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The Professor Gets a Prize

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Linda looked around the classroom, filled with over 200 first-year students. My God, she thought to herself, how am I going to get any personal attention out of this class? I enrolled in this university because it sold itself as having an average class size of 25. I guess I’ll have to remind myself what an average is.

She glanced up when the professor entered the room. Ummmm. Not bad, she mused; must be 30 something, maybe 40. Kinda young to be a full professor. He looks nice in that suit, and those sloping shoulders must mean he works out lifting weights. This may be interesting after all.

Linda, 18 going on 30, had a body to die for and a face to match — a long, slender neck on which an oval shaped face reposed. Her soft auburn hair was done in a pony tail, emphasizing the long lines of her neck and the shape of her face. She had piercing blue eyes that missed little and intimidated many. Those eyes sparkled as she contemplated Professor Roger Adams speculatively. She noted the ring on his ring finger but dismissed it as a minor obstacle.

Married men, single men, boys — all had fallen under her sway since she had been a budding teenager. She had sharpened her skills of seduction during high school and felt capable of getting any live man into bed, as long as he was straight.

Roger Adams let his eyes roam idly over the sea of faces in front of him. Only 41 years old, he had been the youngest full professor in the history of the university when he was hired 15 years ago. He was a boy genius, earning his bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph. D. in English literature in the same year from the most prestigious university in the state.

He had married a classmate the year they graduated. They had no children and had no plans to have any. They intended to live life to its fullest, and children would only be an encumbrance. Roger was no philanderer, but he enjoyed the company of women and it was fun to flirt with the coeds. He had never slept with one and did not intend to.

A smile flickered over his face. The “Blondes,” as he called them, were lined up in the front row. They were not all blondes, but he thought of them that way — shapely, attractive, short-skirted. Their seductive smiles and flashing thighs were supposed to tempt him. He enjoyed the show they put on, but that was all. No prude was Roger, but screwing coeds was not part of his makeup.

He looked up the steeply-banked row of seats and saw Linda, seated in the very back row in the corner. He frowned inwardly. Even at this distance he recognized the prettiest face and shapeliest body in the class. He wondered what she was doing there. She should be down front with the Blondes, he thought. He took in a breath, thinking to himself that this was the most sexual creature he had ever seen.

Roger pulled his eyes away from Linda, who had not missed his penetrating gaze. I think I have a live one here, she thought. Her eyes on Roger, she wondered how she was going to capitalize on the interest she had seen on his face.

Shaking his head, Roger told the class how he operated: They were to be on time, fill out the seating chart, and be prepared to discuss the story assigned for that class period. He gave them a short story to read and handed out an outline that explained how he expected them to analyze each assignment. He emphasized that, while this was a large class, it was going to be organized as if it were a smaller discussion-sized class.

“The next time we meet, I will hand out a seating chart for this room. Take whatever seat you wish, sign your name by that number, and stay put the rest of the semester.” With that, he dismissed the class.

Normally he would leave the classroom at this point, but today he lingered, watching for that stunning girl in the back row. He pretended to be busy with some papers on the desk, but he was watching her wend her way down the stairs to the exit near the desk in the front of the room.

He could not keep his eyes off of her, and she knew it. She put an extra swing in her hips as she slithered from the room, smiling to herself. She had glanced at his crotch as she walked past him and was thrilled to see the beginnings of a bulge in his pants. Aha, she thought, methinks this is a horny devil.

Roger ran his eyes over the seating chart when it had been handed to him at the beginning of the next class. The students had been alerted as to his photographic memory and were not surprised when he began to call upon them by name after a cursory look at the chart.

The class went swiftly. The students had also been warned that he was serious when he said he expected them to be prepared. “He doesn’t use sarcasm,” one student told Linda. “He just shakes his head and you know there is a mark by your name in that computer he has for a brain. And don’t even attempt to fake it with him. He does not put up with bullshit.”

Three weeks into the class, Roger had each student sign up for a fifteen minute conference in his office to discuss their term paper. He’s like a machine, one student whispered to another as they waited in line to see him.

Linda had no intention to be held to a 15 minute interview. She made sure her appointment was the last one of the day and meant to make maximum use of every minute.

She dressed carefully for the meeting — a short, but not too short skirt, and a blouse with a scooped out neck that revealed the tops of her breasts, but not too much. She wanted a sexual, not slutty look. She pulled her hair back in a ponytail, emphasizing her long neck and oval face.

“And what do you plan to do for a term paper, Linda?” Roger began the interview.

Linda shifted in the chair that was placed at the side of his desk, just enough to call his attention to her shapely thighs. She ran her tongue over her carmine lips and smiled inwardly when she saw Roger’s eyes lingering as they fastened on her thighs. She crossed her legs, not enough to expose her panties, but enough to let him know the shapeliness of her calves and knees extended upward.

