
When she contacted me via here, she explained that she'd read my story and it had turned her on. My shameful story. The one about my desire to act as human toilet paper.
In the exchange of emails that followed, Sarah told me she thought she wasn't anything special, just an ordinary lady of a certain age, a divorcee who worked in the City and right this minute was single and fancy free.
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Although we were still clothed, the touching and petting was hot and heavy. It was after our second date, and Pamela invited me in and poured us each a glass of wine. We were in her living room, and first there was subtle touching. Then light kissing, which led to more intimate touching. Then the long passionate kisses.
I liked the way Pamela kissed. The well-built redhead was panting, and my breathing was heavy.
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They weren't different than any other couple. They were together because they had fallen in love. But as so many relationships do, they do started to keep secrets. They weren't as honest and open with each other as they had been.
And, as a result, they didn't know that they had a connection stronger than what they've already experience with each other.
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It was payday going into a rare weekend off for me, so I hit the town to have a good time. I work long, hard hours in the oilfield, and when I get every third weekend off, I am usually ready to blow off steam. The crew I work with are a bunch of great guys that love to party on the weekends and days off together, but I choose to spend my time off away from my coworkers.
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You'd never know it if you were to meet her or see her on the street. But the truth of the matter is, my wife has a cum fetish. I guess everyone has perhaps some sort of fetish. Some are pretty kinky, some are pretty tame, borderline fetish even. But this one...well, I'd have to say it ranks on the higher end of kinky fetishes.
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'I was sure he had a good view down the Mall to the palace. And I was sure he was saluting'
How do I find them? Well, it's not a science. It's hit and miss, good luck and bad. Friends, business colleagues tell me about theirs. I ask them questions, nothing obvious, but little things slip out that give me clues.
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When Jessica showed up at her friend Jesse's door at two in the morning, it wasn't much of a surprise to Jesse that she had been drinking, although the time of day was more of a giveaway that she had been drinking than what would be expected of her character. Jesse had come to be pretty good friends with Jessica through a relationship that began as lab partners in Dr.
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"Mike," Jeff Dawson the firm's chief investment officer called through his office door," this is Heidi your new team member," Jeff held out his arm in gesture to the woman with dirty blonde hair standing next to him.
At first glance Mike noticed she was attractive and something about her face, perhaps her expression or how she wore her make-up made her seem very sexy.
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Rina wrinkled her nose in disgust and set her coffee cup down.
"Ugh! Jessica!"
"No, really," her friend answered, "It's a huge turn-on, believe me. I kind of thought it was gross when I first heard of it, but now I have him do that almost all the time."
"Jerry does that? YOUR Jerry. Oh my gosh!"
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After Toni's death my life didn't fall apart or anything dramatic like that. I just carried on; locked away deep inside me perhaps were the hurt and the sadness. Annie and Patrick Sanders were good friends and, as they lived a mere two miles away, they kept a bit of an eye on me, I know. They insisted I went round for dinner a couple of times a month.
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