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The City Workers

Category: Fetish
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I have to tell you about my adventure this morning. I awoke this morning and took my usual wake-up shower. Feeling all fresh and frisky, I dressed in a pair of shorts a little shorter than usual, skipped the bra and panties and opted for a lacy T that is lined but still easily visible through. I dressed both the little ones, fed them breakfast, did a quick check of the email found a lusty story that had me moist before I left the house. On the way out the door, I noticed a couple of guys at the end of my drive. They were there working on the road. Our road has been under repair for a couple of days now and I had noticed the guys in and out yesterday and today.

They both smiled and said good morning when I walked to the end of the drive to pick up my paper. Feeling extra cheery, I smiled and told them that I hoped it wouldn’t get too hot for them today. We laughed and chit-chatted for a few minutes but, the younger of the two couldn’t take his eyes off my free breasts jiggling under my cream colored top and consequently my nipples stood at attention for him. After a few words and a wink or two at the younger guy, I walked back to my van and drove off to take the kids to school.

I ran a couple of errands then circled back to the house to intent on finishing laundry and getting a few things taken care of that I would ordinarily not get finished. The two guys I had talked with earlier were now six all hot and sweaty working in the rising heat of the day laying the steal and concrete to repair the road. The younger guy waved as I stepped from my van and one or two of the others stopped for a moment to glance in my direction. I grinned and waived back.. I walked back into the house took a moment to read my mail and put on a load of laundry. I walked into the bedroom to check-out a special mail package I had received yesterday. A fluffy pink pair of handcuffs and a twin set of nipple clamps. I blushed at the though and my nipples stood at attention under my T again.

My tits felt tight and sensitive under the lacy texture of my shirt and I rubbed them and tugged at them a little to make them stand a little tighter. I remembered how the guy had watched them jiggle this morning while we talked and wondered if he liked sucking nipples… I raised my t-shirt in front of the mirror and gingerly placed one of the nipple clamps on a tight bud. The sensation was sharp and painful but, made my nipple stand at even more attention. I tried attaching the second clamp with the chain dangling on my mid-riff. Wow! They were really sharp and painful with both on., I wondered if their would be less pain and more pleasure if I were to lie back on a stack of pillows. So, I piled pillows on the bed and lay back with my shirt up and re-installed the clamps one at a time. There… that was better… still a little pain but not so much pressure on the virgin clamped nipples. I lay there for a moment touching each nipple until they were stiff and sore from the tight clasps.

When I had acclimatized them enough to stand the pressure I stood in front of the mirror again to feel the weight of the chain. I lightly lifted the chain and placed it between my lips raising my chin gently to see how much pressure I could apply to the nipples as I knew my lover would do and not in such a gentle measure. As I tugged the mixture of pain and pleasure brought my body alive with awareness and the lips of my cunt became wet with dew produced by the stimulus on my nipples.

I glanced out the window of my bedroom and grinned at the thought of the guys working on the road. What would they do if I they could see me inside playing with my new toys. On a whim, I decided to wear the nipple clamps under my T-shirt and go out to check my mail. I wondered if either of them would notice. When I reached the end of the drive the older of the two guys I had talked with earlier was standing close to the mailbox. I recognized him as the supervisor for the road service here in town. He was standing aside talking into his cell phone. When I approached he watched me as I walked towards him and continued to talk. I noticed his eyes sweeping over my breasts and saw the concentration on his face as he tried to talk and concentrate on my breasts at the same time. I locked eyes with him for a moment and although my glance was teasing his quickly changed to a more challenging look. He finished his conversation just as I reached the mailbox.

His eyes never left mine.. and we both new the game I was playing. I pulled down the lid and winced a little as the chain danced tugging harder on my swollen nipples. He stepped forward a little as I dropped my eyes to check for mail. “The mailman hasn’t been by, yet this morning… Ma’am” he said in a low voice. “Oh, Hmmm… he usually is here by 9:30” I said. He was standing close enough to be touching now and his body was at an angle to block his actions from view of his crew.

