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Two Boys Wild Night with Rose

Category: Group Sex
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This story may read like a fantasy, but the basic facts are 100% true. I’ve just added some dialogue to give the full flavor of what happened. It happened many years ago, but I’ve never forgotten. And, I kept a journal at the time, so I wrote it down within days. I still get excited thinking about it, and it is arousing to be writing it down to share now.
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Writing His Own Happy Ending

Category: Group Sex
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Terrance Madison looked around the crowded ballroom, hoping for a glimpse of her, not seeing her anywhere. For a brief moment, all his old insecurities came flooding back to him. Terrance pushed them back down -- way, way down, because there was no logical reason to have them any more. At 43, he looked great -- better than he had some 25 years earlier.
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A Night with Stacee

Category: Group Sex
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I was having dinner with my long time girlfriend Cassie. It was a place we had seen many times but never tried. We had heard the food was pretty good, and it was. But it seemed to be more of a hangout than a restaurant. Our table was in the middle of the room. I sat facing the door, Cassie faced the back wall. Behind me was what seemed to be an office party of some sort.
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