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Discovering Paige

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Before Ally there was Hailey. Before Hailey there was nothing much for Paige. Just a couple of boys who had been willing to try, and who gave Paige the chance to see if this sex thing was all it was cracked up to be. If her experience up to point where Hailey changed everything were the only evidence she were to ever collect on the subject of sex, Paige would've had only one possible conclusion to offer: not really. Not even close to satisfying.
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The Church without a God

Category: BDMS
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In the year 1008 as reckoned in Rome on the Julian Calendar, Brother Cyryl Procopius was given a writ of Accession to take over the Parish of St. Adelbert in the Polish town of Virlun at the edge of the God-forsaken Wood of Mldawa. It was well known that the world ended at the Bug river, and that the Woods of Mldawa were the beginning of the Great Wilderness that surrounded the realm of Blessed Christendom, a place where Satan and his minions held sway out of the reach of God and his all his angels;
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Guys Weekend at Camp, with a Lady!

Category: Group Sex
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Parents of children who play travel sports make tremendous sacrifices for their child's love of the game, but they also reap immense rewards. The most obvious sacrifice is the amount of time and money that is spent traveling; you could go months at a time without an unscheduled weekend day, and many of your weekends are spent in hotels. But with all the time away from home, you are usually in the company of your children's teammates and families, which leads to the formation of close relationships that can last a lifetime.
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The Camping Trip

Category: Group Sex
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Kate had always been one of the guys. Not by design, it had just been one of those roles she fell into easily, since she had grown up with two brothers. Thus, it didn't strike her as unusual when Jason and Eric, who had been planning what they were calling "A Manly Camping Trip" casually asked one day if she'd like to tag along. "I don't know if I qualify for this trip, since I don't have a penis," she pointed out.
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