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Night Train

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I was taking the night train from Paris to Perpignan. There were no sleeping compartments left, and, as the train pulled out of the station at 7 p.m., I was resigned to spending the night dozing upright in my seat. That was annoying enough, but what irritated me more was that I had eaten an unpleasant hamburger on the way to the station.
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The Commute

Category: Anal Sex
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Rose rushed down the stairs to the subway platform, having heard the train coming in. She squeezed onto the packed commuter train knowing there was no use in waiting for another as they would all be packed. On days like these she was glad she was tall, she couldn't imagine being on such a packed train and not being able to see any further than the suit of the person squished up against her. She was also glad she had pulled her long auburn hair up into a high ponytail, otherwise she risked it getting caught on someone's buttons.
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On The Train

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Alex settled back comfortably in his seat. It was late and he was hungry and happy to finally be heading home. The night was pleasant and the train reasonably empty, so with a bit of luck he wouldn't have the yammering of idiots on their smart-phones and the mosquito buzzing of their music. He was relieved to note that apart from a young couple sitting opposite him, the carriage was empty, and they were just chatting between themselves.
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Riding the Rails

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I knew he had been planning something unusual for several days before he broached the subject - there was just something in his manner that suggested he was thinking, analyzing, and preparing some new exploit. It's one of the things I love about him - he's always working out new things to try and new experiences for us to share. He finally came out with his latest idea as we were rinsing the dinner dishes and putting them in the dishwasher.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The creaking sound of the coupé's door pulled me back to reality as if I was broken out from under the burst-opened water surface to suck the fresh air into my lungs. I instinctively glanced away from the countryside that rushed by the window to look at the arriving passenger.
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