“Are these for my benefit?” he asked… indicating my clamped nipples now very visible under my light shirt even more obvious by my quick sharp breaths… “or are they for another member of my crew?” he shrugged a shoulder back indicating the guys working at road level. My breath caught in my throat as his eyes caught fire and he lifted one hand to touch the offended nipple. By now, the pain was almost unbearable on the nipples and the brush of his fingers made me almost gasp. Before, I could answer… One of the crewmen detached from the others and called to the boss as he strolled our way.

“Boss?…” He hailed the older man I had now recognized as Jerry Lytle. “If they are for my benefit, then you’ve done a hell-of-a job screwing up my concentration for the day… ” he growled lightly before turning away from me to answer his crew member.

By now, my nipples were on fire and so was my dripping cunt. I barely noticed the younger guy had turned to watch as I strolled quickly back into the house. I hurried to the bedroom raising my shirt to remove first one clamp then the other. My nipples were still erect from my actions and when I slid my hand inside my shorts I felt the dew and wetness dripping. I knew I had to have some relief from the sexual frustration produced by my actions. I reached into my majic drawer for the trusted purple dildo… I needed a thick fuck and I needed it now. I collapsed back on the bed and unzipped my shorts but, was suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door. When I opened the door, Jerry was there standing very close to the door holding my mail close to his chest as he leaned against the door jamb. “the mailman came by just as you went inside… thought there must be something important that you needed today…”… he grinned. I could see that his eyes were saying much more than his mouth and the crooked grin on his lips told me it was just a ploy.

Jerry was well built and well preserved for his age and I knew from listening to small town talk he had been quite a “playboy” in years past. I glanced down to see the evidence of his arousal pushing against the zipper of his jeans…”Damn girl,” he growled… “don’t you have any idea what kind of animals are working in front of your house…” he asked. I looked at him a little confused.

Then I realized I was still holding the purple dildo in my left hand and he had noticed… “or are you just hungry for a cluster fuck?” He said. “If these guys see much more of your ploys… I won’t be able to hold any one of them back…” he grinned.

I blushed… “Sorry…” I said. I quickly hid the dildo behind my back and he stepped forward to grasp my wrist behind my back… pushing me inside enough to close the door behind him. He pushed his hard body close enough that I could feel his swollen cock throbbing in his jeans. It felt very thick and I responded by pressing my pelvic bone up close to him and rubbing my hips up and down trying to measure the length of his hard on… his hand slipped behind me and he pulled the dildo from my limp hand… He looked at the size and then grinned… “is that all you need to make you happy?” he grinned and I looked down very embarrassed. “That’s pretty big actually.” I said. He laughed and ground his hips against my body. He lifted my chin and grabbed a stiff nipple as he crushed his mouth against mine. “They have a name for girls like you…” He ground against my lips… “But, for now… I’ll give you what you’ve been asking for all morning.”

He pressed me back against the wall in the entry way and secured both my wrists above my head… “I take it you like it rough..?” he said…”judging by your display of toys and jolts this morning!” Holding both my wrists in one hand he rammed his free hand beneath my t-shirt to clamp down on one breast. He squeezed and kneaded it painfully until I wriggled and wrestled against him then he leaned against me thrusting his tongue between my lips and grinding his hard cock tight against my pelvic bone.

My cunt was dripping and I could feel the beads of sweet cum sliding down my thighs… I thought of the new cuffs lying on my bed and wondered what he would think of those. I didn’t have to wait long to find out because he quickly pushed me down the hall and into my bedroom. The instant he saw my toys spread out on the bed, I caught an evil little grin on his face. “I see you have a little bit of equipment to go with your fun!” he stated… He pushed me back against the bed with his weight and fell forward on top blocking the breath from my lungs for a moment. He still held both my wrists in one hand above my head and I could feel the full length of his hard-man body on top of mine.

