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Doing the Boss

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Robin walked into Christine's office and stood in the doorway watching her. As usual she was on the phone, chatting to her friends whilst surfing the net. At the age of 35 she was still very good looking. Black hair, trim figure good legs and she knew it too. Robin had been working for her for a year and a half and he had spent many a night fantasising about what he would like to do to her. In his hand now was part of that plan to help him make those dreams come alive.
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All Tied Up & No Where To Go

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Mr. & Mrs. Edwards were the first couple I met after the agency sent me out on interviews and I had no problem accepting their generous job offer. Being from America I called myself a babysitter, but in my new Kensington neighborhood it was fashionable to have an 'au pair' so this became my new title. The deal was pretty good since I got the use of a cute car and a cottage to myself instead of my little flat.
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