s it, beautiful boy. Your cock fits so good in my pussy. Let me feel you for a little longer, then I want you to fuck me.”

I kept still, deep inside her, feeling her warmth grasp me. She lay still, breathing heavy as she felt me inside her.

“So good,” she moaned. “Now slowly, fuck me. Make my pussy yours.”

I moved out slowly, bringing myself almost out, then even more slowly back in all the way. Again and again I opened her with my cock, feeling her slick walls accommodate my girth.

“A little harder,” she panted. “Let’s test the limits of my cunt.”

Still slow, but a little harder I moved in and out. Her breathing changed, but I could tell it was pleasure, not pain causing the change. With her reactions as my guide, I began to fuck her, giving her what she wanted and needed.

“I want to be on top of you,” she said.

I moved off and she moved until she was straddling my hips. She guided me inside and began to move, using my cock for her own pleasure. I squeezed her thick nipples in my hands, increasing pressure as she rode me.

“That’s it,” she said. “Use me. Fuck me.”

In reality, she was using me and fucking me, but I knew what she meant. She wanted to be lost in this carnal act, reliving her lost youth. She reached between us and found her clit, rubbing it as she moved up and down on me.

“I’m going to come,” she cried. “I’m going to come on your cock.”

She cried out as she came, pushing down with her hips, taking me to the hilt inside her. She collapsed off me, rolling to her back on the bed.

“You are amazing, beautiful boy,” she said happily. “Let me catch my breath for just a moment.”

She lay there, chest heaving, muscles trembling, and I could see the woman she had been. She was a marvelous, sensual creature, and I could picture her in her prime, on the streets of San Francisco, looking for her next conquest.

She moved down my body and took my cock in her mouth, unmindful of the lubricant or her own wetness coating my cock. She took me deep again, almost gagging as she took all she could. She moaned as she sucked my cock, getting her own pleasure from giving me mine.

“I want to see if my old hips can take having you from behind. Getting fucked like that, like a bitch in heat, was always my favorite.”

I moved behind her as she positioned herself with her ass in the air. She was spread wide, and I could see the juices glistening within her open pussy. I aimed my cock and slid deep, gripping her hips as I pulled myself against her. The sensation of her taking me completely was incredible, and I began to fuck her, again listening to her to make sure she was enjoying it.

“Fuck my cunt,” she said. “Fuck me like a dog!”

I fucked her hard, thrusting in and out, feeling my own need build. She came again, her hand busy between her legs. She didn’t pause and I kept plunging in and out.

” I want you to come,” she said. “Fill my cunt with your hot come.”

I let go and began to come deep inside her. Jet after jet of thick, hot come filled her, and I could feel it dripping out of her before I finished. When I pulled out, she collapsed on the bed, breathing hard, but giving small moans of pleasure.

“That was incredible,” she said. “I would love to see the maid’s face when she sees the come stains on the sheets.”

We lay there, both covered in a thin sheet of sweat from our exertions. She rose and walked unsteadily to the bathroom and came back a few minutes later.

“Can I beg one more indulgence from you?”

“Sure,” I said.

“Will you sleep here tonight? I want to feel a strong, hard body next to me.”

“I will, yes.”

We dropped off to sleep quickly, and I slept like the dead. I did at least until I awoke with her mouth around my cock. She was under the sheets, with my cock deep in her mouth, sucking for all she was worth.

She realized I was awake and threw the covers off. She looked up at me with a wanton smile. “Sorry to wake you,” she said, “but I couldn’t resist. This is for you beautiful boy, because lord knows my pussy can’t take anymore. You just enjoy and let me do this for you. When you’re ready, just come for me.”

I let my head fall back against the pillow and let her go. She was in no hurry, just sucking away. After 15 minutes or more, I stiffened just a little more and knew I was close. She increased her suction and when I came, she bobbed down until I came directly down her throat.

She didn’t stop until I was milked dry, stroking the last drop onto her tongue.

“Thank you, beautiful boy,” she whispered as I drifted back to sleep.

The next morning I awoke to an empty bed. There was a note on her pillow in elegant handwriting.

“Beautiful boy,” it read, “thank you so much for what you did for me last night. I have to meet the biddies and can’t wait to see the looks on their faces when I describe in great detail what we did last night. I will never forget you, and hope you will remember me fondly as well. Doreen.”

I dressed and returned to my room and showered, washing her perfume and essence off. I didn’t see her again before I left Las Vegas, and never heard from her again. She had become a pleasant and erotic memory until the day I heard about her passing from the attorney.

Present Day

I got in my car and headed back for the three hour drive to Artesia. In truth, reality had yet to sink in. I was extremely comfortable in my life and needed nothing. Yet, suddenly, I was worth millions because of one night of passion years before.

In her mind I had done her a favor, taking one for the team by sleeping with an old woman. The fact was I had enjoyed it as much as she had. She was fascinating and lovely, and easily the raunchiest, most sexual person I had ever met.

It would take a while to think of myself as wealthy and I had a lot of decisions to make. Instead, I played back that strange, wonderful night in my head and hoped she had been satisfied with what we shared.

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