
*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.
Derek Boudreaux checked his mailbox. Three banks down, one of the numerous tenants that lived in the apartment complex likewise checked their mailbox.
Derek had tried once to engage the neighbor in conversation. The neighbor had claimed not to speak English. He then glared at Derek when Derek answered him in fluent Spanish.
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*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.
Chapter 1
Richard Ignatius Pennington, Rip as he called himself, checked the card, and then checked the door number.
413; freshmen got the fourth floor of the dormitory. Sophomores got the third floor, juniors were on the second floor, and the seniors got the ground floor.
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My name is Jack and I live in a small town called Petersville.
Petersville oozes respectability on the surface, mostly white in its population make-up and all very much middle class and well to do but if the truth be known it is a little town with a lot of dirty secrets, and even more dirty linen that is kept hidden from the outside world and its prying eyes.
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