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Pussy In Boots

Category: Incest
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This story is set fifteen years ago before I was married. It was a cold, crisp evening and my thigh high boots clip-clopped along the pavement as I walked. I pulled the thick, long coat tighter around me to try and keep out the worst of the weather. I was on my way to see my latest boyfriend at his mother's house.
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The Boot Fetishist

Category: Fetish
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It was Friday and I had the day off as holiday, I had already planned to go to my favourite fetish club that night with my friends and I thought buying some new fetish gear was a must because I wanted to treat my self. My name is James and I work in a large insurance firm, my best friend and club buddy is a girl called Carla who I had known for a while now. There are four of us and I am the only guy in the group. We are all into the fetish scene and my particular fetish is high heeled boots!
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The Arrival

Category: BDMS
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I wore a form fitting black leather 'coat style' dress, many shiny black buttons lay in line from breast to thigh, waist nipped in tight with belt and silver buckle. The hem cut to just above the knee, the intention was to disguise what lay beneath. Black 'ultra' shine, tight thigh high boots.
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