He pushed my shirt up under my armpits to expose both of my tortured nipples. Grasping one full breast in hand his mouth took the swollen nipple and he sucked hard. I wriggled again trying to regain my breath but, loving the feel of his mouth on my tits. I needed the relief of his moist hot mouth against the tight bud. His thighs felt hard on top of mine and his bulging cock pressed against me. With our actions, he had rammed the zipper of my shorts between the lips of my cunt and the zipper was causing an abrasive action against the moist tender tip of my clit. I started to moan and struggle with him wanting it and not wanting it at the same time. “Stop… Jerry!” I said. “I don’t even know you!” He laughed a short ugly little laugh… “you know my name… babe.. guess that’s all you need to know!” He said. He was bigger than I and regardless of how hard I struggled, I knew that he could over power me and each time I moved it only seemed to excite him more.

He reached for the handcuffs on the bed and sliding me up on the mattress, he secured first one wrist then the other hooking the chain behind one of my steal bed-posts. I was a little fearful but, he knew that I wouldn’t scream. I was much too turned on by the thought of a complete stranger playing out one of my wildest fantasies. He seemed to know exactly what I was looking for and set out to give it to me quickly. He popped the button on my shorts and pulled them down exposing my naked shaved cunt in a single motion. I quickly closed my legs to hide my arousal but he only pushed them apart again to gain access to my wet throbbing clit. He slid a long thick finger deep in my canal to test for wetness that he knew was already there…

“Stop…Jerry… Stop!” I said. He leaned low over my mouth… with one hand in my cunt and the other toying with my tight nipple. “You don’t want me to stop… babe…” he growled. “you might say that but, we both know your feeling like a little whore today and wanted to be pumped as many ways as possible!” He reached for the nipple clamps still resting on the bed and pulling a nipple high and tight clamped the erection. He grinned when I gave a sharp intake of breath and bit down on my lip to stifle a sharp moan. ” A bit.. sore, babe?” He asked. I nodded… “hmmmm… maybe this one will feel better.” He stated as he pulled the opposing nipple high and tight again and clamped it deeper giving and extra tug to ensure it was on properly. I couldn’t contain my moan and opened my mouth to ask him to stop again but, this time his tongue entered my mouth to stifle any responses and he again slid a long thick finger into my dripping canal and we both knew that I didn’t want him to stop.

“What is your name… babe?” he asked? “Anna…” I said breathlessly. “Wonder why we’ve never met?” He asked… He raised his body up on the bed long enough to slide down his zipper and pull a raging hard-on from the nest of thick hair. I moaned again at the size… I’d never seen or felt one that long or thick. Instinctively I raised my knees and opened my thighs ready to feel the thick hard rod… He chuckled at my reaction… “a little anxious, aren’t you? Especially, after begging me to stop a moment ago… Kinda like what you see, Anna?” he teased. “Maybe I should make you wait or make you beg… or maybe you want me to shove it up your ass?…”

“No…!!” I cringed at the thought of such a thick weapon up my ass hole and quickly pulled my legs closed. He laughed and opened my thighs again. “Relax… babe… I’ll only put it there when we are both ready!” he grinned. I could see that he was more aroused than he pretended by the thought because beads of pre-cum were glistening on top of the thick head. I licked my lips and wanted to taste his cum. He was still fully dressed with his jeans down his thighs and his cock pulled from the nest of pubic hair long and hard poised between my legs. He pushed the head of his cock just to the center of my opening… and I moaned at the idea that he might push that hot thick rod deep in my cunt… I involuntarily spread my thighs ready to be fucked. My body was begging for release and I knew I would cum hard with very little stimulation. He started sliding his thick head up and down my slit between my clit and opening to get the tip moist for entry. I was ready and each time his head pressed against my tight clit my hips would twitch in an involuntary thrust. Suddenly there was a knock at the door…

My first instinct was pure shock. I was suddenly aware of the precariousness of our situation and was afraid a family friend or family member might be at the door. He raised up on the bed and glanced out the high windows in my bedroom. There were no other cars in the driveway… He reached for the purple thick dildo still resting on the bed. He shoved the thick dildo up my cunt and turned on the vibration to high. He stood and shoved his still stiff hard-on back in it’s nest then zipped his jeans. There was an evil grin on his face as he said… “hold the thought… I’ll be right back to fuck your cunt.. babe.” He said. “No!… ” I said. “Don’t leave me like this!” But, it was lost on his back as he closed the bedroom door and was gone.

