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An Awakening

Category: Lesbian Sex
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This is a story about unexpected love, about life lived with a blindfold obscuring a glorious reality... Parties are successful sometimes, aren't they? But does everyone look back and say the same thing? To this day I keep telling people – Stephie in particular – that I'm not so sure my party was a great success in itself. But between you and me? Ah, now that's an entirely different story.
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Two Become One

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Shane and I had known each other in college for 3 years. We were both tired of our roommates this year. Shane complained about his playing music late into the night while he tried to study. Mine was worried he would miss class so he woke up 3 hours early for his first class which was 3 hours earlier than I had to get up and was a slob.
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