When Roger had torn his look from her thighs, Linda fastened her blue eyes on his, telling him, “I’m going to do an analysis of romance novels. My aunt reads them all the time. She showed me one and I thought it read like porn for women; lots of foreplay and a little sex.”

Roger’s eyes blinked as he listened. He had not heard a student talk so frankly about sex since he began to teach, especially a female student. He was aroused thinking of this sexy girl reading the subtle and not so subtle sexual passages that he knew were the staple of romance novels.

He nodded as he thought. Why not? The Dean may not approve, but it was a legitimate topic. “All right,” he told her. “I want to see you once a week to discuss your progress. Is this time all right for you?”

Linda’s pulse ticked up a few beats as she listened. I wonder how many students he is scheduling like this. A one on one every week. Ummmm. I like that idea. She smiled at Roger, her tongue again running softly over her lips. “That will be fine. Now, can we talk about this week’s reading assignment? I found it fascinating.”

Roger acquiesced, delighted to have this lovely creature linger in his office. He tried to keep his eyes on her face, but it was impossible to ignore her breasts and thighs. His cock throbbed in his pants each time she leaned forward. Her blouse would gape open, and he could see the some of her breasts, enough so that he could tell she was not wearing a bra.

It did not help that she would squirm in her chair when she got excited over points they discussed, revealing more and more of her sexy thighs. Linda, carefully modulating how much she exposed her body, led him through her list of questions and comments. By the end of 45 minutes, Roger had a raging hard-on.

Linda smiled at him as she got up to go. “I’m sorry I kept you so long, professor,” she told him. “I appreciate your time.”

Linda smiled to herself when she left. She had extended her hand to Roger, who was forced by her action to stand and shake her hand.

He could not conceal the hard-on that tented his pants. His face was flushed; he knew that she had seen.

The next week Linda began by outlining the plots of three novels she had read, emphasizing the extended foreplay that was a part of each book; the lengthily fondling, tongue-fucking kisses, and not so subtle descriptions of cunnilingus. Roger’s cock was throbbing in his pants, leaking into his shorts the entire time they met.

At the end of the fourth session, Roger asked her if she would like to join him for a cup of coffee at the student center. Linda pretended to forget her notebook as they were leaving his office and, when turning to go back for it, brushed up against Roger.

He swallowed as he felt one unfettered breast press against his arm and a thigh sliding by against his. He glanced at her as she picked up her notebook. Was that on purpose? He wondered. Whether or not it was on purpose, it had its desired effect: a stiffening of an already stiff cock.

Roger was getting more and more sexed up every time they met. And Linda was beginning to get that familiar warm feeling in her loins. It had been months since she had sex, and that had been a disappointment. She looked forward to sex with Roger, certain it would happen. How she did not know, but happen it would.

Coffee after their meeting became routine, and they spent more and more time at the Student Center. Roger could not keep his eyes off her breasts and thighs, and Linda did not help. She would sit with her chin propped up in her hands, her back straight, breasts thrust forward. Often she would open her arms to make a point, and her unsupported breasts would sway under the thin cloth of her blouse. And her blouses became more and more revealing with each meeting.

Linda also made sure her thighs were exposed to best advantage, wearing shorter and shorter and tighter and tighter skirts. One skirt was slit up the side, cut almost to her panties.

The opportunity Linda knew would take place came sooner than expected. Roger explained to her the next to last time they met that there was a prize given by the English departments of the universities in the state for a paper written by a first year student. He wanted her to submit her paper. The winning paper would be announced at a convention of English teachers to be held at the end of the semester. There was a substantial cash prize.

Linda looked at him quizzically, the unasked question being, how does this affect me? Roger went on to explain that the department would pay for her to attend the convention and, if she and her parents agreed, he would drive her to the convention, which was to be held at State University, some 80 miles away.

“I’d love to go, and I’m sure my parents would allow me to ride with you,” she told him, her heart almost bursting with excitement thinking of the honor this prize would bring to her. And, she thought, her pussy pulsing, there will be other prizes the committee has not thought about. I wonder if Roger’s mind is also focused on things other than literature prizes.

When they parted that afternoon, Linda reached up, pulled Roger’s head down toward her, and pressed her lips lightly against his cheek. “Thank you so much for believing in me,” she told him. She turned slowly toward the door, letting her fingers caress his cheek as she left. Roger followed her swinging hips with his eyes, a smile on his face, an erection pulsing in his trousers.

The following week Roger gassed up and greased his vintage Ford pickup. Among other things, Roger liked to collect and restore old cars. He sold them for a profit, but they were a labor of love, and the money earned did not compensate for the many hours he spent in restoring the vehicles. The pickup had a bench seat.

The convention hotel was a couple of hours from where Roger taught. He explained to Linda that they could not leave until late because he had commitments until about eight in the evening.

Roger drove to Linda’s dorm that evening with a heightened sense of sexual excitement filling his body. He parked under the dorm portico and went around the truck to open the door for Linda, having seen her coming out of the dorm. He could not suppress his cock at the sight of her. She was wearing baggy shorts and a tank top and had her things in a backpack. “I travel light,” she laughed as she saw him look at her.