I lay there very quietly … wondering if it could be my Dad or some other person at the door. What would he think when a stranger answers the door and what if he tries to find me. I was struggling and frightened.. couldn’t get out of the cuffs and knew the door wasn’t locked. The dildo was shoved deep in my cunt and my nipples were clamped tight causing a raging fire inside my body and it was hard to concentrate on a way to get out of this situation. I knew that I could slide up enough to get the hand-cuffs off the rail so, … I scooted up on the bed then stopped to listen as I heard Jerry answer the door. I listened carefully but, couldn’t hear the conversation. The door closed and I only heard silence. I assumed that it must have been one of the workers from outside and the boss had walked back outside and left me alone. I wasn’t prepared for what happened next.

I heard a noise in the bathroom next to my bedroom then a few seconds later the door opened and the younger guy I had talked with earlier opened the bedroom door. I was totally embarrassed! In shock! It felt as though cold water had been dumped into my solar plexus… then I noticed that he was wearing only his boxers and t-shirt… “Hey, sexy!” he said.. with a boyish grin on his face. “The boss had to take care of some business. Told me you needed attention and that I should finish what he’s started…” He said…”hmmmm, looks like the boss has you ready!”… “Stop!” I said… “This has gone, too far! I was only teasing.” I said.

“Oh… really?” he said pulling a raging hard-on from his boxers. His was not quite as long and thick as the bosses but it looked extremely hard. “You’ve been teasing me all morning and then tell me that you weren’t for-real?” He asked? “Yes… it was just a game… honestly!” I said. “Well, why stop playing now?” He asked as he joined me on the bed. “The boss said something about you wanting to suck my dick! He said you’d been asking for me for the last 30 minutes! Told me I needed to be prepared for you to suck me all through lunch!” he said. He moved to the side of the bed close to my mouth with his cock in his hand. “No! I didn’t say anything like that…” I said… but, the vibrations from the dildo in my cunt and the smell of his cock close to my face was getting to me! I was more aroused and I could ever remember being in my life. The kid was a cute blond… with a long thin body and long thin cock inches from my mouth. He looked to be about 18-20 and had very blue eyes that were shiny. I could tell he was lost in a world he’d only day-dreamed about before. His hands were trembling slightly as he stroked his cock close to my lips and he seemed a little uncertain wondering if I was serious about making him stop or if he could press the issue and get a cock sucking like he really wanted. His eyes wondered over my body and he noticed the clamps on my nipples.

“WOW..” he said. “Boss said you liked a little rough play! ” his fingers trembled as he brushed my bruised nipples but, when I moaned out loud he took that to mean I liked the feel of fingers tugging. “Ouuuuughhh.. stop… ” I moaned rolling my head back and forth. He hesitated for a minute then brushed the other nipple deliberately watching the play of pain and pleasure across my face… He was in awe of the situation and pre-cum was flowing freely from his raging hard-on dripping on the bed inches from my face. I licked my lips involuntarily and he took that as a cue to move closer pressing the head of his cock to my lips. My tongue slipped out to catch the drops oozing from his cock. “You do like this don’t you, lady!” he said.. growing excited… We both heard the door open and looked up just in time to see Jerry coming back in… His jeans were quickly dropped to the floor as he invited himself into the fun.

The younger guy was suddenly embarrassed and pulled his cock back into his boxers… “Don’t worry Craig… The lady loves cock sucking and fucking… Don’t you babe?” he said. “She’s been begging us to fuck her all morning!…” He crawled back on the bed and between my legs with sure movements bumping and pushing the vibrator deeper in my cunt until I groaned out loud… With sure fingers he began to pump my cunt with the dildo and it was only seconds before my body started to explode from all the tension building in my abdomen. I started moaning and thrashing my hips against the dildo.. cumming in loud gasps as the first crash of desire racked my body… Jerry grinned…and glanced up at Craig… “ever fucked a live one boy?” He asked. Craig had a shy smile on his face and his hand was stroking his hard cock as if it was too painful to leave untouched. “Whatcha waitin’ on?” Jerry asked… “Make her suck-it… trust me… she’ll know how it’s done!” he said to Craig. Jerry reached for the chain floating between my breasts and gave a tug… I gasped and he continued to fuck my cunt with the dildo. Craig gave a nervous laugh and gingerly pressed his cock up to my lips. I turned my head sucking the head of his cock into my mouth… I felt a tremble in his thighs at the feel of my mouth against his sensitive anatomy. “Damnnnn…!” he breathed. Jerry chuckled… “fuck her face, Craig… She loves dick… Grabb her head and make her eat your lunch.”

