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Enjoying Katie’s Dirty, Sweaty Body

Category: Fetish
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The absolute worst thing about being a student, living in a crappy, run down apartment, has to be having no access to laundry facilities. On Saturday mornings, when most of Eric's friends were recovering from the night before, or maybe getting some homework done, Eric would be at the laundromat trying to beat the noon rush of other students who lived nearby.
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Not Your Average Girl

Category: Fetish
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Becky was deeply dissatisfied. It would have been hard for most to imagine that the lithe and very pretty undergraduate could have been hiding such morose sentiments; what with her well known wealth, intelligence, and good looks on the surface her life was ideal. Yet, despite widespread academic acclaim, a more-than-passing resemblance to Mary-Louise Parker, and a voracious sex life she could not shake off the feeling of an aching chasm within her, a driving and compelling need.
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Quickie for Diane

Category: Incest
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Dedicated to the sexy lady who taught me this phrase: fact dragoste cu tine. Diane, a 44 year old housewife, was happy with her life except for the fact that she felt like a servant in her own home from time to time. This Saturday morning was one of those times as her husband was out playing golf with his buddies and her kids were still in bed. Meanwhile, she was stuck doing the chores.
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Intermission in the Rear Balcony

Category: Group Sex
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The press report was rather obscure and vague. Deliberately. The Music Hall's public relations director managed to pull in every single favor ever owed her by anyone with any power and got the story buried deep in the section B of the "Kansas City Star."
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Third Time Is the Charm

Category: Gay Male
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I steered my Saab on to Exit 4, almost home now. I'd been on vacation on Cape Cod for a week now, alone. Gage had had to stay home due to work circumstances beyond his control, and I couldn't wait to see him. With every bump in the road, my cock rubbed against my underwear, making me harder with anticipation.
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A Night with Friends

Category: Group Sex
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Brian, Jesse, and I have been friends for well over a decade; we came out of high school at the same time, they as a couple and me looking, as I am still. Brian and I are alike in stature, slightly over 6 feet and 200 lbs. Jesse is a petite blonde bombshell with a runners body and hair that reached her middle back. The thing is though, she bugs me.
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Trashman’s Easiest Pickup

Category: Gay Male
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Billy Olsen's life back in 1966 was no bed of roses, having been sick for much of his teenage years, and even after pretty much recovering from rheumatic fever Billy's overbearing mother insisted he stayed in the house most of the time, studying and reading.
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