It wasn’t the backpack Roger was looking at, but her breasts. The weight of the backpack pulled her shoulders back and lifted her breasts.

Linda was excited by his stare, and her nipples stiffened under the thin cloth of the tank top.

Roger took in a breath, unable to tear his eyes away from her nearly exposed breasts, for the top ended just below the undercurve of her delicious-looking breasts. Clearly, she was not wearing a bra. And it was obvious she did not need one, for her breasts rose firmly from her chest.

Linda blinked and looked around, pretending to be puzzled by Roger’s stare. “Is everything OK?” she asked.

Roger shook his head, focusing his eyes on Linda’s. “Everything is fine,” he told her, his eyes, controlled by his hard-on, lingering on her body. “Here. I’ll help you with that.” He took the pack from her and opened the door for her to enter.

Linda looked around at the interior of the truck. “I’ve never been in anything like this.” She ran her hands over the soft leather seat. “This is nice. Where did you get it?”

Roger explained his interest in restoring old cars as he drove out of the lot to the highway.

Linda pulled her knees up under herself and leaned against the door. “This is really comfy,” she told him. “I could take a nap here.” She yawned, telling Roger she had been up yakking with her suitemates the night before and had not gotten much sleep.

Roger smiled at her, his eyes drifting from her pert breasts to her thighs. The baggy shorts, far from being sexless, were quite revealing, as Linda held her legs slightly apart. Roger had a good glimpse up her thighs nearly to her panties. He had yearned all semester to see what panties she wore, but, unlike the Blondes, she had never flashed him.

“We’re going to be on the road a couple of hours, Linda. You have time for a nap, if you like.”

Linda kicked off her shoes and stretched out her feet toward him as she leaned against the door. “Oh,” she told him. “This will not do. Can I put my head in your lap? If I do, there is enough room on the seat for me to curl up on my side.”

“Fine with me,” Roger told her. His cock throbbed in his jeans as Linda positioned herself, her head nearly touching his stiff member.

They drove in silence for a half hour. Roger kept glancing at Linda’s body, unable to keep his eyes from her. At the end of a half hour, her breathing became regular, her breasts rising and falling rhythmically, tantalizingly. Roger felt an irresistible urge to touch her.

Holding his breath, he drove with his left hand and reached down with his right toward the gentle curve of her right breast outlined under the thin cloth of her tank top. Tentatively, he brushed his fingers over the cloth. His cock jerked in his pants as he felt her breast through the tank top.

Fingers trembling with the heat of his desire, he touched her breasts more boldly, running his fingers over the soft curve of one then the other breast. He was leaking precum jism into his shorts as he cupped her right breast. Linda stirred in her sleep, and Roger held his breath, his hand warmed by her breast. Linda rolled to the right until she was on her back, her legs open, feet together.

Roger ran his fingers over her nipples, caressing them gently. His excitement rose as he felt them stiffen under his touch. Back and forth went his fingers. As if mesmerized, and now out of control, Roger began to fondle Linda’s breasts, squeezing them through the cloth.

Unable to resist the urge to feel her naked flesh, he pulled up the tank top and laid his hand on her now bared breasts, nearly coming in his pants as he felt the soft, yet firm flesh in his hand. Linda stirred again and opened her eyes. Roger jerked his hand away. “I’mmmm, I’mmmm sorry,” he stammered. “I could not help myself. Your breasts…Oh God. I’m sorry.”

Linda smiled at him and took his hand in hers, placing it on her breasts. “Don’t be sorry. I like having you touch my breasts. Don’t stop.” Roger stared at her, and then ran his fingers over her breasts, caressing her nipples, tweaking them, cupping and squeezing the youthful flesh that was so invitingly exposed.

Then Linda blew his mind away. She unsnapped her shorts and pushed them away from her thighs.

Roger took in a sharp breath as he saw the thin band of her tiny black bikini panties.

Linda sighed as she reached between her legs and began to finger herself. “Don’t stop,” she told him. “You have me hot as a firecracker.”

Roger did continue playing with Linda’s breasts as he watched her masturbate. A thrill ran over his body when he saw her stiffen her body, a sigh of contentment escaping her lips.

She put her hands over his on her breasts. “That was nice,” she told him. “Thank you. What a wonderful way to wake me up from a nap.”

Roger kept his hand on her breasts the rest of the way to the convention hotel. They drove in silence, both feeling the sexual excitement that filled the truck cab. Roger’s hand never stopped caressing her sexy breasts.

Linda was in a constant state of sexual excitation and fought to keep from masturbating again. I don’t want to scare him, she thought.

They checked into the hotel, adjoining rooms on the ground floor with patio doors opening to the pool. “Too bad I didn’t think to bring a suit,” Roger told Linda.

She laughed, tossing her head back, telling him. “Now, why would we need a suit? You have seen almost all of me and I can imagine what you look like.”