Craig’s breath was coming in quick intakes and his cock was so hard. His balls were tight against the base of his cock and I knew it wouldn’t take long for him to cum. I sucked him deep and felt a shudder, a pulse in the vein on the underside of his cock… A little bolder… Now, he put a hand beneath my chin and one in my hair and started pulling me up and down along the shaft of his cock and I licked and sucked as his strokes became longer and harder pushing at the back of my throat. I hardly noticed that Jerry had pulled the dripping dildo out and was positioning himself between my legs until I felt the thick hot head pop into my canal… I gasped.. but, my mouth was full of Craig’s cock and I couldn’t do anything to stop Jerry’s entry. He pulled the thick head out once more then shoved the full meat into my cunt… at the same time that Craig shoved his cock deep in my throat. I thought I would choke on his hard-on and felt a thrust against my pelvis as Jerry shoved the thick hard dick deep in my canal.. pushing past my cervix with his long weapon. I wanted to scream with the feeling of being so full from both sides… my insides were quaking and the orgasms were cumming so fast I couldn’t control them.

Jerry kept pumping me long and hard matching his strokes to Craig’s boldly now, he fucked deep in my throat… I was wriggling and wrestling against the restraints and felt as though my world would explode. Jerry could feel me erupting against his cock… “She’s lovin’ this Craig… pop it to her!” he said… “Her cunts blasting my cock over here!” he said. “Ahhhhhhh.. I’m about to fill you up … babe!” he said. He pumped the thick piece in and out with ferocity now and I opened my mouth wider moaning and cumming over and over again. Craig couldn’t take anymore of the excitement and I felt the cum as it pulsed through his dick shooting streams down my throat. He pulled my head hard against his balls thrusting full strokes as his cum filled my mouth and throat. I’d never swallow such a load all at one time. Jerry cock was so tight in my cunt that it could hardly stroke anymore and suddenly I felt him spurt… His groans were loud and strong as he stroked his load deep in my abdomen…

“Ummm.. you got it ..babe… take my shit!” he growled.. as he collapsed over my body pumping his load into me for what seemed like minutes. My orgasm was suspended for a moment then I exploded bouncing my hips to meet his thrusts. It seemed I couldn’t breath for a second. I was blinded by the mixture of pain and pleasure. I kept moaning and pulling against the wrist restraints as my vaginal walls contracted over and over on Jerry’s cock! As Craig finished his load and his cock became sensitive he left it limp and soft in my lips not wanting to move it for a few seconds. Jerry collapsed hard on my body as he finished his load and his breath was soft sprays across my tortured nipples. As our breathing all returned to normal, Craig withdrew quietly… shy now that his desires were satisfied and he quietly withdrew from the room. Jerry older and more sure of his actions rested atop me for a few minutes longer.

“You okay… babe?” He asked as our breathing became more normalized. “I’m okay… Jerry… but, you didn’t have to do this.” I said smiling.

“I know.. but, you did say that was your fantasy and I happen to know that Craig loved it as much as I did.” He said. I grinned. Jerry unclipped the nipple clamps and unbuckled my “bracelets” as he jokingly called them…

He stood and his limp manhood hung long. I wondered again at how lucky I was to have such a well endowed lover. He smiled… “I know.. you want more!” he teased. “Just can’t give you enough can I?” he chuckled. “Get cleaned up and get your work done around here woman.” He said. “I’ll be home at regular time and I need you ready for the shower!” he teased as he pulled on his jeans and strolled to the bedroom door.

“Bye, Jerry!” I teased.

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