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Wanna Bet?

Category: Fetish
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Although we were still clothed, the touching and petting was hot and heavy. It was after our second date, and Pamela invited me in and poured us each a glass of wine. We were in her living room, and first there was subtle touching. Then light kissing, which led to more intimate touching. Then the long passionate kisses.

I liked the way Pamela kissed. The well-built redhead was panting, and my breathing was heavy.

Her eyes showed promise, and I fantasized about how good it would feel when we made our way to her bed — her firm lips pressing against mine, front to front, my hard member hugged by the smooth creamy insides of her womanhood, and the beauty of her fiery red pussy hair.

A few more minutes of passionate kissing, and I loosened a few buttons on her blouse. My hands now inside her shirt, I felt her skin. She nudged me over on my back on her spacious couch, and we hungrily and passionately kissed.

Finally I found words to suggest that we get rid of our clothes and go to her bedroom. She got a look of concern on her face. Her eyes were still wide and excited, and her disheveled red hair looked so alluring.

“Rick – I didn’t expect things to go this far so soon. I don’t want things to bomb with us like it did with my latest bedroom excursion – he fucked me, came right away, and then fell asleep. An hour later he got up and left.”

I had to do some fast thinking. I knew the first time inside Pamela would be no marathon of intercourse. The sweetness of her pussy, plus the excitement of a first time with her, was sure to push me over the edge quite soon. I could not deny that the first ejaculation with her would arrive quickly.

“Let me bring you off first,” I whispered.

“Well, that might help, but I don’t know…”

“I bet I can last at least fifteen minutes inside you,” I lied. I said it teasingly and as a challenge.

“Wanna bet?” she shot back. “And if you pop earlier, what have you lost, other than the bet? You’ll still have gotten pleasure.”

“I’ll tell you what,” I challenged, “If I don’t last fifteen minutes, and you can do as much as you want to try to make me cum, then – then I’ll suck you clean afterward.”

“EWWWW! Gross! Cum eating – you’d do that?!”

I had to laugh at the face she made when she said that. I also knew that in order to succeed, I had to act as if I didn’t care whether or not we went to bed.

“I’ve never done that before, but yes, I’d do it,” I replied with as much nonchalance as I could muster with a desperately aroused cock struggling inside my jeans. Then I drew her toward me and tried to restore the passionate mood we had before. She returned my kisses, but I could tell her mind was occupied.

A few minutes later she had gotten well into the aroused mood from before, when she pulled away and said, “Okay. You’re on. But what if you try to back out after you’ve popped?”

I sensed that reassurances would not be enough for her, so the ball had to be in her court. “I don’t know – how do you want to make sure?”

She thought for a moment, then giggled. “I want to tie you to the bed so I can have my way with you and make sure you follow through!”

She saw the assent in my eyes. So she wanted some bondage in the bedroom. Being tied to a bed by an attractive impassioned redhead and then having sex — I definitely liked the idea. Her manner turned playful, which was a good sign. “Stay there, I’ll be back in a little bit,” she said, and scampered to the next room.

A few minutes later she reappeared. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that she had removed all her clothes. Her red hair graced her pale skin. And, yes, her pussy hair was red, although a lighter shade than on her head. She stood confidently in the doorway, and held several red binding straps.

She smiled as she beckoned me to come hither. In an instant I was in her bedroom, shedding my clothes. She grasped my erect member and said, “Fifteen minutes, huh?”

She sat on the edge of her bed and opened her legs. I knelt between them and tasted her sweet pussy through an orgasm. Then she bound my hands to the sides of my legs and had me lie on her bed. She bound my ankles together and fastened the binding to the front bedposts. My cock pointed straight up. She giggled, and straddled my midsection.

I groaned when she impaled herself on my cock. It felt every bit as good as I imagined.

“Are you ready?” she asked. “Fifteen minutes!”

Then she began to sexily pump. As she did that, she bent down and playfully kissed me on the lips. Her “Ahhhh!” sounds enhanced my arousal, and I saw the playful determination in her eyes. She definitely was going to try to bring me to ejaculation as quickly as she could. She varied the tempo of her pumping, and I could not withstand the stimulation for more than a couple of minutes.

Pamela sexily giggled as I started to ejaculate, and she sped up her pumping throughout my profuse spurting episode. She kept me inside her for a few moments, telling me that she wanted every drop I had to give.

“Ready to suck my pussy? Open up, lover boy!”

It’s hard to explain the difference in being so willing to suck on a cum-filled pussy when my arousal was at its highest, and my reluctance after my lust had been spent inside her womanhood. Since this was my first time doing what I had fantasized about for so long, I didn’t know how much I’d like doing it in real life.

I knew I was going to get the serving. I had committed to it, and even suggested it as my price of admission. So I was determined to follow through.

“I’m ready, Pamela,” I said, and willingly opened my mouth.

Pamela withdrew, and quickly straddled my mouth. I caught a quick view of her red haired pussy, soaked with her cream and my semen, just before she made contact.

The amount of slippery cream that I encountered the first time I swiped my tongue on her pussy astounded me. I gulped the wad and went to work on her pussy. I licked and kissed. I sucked on her gorgeous pussy.

At first she exclaimed, “Oh, that feels SO weird!” As I kept on she said it felt good. Eventually she filled the room with the sounds of her uninhibited orgasm.

She untied me and we spent some time nuzzling and cuddling. Her sensuous hands brought me to an aroused and erect state. She giggled and said, “I think you knew you wouldn’t last fifteen minutes, and made the bet just to get into my pussy!”

“I’ll bet I can last twenty five minutes before cumming,” I replied.

She got on her back and opened her legs.

“Wanna bet?” she asked as she pulled me on top of her.

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