Roger flushed, and then laughed also. “OK,” he told her as he began to take off his clothes. He stared at Linda as she undressed in front of him, marveling at the soft curves of her small but sexual body. They held hands as they waded into the pool.

After a couple of laps, Roger caught her in his arms and kissed her.

Linda wrapped her legs around his waist and put her arms around his neck as she opened her mouth to his. Their tongues probed each other’s mouths as Linda pressed her pussy against his hard cock.

Then she almost caused Roger to come in the pool. She let her legs fall from his waist, pressing his stiff cock downward, capturing it between her thighs.

Roger moaned as he kissed her, his tongue probing her mouth. He steadied himself in the pool with difficulty, as Linda pulled back her thighs, squeezing his cock between them. His body trembled as she continued to pull his cock back and forth between her thighs. Able to take no more, he broke the kiss and picked her up in his arms, telling her, “I’m going to come if you keep this up.”

He carried her into his room and into the shower where they soaped each other, cleaning the feel and smell of chlorine from their bodies. Their hands roamed over each other’s bodies sensually. Having toweled each other off, Roger carried Linda to the bed. Laying himself down next to her, he began to kiss her, his hands traveling over every inch of her body his fingers could reach.

Linda’s fingers touched his head gently, caressingly, as he kissed her. Sighing deeply, Roger lowered his mouth, nuzzling and kissing her neck, then the tops of her breasts. Then he took her nipples into his mouth, one by one, kissing, licking, and sucking each until he was nearly dizzy with passion.

Linda cradled his head in her arms as he lavishing attention upon her eager breasts. She moaned softly when he pulled each firm globe into and out of his mouth, licking and sucking on it.

She closed her eyes, reveling in his enthusiasm and the warm, tingling feelings his anxious mouthing of her breasts sent over her body. Ahhhhh, she sighed, he is going to be a wonderful lover. He is so eager, so hungry. I hope tits are not the only thing he wants to suck and lick. Linda was not disappointed.

Roger licked and kissed his way downward, urged on by Linda’s fingers touching his head lightly, massaging his scalp, playing with his cheeks, slipping between his lips teasingly. A shudder ran over her body as he licked and sucked at her navel, sending a wave of excitement to and down her vagina. Drops of her lovejuice began to flow down her ready channel.

Roger positioned himself between her thighs, staring at the center of her sex, the object of his desire. He shook his head, wondering at the beauty of the auburn hair — so soft, so shining — that surrounded the puffy lips of her love opening. Lowering his head, he licked and kissed her soft thighs, running his tongue upward toward her pussy, which was wet, swollen, and glowing from little drops of precum juice.

He inhaled deeply, drawing her sweet scent into his nostrils, heating him anew with sexual desire. Pressing his face forward, he kissed her lips gently.

Linda lifted her hips as he did, increasing the contact between her and his lips. Her hands went to his head, her fingers caressing his cheeks, rubbing his scalp seductively. Gently, she held his mouth to her pussy, her hands behind his head. “That is so nice, Roger, so very nice,” she told him, her voice full of sexual promise.

Moaning softly, Roger began to lick her lips, then, more eagerly, to suck them into his mouth. He savored the soft, warm, wet, rubbery feel of her sexuality, intoxicated by her scent, her taste, her feel. His tongue probed her entrance, and he was thrilled to feel Linda press her pussy against his face, opening herself to him.

He drove his tongue inside her hot channel, feeling more sexual excitement than he had felt for years. A shiver ran over his body when Linda manipulated her vaginal muscles, squeezing and milking his tongue as he withdrew it. He plunged his tongue in and out of her, his hands cupping the soft, firm globes of her ass, holding her pussy to his face.

Linda writhed on the bed under him, enjoying the pleasure his loving mouth gave her. Gently, she fucked at his face, encouraging him, pleasuring him. She lifted her knees and opened her thighs to give him greater access, all the while her fingers played with his scalp and face, teasing him with her feathery touch.

Roger moved his head upward, his tongue searching for her clit. Finding it, he licked at it, around and around, up and down, feeling it grow under his tongue. He almost came as he felt Linda close her thighs against his cheeks as she pressed her clit into his mouth.

“Ohhhhh, yessss, Roger,” she whispered to him, her voice hoarse, and raspy with sexual desire. “Lick and suck me until I come.”

Roger needed no encouragement. By now he was drunk with desire and sexual excitement. There was nothing more he wanted to do than to feel Linda’s body tremble and shiver as she orgasmed. Forming his lips around her clit, he began to suck on it gently, his tongue lapping at the very tip as he did. In and out past his lips went her clit; back and forth over the sensitive tip went his tongue.

Linda whimpered softly, her body responding more and more to Roger’s sucking and licking. “I’mmmmmm, I’mmmmmm almost there, Roger,” she gasped. “Yessss, slowly, gently, oh God, I’m there.” As the last word escaped her, Linda pressed her hips upward and her hands held Roger’s face to her pussy so tightly he felt dizzy from lack of air.

