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The Poker Game

Category: Group Sex
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Nicole was hottest chick in any room lucky enough to have her fine ass there, and she knew it. She had the ability to make any woman jealous when she entered a public setting, causing every male in the place to stare uncontrollably. John was Nicole's husband and didn't have any reservations showing off his beautiful wife to his friends, coworkers, and anyone else who couldn't help but gawk at her. The lucky ones of the audience would catch a glimpse of one of the many little "accidental shows" the couple would put on.
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The Wild End of Summer

Category: Group Sex
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Chapter 1 I'm one of the lucky ones. I went to work in a really good job right out of college and was in the right place at the right time to be offered an early retirement buyout package when I was fifty-six. Yeah, how about that? And, it was a good package, too good to turn down.
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Cat, Chris and Amy

Category: Group Sex
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It was Friday afternoon. I sat at my desk staring at my computer screen, trying very, very hard to concentrate on the report I was supposed to be writing. Half past three. Time had slowed almost to a halt; every passing second seemed to take an age. But then I realised there were only two and a half hours to go - and all of a sudden time was going way, way faster than I could cope with.
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Couples Connect

Category: Group Sex
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My name is Cynthia and I am a happily married 41 year old. My husband Stephen and I live in a plush house in an exclusive suburb which overlooks Sydney Harbour. He is a marketing manager for a large retail outlet and I help out with the on-line side of the business. I have a more or less rubenesque figure and am very proud of my big natural boobs that have huge round coral pink aureoles.
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Dinner and a MMF 3 Way

Category: Group Sex
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Jamie had been working for a few weeks with a local insurance agent while he was on a break from college. He spent most the days just answering phones and doing some filing for him. Jamie's days were boring with all the exception of when his bosses wife came in to visit. The insurance agent was a long time family friend and was in need of help since his daughter who used to work for him had just left for college so he was more then happy to help out.
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I Pick Truth or Dare

Category: Group Sex
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"Then I pick Truth or Dare," she said with a smile, thinking the others wouldn't go along with it. Dave smiled and shook his head. "I don't think so. It's not like we're teenagers... well except you." Shannon flipped him off. "I'm 20, thank you very much. And I think it would be fun. Get you uptight old fogies up and moving."
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My Wife’s Best Friend

Category: Group Sex
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Beth had been a good friend of ours ever since we had moved out to sunny Santa Monica two years earlier. My wife had met her at work when they were both receptionists at a mail order company. She and her husband Steve had often came over for dinner or met us for a movie. I had never cared for Steve as he was self-absorbed and bitter.
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Susan’s Release

Category: Group Sex
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Chapter One When I met my wife, Susan, she was a sweet, toe headed girl who seems entirely too nice to be in the bar that I frequented with a group of buddies, we were all there for one reason, get laid. I had gone up to speak with her for just one reason, she just seemed out of place. Out of all the freaks and sluts, I'd met there; she was a shining star in the middle of a dark day, a beacon of innocence.
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Swinging Among the Vines

Category: Group Sex
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We were an average couple, married for about ten years, busy with our lives and maybe looking for a bit of excitement. We had discussed swapping partners, or at least I had tried to introduce the topic, but Jill was always quick to change the topic. That's why this turn of events took us both by surprise.
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NASCAR Weekend

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My husband and I always looked forward to the NASCAR season. This goes back to the day we met while camping in Rock City for the race at Charlotte. Every season we tried to make it to as many races as we could, camping out in the off field campgrounds and enjoying the total NASCAR experience. As time went on, and we became more successful, our camping equipment went from tents, to pop-up trailers, to a fifth wheel trailer then on to our current luxury motor home.
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