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Stretch Goals

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Fridays at my office weren’t always easy, but this one was. We had just settled one of our biggest cases, a suit brought by a man who lost an arm as a result of another driver who had been undeniably drunk and run a stoplight. The insurance company refused to pay any more than the policy limit, which was simply unfathomable. Our client was a stone mason, and a well-respected one.
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Brownout Serendipity

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I opened my apartment door and slipped off my shoes and wiggled my tired toes in the deep pile of the carpet. A brownout at school had let us out two hours early and I just wanted to relax now. As I moved down the hall, I heard the water running in the bath. The bathroom door was open as Beth, my roommate didn't expect me home at this hour As I got almost to the door, I heard a low moan. I stopped short. I heard it again. That was a moan of pleasure, not pain.
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