She pressed her thighs against his cheeks, trapping him there, holding him against her vibrating sex, ensnaring him within her as her orgasm swelled until she felt it all over her body.

Roger sucked her clit ever more softly, licking it up and down as he held her at her orgasmic high.

Linda’s body shivered, and goose bumps covered her skin as her orgasm went on and on. A thin sheen of perspiration covered her stomach, and her vagina spasmed over and over.

With a sigh, Linda relaxed the grip her thighs had on Roger’s head. Gently, she lifted his face from her pussy. Her eyes shining with sexual excitement, she whispered to him, “That was magnificent, Roger. I have not come like that ever, ever.” Her body shivered at the memory. A smile played across her lips. “If I were a cat, I’d be purring.”

And like a great cat, she stretched her arms over her head, tensing her body, which lifted her hips and pussy upward until her soft, silken pubic hair was touching Roger’s lips. To her delight, Roger lowered his face and put his mouth around her sexuality, sucking at her, pulling the lovejuice from her body. She shivered with sexual pleasure as his tongue probed her vagina, licking as it touched every soft, warm, moist part of her.

Linda squirmed on the bed, reveling in Roger’s passion, loving the way he lavished attention upon her pussy. She ran her fingers through his hair, tickling his scalp. Softly, encouragingly, she humped his face as he tongued her. Maybe I can get another come from him, she mused. Roger did not leave her in suspense.

He startled her with his next move. Putting his hands on the outside of her thighs, he pulled them against his cheeks tightly as he began to lick and suck at her clit once again. He then cupped her asscheeks in his hands and held her pussy against his face as he buried his mouth in her sex.

Linda understood his unspoken message and squeezed her thighs against his cheeks tightly, ran her hands over his face and head, and humped his face as he sucked on her. Oh, yessss, she told herself. I have you trapped between my thighs just as you want.

She looked at him speculatively, wonderingly. She ran her tongue over her lips as she watched him licking and sucking. There was a lot to learn about Roger’s sexual desires, she was sure.

Roger did not wonder about anything. He only knew that when Linda orgasmed and fucked at his face he felt more sexual excitement than he had ever felt in his life. Her thighs pressed to his cheek, her hands caressing his cheeks and scalp, her clit in his mouth washed waves of sexual desire over his body, filling his mind with little precum sexual eruptions. Each time she moaned softly, each encouraging word sent shivers of desire over his body.

Linda was all too happy to be the instrument that Roger needed to fulfill his sexual fantasies, whatever they were. She brushed his forehead, lifting the hair from his eyes and was jolted when he looked up at her, his eyes glazed over with lust. God! He is zonked out. A shudder of delight ran over Linda’s body and she closed her eyes to concentrate on her pussy.

Roger licked and sucked at Linda fervently, lovingly, wanting only to please her, to feel her orgasm, to lap up her cum. He was lightheaded with excitement and mesmerized by what he was doing. He loved her pussy gently, softly, with tenderness. He lifted her to her orgasm slowly until she felt ready to explode, and when she did come, he kept her coming until her muscles ached.

After her third orgasm Linda felt as if she were on an orgasming plane; pleasure, sheer sexual excitement rolled over her body as Roger sucked and licked on her over-stimulated clit. God, she thought. I have to get off this trip or I will be too exhausted to fuck, and I want that pole he has between his legs.

Reluctantly, she pulled Roger’s head from her pussy. She held his head away from her pussy with both hands. “That’s enough, Roger. I want you to fuck me now.”

Roger stared at her, licking his lips, trying to get his mouth back to her pussy.

Linda was excited all over again to see his face, anxious, his eyes darting from her face to her pussy.

She licked her lips, wondering how much he wanted to stay where he was, how long he wanted to be trapped between her luscious thighs. She had fantasized about having a man enslaved by her pussy, licking her, sucking her anytime she wanted him to — a man who would rather eat her pussy than fuck.

Her pussy spasmed at the thought that Roger might be that man. She looked at him intently — at the way he kept licking his lips, the way he pushed his face forward to get to her pussy. Had she let her own fantasy about having a man in love with her pussy cause her to misread the signals she felt he had been sending her? Was pussy power more than a slogan, more than a fantasy?

He looks stoned, she thought. Is he stoned on my pussy? She licked her lips excitedly, thinking of what it would mean to have a man enslaved by desire to lick her pussy over and over again. She shook her head. That is porn nonsense. But what if it isn’t? What if Roger is crazed by love of pussy? What if he wants only to feel me come in his mouth? I have to find out!

She felt more sexual than she had ever felt in her life. She took in a deep breath, intending to test the limits of pussy power and to do it now. All this thinking on her part took only nanoseconds. Roger was still looking at her, his head held between her hands.

Roger was going insane to get his mouth on her. He could not understand what was going on, why she was holding his head away from her pussy. She liked him getting her off, he knew.

