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An Aerobic Affair

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I always liked to leave aerobic class late. My teacher was truly the first women I ever had a crush on. She was a perfect 5'6" with long thick blonde hair she wore in braids and the most perfectly shaped tits. I had had enough fantasizing and I was about to approach her when she walked into the shower room.
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The Bitch In My Nightmare

Category: Anal Sex
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I thought I'd tell you about my dream/fantasy/nightmare for a story tonight. My dream starts out with you out in town at a cafe, and an Asian woman coming up and whispering in your ear, "Hi Handsome, you like get lucky?" in her Asian accent. Of course your dick immediately gets hard as you look at her beautiful face and tiny body. Her tits are huge compared to the rest of her, and your dick is harder than its ever been before.
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