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Incest—a word that has extreme negative connotations. The image that most often comes about when the word is mentioned is that of a father forcing himself on his daughter. Any forcible sex act, especially done by a parent to a child, should result in the parent being punished in legal and non-legal ways.
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"Her legs look like a road map! Their cover in veins." He tells me angrily.
"You use to say it was a road map to paradise." She says hotly.
"Yea then I followed that map and ended up in Death Valley. There are places there you could get out of with a GPS and a four wheel drive!" He screams back at her.
If you can imagine this is the kind of things I listen to for a living. I get paid to help people get through their marital troubles.
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During my junior year of college, I shared a house off campus. Over the summer there were just two of us, myself and a graduate student named Heather. She was tall, blonde, and attractive. We got along well and shared meals sometimes, but we never really hung out together. She was several years older than me, she had her work and her friends, and I always assumed that she was too sophisticated to want to spend much time with an undergraduate.
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It was Friday night and the phone rang. I picked it up and was surprised to hear that it was my wife's therapist. I knew about him, of course, but had never met or even spoken to him. He knew Sue was out of town for the week, so I was really caught off guard, and immediately worried by his call.
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Charlotte's expression was in step with her hesitation as she smiled weakly at the receptionist. Was this woman passing judgment? Charlotte worried. After all, this man specialised in sexual problems, so of course the receptionist would know that. How much detail was the woman privy to?
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