He was stronger than she. He could push his face into her wet cunt, but he was afraid to, afraid she would send him away and not let him lick her pussy again. And he had to have his mouth on her. He just had to.

Linda, her knees raised, crotch open, pressed her feet against the mattress, lifting her pussy. She continued to hold Roger’s head in her hands, his lips close to, but not touching her pussy. Slowly, sensually she lifted and rotated her ass, rubbing her warm, wet, sensual pussy lips across his mouth.

When he pushed his head forward, she frowned and shook her head. Her pussy pulsed when he accepted this unspoken command, letting her hold his mouth where she wanted it. She was getting more and more excited thinking that Roger was her living fantasy. But she wanted to hear him say it.

Her voice purring with sexuality, she said, “Ummmmm. You like that, don’t you, Roger. You like the feel of my pussy against your mouth. You want to kiss and lick it some more?”

Roger strained to get the tip of his tongue between her pussy lips, wanting desperately to get his tongue insider her, his mouth around her clit.

He looked up at Linda, and in a rush he was a child again, looking up at a statue on the Washington Mall. Suddenly he felt small and weak as he looked upward to her face, at her curly silky pubic hair, her taut tummy, firm breasts, and rigid nipples. She was so desirable, so sexual. He had to have her. He would beg, if he had to. “Yes, Linda. I want that more than anything.”

Linda smiled at him. She liked what she heard, but wanted more, a promise of what he would do, an admission of his hunger for her in clear-cut, even graphic terms. “You like it when you suck on my pussy and I fuck your face? When you feel my cum in your mouth?”

She let his mouth move forward just a fraction. A thrill of sexual excitement ran over her body when Roger lapped away at her pussy as quickly as he could. She pulled his head back, loving the disappointment that flooded Roger’s face. She knew she was being sadistic to prolong this moment, but she felt so full of sexual energy, so high on pussy power, she did not care.

“Oh, Roger. I don’t know if I should let you lick me off again. I do want to feel you fuck me with that lovely cock of yours. I don’t want you so worn out from licking my pussy that you can’t fuck me.”

Roger shook his head vehemently. “Linda. Let me get you off with my mouth. I’ll have the energy.”

Linda bit her lip. “If I let you get me off over and over and I’m worn out from all those orgasms, I may be too tired for you to fuck me. Then what?”

Roger shook his head. “It would be OK, Linda. I would not mind. It’s almost as if I’m coming when you come.”

Linda was startled to hear this. Her eyes widened and she shook her head in disbelief. This was a greater revelation than she expected. She licked her lips excitedly. “Are you telling me that you would rather get me off with your mouth and tongue than fuck me?”

Roger flushed, and then nodded his head. He licked his lips and swallowed. “Yes, Linda. I love feeling you come when I suck on your clit.” Almost desperately, he pleaded with her. “Please let me, Linda. Please.”

Linda was very excited, more excited sexually than she had ever been in her life. Seductively, teasingly, wantonly, she rotated her hips, rubbing her pussy against his willing mouth, against his tongue, frantically licking at her.

“Oh, Roger. I don’t mean to tease you. NO. That’s not true. I DO like teasing you. I get a sexual charge knowing you are hungry for my pussy. Are you hungry for the rest of me also?” She held her breath. What would he say? Would he take the bait? How oral was he? Was he only interested in pussy?

She felt so wicked, so absolutely slutty. She had read of oral-oriented men who licked and kissed women’s bodies. She flushed, remembering the romance novel she had read that involved a man with a foot fetish. God. Men were crazy, she thought. They liked to suck on soiled panties, feet, even assholes. Some men wanted women to piss on them.

Her pussy quaked as she contemplated all the sordid things women did to men and the men who were willing participants in these acts of depravity. What kind of man was Roger? She had to find out. And the way to find out was to give him the freedom to follow his sexual interests.

Roger interrupted her reverie. “May I get you off now, Linda? I’m going crazy with desire to feel you come in my face.”

“Oh Roger. I don’t know what to do with you.” With that, she let go of his head, pulled her pussy away from his face and threw her arms wide. Roger’s head was left in the V of her thighs.

Roger swallowed and looked at her Linda’s inviting pussy and at her equally desirable and sexy thighs. He closed his eyes and moved his mouth to the soft, smooth skin of her right inner thigh. His hands caressed her thighs and legs as he kissed and licked at her thigh.

Linda watched him under hooded eyes. Ohhhh. It feels so good, soooo very good. She licked her lips, her skin tingling from head to foot as Roger licked and kissed his way down her thigh, not up to her pussy. Her pussy pulsed as Roger continued his downward journey, kissing and licking her calf. She gasped aloud when he licked and kissed her foot, her arch and sole and then took each toe in turn, sucking and licking it.

Roger felt more alive sexually than he had ever felt before. He felt that Linda had given him permission to explore the depths of his sexuality. His cock throbbed and dripped onto the sheet as he sucked on her toes. Nothing he had ever done was turning him on as was this trip down Linda’s thighs to her feet.

