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Only In My Dreams

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Lori dreamed about Amber again that night. In her dream, she didn't feel afraid at all. Amber was sitting on the edge of the dock in the warm afternoon sunlight, looking like she could inspire an entire Renaissance all by herself, and Lori walked up and sat down next to her like it was the most natural thing in the world.
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Summer Camp Counselor

Category: Group Sex
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Interning as a camp counselor was a terrific summer job to help finish her psych degree. It was a welcome break before her final year and completing her masters. Ingrid was hoping to discover a direction for her thesis for the coming fall from the experience. Starry Sky Ranch was a girls' camp in the Rockies about an hour from a town of any size, very isolated. She had gotten lost twice picking her way through the dirt roads trying to follow the very rough map that had been sent to her.
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