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By the Light of the Fire

Category: Mature
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It was a beautiful little lake in Lower Michigan, not far from the Indiana border. It was settled in amongst a few rolling hills roughly twenty minutes from anywhere. Fifteen houses occupied two-thirds of its shoreline, with the other third being little more than marsh land. Of the houses, five were occupied by year round residents; with the remainder being vacation homes and cottages of various shapes and sizes.
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Catching up with Denise

Category: Mature
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When I was a kid my best mate was Dean Kelly. As so happens with these things, our mothers got to know each other when they would pick Dean and I up from school, and they too became friends. I would stay over at the Kelly's place and Dean would often stay over at our place. The Kelly's had a pool and so summers were always more fun at Dean's house! Dean and I were on the same touch football team as well and so our families started to go on outings with each other, such as picnics, hikes, football and cricket matches, and the occasional camping trip.
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Cougar for College Cock

Category: Mature
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When she crossed over I-80, Nancy snuggled her lean frame into the soft leather that was wrapped around the driver's seat and kicked off her heels. The countryside and farms blurred beside her and she day-dreamed as the car continued its course, almost on autopilot, down I-57 towards Champaign, Illinois. She enjoyed these drives. They represented the only time during the week when she could shut down, block out the irritations of her life.
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Cumming of Age

Category: Mature
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At 18 years old, I still had another few decades before I would even begin to figure out what life was all about. All I knew is that I was cursed by an insatiable sex drive that, because I was still a virgin, I had to take care of with my hands. And I took care of it a lot. At least two or three times a day I would have to whip out my cock and jerk off. I was also cursed (some might call it blessed) with an enormous cock. My cock was so big around that I couldn't close my fingers on it and I could two fist that mother with lots to spare.
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Customer Service

Category: Mature
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Not many people would view being a parking attendant as a glamorous job. Certainly Nate didn't expect it to be the kind of job where he'd get much pussy. He expected, and got, long, lonely hours, a stupid shirt with a logo on it, a tiny booth, and no heater. So far the September nights had been kind to him, but God only knew what it would be like when the really bad weather hit.
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Category: Mature
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"You're joking," I said. "Hear me out. He likes you, trusts you. Maybe he'll tell you what's wrong." The desperation in my long-time friend's voice was apparent. "There's nothing wrong. Danny's just a late-bloomer! Hell, the kid's only eighteen!" "That's what I had convinced myself, too. But, eighteen? Fine at fifteen and sixteen, but he graduates High School in three months. He's never had a girl friend, not even one date!" she shrieked.
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Date with Mom’s Friend

Category: Mature
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During his senior year of high school Jeremy Richards decided he was going to work on changing his life, he had always gotten good grades in school and was always considered to be well behaved. He never tried playing sports and he was always thirty pounds overweight so this year he decided he was going to play sports along with his academics. In the fall he played soccer and he did make the team but sat the bench most of the year getting to play in the last game for a few minutes.
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Category: Mature
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Denise lived next door to my family as I grew up in a small city in Australia. She was married to a guy who never grew up, drank a lot and treated her poorly. Their home was littered with his empty beer bottles and her empty dreams. My Dad would often say she was a pretty woman who deserved a whole lot better in life. Denise was originally a country girl and in Australia that meant there was a certain something about her.
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Category: Mature
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Chapter One: My best friend's mother. "I swear Robbie, if you tell anybody about what I'm going to show you, I'll fucking kill you," Ted warned me, and judging my the veins bulging in his neck and the crimson color of his face, he probably meant it. The madman look was something that Ted had inherited from his father, a hothead who had abandoned ship many years ago, leaving Ted and his mother to fend for themselves while he went to make other people's lives miserable, I assumed.
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Dom and Annie. And Suzanne.

Category: Mature
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"It's time, Annie," I told her. "We can't wait a second longer, because this baby won't." "But Dom," she answered. "The hospital is so far away, if the contractions slow down again, we'll be up there for nothing, and that snowstorm is coming. We could be stuck up there." "Yes!" I snapped. "This is a nasty storm, suppose we stay put, it hits, and then the baby comes. We'll be stuck here, 80 miles from help. It's time!"
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