Linda was getting more and more turned on. She rubbed her other foot across Roger’s mouth to see what he would do and was excited further when he began to lick and suck on the toes of her left foot.

Roger looked up at her and then his cock thumped against the mattress. Linda, her eyes closed was fingering her clit.

Linda, some sixth sense telling her Roger was watching, opened her eyes. She licked her lips, a tempting smile on her face. “Do you like watching me masturbate, Roger? Did you leak into your pants when I masturbated on the drive here?”

Roger swallowed and nodded. “It’s very exciting to watch you touch yourself.” He kept his eyes of her moving finger while he licked and sucked her toes, then her instep, the sole of her foot. He was mesmerized by the slow, steady way Linda touched her pussy and clit: Round and round went her finger, up to her clit, and then down to her vagina for some of her lovejuice, and then back to her clit.

He knew the signs. She was getting close to an orgasm. Her tummy was tensing, and a thin film of perspiration was beginning to form.

Linda licked her lips. “I’ll come soon, Roger. Lick your way up to my pussy, and put your tongue inside my vagina. I want your tongue inside me and to fuck your face when I come. Would you like that? To feel my vagina grabbing your tongue when I come?”

Roger nodded, his mouth too dry to speak. He licked his way up her leg and thigh, and when Linda told him NOW, he put his tongue inside her pulsing pussy. He thrust his tongue in and out of her wet maw as she raised and lowered her hips, fucking his face.

“Yes, Roger. Yesss. Fuck harder with your tongue. Deeper. Now slower. Ahhhhh. Uhhhhhh. Ohhhhhhh. Ummmmmmm.”

She took her finger off her clit. “That was soooo exciting, Roger. I just loved fucking your face when I fingered my clit. Did you like that? Was that exciting?”

Roger pulled his tongue from Linda’s dripping pussy. He swallowed and was finally able to speak. “I did like it, Linda. That was very exciting.”

Linda patted his head. “You can lick up my cum now. I’d like that.” She rubbed a thigh along his cheek salaciously, loving the feel of having him between her thighs, loving her pussy.

Roger, without realizing it consciously, was now doing whatever Linda told him to do. She looked at him as he mouthed her pussy, sucking up and swallowing her cum.

Linda could not stifle a little giggle as she watched him. He’s my little puppy dog and I’m training him, she thought. She was so excited, so damn excited. She stretched her arms over her head and stretched, knowing she was pushing her pussy against his face.

What she didn’t realize was that Roger’s mouth was open, his tongue about to lick at her pussy when she raised her hips. Instead of pressing his mouth against her pussy lips, the movement of her hips had pressed his mouth against that thin, hard band of cartilage separating her vagina from her anus.

Roger, not thinking of what he was doing, began to lick at this narrow band, which was covered with her cum. He didn’t consider where his tongue was until he felt the stiff hairs that covered this tough skin. Following the line of cum, he licked downward, not upward and found her asscheeks and her anus.

A shockwave of sexual heat flooded Linda’s body when she felt Roger’s tongue licking at her asscheeks and anus. She licked her lips, excitement flooding her body and mind. This was something she had not considered.

Roger was getting very excited as he licked the cum off Linda’s soft, firm asscheeks. He licked and kissed one and then ran his tongue across her anus to her other cheek. Back and forth went his mouth and licking tongue.

His cock jerked and throbbed each time his tongue licked across her anus. Aware now of what he was doing and excited by it, he wondered if Linda was repelled by having his tongue lick her there.

He squinted his eyes, trying to think. It was difficult. His mind was so filled with what he was feeling. Maybe she likes it. She didn’t move her ass when I started to lick her there. Maybe she hadn’t felt my tongue licking her there.

His nose buried in Linda’s vagina, Roger stiffened his tongue and pressed it against the skin around her sphincter, rubbing all around this sensitive erogenous zone. Then, taking his courage in hand, he pressed the tip of his tongue against the center of her rosebud.

Linda’s body was shaking with sexual excitement and desire. She wanted his tongue inside her ass. She fingered her clit and pushed her ass against Roger’s tongue. Willing her sphincter to relax, she kept up the pressure.

Roger had his answer when he felt Linda’s ass pressed against his tongue, which was centered at the core of her sphincter. Little shivers of sexual excitement flowed over his body when he felt the sphincter pulse against his tongue.

Linda was panting with desire; her finger was moving over her clit, her pussy quaking. “Yessss, Roger. I’m fingering my clit. Push. Push. I’m going to come soon.”

Roger, stimulated by Linda’s excited voice did push, as hard as he could. Little by little, the tip of his tongue forced its way past the muscles guarding this nether region. He took in a breath, and then pushed harder past the grasping, quaking muscles of her asshole until his tongue was buried inside her.

It was hot — hotter than her pussy, and tighter. Her sphincter, spasming as Linda approached her orgasm, felt so good around his tongue. But the feeling was very strong, and it hurt a little. The pain disappeared when he fucked his tongue in and out of her anus.

Linda pressed her ass against his face. “Fuck my ass with your tongue, Roger. Yessss. Fuck it hard and fast. Bury your tongue inside my ass. I’m cumming. Oh. God. I’m commmming. Ohhhhhhh. This is heaven. Keep fucking my ass, Roger. Don’t stop.”

Linda’s body shivered. Her entire being was coming in one great orgasm. It felt so wicked, so depraved, but so good to fuck Roger’s face with her ass. It felt even better than when she fucked his face with her pussy. Cum gushed from her vagina as her mind focused on the pleasure his tongue was giving her.

Roger almost came when she did. It was so exciting to feel his tongue insider her there, probing, pushing, pulling back, exploring her hot, sensitive skin. He found it difficult to breathe. He was close to passing out when Linda pulled her ass away from his face.

“We’re going to shower now, Roger, and then you are going to fuck me with that tool of yours that has been dripping all over the sheets.”

Roger accepted Linda’s command. There was no resistance on his part to doing as she told him, if there had ever been.

Linda insisted Roger clean his face and mouth when they showered. “I loved having your tongue where it’s been, Roger, but I want it cleaned before we fuck.”

Roger dutifully did what he was told.

She lay on the bed and held her arms and legs open for Roger, who lowered himself gently upon her. Linda did not need to guide his cock inside her waiting pussy.

Roger moaned as her hot pussy — tight, wet, demanding — pulled his cock inside her. He nearly came as her vaginal muscles pulled, teased, massaged, and in every way possible loved his stiff cock.

Linda was pleased with the results. Roger’s cock — not huge, but more than adequate — filled her and she lifted her hips and lowered them in rhythm with Roger’s fucking.

All too soon Roger felt his organ spasming. “I can’t hold it, Linda,” he told her. “I’m sorry. I’m going to come.”

She massaged his swelling cock with her talented pussy and was delighted to feel his hot load shoot into her. She milked his trembling cock, giving him the same pleasure he had given her. Roger sagged against her, his cock beginning to shrivel inside her lovebox.

Linda would have none of that. Gently, she pulled at his cock, her hot, grasping vagina bringing it back to life. To Roger’s surprise, he managed to fuck her not once more, but twice more. He had not come three times in a row since his honeymoon.

They finally collapsed against each other. Linda was relaxed, loving the feel of Roger’s cock slowly shrinking. To her surprise, Roger slid his body down hers until his head was between her thighs. Linda stared at him. My God. He meant it. He can’t get enough.

“Roger. I’m full of your and my cum, and I know you are fucked out. Don’t you want to get some rest?”

Her answer was Roger’s mouth sucking at her vagina. She lifted her hips and pushed her pussy against his face, rubbing it back and forth salaciously. Oh, Roger, you are a priceless jewel, she thought.

She let Roger get her off once more, then insisted they rinse off and get into her room to bed. His bed was soaked with his and her cum and perspiration.

The next morning they repeated the evening performance. Roger took her to an elegant restaurant for dinner that night. They sat in a secluded corner. The table was covered with a linen tablecloth, and linen napkins and real silver graced the table.

Linda had never been to a restaurant where the tablecloth was so long it fell almost to the floor. Roger excused himself and while he was gone Linda looked around the dining room. It was so dark, however, that she could see only shadows. If they had not had a candle on the table, they could not have read the menu.

She was startled to feel hands pulling her legs apart, and then a head pressed upward between her thighs to her crotch. She was frightened at first, but then a smile flickered over her face.

Reaching under the table with one hand she found Roger’s head. She caressed his scalp and pulled his mouth to her pussy, telling him, “You are a naughty boy, Roger, but I love your creativity.”

She looked around, making sure no one was watching, and then slid forward in her chair, giving Roger greater access to her pussy, which was already dipping in anticipation. Roger licked her off and would have stayed where he was, but the food was served, and Linda insisted they eat.

“There will be time for more of that later,” she told him as she kissed him, tasting her cum on his lips.

That night was another orgasmic delight. When they finished making love, Roger was in his favorite position, head between her thighs, tongue licking at her pussy lips, hands caressing her body.

Linda looked at him, shaking her head. “You would probably sleep between my thighs if I let you.”

Roger flushed and grinned at her sheepishly. He licked his lips before he replied. “I have thought of asking you if I could. I’d lick you to sleep and wake you up with an orgasm.”

Linda shook her head, then threw it back and laughed. She tousled his hair with her hands, telling him. “You are an incorrigible, naughty little boy. All you think about is having your mouth on my pussy.”

Roger nodded, his fingers playing with her soft, curly pubic hair. He sighed. “I know. It is going to be very difficult when we get back to the university.”

They were both exhausted by the time the conference ended.

Oh, yes. Linda won the student prize — and yes, she and Roger continued their sexual escapades. Roger could not get enough of eating her pussy, and Linda was happy to oblige.

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